Seagoe Archives

16711231 Consolidated Archives 1672-1731


16711231 Consolidated Archives 1672-1731


Badges for Beggars - Page 154, 188-190, 152,154, 410, 428

Baptisms - see Special Index Page 2

Bell and Belfry - 144,150,156,164,165,171,173,175,413.

Birth - 76.

Burials - see Special Index Page 3

Campbell Rev John Vicar first and last signature of Acts of Vestry - 13, 408

Baptism Children of 199, 296, 327, 379

Burial, Daughter of 347

Burial of - 355

Churchings - 106

Church Collections - 54, 58, 60, 64, 65, 66, 68, 69

Communion Plate - 25, 27, 33,143

Communicants - list of (1709, 1717) - 224,225

Died for Church - 185

Fforde - Rev Arthur, Vicar 409-415, 418, 421, 428-430, 435-436

Gallery in (old) Church- 156, 158

Hearth money Form of certificate for execution from payment of - 204

Horse Block at Church gate - 181

Jenny, Rev Henry, Rector and Vicar, Archdeacon of Dromore - 3, 6, 8, 25,150,164

Marriages - see Special Index Page 3

Pews 3, 155, 401, 403, 405, 406, 409, 411, 415

Porch 154

Poor of Parish, Lists of 204,204b, 206, 208, 210, 221-225, 331, 437- 439, 443- 451

Presentation of Church Books, Reward for 28

Repair of Church after War (1688-91) - 16-20

Reynolds Rev James solemnises Baptism (1722) - 82

Roads and Highways, Surveyor and Overseer of, for Act of Vestry

Sessions, Act of About Badges for Beggars - 188-190

Shingles for roof of Church 7, 20

Toombs Rev George, Curate 25

Trees, List of persons to plant and number of - 193-196

Vestries, Acts of - See Special Index Page 4

Vestry Room Provision of 169



















17, 49.[ 49

belong to year













130,132, 134



78, 79



132-134 [3 Reg







133, 134, 136. [4

Reg twice]






134, 136, 138,

140 [14 Reg




78, 84



49, 58, 59, 138,

140, [5 Reg twice]



78, 79



61, 62 (138) [1

Reg twice]






62, 197, 199



78, 84, 85









202, 264-267



78, 79, 84, 85



267, 269-273, 275






275, 277, 278,




78, 95



226, 284-289. [1

Reg twice]



78, 79



290, 291, 293-295






82, 295-300. [1

Reg twice]



79, 80, 81, 82



300, 323-328



82, 88-90



328-330, 359, 360



79, 90,92,93, 95


















90, 98-100


















104, 105, 107



389, 419, 420









Correct 18/1/93




110-112 [4 mh 113

belong to the year










41-44, 88 [memo: 25

Reg’d twice or thrice]













53, 55



35.(1new, 1 Reg’ twice)



55, 56



35, 98 (1 Reg’ twice)



51, 56, 57, 301












304, 305, 307



35, 36



307, 308, 313









115, 117






34 (36, 79, 115) [minus

9 Reg’ twice]









321, 322, 339






34, 339-341



63, 67, 124 [11 Reg’




341, 342



63, 124


















128, 129






57, 129






53, 68



Correct 18/1/93








126, 226 [1

Reg’ twice]






126, 127












122, 123









31, 32, 98 [1 Reg’ twice]



118, 123



32, 98



118, 119






119, 309












309, 311



32, 71



311, 312






312, 333







310, 333



71, 115



333, 334



71 [1 Reg’ twice]















337, 338



73, 120 [3 Reg’ twice]



338, 357 [2

Reg’ twice]







357, 416



76, 120, 126









Correct 18/1/93


Index: Acts of Vestries









3, 5









238, 239



6, 203















243 (memo only, Acts of

Vestry torn out)





















21, 22






23, 24



253, 254












258, 260



28, 29, 33



261, 262









146, 148, 150,




394, 395



154, 155






156, 158






160, 162



402-406, 408



164, 165, 167,

168 (2)



409-415, 418



169, 191



421, 428



171, 173, 175



429, 430






435, 436



179, 181




183, 193, 196









230, 232

Bell P 173


Whereas Oliver St John of Tandaragee in the County of Armagh, Esq., has acquired

a very considerable Estate within the Parish of Sego and Whereas the said Oliver St

John now does and for years forward intends, frequently to retaire? to the Parish of

Sego aforesaid. And having a prospect in rase of 9? fine males, to make a settlement

for someone and thereof within the aforesaid Parish. He is therefore adjudged fitt and

right, that the said Oliver St John should be allowed a convenient quantity of grounds

within the said Church of Sego, for the erecting of a decent seat to the life of himself

and family pursuant. Whereonto, the Minister, Church Wardens, and Parishioners,

have concluded unanimously, that said Oliver St John shall have a seat in the said

Church, he building it, And forever hereafter repairing it, at his or horses own proper

cost and charges. And the present incumbent doth for him and his successors (no hat

in him lyes) grant and appoint all that space of ground contained in the Northeast Angle

of the Chancell as it is now enclosed in a seat formerly designated for the Minister, for

the said Oliver St John to erect his seat on provided that the next seat to that be built

of the same dimensions with the former, lying behinden the said Oliver St John’s seat

and that the pulpit on the same side be for ever without interruption preserved and

continue to the life of the incumbent, and his successors and to with our comfort

hereunto we set our hands the 9th April 1683.

George Blacker Hen. Jenney

Hugh Hatt

William Mathews

John Matthews

John Higgins

Francis Mathews



Annual Vestry held at this Parish Church of Seagoe for the said year on Easter Monday

the 9th of April 1683.

Agreed by the Minister and Parishioners of the said Parish that Major George Blacker

of Ballynaghy nominated by the Minister and Mr James Stewart nominated by the

Parishioners to be Churchwardens and William Lutton of Carrick and Robert

Chambers of Tamnaliglasney to be sidesmen for this profound year.

We also likewise nominate and chose James Friar of Knocknamuckley to be overseer

of the highways for Mr Harrison and Major Blacker’s proportion in this Parish from

Knockbridge to Lillo and from High Street via Church Way coming through

Drumclogher to Lowe Street and Francis Mathers of Edenderry for overseeing the

highways and Church ways for Killicillmanie and Edenderry in this Parish and James

Harrison of to be overseer of Sq S. John’s proportion from below glen to the mill then

the highway from Mr Dynes Mill to Killicillmanie and from there the way leading to the

Church and John Gilpin to oversee the highway leading from Killvirgin river to

Edenderry and Thomas ?????? of Bundonnell and John Wood of Killinorgol to oversee

the highways leading through the Brownlow proportion of this Parish.

We likewise, consent and agree that the sum of twelve pounds be equally applotted

on this Parish according to the rule of the deficiency of the years value and the same

to be raised and levyed by the Churchwardens and sidesmen of this Parish Church

and family might be disposed of for buying great Church bible, for building a large

window in the Church inabering? a large door and doors in ?afe in the Church

removing the foulspill and feallh? and railing in ye communion table and other

necessary work and changes for the use of the Parish and to be accounted for at

Easter next by the Churchwardens and sidesmen.



At a Vestry held at the Parish Church of Sego for the said Parish on Easter Monday

the 20th of April 1685.

Agreed that the Minister and Parishioners of the said Parish do nominate, elect and

constitute David Ball?? Of Knocknamuckly and Archibald Hamilton of Knockmenagh

to serve as Churchwardens for this said Parish for this present yeare.


At a Vestry held at the Parish Church of Sego for the said Parish on Easter Monday

the 5th of April 1686.

Agreed that the Minister and Parishioners of the said Parish do nominate, elect and

constitute James Walker of Kernan and William Hodgson of Drumnakelly to serve

Churchwardens for this said Parish for this present yeare.

It is likewise agreed that the sum of five pounds to be equally applotted on the said

Parish to be raised and the said Churchwardens and to be disposed of for the life of

the said Parish and to be arranged for at Easter next by the said Churchwardens.

(For list of clergymen for 1686 see Page 203)

George Blacker.............................Hen. Jenney

James Stewart

Hugh Haft............................. Archibald Hamilton Church

William Mathers............................. James Ball wardens

John Wilfie ............................. ?a Jameson


At a Vestry held at the Parish Church of Sego for the said Parish on Easter Monday

the 28th day of March 1687.

Agreed that the Minister and Parishioners of the said Parish do nominate, elect and

constitute Matthew Martin of Sego Ereagh? and John Wilson? of Knockmenagh to

serve Churchwardens for this said Parish for this present yeare. Likewise it is jointly

agreed at the request of the Parishioners and by the consent of the Minister that twenty

oaks be fallen on the lands of Killvergan for to supply ye Parish Church with shingles

the old ones being very much decayed through long continuous use. Likewise agreed

that yeatseck??? mossiff? and Thomas Bell shall be overseers of the high ways in M?

Brownloe? in proportion and that Thomas Trumb?? be and Timothy Kirke?? to

overseers of the highways in the naming? of land? Tho. Esmnble??? for the higher

ways and Timothy for the lower ways and that Thomas Ederington John Lindsay be

overseer of the high ways of the Mannor of Brackabog the said Thomas Ederington

for that loading from Knock to Lillo and from Ballymacrandle to Killicomaine and John

Lindsay for that loading from Portadown to Buccamory?? guile?? and the Church way

loading from Edenderry to Sego.

James Hewitt????

Hugh Hall? Hen. Jenney Clergy

John Matthews Richard Smurphett

John Dynes James Walker Churchwarden

William Neill? Ja. Jameson

Ralph Wilson

Thomas Dale

David Ball

William Hodgson

Memorandum that James Walker former Churchwarden gladly and obliged to said

Parish in the fund of fourteen shillings and pence four



At a Vestry held at the Parish Church of Sego for the said Parish on Easter Monday,

the 15th of April, 1688.

Agreed that the Minister and the Parishioners of the said Parish doe nominate, elect,

and constitute Mr John Tippnie? of Edenderry and Thomas Bole of Turmoyra to serve

as Churchwardens for the said Parish for this present year. It is likewise agreed that

Owen McLindon and Hugh beg McLaline? shall serve as overseers of the highway in

Brownlowe as a portion and that John Dynes the lower way and Thomas Trimble, the

upper way, be overseers of the highway of the mannor of Larne and that William

Dickson and John Brinckley be overseers of the highways in the mannor of

Corbrackog, according to former divisions, for this present year, also James Walker is

discharged of which money remained in his hands of the former Churchwardens.



At a Vestry holden in the Parish Church of Sego for the said Parish on Easter Monday

the thirteenth of Aprile 1691.

Agreed that the Minister and Parishioners of the said Parish, do nominate, select, and

constitute Mr Richard Timmons Junior of Knockmenagh, and Robert Black of

Ballyhanahan to serve as Church Wardens for the said Parish for this present year. It

is likewise agreed that John Webb shall serve as Overseer of the highway leading

from Drumgorr river to the foot of the hill near Mr Henry Dynes his house, according

to former divisions and Wiliam Arran for the lower way of the mannor of Kearnan and

William Gibson for the upper way of the same mannor

Tho. Seartlo and Charles Swily? the highway of Corbrafoge? all attending to former


.......................................................................John Campbell Clerk

Ralph R Wilson?

His mark

William Mathers

John Mathers

Thos Seartlo

Archibald Hamilton

Richard Greenway

George Richardson

John Greenway

Thomas Trotter?

Anthony Midcalf

Thomas Rogers

Mention that Mr William Mathers, Churchwarden for the last year, laid out 4s for two

bottles of wine for the Sacrament last Christmas and 4s for two bottles of wine for the

Sacrament this present Easter and 2d for bread.



At a Vestry holden in the Parish Church of Sego, for the said Parish do nominate, elect

and constitute Mr Patrick Morris of Lillennergel and William Arran of Cairn to serve as

Churchwardens for the said Parish for this present year. It is likewise agreed that John

Abraham of Derriaddo & Richard Mason of Tormeiry shall serve as overseers of the

highway leading from the Drumgorr River to the foot of the hill near Mr Joe Dynes his

house according to former divisions; and Timothy Kirk for the lower way of the mannor

of Kearnan, and Thomas Rogers for the upper way of the same mannor; and Thomas

Searclo and John McConnell for the highway of Corbrattoge, all according to former


Signed by John Campbell Clark

William Matthews Archibald Hamilton

Richd Timmons

Robert Wilson Francis Greenway (his mark)

Francis Mathews Jon Nicholl

Anthony Midcast (his mark) Robert Black (his mark)

John Greenway

Thomas Trottor

John Gibson

William McLellan (his mark)



Memorandum that Mr Richard Timmons and Mr Robert Black who were chosen

Churchwardens for the last year expended four shillings for two bottles of wine and

two pence for bread for the sacrament at Christmas last, and four shillings for two

bottles of wine and two pence for bread for the sacrament this present Easter and

seven shillings and ten pence for glazing and pointing of the East window, in all sixteen

shillings and two pence.



In the Parish Church of Sego Easter Monday the 28th of March 1692 the Minister and

Parishioners content that the summe of three pounds ster. be applotted upon and

levied of the said Parish toward the reimbursement of the Churchwardens what they

have expended for elements for the sacrament of the Lord's supper, and for glazing of

the Church, and for the further repairmen of the Church.

......................................John Campbell

William Matthers

Rich, Timmons

Robert Wilson

Francis Mathews

John Gibson?

John Greenway

William Pellam

Archibald Hamilton

David McGill

Robert Black

Thomas Trotter

Anthony Midcast



At a Vestry held In the Parish Church of Sego for ye said Parish on Easter Monday

the 17th of April 1693

By the consent of the Minister then present and the Parishioners all agreed that Mr

Patrick Morris and Mr James Tollerton are elected and chosen to serve as

Churchwardens for this present yeare for the said Parish for overseers of the

highways. It is likewise agreed that Edward Stinston and William Mastens? Shall for

be of overseers of the highways in Jon Abram and Richard Masons? Apportioned this

last year and Timothy Kirk to sland? and Stewirib? Matthers on Thomas Stewart's

place? and George Whally and John McConnolly place? and Thomas Rogers to


It is likewise agreed that the sun of five pounds shall be passed by the Churchwardens

from the inhabitants of the said Parish and by them to be laid out for repairing the said

Church and other indefinite? expenses and to be arranged for the next Easter

William Matthers......................................Richard Matthers

.................................................................Richard Timons?

Richard Timmons

Robert Black (his mark)

John Allan

Thom. Seartlo

Thomas Trotter

Richard Smurphsitte?

Richard Spantle?



At a Vestry holden in the Parish Church of Sego for the said Parish on the 23rd day of

August 1693.

By the consent of the Minister and Parishioners then present that the sum of six

pounds ten shillings sterling be equally applotted upon and levied of the inhabitants of

the said Parish for the payment of such moneyes as have been laid out by the Minister

and former elected Churchwardens since the wars for the repair of the Church and

provision of elements for the celebration of the sacrament of the Lord's supper and for

the same uses until Easter next.

John Campbell Clerk

James Tollerton Churchwarden

Patt. Morris Churchwarden

Henry Dynes

William Mathers

John Mathers

Francis Mathers

John Greenway

Thomas Trotter

John Greenway Senr. (his mark)

Ja. Jameson


August 23, 1693

The moneys laid out that are referred to in the Act of Vestry are as followeth, namely,

1. Mr William Mathers when he was Churchwarden,

laid out for elements 8s 2d and since that 6d for nails

...............................................................................00 8 8

2. Richard Timons junior & Robert Black, when they were Churchwardens laid out

..................................00 16 2

3. Mr Henry Dynes laid out for a glass

window........................................................................................... 00 1 10

4. Mr Campbell laid out for elements & work

..............................................................................................01 7 11

5. John Greenway the Elder demands for carrying shingles for the repair of the

Church ...........................00 3 0

6. Thomas Trotter demands for work in the repair of the

Church................................................................ 00 3 0


..............................03 0 7

John Campbell Clark

Patrick Morris Churchwarden

James Toullerton Churchwarden

Ja. Jameson





April 9, 1694

At a Vestry holden in the Parish Church of Sego for the said Parish on Easter Monday

the 9th of April 1694

By the unanimous consent of the Minister and Parishioners that Mr John Dynes &

Robert Moore are elected and chosen to serve (as) Churchwardens for the said

Church for this present year.

For Overseers of the highways it is likewise agreed that Robert Wilson shall serve in

Edward Thompson’s place, John Christy in William Mastens? place, and Timothy Kirk

to stand in William Lynes In Thomas Roger’s place and Francis Mathers to stand and

James Friar in George Whalley's place & John McConnell joyned to serve with James


Henry Dynes.................................................................... John Campbell Clark

William Mathers............................................................... Patt. Morris

Robert Wilson................................................................ James Toullerton

Richard Timmons (his mark).............................................. Tho Pressick?

Ralph Blacker......................................................................Edward Stevenson (his


Richd Timmons.................................................................. John Greenway

John Gibson

Robert Morris

Thomas workman

Rd (Richard) Black (the mark of)

??itt Mastan?

Edward Smurfitt

Richard Hamilton



At a Vestry holden in the Parish Church of Sego for the said Parish on the 11th day of

June Anno Domini 1694

By the consent of the Minister and Parishioners there present that the sum of foure

pounds sterling be equally applotted upon and levied of the inhabitants of the said

Parish by the said Churchwardens and to be laid out for a Bible, two common prayer

books, the book of Cannons and a Table for (lawful marriages) for the use of the

Church and for provision of elements for the celebration of the sacrament of the Lords'

supper, which said funds to be accounted for by the said Churchwardens at Easter


John Campbell Clerk

Robert Moore Churchwarden

John Dynes Churchwarden

William Mathers

Richard Timmons

John Mathers

James Tollerton

John McConnell

John Greenaway

Thomas Trotter

John Greenaway Senior

Vallentin Dynes



At a Vestry holden in the Parish Church of Sego for the said Parish on ye 25th day of

March 1695 being Easter Monday

By ye consent of the Minister and Parishioners there present it is agreed that Mr Robert

Wilson of Bocombra and Mr James Turkenton of Dirretraghagh are chosen and

elected to serve as Churchwardens for the next yeare. And that the summe of eight

pounds sterling be equally applotted upon and levied of ye inhabitants ye said Parish

by the said Churchwardens to buy books with, to provide elements for ye said

ministration and of the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, and for keeping the Church in

repairs and for other publick uses and charges to be borne by said Parish to be

accounted for by the said Churchwardens at Easter next.

The Overseers of ye Highways it is likewise agreed that William Corner? is to serve in

Robert Wilson's place. John Christy to stand and Valentine Dynes to serve in Timothy

Kirk's place, William Lynas to stand, Richard Spencer to serve in Francis Mathers

place. William Dixon Junior to serve in James ?Crivies? place and John McConnell to


William Mathers...............John Wilson?..................John Campbell Clerk

Francis Mathers................the mark..........................John Dynes

?att Morris.........................of James Walker..............Robert Morris

Vallentine Dynes

James Tollerton..................Richard Syaisaerce?

William Grayson...............the mark of John Abram

Thomas Workman..........the mark of Robert Black

the mark of William Waite







Memorandum of ye Parish is indebted to Mr Campbell 00=06=00

Memorandum ye Mr John Dynes and Robert Moore have disbursed for ye keeping of

a child and ye searching 00=18=0 for ye mother, which child is to be maintained by

ye Parish.

Memorandum that Mr John Dynes stands and indebted 01=12=0 to the Parish.

I have borrowed the old Church Bible for which Mr Richard Timmons said he would

give 10 shillings sterling and lend a new bible in folio to the Church at a cost £1 and 8

shillings sterling. Besides I have bought a new Common Prayer Book for the Churches

use and have left it in the Church, which cost me 7 shillings sterling; and I have left a

table of unlawful marriages according to the 47th Cannon which cost me a shilling and

6 pence for the printed paper and 6 pence for the frame; and I have provided a Book

of Canons for the Church which ordinarily costs 1 shilling sterling.

June the 8th 1695

John Campbell, Vicar of Seagoe

Received from Mr William Mathers upon the Parishes account May the 19th 1696

thirteen shillings 0:13:0

J. Campbell

L s d June 2

1 : 8 : 0

0 : 7 : 0

0 : 1 : 0

0 : 1 : 0

1 : 17: 0



At a Vestry held in the Parish Church of Seagoe for the said Parish on the 13th day of

April 1696.

By the consent of the Minister and Parishioners there present it is agreed that Thomas

Hodgson of Drumanehelle and William Erwin of Carne are elected and chosen to serve

as Churchwardens for this next year; and that the sum of ten pounds sterling be

equally aplotted upon and levied of the inhabitants of the said Parish by the said

Churchwardens for flags for the Church, for a flagon of blockhim?, cloths of linen and

woollen for the communion Table and a fringe and for a large napkin for eloin only and

for repairs of the Church and other necessary charges to be accounted for next Easter.

The Overseers of the Highways

Leonard Towhorton to be surveyor of the highway leading from the Church to Lurgan;

Robert Black of Ballymcconnell and Alex Black to be surveyors of the highway leading

from Lylo to knock Bridge; Robert Hoy to survey from Portadown Bridge and to

Bocombra. William Lynas to stand, Robert Thompson for the Constablewick of

Ballynamoney; John Robinson foe the Montiaghs.

William Mathers Glen Jenney Archie Bromen

Henry Dynes Geo. Erwin Clerk

Robert Thompson The mark of James Turkington, Churchwarden

The mark of David Simpson Robert Moore, Churchwarden

The mark of Robert Black William Blacker

Thomas Pressick John ?nasne?t



At a Vestry meeting holden in ye Parish Church of Sego for the said Parish on ye 5th

day of April 1697

By the consent of the Minister and Parishioners then present it is agreed that George

Whaly of Drumconway and John Thishor? of Kinegoare elected and chosen to serve

as Churchwardens for this next yeare and ye sume of four pounds sterling be equally

applotted and levied of ye inhabitants of ye said Parish by way of dislrost? or otherwise

by ye said Churchwardens for buying linnen and flagon and plates for ye communion

table and for a pulpit cloath, making a new window and other things that may happen

together with a latch for ye Church doors to be accounted for by ye said

Churchwardens next Easter.

For overseers of ye high ways

Mr John Dynes to serve William Lynas

William Lutton Robert Ahamson?

Allexander Coghran Richard Atkinson

John Harthlow?

Robert Uiomson?

John Bell

John Campbell Minister

Will Blacker

John Mathers

William Mathers

Thomas of Seerkman?

Meredeth Dynes



Memorandum of 16 of April 1698 of Churchwardens in account with the Parish and

there rested in their hands the sum of one pound and five shillings 01 00 03?

Out of which pay to Timothy Bullock for said poors box........................... 00 02 06

Pay more to Margaret Jones for her attendance................................... 00 05 04

Pay to Anthony Metcalf for a lock staple and rasp................................. 00 01 03

Pay to Winifred Hentelen for serving as cooking in time of warr............... 00 03 02

sum of...................................................................................................... 00 12 03

Rests......................................................................................................... 00 14 00

Pay to Richard Smurphit............................................................................00 02 00

Pay for table linen............................................................................. 00 10 04

Pay for elements at whitsontide ........................................................... 00 04 02

Sum of .......................................................................................................00 10 06

due to James Walker overpaid.................................................................. 00 02 06



In a Vestry holden in the Parish Church of Sego on Monday, the 16th of May 1698 by

the consent of the Minister, Churchwardens and Parishioners, then present it is agreed

upon (that) Marten Willson and John Greenway Jr are elected and chosen to serve as

Churchwardens for this next year and ye sums of five pounds sterling to be equally

applotted upon and levied on the inhabitants of the said Parish by way of distress or

otherwise by the said Churchwardens for making two windows, buying of elements

and keeping said Church in repairs with other accidental charges.


Marriages solemnised 1689-1695

1689 & 1691

Betwixt Mr Daniel Anthony and Mrs Rose White Feb the 5th 1689 in the Parish

Church of Sego

Betwixt Richard Bullock and Jane Jameson Feb the 24th 1691 in the Parish Church

of Sego


Christopher Trotter and Elizabeth Greenway married in the Parish Church of Sego

November the 30th 1693


William Trotter and Sarah Emerson were married in the Parish Church of Sego

Wednesday the 9th of May 1694

John Greenway and Anne Lutton were married in the Parish Church of Segoe

Tuesday the 19th June 1694


John Wright and Dorothy Midcast were married in the Parish Church of Seagoe

Tuesday the 13th of August 1695.

Henry McGee and Jane Bires were married in the Parish Church of Sego

Wednesday the 30th October 1695.


Marriages 1697-98 32 (Registered again Page 98)

William Fleming and Anne Timons were married November 19th 1695

Simon Hasleton and Margaret Wait were married Thursday the 9th (November) 1696

William Roe and Anne Mathers were married Thursday the 6th may 1697

John Porter and Elizabeth Trotter were married Thursday the 9th September 1697

John Masden and Anne Stringer were married Thursday the 29th august 1697

James Davison and Jane MaConnell were married the 13th day of November 1697

September 1st 1698 Mr George Baylie and Miss Jane Blacker were married

December ye Mr Meridith Dynes and Mrs Mary Mathers were married 1698

John Sinclare and Jane Frire were married January 10th 1699

William Blacker Esq. and Hanna Lawrence were Maryed June 29th

Samuell Webster and Elizabeth Gage? were marryed July ye 27th 1699

Thomas Kerin and Margaret Parr were married Sunday 4th of February 1700

John Castils and Elizabeth Robb were married February 6th 1700

(Page 71)



At a Vestry holden in ye Parish Church of Sego on Wednesday ye 4th day of June


It was then enacted by the Minister and Parishioners there present that whereas at a

Vestry holden in said Parish Church on 16th day of May 1698 that the sum of five

pounds sterling was applotted for the making two windows and other new slaryusos?

for ye said Church. It is then otherwise ordered if one of the said windows which was

to be made towards chancel of the said Church be omitted for this present year and if

ye sum of twenty shillings sterling now be levied of ye Parishioners of ye said Parish

making in all six pounds sterling (viz) for making a window in ye lower end in the

Church to buy a pulpit cloath, to buy a flagon of black linen and a plate of pewter and

for whitewashing and repairing ye said Church

Witness our hands

....................................................John Campbell Minister of Sego

.....................................................George Whalley.................Church

the mark of John Abram..............James Walker (his marke).....wardens

Peter Bullock................................George Blacker

.......................................................Henry Dynes

.......................................................William Mathers

.......................................................James Toullerton

.......................................................Richard Timmons

.......................................................Richard Smurphit

.......................................................James Dawson

.......................................................William Gyail? (his mark)


1705, 1725

Burials in the year 1705 in Sego

Janathen Murry was buried November 16th 1705

Mary the wife of Ralph Willson was buried November ye 29

William son of James Bonier Eliz (Elizabeth) his wife buried January ye 27

Jane dau (daughter) of Henry Magee? was buried November ye 4th

Isabell Bracanridge was buried May ye 2nd 1705

John son of John Pue and Eliz. his wife was buried May ye 27th

Robert Black was buried June the 4th 1705

Robert son of John Mills and Jane his wife buried Sept. ye 9

Thomas Wollocks was buried October the 25th 1705

Katharine Murriss was buried November 15th 1725 (page 339)

Registered again Pages 36 and 115


Burials 1691 – 1699

Major George Blacker buried in the Parish Church of Sego February 12th 1691

Ailse MaConnel was buried in the Churchyard at Sego Sunday the 11th February


Ailse Whaley was buried in the Churchyard at Sego Friday the 30th March 1694

Christopher Trotter was buried in the Churchyard at Sego Saturday 22nd December


John Nelson's father was buried the same 22nd December 1694

Thomas Thompson's two twin children were buried December 25th 94

John the son of Mr John Mathers and Mrs Mary Mathers was buried Wednesday the

13th of February 1695

John the son of Valentine Dynes was buried November the 24th 1695

Richard Cook was buried Friday the 6th of August 1697

Elizabeth the daughter of David Williams was buried Sunday the 24th of 8ber

(November) 1697

William Dixon was buried ye 29th of 8ber (November) 1698

Margaret Hoarne was buried ye 12th day of Xber (December) 1698

Mr Stephen Atkinson was buried October the 24th 1699

Mr Henry Dynes was buried December the 18th 1699


Burials 1699-1705

Ann the wife of George Whaley was buried Tuesday the 7th of March 1699.

Margaret Hollin (Holland) was buried Thursday the 16th March 1699

Margaret the daughter of Mr Roger Sleer was buried the 26th March 1699

son of Thomas McNabb buried August ye 1699


Robert Ross buried ye 1st? day of October 1700

Henry son of Meredith Dynes was buried 8ber (October) 31th 1700

Janathan Marra (or Murry) was buried November ye 16th 1705

Mary the wife of Ralph Willson was buried November ye 29

William son of James Bonier Eliz (Elizabeth) his wife buried January ye 27

Jane dau (daughter) of Henry Magee? was buried November ye 4th

Isabell Bracanridge was buried May ye 2nd 1705

John son of John Pue and Eliz. his wife was buried May ye 27th

Robert Black was buried June the 4th 1705

Robert son of John Mills and Jane his wife buried Sept. ye 9

Thomas Wollocks was buried October the 25th 1705


Christenings of the year 1705

x Mr William Blacker had a child baptised march ye 28th 1705

William son of Thomas Rodgers and Mary his wife baptised march ye 23rd 1705

Mary daughter of John Coall and Ann his wife baptised April ye 2nd 1705

Elizabeth daughter of John Searthon and Ann his wife baptised April ye 2nd 1705

John son of Vallentine Ellice baptised May ye 2nd 1705

Sarah daughter of William and Pru. Leaster Baptised May ye 25th 1705

Jane daughter of David Fryer baptised August ye 9? 1705

Robert son of John Mills baptised September ye 2nd 1705

Sarah daughter of Ralph Fleetam baptised September ye 9th 1705

Hannah daughter of Rodger Steer baptised September ye 6th 1705

Richard son of Daniall Cattle baptised September ye 25th 1705

Robert son of Robert Spence baptised October ye 7th 1705

Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Steenson baptised February ye 23rd 1705

Timothy so of Timothy Apelbey baptised February ye 21st 1705

Robert son of James Hogg baptised February ye 10th 1705

Elizabeth daughter of William and Martha Dixon baptised March ye 5th 1705

John son of Christopher and Margaret Armstrong baptised March ye 5th 1705

Alice daughter of James Hambleton and Ann Courter baptised October ye 18th 1705

Margaret daughter of Francis Carrick baptised December ye 11th 1705

William son of John and Elizabeth Mabel Potts baptised July ye 8th 1705

Ambrose son of John and Margaret Wilson baptised August ye 21st 1705

Jane daughter of John and Doreen Chambers baptised August ye 7th 1705

Jane daughter of Ralph and Mary Wilson baptised August ye 9th 1705

John son of Thomas and Mary Byers baptised November ye 12th 1705

Elizabeth daughter of Moses and Ann Bairs baptised November ye 19th 1705

Elex Murphey had a child baptised March ye 28th 1705


Registered again (except those marked x) Page 43 and 44



At a Vestry holden in the Parish Church of Sego on Easter Tuesday March the

20th 1706, and which and then it was then enacted that a sum of one hundred pounds

be appd. and levied of said Parishioners of ye said Parish



Registered before on Page 41

Christenings in the year 1705 in the Parish of Sego

William son of Thomas Roggers & Mary his wife baptized ye 28th March

Mary dau of John Koal & Ann his wife bap April ye 2nd

Eliz dau of John Fertlow & Ann his wife bap May ye 2nd

John son of Vallentin Ellice & Ellen his wife bap May ye 2nd

Sarah dau of William Leaster & Pru his wife bap May ye 25th

Jane dau of David Fryer & Mary his wife bap August ye 4th

Henery son of Mr Meradeth Dynes & Mrs Margaret his wife August the 27th

Robert son of John Mills & Jane his wife bap September ye 2nd

Sarah dau of Ralph Fleetam & Helen his wife bap September ye 4th

Hannah dau of Mr Roger Steer & Sarah his wife bap September ye 6th

Richard son of Daniel Kettle & his wife bap September ye 27th

Robert son of Robert Spence & Mary his wife bap October ye 7th

Elizabeth dau of Thomas Stevenson & his wife bap February ye 23rd

Timothy son of Timothy Aplebey & Martha his wife bap February ye 21st

Robert son of James Hogg and his wife bap February ye 11th

Elizabeth dau of William Dixon & Martha his wife bap March ye 5th

John son of Christopher Armstrong & Margaret his wife bap March ye 5th

Margaret dau of Francis Karrick & Mary his wife bap June ye 11th

William son of John Potts & Isabel his wife bap July ye 8th

Ambrose son of James Wilson & Margaret his wife bap August ye 4th

Jane dau of John Chambers & Dorothy his wife bap August ye 7th 1705

Jane dau of Raph Wilson & Mary his wife bap August ye 9th 1705

John son of Thomas Byers & Mary his wife bap November ye 12th

Eliz dau of Moses Berry & Ann his wife bap November ye 19th

Alexander Murphy and his wife had a child bap March 28th 1705

Helliar dau of John Wollsey & Ann his wife bap March 23rd 1705

William son of John Dixon & his wife bap March 24th 1705

Rose dau of Henery Lees & Jane his wife bap March 24th 1705

John Campbell Minister

Patt Harrison Churchwarden

Ja (James) McKnight Churchwarden


Baptism 1705

Registered before on p 41 also p 118

Alice bastard daughter of Ann Porter was baptised October the 28th, 1705, then

Katherin Porter Anne's mother said James Hamilton was the father: but he went under

another name being called Francis Weft which is thought to be his true name But since

ye said An Porter said to Mrs Campbell that Roger Haddock's supposed to live about

Hillsborrow is the father of ye said bastard.

John Campbell Minister

Vall (Valentine) Harrison Churchwarden

Jo. McKnight Churchwarden


Christenings in ye year 1706 in ye Parish of Sego & 1707

Thomas son of Richard Matchet and Eliz. his wife April ye 17th 1706

William son of Thomas Workman and Eliz. his wife May ye 7th

Elizabeth daughter of John Bell and Sarah his wife May ye 10th

Robert son of Patrick Wilson and Sarah his wife August ye 11th

John son of Charles Guy and Sarah his wife August ye 19th

Susanna daughter of John Pearson and Catheran his wife August ye 19th

Elizabeth daughter of Merideth Dynes and Mar. his wife August ye 20th

Elizabeth daughter of Robert Roughlands and Eliz. his wife September ye 25th

Henery son of Richard Timmons and Ann his wife September ye 14th

Robert son of John Bradshaw and Ellin his wife September ye 21st

Mary daughter of William Brown and Ann. his wife September ye 15th

Thomas son of Meredith Jones and Margaret his wife September ye 22nd

Mary daughter of Richard Wilson and Jane his wife October ye 5th

George son of John Medcalfe and Patience his wife October ye 9th

Rebekah daughter of Alexander Ross and Jane his wife October ye 9th

Margaret daughter of Edward Carter and Jane his wife October ye 27th

x Ann daughter of William Davise and Martha his wife October ye 27th

John son of Meredith Wilson and Margaret his wife October ye 15th

Hugh son of Daniel Cettle (Caddell) and Mary his wife October ye 28th

Dinah Dixon baptised November ye 3rd 1706

George son of John Binks and Alice his wife November ye 24th 1706

Jess son of John Williames and Ann. his wife November ye 9th 1706

Joseph son of John Wilson and Ellin his wife November ye 20th 1706

Joseph son of Joseph Atkinson and Lettie his wife November ye 27th 1706


Mary daughter of Hugh Wilson and Ann his wife January ye 26th

James son of William McGowan and Ann his wife January ye 12th

James son of Vallentine Harrison and Eliz. his wife January ye 25th

Harieta daughter of --M-r-. Squire William Blacker and Hanna his wife January ye


Mary daughter of Francis Greenway and Ellin his wife February ye 12th

John son of Thomas Rodgers and Mary his wife February ye 4th

Judith daughter of Robert Fryer and Margaret his wife February ye 9th

John son of Robert Henry and Margaret his wife February ye 25th

Ann daughter of Robert Bullock and Sarah his wife February ye 25th

Elizabeth daughter of John Dynes and Ann his wife February ye 19th

Margaret daughter of John Crawford and Mary his wife February ye 21st

Sarah daughter of Andrew McBride and Jane his wife March ye 10th

Robert son of James Brown and Sarah his wife March ye 16th

Anthoney son of Anthoney Medcalph and Jane his wife March ye 25th

Dorcas baptised daughter of Ruth Web March ye 25th 1707

.........................................................John Campbell Minister


Christenings in the year 1707, 1708 and 1713 in ye Parish of Sego


William son of John Fertlow and Ann his wife baptised May ye 16th 1707

John son of William and Margaret Erwin his wife baptised August ye 13th 1707

William son of John Gibson and his wife baptised October ye 5th 1707

Mary daughter of Thomas Noad and Mary his wife baptised October ye 18th 1707

Elizabeth daughter of John Russel and Ellin his wife baptised October ye 19th 1707

Ann daughter of Christopher Page and Mar. his wife baptised November ye 8th 1707

Elizabeth daughter of Henery Lees and his wife baptised November ye 8th 1707

William son of William Whaley and Ann his wife baptised November ye 15th 1707

Esther daughter of Edward Addev and Ann his wife baptised November ye

24th 1707

Ann daughter of Daniel Jameson and Ann his wife baptised December ye 28th 1707

Margaret daughter of Robert Stephens and Mary his wife baptised December ye

29th 1707


John bastard son of Susans Gilphen baptised January ye 3rd 1707

James son of Thomas Byars and Mary his wife baptised January ye 13th 1707

Mary daughter of William Robison and Elizabeth his wife baptised February ye 12th


(Registered again on Page 130)

William son of Mr Hewan (elsewhere Huan?) Matthers and Abigel his wife baptised

February ye 24th 1707

William son of James Patterson and Ann his wife baptised march ye 6th 1707

William son of Moses Bains and Ann his wife baptised march ye 18th 1707

Ann daughter of John Mullons and Ann his wife baptised march ye 7th 1707

1708 - Page 130

Thomas son of Mr Thomas and Elizabeth workman baptised January ye 4th 1708

Alice daughter of Mr Thomas Pressick and his wife baptised January ye 4th 1708

1713 - Registered again on Page 58

John son of Mr John Robison and Ann his wife baptised November ye 20th 1713

John Campbell Minister

Thomas Pressick........Churchwarden

William Bullock........Churchwarden



Burials in the year 1714 and 1715

Stephen Matchett buried May the 10th 1714

John Gowden buried May the 23rd 1714

William Kellom buried June 30th 1714

Mary Lutten buried July the 15th 1714

William Dixon buried August ye 8th being Sunday 1714

May the 10th 1714 Mary Willison was buried

Thomas Dixon of ye Parish of Tullylish was buried here December 12th 1714

Robert Wilson buried Friday December ye 19th 1714

Henry son of Christopher Smith and Mary his wife buried February ye 20th 1715

Ralph Wilson buried Monday March the 28th

Legerd son of William Blacker Esq and Mrs Hannah his wife buried Sunday April the

3rd 1715

Mr Francis Mathers buried Friday April ye 15th 1715

John Campbell Minister

John Fisher Junior

John Davison (his mark)



The collection September 6th 1724 in Mr Wilson's hand....................3-08-0

The collection September 13th 1724 in Robert Wilson's hand............3-03-0

The collection September 20th 1724 in Robert Wilson's hand............3-01-0

The collection September 27th 1724 in Robert Wilson's hand............9-00-0



The collection for October 4th 1724 in Mr. Campbell's hand....................4-0 October 18th 1724 in Robert Wilson's hand................3-6 October 25th 1724 in Robert Wilson's hand...........3-6

November first 1724 collection in Robert Wilson's hand..........................2..8..12..1?

November ye 8th 1724 collection in Robert Wilson's hand................ .2.-4 -0

November ye 15th 1724 collection in Mr. Campbell's hand................ 1..4-0

being 4-7-1/2

November ye 22nd 1724 collection in Mr. Campbell's hand................1..0-0




November ye 29th 1724 collection in Robert Wilson's hand............ .4.-6 -0


Burials in ye year 1715 in ye Parish of Sego

Mary Tomlinson buried May ye 29th 1715

John Reed was buried Thursday the 18th of August

William Lawson of the Parish of Drumcree was buried in the Churchyard of Sego

Thursday the 8th day of September 1715

Margaret daughter of William Gibson and Margaret his wife deceased buried

November ye 10th 1715

Katharine the widow of John Greenaway deceased was buried in the Churchyard of

Sego Fryday the 27th of January 1716

John Timmons buried February ye first 1716

Thomas son of John Medcalfe and Patiance his wife of the Parish of Drumcree

buried February ye 8th

John Wilson buried February ye 8th

Thomas Gilpen buried March ye 9th 1716

Jennett McConnel buried March ye 28th 1716

James son of Robert Bullock and Esther his wife buried April the first

Mary daughter of Robert Proctor and Christian his wife deceased and buried ye 2nd

day of May 1716

Sarah daughter of Thomas Adison and Margaret his wife of ye Parish of Tullylish

buried may ye 8th


Burials in year 1716 in ye Parish of Sego

John Fertlow buried April ye 8th 1716

John Dixon buried April 15th 1716

Hewan son of William Hewan Mathers, and Abigail his wife buried April ye 25th 1716

James McKenny buried July 28th 1716

Margaret daughter of Francis Carrick and Mary his wife buried Friday November ye

4th 1716

Thomas Tomxson was buried Wednesday 14th of November 1716

William son of George Lawson junior of Drumcree was buried November 25th 1716

James Toulerton buried December ye 10th 1716

Leonard Toulerton buried December ye 10th 1716


Anne Toulerton the wife of Valentine Toulerton of the Parish of Tullylish was buried

at Sego January the 2nd 1717

Elizabeth daughter of Leonard Croft and Elizabeth his wife buried January 14 1717

Margaret Wollocks buried February ye 2nd 1717

John son of Richard Wilson & Jane his wife 4 years old was buried Friday the 8th of

February 1717

William Matthers buried February 10th 1717

Thomas Pool of the Parish of Tullyalish was buried February 25th 1716

Hellin daughter of John Stewart and Hellin Howcroft buried March ye ??th 1716

John Campbell Minister

Thomas Gibson


George Rodgers



Burials 1717

Anne Dawson buried March 27th 1717

John Greenway of the Parish of Ballymore buried Sego Churchyard march 27th


John Sincklar buried April the 11th 1717

John Campbell Minister

Thomas Gibson Churchwarden

the marke of George Rodgers Churchwarden

Burials in the year 1717

Anne Thompson buried April 21 1717

Francis Bordum buried April ye 28th

Judith daughter of Ralph Wilson and Jane his wife was buried the 25th day of July


Elizabeth wife of Robert Whiteside buried the 3rd day of October

William son of George Greenway and Jane his wife was buried the 11th day of

October 1717 of the Parish of Drumcree

Elizabeth Edgeworth of the Parish of Tullylish were buried October ye 13th

Thomas son of John Lynas & Margaret his wife was buried the 17th day of October


Elizabeth daughter of James Boyars (Byers) & Elizabeth deceased his wife was

buried the 22nd day of October 1717

(See page 301)

John Campbell Minister

Henry McGee


Christenings in the year 1713 in the Parish of Sego

Peter, son of Robert and Esther Bullock, bap November the first 1713

+Catherine, dr of Mr Leonard and Eliz Cross, his wife, baptized No 7th 1713

+John, son of John and Ann Robison, bap No the 20th 1713

Jane, dr of Richrd Scott, deceased, and Jane? his wife, bap No 30th 1713

Mary, dr of Robt and Elis Whiteside Bap January 20 1713

William, son of John and Susanna Jones bap Jan 2 1713

John Campbell Minister

Thomas Pressick (Churchwarden

William Bullock (Churchwarden

No Robinson Registration before Page 49

Katharine registered after on Page 59

The collection for April ye 26th Mr. Campbell received 2s 0 ½ d

Helene Beatey borrowed 4d ye same day (May 3rd received 4d)

May 31st 1724 Mr Campbell Received 2s 8d

June 7th 1724 Mr Campbell Received 2s 11 ½ d

June ye 7th 1724 Ramsey borrowed 6 ½ d

June 14th 1724 Mr Campbell Received 3s 3d

June 21st 1724 Mr Campbell Received 2s 8 ¼d

The total 11s 6 ½ d

July 5th 1724 Mr Campbell Received the collection for ye poor 4s 1d

July 12th 1724 Mr Campbell Received the collection for ye poor 4s 9d

In Robert Wilson's hand Churchwarden the sum of 8s 10d by Mr Campbell

Mr Campbell received the collection July 19th being 4s 7d

to Robert Wilson Churchwarden for 1724

July 5th 1724 Mr Campbell Received the collection for ye poor 4s 1d

August 2nd 1724 the collection being 5s 3d

August 9th 1724 the collection being 4s 7d

August 16th 1724 the collection being 3s 11 ½ d

August 23rd 1724 the collection being 4s 4d



Eliz dr of Thomas & Mary Byers, baptized April 19th 1713

Charles son of Robert & Hellin Corner, bap April 20th 1713

Christopher son of Thos & Mary Rodgers, baptized May 20th 1713

Lettice dr of Mr Terrance and Mrs Eliz O’Neil, bap July 4th 1713

John son of Edward & Sarah Donnelly his wife, bap July 5th 1713

John son of John Patten and Margaret his wife, bap Oct 11th

Margaret dr of James & Margaret Horner, baptized October 11th 1713

Jane dr of William Irwin? And Elis his wife, baptized October 18th 1713

John son of John and Jane Thompson, baptized October 18th 1713

Irwin son of Francis & Hellin Wilson, baptized October 23rd 1713

Katherine dr of Mr Leonard & Mrs Eliz Croft baptized No 7th 1713

William son of Thomas & Mary Addis, baptized No the 15th 1713

Frances dr of Alex and Debora Murphey, bap No 15th 1713

John son of John and Isobel Martin, bap No the 10th 1713

Jane dr of Robert and Frances Brown his wife, baptized Dec 10th

John son of John and Elis Dillon his wife, baptized Dec the 24th 1713

(Perhaps the following actually took place in 1714.)

Jane dr of William and Judith Sanderson, bap Jan the 9th 1713

Richard son of John and Ann Trotter, baptized January the 10th 1713

William son of William and Mary Bullock, bap Feb the 20th

Dorcas dr of Mr John & Mrs Eliz Mathers, baptized February the 21st

Helline dr of Meredith Wilson and Margt his wife, baptized Feb 21st

Joseph son of Woolsey & Mary Smurphitt, baptized Feb 27th 1713

Henry son of John & Margt Carvil, baptized March the 14th 1713

Ann dr of Robert and Deborah Greagson, bap March the 14th

Hellin dr of Ja & Ann Steward, bap Mar the 21st

Jane dr of Robert and Mary Ardrey, bap Mar 21st

George son of George Ramsey and Hellin his wife, bap Mar 21st

John son of Naile and Mary McCourt his wife, bap Mar the 24 1713

John son of Thomas & Violetta Lynas, baptized Apr 7th 1713

Sarah dr of John and Frances Bullock, bap Apr the 13th 1713

Jane dr of Moses? & Ann Baird, baptized July the 7th 1713

Frances dr of Moses and Helline Lutton, baptized Oct 30th 1713

John Campbell, Minister

Thomas Pressick (Churchwardens)

William Bullock


Collected 6th October 1723

Collected 13th October 1723..........2.......8...... ½

Collected November 3rd 1723 the sum of 4s 5d in Mr Campbell's hand

Collected November 10th 1723 the sum of 2s 2d in Mr Campbell's hand

Collected November 17th 1723 the sum of 2s 8 ½ in Mr Campbell's hand

December ye first collection in Mr Campbell's hand 2s 2d 0

December ye 8th collection in Mr Campbell's hand 2s 2d 0

December ye 15th collection in Mr Campbell's hand 2s 3d 0

Mr Campbell gave to Huagh Centlin 6 ½

Mr Campbell received ye collection 22 December being 4s 5d 0

December 25th received by Mr Campbell 7s 5d 0

which was paid December ye 26th 18s 3d

....................................................................6 ½

...........................................................17s 8 ½

December ye 29th Mr Campbell received 1s 11d 0

January ye 5th Mr Campbell received 5s 0d 0

January ye 12th Mr Campbell received 3s 8d 0

January ye 19th Mr Campbell received 2s 6d 0 which was paid January 26th 1723

February ye 2nd 1723 Mr Campbell received 2s 8d ½

February ye 9th 1723 Mr Campbell received 2s 2d

February ye 16th 1723 Mr Campbell received 1s 1d

February ye 23rd 1723 Mr Campbell received 3s 5d

March first 4s 0d

March ye 8th 2s 6d

March ye 15th 1s 5d

March ye 15th paid Widow Wilson borrowed 13d of ye collection

March ye 22nd 4s 0d

March ye 29th 3s 0d

April 5th 7s 5d

April 12th Mr Campbell 2s ?d

.................................1 4 4

Mr Campbell paid all April ye 19th 1724


1714 Christenings in ye year 1714 in ye Parish Church of Sego

Henry son of Mr Christopher and Mrs Mary Smith his wife baptised 12th day of Aprile


William son of Mr Gilbert and Mrs Jane Pater his wife baptised April ye 13th

Henry son of John and Elizabeth Harvey baptised April ye 14th 1714

Jane daughter of Christopher and Margaret Armstrong baptised April ye 18th 1714

William son of George Redmond and Kat. his wife baptised June ye 20th

John son of John and Ann Woolsey his wife baptised June ye 27th

Elizabeth daughter of Henry and Elizabeth Black baptised July ye 4th 1714

William son of George and Jane Greenway his wife baptised July ye 11th

Mary daughter of Charles and Sarah Grey his wife baptised July ye 15th 1714

Judith daughter of Peter Readly (Ridley - see page 202) and Jane his wife baptised August

ye 11th 1714

Henry son of John McCann and Christian his wife baptised August 14th

John son of Patrick Simpson and Alice his wife baptised July 22nd

Jane daughter of Anthony Metcalfe and Jane his wife baptised August ye 15th

Oliver Dynes son of Mr Meredith Dynes and Margaret his wife was baptised upon

Saturday the 28th day of August 1714

John the son of William Davis and Martha his wife was baptised upon Sunday the 29th

day of August 1714

Elizabeth the daughter of John Russell and Helene his wife was baptised the 29th day

of August 1714

Mary the daughter of George Gilpen and Alice his wife was baptised the 9th day of

September 1714

Legard the son of William Blacker Esquire and Hannah his wife baptised October ye

29th 1714 with private baptism the seal of the office was performed upon Wednesday

the 3rd of November 1714

(Legard Blacker registered again on page 138)

John Campbell Minister

the mark of John Davison Churchwarden


Baptisms 1714-15

George son of George Rodgers and Elizabeth his wife baptised September ye 25th


Mary daughter of Robert Robison and Ann his wife baptised September 30th 1714

George son of Valentine Blacker and Elizabeth his wife baptised October 3rd 1714

Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Care and Ann his wife baptised by Mr Jeremiah

Workman October ye 6th 1714

Helene daughter of Francis Greenway and Helene his wife was baptised October the


John the son of Hugh Nelson and Ann his wife baptised the 15th day of October


John son of John Greenway and Jane his wife baptised November the 4th 1714

Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Brown and Mary his wife bap. Nov 8th 1714

Ann daughter of Noah Crawford hand Mary his wife baptised November 21st 1714


St John son of Mr Hewan Matthers and Mrs Abigail his wife baptised January 21


Henry son of Henry Weat? and Margaret his wife baptised January 30th 1715

Elizabeth daughter of Francis Carrick and Mary his wife baptised February the 13th


(see page197)





................................................................John Campbell Minister

................................................................John James........Churchwarden

................................................................John Davie........Churchwarden

...................................................................his mark


Burials 1708, 1709

Henery son of Mr Richard Timmons and Ann his wife the 11th day of Aprile in ye

year 1708

(See page 124 Registered again 2nd tome page 67)

Richard the son of James Bamber and Elizabeth his wife was buried at Sego upon

Tuesday the 27th of July 1708

John Croft was buried September ye 8 day

Joseph son of John Wilson and Eliz. his wife was buried October ye 22nd 1708

William son of Mrs Elizabeth Workman buried November ye 15th 1708


John son of Mark McClean was buried January ye first day 1709

Margaret daughter of Mr. Meridith Dynes and Mrs Margaret his wife buried January

3rd 1709

Henery son of Meridith Dynes and Mrs Margaret his wife was buried about the 16th

day of December 1708

ye wife of Thomas Dixon was buried January 27th 1709

July 7th 1723

Mr Campbell received ye collection being...............................2..........00..........0

Mr Campbell received ye collection being July ye 14th being 4..........00..........0

Mr Campbell received ye collection being July ye 21st being 3..........00.........0

No lu/hach?? was paid July 28th 1723

August ....................................................................................5..........7........... ½

Mr Campbell received ye collection being..............................3..........11.........0

Mr Campbell received ye collection August 11th being..........2..........5...........0

Mr Campbell received ye collection August 18th being ....... 2..........11..........0

Mr Campbell received ye collection August 25th being.........2..........0...........0

No lu/hach?? was paid August ye 25th being....................... 0..........0...........0



Mr Campbell received ye collection September first being.....3..........10........0

Mr Campbell received ye collection September 8th being.... .3..........00........0

Mr Campbell received ye collection September 15th being.....3..........8........1/2

Mr Campbell received ye collection September 22nd.........................................



Lent to the persons undernamed of poor money July 22, 1722

Ellen Bealy 6 – ½

Widow Wilson 6 – ½

Thomas Wade 6 – ½

Widow Monargin 6 – ½

Chris Hapton each sixpence halfpenny 6 – ½

1 - 7 – ½

Geo. Ramsey - 1 - 7 – due 9 – ½ 9 – ½

Martin Hird – 9 – ½ due 2 – ½ 8 – 0

8 pounds to Widow Wilson and James Dynes 10 – 0

Memorandum that the Church owes Chris Hapton one shilling February 3rd, 1723 to

February 10th, 1723

W. Campbell received by collection February 10th, 1723 being 2 - 7 – 0

W. Campbell received by collection February 17th, 1723 being 1 – 8 – 1

February 29th, W. Campbell received by collection being 3 – 0 – 6

W. Campbell received by collection March 3rd being 2 – 10 – 0

March 17th 1723 the collection 4 – 5 – ½

Divided March 17th 1723 11 – 6 – ½

3 – 2 – 0

W. C. rec'd 2 – 8 – ½ March 31st 1723 and Henry Black 6 pounds

W. Campbell received by collection April 7th 1723 being 3 – 6 – 0

April 12th 1723 Mr Campbell has all the poor moneys he ??

April 28th 1723 Widow Bealy received 6 – ½ by collection

6 – ½ lent to John McConnell May 19th 1723


Charles Cavanna ?? of ?? was Sunday the 26th day of August 1688 by collection 1 –

7 – 4 left in John Diffin the Churchwarden’s hands

Whereas Collection was made in the Parish Church of Seagoe of two shillings and 8

pence ¾ Sunday the 14th of July 1700 pursuant to a brief leaving date of May the 31,

1700 for one John Black who has not called for the said money it is therefore thought

fit for the said John Black call for the said money to be paid ye same by the

Churchwardens for the time being out of the next collection for it this day ye said

moness was distributed amongst the poor of the Parish

W. Campbell received by collection April 28th, 1723 3 – 2 – 2

W. Campbell received May 5th, 1723 by collection 3 – 9 – 0

W. Campbell received by collection May 12th being 4 – 5 – ½

W. Campbell received by collection May 19th being 2 – 10 – 0

Which was paid May 26th 14 – 3 – 0

W. Campbell received 13d for Jo Pattens Wife 2 – 8 – 0

16 – 11 – 0

June the 2nd 1723

W. Campbell received by collection being 5 – 3 – ½

Of which W. Campbell gave to Anne McConnell 0 – 6 – ½

W. Campbell received by collection June the 9th being 3 – 3 – 0

W. Campbell received by collection June the 16th being 3 – 7 – 0

Of which W. Campbell gave 6 – ½ to Anne McConnell

W. Campbell received by collection being June 23rd 4 – 0 – 0

16 – 2 – ½

Which was paid June the 30th 1723 1 – 1

15 – 1 – ½


Collected on a brief for Peter Bryan in the Parish Church of Sego July the 15th 1722

the sum of £0 1s 1d 1/2.

Collected July the 22nd 1722 on a brief for Jeremiah and others of Longford town the

sum of 3s 2d both left with Thomas Scott Churchwarden

Sunday ye 18th Nov 1722 Mr Campbell received 2½ out of 2s 8 ½ d which was ye

collection for ye poor.

Mr Campbell received November ye 25th the collection being 1s 6 ½ d

Mr Campbell received December ye 2nd the collection being 3s 1 ½ d

Mr Campbell received December ye 9th the collection being 4s 5d

Mr Campbell received December ye 16th the collection being 4s 6d

Mr Campbell received December ye 23rd the collection being 4s 4d 3

Mr Campbell received December ye 25th the collection being 6s 10d

Mr Campbell received December ye 26th the collection being 4s 9 ½ d

Dec ye 2d? 1722

Memorandum that Mr. Campbell paid 10d due to Henry Darby by Murlin? Hurd

received by her Nov 19th 1722

Received ye 10d by Mr Campbell December ye 26th 1722

Dec ye 30th 1722 Mr Campbell received ye collection 1 - 4 – 0

January 6th 1723 Mr Campbell received ye collection 5 - 3 – 0

January ye 13th 1723 Mr Campbell received ye collection 3 - 2 – 2

January ye 20th 1723 Mr Campbell received ye collection 3 - 1 – 0

January ye 27th 1723 Mr Campbell received ye collection 2 - 11 – 0

5 - 18 – 9

.......4 – 3

1 - 3 - 1 -



Burials in ye year 1706 in ye Parish of Sego

Joan Leaster was buried April ye 17th

Mr Hewan Hall was buried the 6th day of day of May 1706

Jane Lindsay was buried June ye 26th 1706

John Walker was buried July the 8th

(page 57) Valentine son of Mr William Blacker and Hanna his wife was buried the 4th

day of June 1706

Thomas son of Ralph Wilson was buried August 14th

Mary daughter of William Brown Ann his wife buried September the 22nd

Robert Hoy buried October ye 28th 1706

Elizabeth daughter of John Dynes and Ann his wife buried February ye 20th

James Page was buried on March ye 26th 1706

........................................John Campbell Minister


Sarah daughter of Andrew McBride and Jane his wife was buried on the 25th day of

May 1707

Nathaniel Hoult was buried on ye 21st day of July 1707

James the son of John Lindsay and Isabel his wife was buried September the 16th


Margaret the wife of Thomas Baily was buried September the 22nd 1707

Eliza the daughter of Eliz. Roughland was buried October ye 13th 1707

Thomas McKnab was buried September 18th 1707

Ann Gelaspey buried October 29th 1707

Hannah daughter of Thomas Robison buried November ye 4th 1707

1708 (see page 63)

Alice Binks buried ye 31st day of January 1708

Thomas Dawson was buried March ye 26th 1708

Mr Thomas Workman was buried June ye 16th 1708

Henery Trainer

(2nd Registration page 637?)

Richard son of James Bomer and his wife buried July 28th 1708

Elizabeth daughter of ye James Bomer and his wife buried August 2nd 1708

Catherine daughter of Shelemey Quin and Grace his wife buried August ye 22nd day


(see page 124)


Burials 1714

Mary the wife of James Makenna was buried Saturday the 27th of February 1713/14

There was collected Sunday 7th of November 1721 2. 3

Nov: 12 1721 there was collected then for the poor 2. 11

Nov 19th 1721 there was collected for the poor 2. 20

Nov 26th 1721 there was collected 1. 7

December 3rd 1721 collected the sum of 4. 10

May 12 1722 collected then the sum of ? ?

May 20th 1722 collected then the sum of 3 1 ½

May 27th collected then the sum of 2. 6. 0

June ye 24th and ? collected for the poor the sum of 10. 10. 0

Collected for the poor July 8th 1722 0. 2. 10

July 15th 1722 collected then the sum of 0. 2. 5

July the 22nd collected for the poor 4. 2. ½

August the 5th 1722 collected 3. 10. 0

Sept 2 collected for the poor ? ? ?

Sept 9th 1722 ? 2. 11. ½ received by Mr Campbell

Sept 16th 1722 ??? 1. 1. 0 received by Mr Campbell

Sept 23rd 1722 collected 4. 4. 0 received by Mr Campbell

? the 7th 1722 collected for poor 5. 5. 0

Oct the 21 1722 collected for the poor 3. 10. ½ received by Mr Campbell

Nov 4th 1722 collected for the poor 4. 3. 0 received by Mr Campbell

? 3- 9 received by Mr Campbell


Collections ?? way paid Sunday ye 30th of December 1691

Easter Day the 20th of April 1690 00 16 10 ½

Easter Day 12 the April 1691 00 14 6

Collected May 29th 1720 the sum of 3-09

paid ye summ of 2 9

Remaining 1 0

2 8 ½

1 1


3 9 ½

Whit Sunday 1720 June 5th 3 7 ½

12 June

Sunday 19 June 4 8

9 10

26 June 1720 4 8 3 9 2

July 2-8-0-4 3 11 ½

1-1-0-0 4 3 0


3 July 1720 collected 0:4:6 ¼ 17 5 0

10- 10 0 ¼

10 July 11 6 0 4 – 2

Aug the 19th 1720 4 -6 – 0

Sunday the 13th of August 1721 there was collected for the poor the sum of 9 – 3 – 3

and the Sunday before the sum of 4 – 5 – ½ the Sunday before that 3 – 9 – 0

Sunday the 20th of August for the poor

Sunday Sept 17th 1721 collected for the poor 0 – 5 – 0

Collected before 8 – 2 – 0

Sunday Sept 29th collected 5 – 11 – ½

9 – 9 ½

5 – 5 -0

4 – 0- 0

19 – 2 – 1/2


Briefs August the 2nd 1721

Memorandum that there was collected in the Parish Church of Seagoe the sum of 4 -

7 - ½ for the petitioner William Barker in which sum was paid to Thomas Binks for the

wife of the petitioner on the 23rd day of July 1721.

Received by me

Thomas Binks

Memorandum that there was collected on the 19th day of April 1719 the sum of 4-5-0

on a brief for John Clifford; which sum was this day divided amongst the poor of the

Parish being July the 23rd 1721.

Memorandum that there was collected on the 10th day of October 1719 for the

petitioner Cornelius Cunningham the sum of one shilling four pence; which was given

to the poor of the Parish on the 23rd of July 1721; which two last mentioned collections

is to be taken out of the public collection when demanded by the petitioners.


Marriages 1700 – 1705

John Metcalf and Patience Porter were married November the 9th 1700

James Castles and Dorothy Cargin were married on the 3rd day of February 1701

William Lenee and Sarah Ely were married the 22nd of June 1702

Stephen Matchett and Margaret Kissick were married June the 25th 1702

James Macy and Margaret Byres were married June the 25th 1702

Mr Thomas Warren and Mrs Mary Blacker were married October the 24th 1702

James Pyper and Margaret McNeigh were married November the 24th 1702

David Fryar and Mary ThrelKat were married December 10th 1702

George Dixon and Anne Wilson were married 1702

Chas. Dawson and (omitted) Hewitt were married

William Magowan and Ann Metcalf were married

Samuel Matchett and Hanna Gage were married 1703

*(P. 115) Hiram Wilkinson and Barbara Bell were married February 10th 1703/4

Christopher Armstrong and Margaret Page were married May the 29th 1705

Alexander Ross and Jane Riccaby were married December the 4th 1705

John Campbell Clerk

Robert Harrison Churchwardens

Joe McKnight


SEAGOE MARRIAGES, 1706, 1707, 1708

(See note at the end of Page 73)


Marriages 1706

Francis McDowell & Jane Simpson both of this Parish were married in ye Parish

Church of Sego April ye 9th 1706.

Robert Conn of this Parish? & Christen McKitrick of Belfast Were married in ye

Parish Church of Sego Aprile ye 16th 1706.

John Campbell, Minister

Marriages in ye Parish of Sego in ye year 1707

Patrick Best of ye Parish of Tertarachine and Mary Turkinton of ye Parish of Sego

were married in the Parish Church of Sego on ye 15th day of April 1707.

John Mullons & Jane Greenway Were married about ye 16th day of December 1707

in ye Parish of Sego.

Marriages in 1708

Andrew Scott and Jane Crage both of this Parish were married in ye Parish Church

of Sego on ye 13th day of May 1708.

Anthony Pegg and Ann Page were married in ye Parish Church of Sego on the

27th day of October in ye year 1708.

George Clerk of ye Parish of Laughgall Sego and Elizabeth Anderson? of ye Parish

of Sego were married December …… 1708.

Mr William Robison and Miss Judith Mathers were married in the Parish of Sego

Saturday January ye 15th 1709 (see page 120)


2n Mr William Blacker Robinson in Page 130?

Judith Blacker was a communicant in 1717 (see page 225)

Marriage of Rev. Robert Stephenson to Judith Blacker in 1719 (see page 309)


Baptisms 1679-1710

Woolsey son of Richard Smurphett and Mary his wife baptized February ye 14th


Dorcas son of Ruth Webb born ye first day of March 1700

1710 Marriages

Woolsey Smurphett of ye Parish of Sego and Mary Slone of ye Parish of Donaclony

were married in ye Parish Church of Donaghloney February ye 14th in the 1709/10

the year of Christ

William Smurphett Ann Gibson were married February ye 16th 1709/10

(see page 120)


Baptism 1672-1689

John the son of Thomas Medcalfe baptized in or about the feast of All Parish in the

year of our Lord 1672

Dorothy the daughter of Anthony Medcalfe baptized 21st March 1677

Anthony the son of Anthony Medcalfe baptized ye twenty third day of November


John the son of Richard Greenway in the year of our Lord 1672

William the son of Richard Greenway baptized at May in the year of our Lord 1677

Richard the son of Richard Greenway baptized at May 1680

and George the son of Richardson baptised ye 9th of May 1683

John the son of Matthew Martin baptized 11th of April 1674

William the son of Matthew Martin baptised 29th October 1676

William Matthers and Elizabeth Hall married the 28th October 1676

Friswood the daughter of William Mathers baptized September ye 3rd 1677

Ann the daughter of said William baptised ye 14th January 1678

Wolsey the son of the said William baptised ye 16th day of June 1680

Margaret the daughter of said William baptised ye 5th February 1681?

Howan the son of the said William baptized ye 16th day of January 1683

William the son of the said William baptized ye 28th day of July 1685

Elizabeth the daughter of said William baptized ye first day of May 1687

Benjamine the son of John Wilson baptized ye 16 May 1675

John the son of John Wilson baptized November 11th 1677

George the son of John Wilson baptized ye 10th day of July 1680

William the son of John Wilson baptized May 22nd 1680

Judith the daughter of John Wilson baptized March 19th 1680

Memorandum ye Robert son of William and Ann was baptized January 30th 1680 and

Francis son of William and Ann Grayson was baptized December 2nd 1689 and being

baptized at Shankill and Eglish and there through belonging to the Parish of Sego.



Jane the daughter of Thomas Trimble baptised February the 10th day of March 1679

Mary the daughter of Thomas Trimble baptised February the 19th 1681

William the son of Thomas Trimble baptised on the 7th day of July 1685

George the son of Edward Calvert

John the son of Mr William and Mrs Elizabeth Mathers baptised about the 14th of

November 1688/89 (1688) Godfathers Mr John Campbell and Mr John Mathers,

Godmother Mrs Judith Mathers

Wolsey the son of Mr William and Elizabeth Mathers baptised the 10th of November

1691 Godfathers Mr Edward Tyler and Mr Francis Mathers; Godmothers Elizabeth

Connor and Margaret Wilson

Francis the son of William and Elizabeth Mathers baptised the 10th of May 1693

being six days old Godfathers Richard Simmons Junior and Robert Wilson;

Godmothers Mrs Isabell Workman and Elizabeth Mathers


Mary the daughter of Thomas Bell was buried February the 2nd 1704/5 (1705).


Baptisms1690, 1691

James Marshall son of John and Jane Marshall baptised April the 27th 1690;

godfathers Thomas Bloar and William Harwood; Godmothers Margery Flanagan and

Mary Flanagan

William Workman son of Ruth was baptised April the 24th 1690 Godfathers Mr

Thomas Clark Senior and Mr William Mathers; godmothers Mrs Rose ?bbing and

Mrs Sarah Jones

Margaret Mulholland daughter of Daniel and Anne Mulholland baptised May the

25th 1690; godfather John Hall; Godmothers Mary Campbell and Mary Allen.

George the son of Edward Calvert baptised the 5th of October 1690; Alex Wiley and

William Arnel Godfathers; Margaret Thompson and Mary Hetherington Godmothers

Jane the daughter of George Calvert baptised the 28th of September 90; Charles

Wiley and Edward Calvert Godfathers; Mary Wiley and Mary Lester Godmothers


Jane Greenway daughter of John and Anne Greenway was baptised December the

21st 1690; Godfathers Francis Greenway and John Sneddon; Godmothers Phyllis

Sneddon and Jane Milcroft

John Russell a still child baptised with private baptism January 17th 1691

Jane Hoy daughter of Robert and Mary Hoy baptised February the 1st 1690;

Godfathers John Gibson and John Potts; Margaret Potts and Mary Campbell


William son of William and Mary Potts baptised Sunday the 8th of February 1691;

Godfathers William Kellim and John Potts; Godmothers Mary Kellim and Margaret


Anthony son of Thomas and Judith Pegg baptised February the 15th 1691;

Godfathers James Bamber and James Hall; Godmother Elizabeth Bamber

Elizabeth daughter of Henry and Katherine Porter baptised Sunday the 15th of

February 1690/91; John Greenway Godfather; Elizabeth Ramsay and Elizabeth

Greenway Godmothers

Margery daughter of Thomas and Joan Brown baptised February 24th 1690; Thomas

Rollinson Godfather; Jane Davison and Jane Armstrong Godmothers

Margaret daughter of Mr Richard and Mrs Anne Simmons baptised before February

1690/91 Mr Richard Simmons Senior and Mr John Mathers Godfathers; Mrs Mary

Dynes and Mrs Elizabeth Mathers Godmothers.


Baptisms 1682 – 1685

Mary the daughter of John Bradshaw baptised the 3rd of September 1682

Mary the daughter of Thomas Gilpin baptised the 3rd of September 1682

William the son of George Emberson baptised the 22nd of October 1682

John James and Sarah the children of Robert Chambers baptised on Trinity Sunday


Mary the daughter of James Rowlands baptised the 21st day of January 1682

John the son of Elizabeth Mercer baptised the 8th of April 1683

Elizabeth the daughter of Matthew Martin baptised the 1st of March 1682

James the son of Stephen Matchett baptised 9th April 1683

William the son of John Mathews born the 17th day of August 1680 and baptised

within 8 days thereafter

Judith with the daughter of John Mathews born the 17th day of November 1682 and

baptised 8 days thereafter.

Ann the daughter of Anthony Medcalfe baptised the 18th day of February 1684

Elizabeth the daughter of Richard Greenway baptised on ??? day May 1685


Baptisms 1683-1686

George the son of William Potter baptised the 29th of July 1683

Thomas the son of Matthew Martin baptised the 15th July 1685

William the son of William Robb baptised the 15th Sept 1686

William the son of Hxa? Jones baptised the 5th Sept 1686

Elizabeth the daughter of John (omitted) baptised the 5th Sept 1686





Baptisms 1692-1705

Elizabeth daughter of John and Isabel Potts baptised Wednesday the 30th of March

1692. John Green was Godfather, Jane Gibson and Margaret Gill Godmothers

Margaret daughter of Newer Glassels and Elizabeth Glassels baptised Sunday the

24th of April 1692

Prudens Daughter of Jonathan and Anne Berry baptised the 24th of April 1692

William son of David and Mary Murray baptised June the 6th 1692. Godfather Bryan

O’ Murgan and (omitted) Wilson. Godmothers Margaret and Eliz Rye.

Ormonell Daughter of Thomas Bethel baptised June 10th 1692 out of Drumcree


James son of George and Mary Bell baptised in the Parish Church of Sego, June the

12th 1692, Sunday.

Jane daughter of Peter and Mary Bullock baptised in the Parish Church of Sego

Sunday the 19th of June 1692

Anthony and John sons of Anthony and Jane Medpalph baptised November the

4th 1705


Baptisms 1692

Arthur Son of James and Margery Walker baptised privately Thursday 20th of

October 1692

Anne daughter of John and Mary Scofield of Cranagh baptised Sunday the 23rd of

October 1692

George son of Edwards and Calvert baptised Tuesday the 25th of October 1692

Francy son of Mr Roger and Mrs Sarah Sleer? baptised October the 29th 1692

John Wilson son of Ralph and Mary Wilson baptised Sunday the 6th of November


Katherine daughter of Neal and Hannah? Murphy baptised Sunday the 6th of

November 1692. John Greenway junior Godfather

Mary daughter of Walter and Jane Brown baptised Sunday the 13th of November


John the son of Mr Francy and Mrs Elizabeth Mathers baptised Monday the 20th of

November 1692. Godfather Mr John Campbell and Mr John Mathers. Godmother

Mrs Elizabeth Mathers and Mrs Elizabeth Wilson

Two living Children of Robert and Jane Friar baptised privately December 3rd 1692 a

third having died the night before.


Baptisms 1692-1696

Margaret daughter of David and Margaret Betty Baptised Sunday December the

25th 1692

Richard son of John and Anne Dynes baptised Sunday the 1st of January 1692/3

Anne daughter of Richard and Anne Timmons baptised Sunday the 26th of February


Elizabeth the daughter of William Flemming and Anne his wife baptised Wednesday

the 14th of October 1696

[registered again on page 100]


Baptisms 1692

Anne daughter of Seph and Elizabeth Harris baptized Sunday (omitted) of July 1693

Judith daughter of William and Dorothy Waite baptized Sunday 30th of July 1693

John son of George Potts and Ann his wife baptized Monday 31st July 1693

John Greenway Junior and William Trotter Godfathers Hanna Marshall and Mary

Pellam Godmothers

Ann daughter of the same George Potts and Ann his wife baptized Saturday the 5th

August 1693; Archibald Hamilton Junior Godfather Anne Branton and Jane Bennet


James the son of John Bradshaw and Helene his wife baptized November the 26th






Elizabeth the daughter of George and Martha Calvert his wife baptized November

the 26th 1693


Baptism 1693, 1694

Frances daughter of James and Frances Toulerton baptised September the

30th 1693

Elijah son of Thomas Pegg baptised in the Parish Church of Seagoe October the

29th 1693

Robert the son of Ralph and Mary Wilson baptised November the 6th 1693;

Godfathers Archibald Hamilton and John Faircloe; Godmother Anne Wilson

Robert son of Robert and Margaret Canavan baptised November the 23rd 1693;

Godfathers Thomas Fairclo and Edward Smurfet; Godmothers Mary Hall and Mary


Richard son of Thomas and Mary Smith baptised in the Parish Church of Seagoe

Sunday the 28th of January 1693/4

Henry son of Valentine and Frances Dynes baptised Sunday the 28th of January

1693/3; godfathers Mr Henry dynes and William Mathers; Godmother Mrs Ann


William son of James Walker and Margery his wife baptised in the Parish Church of

Seagoe Sunday the 11th of February 1693/4; John Binks and John Read Godfathers;

Mary Smurfet Godmother


Baptism 1694

Mary daughter of Robert Magill who lives beyond Armagh and Margaret Davy of

Lisburn was baptised Sunday the 25th of February 1693/4

Huan and John Wright, twins, the sons of Robert and Mary Wright were baptised the

27th of February 1693/4

David son of Thomas and Jane Macgnab was baptised in the Parish Church of

Seagoe Sunday the 25th of March 1694

Jane the daughter of Peter and Helene Bullock was baptised in the Parish Church of

Seagoe Sunday the first day of April 1694

James a sick child of James and Agnes Campbell, strangers of the Parish of

Moorkirk in Scotland was baptised privately Saturday the 28th of April 1694

Robert the son of Robert Miller and Elizabeth his wife was baptised Saturday the

19th of May 1694

William son to William Dixon and Martha his wife was baptised in the Parish Church

of Seagoe Sunday the 16th of June 94

Mary daughter to Thomas Williamson and Elizabeth his wife was baptised in the

Parish Church of Seagoe the 10th of June 94


Baptisms1687 – 1694

James son of Leonard Gage and Isabel his wife was baptised in the Parish Church

of Seagoe Sunday the 29th of July 1694

Elizabeth daughter of Mr Roger Sleer and Mrs Sarah Sleere was baptised the 30th of

July 1694

Elizabeth daughter of Timothy Applebye and Martha his wife was baptised in the

Parish Church of Seagoe Sunday the 5th of August 1694

William son of Richard and Mary Smurphet baptised December the 28th 1689

Robert son of Richard and Mary baptised April the 8th 1693

Thomas son of Mr William and Mrs Elizabeth Mathers ten years old in the year 1709


Baptisms1694, 1695

Jane the daughter of Gilbert and Giles McPheatrick was baptised the first day of

December 1694

Anne the daughter of John Potts was baptised in the Parish Church of Seagoe

Sunday the 2nd of December 1694

Robert Moore was baptised in the Parish Church of Seagoe Sunday the 2nd of

December 1694

Isaac and Robert, twins, the children of Thomas Thompson and Margaret his wife

were baptised Monday the 24th of December 1694

the son of Bryan Henry was baptised December 25th 94

Francis the son of William Beatty and Jane his wife was baptised Monday the

31st December 1694

Thomas son of George Simons and Mary his wife was baptised January the

1st 1694/5

Edward the son of Mr William and Mrs Elizabeth Mathers was baptised Wednesday

the 15th of January 1694/5

John the son of Mr John and Mrs Mary Mathers was baptised the 29th day of January

1694/5; Mr John Campbell and Mr Daniel Madden Godfathers and Mrs Elizabeth

Ryce and Mrs Elizabeth Mathers Godmothers



Thomas the son of William Ramsay and Elizabeth his wife was baptized the 31st day

of January 1694/5

Mary the daughter of Elizabeth Trotter widow and her husband Christopher Trotter

deceased was baptized Sunday the third of February 1694/5

John the son of John Bradshaw and Helene his wife was baptized Saturday the

16th of March 1694/5

James the son of James Turkinton and Mary his wife was baptized March the

31st 1695 in the Parish Church of Sego

Mary the daughter of Patrick Gilespy and Isabel his wife was baptized in the Parish

Church of Sego March the 31st 1695

John the son of Mr Valentine Dynes and Frances his wife was baptized in the Parish

Church of Sego Sunday the 7th of Aprile 1695

Isabel daughter of Andrew Scott and Jane his wife was baptized the 22nd day of

Aprile 1695

Daughter of Jonathan Berry and Anne his wife was baptized the 25th of Aprile 1695

Elizabeth the daughter of George Tombs? and Margaret his wife was baptized the

1st of May 1695 [see p.25]

Srigwood the daughter of Edward Alley and his wife was baptized in the Parish

Church of Sego 5th day of May 1695

George the son of George Whaley and his wife was baptized Tuesday the 28th of

May 1695

Lattuce The daughter of Mr George & Mrs Margaret Black his wife was baptized

Sunday the 14th of July 1695 Mr Wm Mathers godfather, Mrs Jane Blacker & Mrs

May zel? Pierce godmothers

John the son of Mr Matthew Warring and Elizabeth his wife was baptized Sunday the

28th of July 1695, Mr Meredith & Timothy Bullock godfathers, Mrs Anne Mathers and

Mrs Wilson godmothers


Baptisms 1695 1696

William the son of Mr Henry Dynes & Anne his wife was baptized Sunday the 11th of

August 1695, Mr Wm Mathers & Mr George Blacker godfathers & Mrs Mary Mathers


…of Henry Porter

John the son of Richard & Anne Timmons was baptized Thursday the 26th day of

October 1695

James the son of Mr Roger Greer? & Mrs Sarah Greer? his wife was baptized the

21st of October 1695

Nicolas the son of Henry & Anne Porter was baptized June the 28th 1695

Thomas the son of John Dynes and Elizabeth his wife was baptized the 5th of

December 1695

Thomas the son of John Farclo and Anne his wife was baptized November the

17th 1695

James the son of John Hutchison & Elizabeth his wife was baptized the 14th of

December 1695

Dec 14 1695 William Frizell married to Margaret Maclowyan [McElwaine]

Dec 19 1695 Wm Fleming? married to Anne Symonds? [Reg before: see page 32]

Dec 24 1695 John son of Grant Dynes baptized [Reg before see page 35]

Jan 11 1696 Robt son of Robert Hoy? baptized

Jan 15 1696 Martha daughter of James & Frances Towlerton baptized

Jan 16 Henry &? Mary Black child? baptized

Jan 30 Ed. Hudson (&) Elizabeth Roy Married

Feb 16 Robt son of Thomas & Margaret Thompson baptized

Feb 16 Rose daughter of Thos & Elinor Pressick baptized

Feb 20 Mary daughter of Ralph & Mary Wilson baptized

March 8 George son of Timothy & Mary Bullock baptized

Aprile 6 son of John & Bullock was baptized


Baptisms 1696

John the son of Robert Rogers was baptised May 22nd 1696

May the 4th Margery the daughter of …….. granddaughter of William Fell was

baptised 1696

James the son of James Walker and Margery his wife was baptised in the Parish

Church of Sego Thursday the 11th of June 1696

……….. of James McWhitteret was baptised June 1696

Margaret the daughter of Robert Wright and Mary his wife was baptised Sunday the

5th of July 1696

Mary the daughter of Peter Harlen and Mary his wife was baptised Monday the

29th of June 1696

Robert the son of David Murray Mary was baptised the ... day of July 1696

James the son of James Humbler and Mary his wife was baptised Sunday the 19th of

July 1696

Jane the daughter of William Frizzell and Margaret his wife was baptised Sunday the

26th of July 1696

Winnifred the daughter of Thomas Pegg and Judith his wife was baptised Sunday

the 9th of August 1696

William the son of John Coulter and Mary his wife was baptised Sunday the 16th of

August 1696

John the son of John Smith and Mary Smith was baptised Sunday the 23rd of August



Baptisms 1696, 1697

Valentine the son of Valentine Dynes and Frances his wife was baptised the 30th of

August 1696

Thomas the son of Humphrey and Mary Roper was baptised ….. and of ??? 1696

William the son of William and Mary Fryer was baptised September ye 6th 1696

Mary the daughter of Henry and Jane McGee was baptised Sunday the 13th of Sept


Anne the daughter of Richard and ….. Atkinson was baptised the 13th of Sept 1696

Elizabeth the daughter of David and Margarit Williamson was baptised Sept

13th 1696

Stroked out entry with note already registered on page 90

Elizabeth daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Harris Was baptised October 25th 1696

Eliz: daughter of Collhorn? and Elinar Cuningham was baptised Nov 08 1696

Henry son of Robert Spence and Mary his wife was baptised Nov 8th 1696

William son of John and Dorothy Wright was baptised Nov. ye 14th 1696


Mary daughter of William and ….. Croighton Was baptised Jan the 17th 1696

Anne the daughter of William and Martha Dixon was baptised Jan 18th 1696/7

Elizabeth the daughter of Anne and Joh Greenway was baptised Feb 29th 1696/7

Richard son of Richard and Anne Cymmonds? was baptised Feb 29th 1696/7

Robert son of William and Anne Wilson baptised the 6th of March 1696/7

William son of John and Mary Mathers was baptised Sunday March the 7th 1696/7


Baptisms 1697

John son of Constantine and M Ginny was baptised Sunday March 14th 1696/7

Edward son of Henry Edewared and Grace Carvill was baptised 14th of March


Thomas son of John and Letitia Bradshaw was baptised March 27th 1697

Mary daughter of John and Mary Abram was baptised on April the 11th 1697

John the son of John Whinny and Rachel his wife was baptised the 17th day of April


John the son of Jonathan Murray and Elizabeth his wife was baptised Wednesday

the 28th day of April 1697

John the son of John Prynks and Alice his wife was baptised Sunday the 2nd day of

May 1697

Elizabeth the daughter of William Robinson and Elizabeth his wife was baptised May

the 9th 1697

William the son of Richard Spencer and Mary his wife was baptised May 11 1697

Margaret the daughter of Mr Roger Sleer and Sarah his wife was baptised May

29th 1697

Sarah the daughter of Jon Nibblock and Frances his wife was baptised June the

13th 1697

Elizabeth the daughter of George Juice and Jane his wife was baptised Sunday the

13th of June 1697

Richard the son of Richard Matchet and Elizabeth his wife was baptised June

17th 1697


Baptisms 1697

George the son of Francis and Selene Greenway his wife was baptised Sunday the

20th of June 1697

John the son of Richard Bains and Hanna his wife was baptised Sunday June the

27th 1697

Margaret the daughter of Laughlin Doon [Downe: page 103] and Jane his wife was

baptised Sunday the 25th of July 1697

George the son of William Ramsay and Elizabeth his wife was baptised the 12th of

August 1697

The same day John the son of John Potts and Isabel his wife and Margery the

daughter of Bowland Barker and Mary his wife were baptised

Amy the daughter of George and Mary Tombs was baptised Sunday the 15th of

August 1697 [page 25]

Richard the son of Richard Cook deceased and Jane his wife was baptised Sunday

the 1st of October 1697

John the son of Edward Olly and Margaret his wife was baptised the 13th of October


William the son of Robert Hoy and Mary his wife was baptised October the 23rd 1697

Anne the daughter of Mr John Dynes and Anne his wife was baptised Oct 27th 1697

Guy? son of James Donay Junior was baptised the 28th Oct 1697

William the son of Neal Murphy and Ouna his wife was baptised the 22nd of

November 1697


Baptisms 1699

Mary daughter of John Bradshaw and Jane his wife baptised May 17th 1699

Oliver son of John and Jane Russell? Baptised May 3rd 1699

Martha daughter of William and Martha Dixon baptised May 11th 1699

Joseph son of Jonathan Murry and Eliz baptised May 13th 1699

Meridith son of Edward Hudson and Eliz baptised May 15th

Margaret daughter of Robert and Anne Ross baptised June 18th

Anne daughter of Charles and Mary Dillon baptised June 6th 1699

James son of Patrick and Isbell Gillespy baptised June 6th 1699

Thomas son of Thomas and Judith Pegg baptised August

Mary daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Workman baptised August of 1699

Anne daughter of Francis and Eliz Greenway baptised August 20th 1699

John son of John and Mary Abram baptised August 13th 1699

Unnamed child of Edward and Mary McKenna baptised 20

Henry son of Richard Timmins And Anne his wife was baptised

Margaret daughter of Andrew Haddock was baptised August 17th 1699

Unnamed child [daughter stroked out] of John and Anne Dynes was baptised August


John son of Manafret Craford and Anne his wife was baptised September 30th

Ann daughter of John Niblock and (omitted) his wife was baptised October 1st 1699

Sarah daughter of William Freer and Mary his wife was baptised October 14th 1699

Arthur son of Valentine Dines and Frances his wife was baptised October 15th 1699

John the son of John Fairclo and Anne his wife was baptised October 22nd 1699

Helene the daughter of John Greenway junior and (omitted) his wife was baptised

October ?

Henry son of Meredith Dynes and Margaret his wife was baptised December

10th 1699


Baptisms 1699, 1700

Mrs Anne Symons was Churched August 6th 1699

Mrs Eliz workman was Churched September 10th 1699

Mrs Anne Dynes was Churched September 17th 1699

Ann daughter of William and Ann Grayson was baptised on the 20th of February

1699/1700 [reg again 4th line below]

John the son of James Toulerton and Frances his wife was baptised January

6th 1699

Thomas the son of Thomas Garlick and Deborah his wife was baptised sojourners

from England was baptised February 11th 1699 [registered again page 107]

Ann daughter of Mr John Grayson was baptised in Shankill February 20th 1699/1700

Ruth daughter of Robert Black and Ruth his wife was baptised March the

15th 1699/1700

John the son of Edward Rylans and Rose his wife was baptised March the

17th 1699/1700

Edward the son of (omitted) Mackordy and Margaret his wife was baptised March

17th 1699/1700

John the son of James McDonald and Margaret his wife was baptised March the

24th 1699/1700


Baptisms 1699-1700

Margaret the daughter of Robert Allen and Jane his wife was baptised Sunday 17th

of December 1699

John son of John Pots? and Isabel his wife was baptised Sunday the 5th of May


Thomas son of Robert and Mary Spence was baptised august ye 1st

William son of John and Alice Binkes was baptised July 21st 1700

Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Thomison and Margaret his wife was baptised

October ye 3rd 1700

Mary daughter of Nieihe? Murphy and Una his wife was baptised August ye 8th 1700

Elizabeth daughter of John Wilson was baptised

John son of John Robert Hoy and Mary his wife was baptised October 19th 1700

William ye son of Thomas ?insley and Elizabeth his wife was baptised October ye

20th 1700

Robert son of Robert Dilesed? and Anne his wife was baptised October ye 21st 1700

Elizabeth daughter of Oliver Turkington and (omitted) his wife was baptised October

ye 23rd 1700

Ralph son of Ralph Wilson and Mary his wife was baptised November ye 3rd 1700

Thomas son of Thomas Garlick deceased and Deborah his wife was baptised (see

page 106) 1700 (Registered before)

William son of Meredith Dynes and Margaret his wife baptised November ye 15th



Baptisms 1700-1701

Mary Daughter of John Whiny and Rachel his wife was baptised October ye 14th


Thomas son of Robert Frire and Margaret his wife was baptised January ye 11th


Susanna daughter of Thomas Niblock and Elizabeth his wife was baptised January

ye 25th 1701

Esther and Lettice daughters of Simon Huet and Alice his wife were baptised

February ye 4th 1700

Dorkas daughter of Thomas Workman and Elizabeth his wife was baptised March ye

8th 1700

James son of John McConnell and Mary his wife was baptised April ye 2nd 1701

John son of John McConnell and Mary his wife was baptised April ye 8th 1701

Mary daughter of Robert Bullock and Sarah his wife was baptised April ye 16th 1701

Daughter of Thomas Browne and (omitted) his wife was baptised February ye 6th


Elizabeth daughter of William Sumner and Jane his wife was baptised February ye

16th 1701

Susanna daughter of John Pierson and Katharin his wife was baptised April ye 22nd


Richard son of John Chamberlaine and Dorothy his wife was baptised May ye 28th



Baptism 1701

William son of Mr Roger Sleer and Sara his wife was baptised April the 25th 1701

Edward the son of Thomas Stephenson and Dorothy his wife was baptised April 18th


Elizabeth daughter of William Bullick and Mary his wife was baptised in the Parish

Church of Seagoe Sunday the 27th of April 1701

Edward the son of Thomas Stephenson and Dorothy his wife dowager was baptised

April 28th 1701

Mary the daughter of John Reed and Mary his wife was baptised Sunday the 8th of

June 1701

John son of Thomas Kerin and Margaret his wife was baptised June the 13th 1701

Richard son of Richard Simmons and Ann his wife baptised

Francis son of Thomas and Ellen Greenway was baptised on the 6th of July 1701

Rose daughter of Timothy Appleby and Martha his wife was baptised July the

6th 1701

Richard son of Richard Matchett and Elizabeth his wife baptised July the 28th 1701

Mary daughter of Meredith Jones and Margaret his wife was baptised August the

2nd 1701

Mary daughter of William and Martha Dixon was baptised August ye 21st 1701

Anne daughter of John Wilson and Mary his wife was baptised August the 13th 1701

Jane daughter of John Wright and Dorothy his wife was baptised September the

12th 1701

Jane the daughter of Henry McGee and Jane his wife was baptised September the

14th 1701

Anne daughter of John Cole and Sarah his wife baptised October 14 1701 (see page



Baptism 1701-1702

Elizabeth daughter of John Chambers and Frances his wife was baptised September

the 17th 1701

George the son of Meredith Wilson and Margaret his wife was baptised Sunday the

28th of September 1701

Anne daughter of John Cole and Sarah his wife was baptised on 14th of October


Richard son of Thomas Thompson and Margaret his wife was baptised October

19th 1701

Ann daughter of John Metcalf and Isabel his wife was baptised October the

19th 1701

Dorothy daughter of John Mills and Barbara his wife baptised November 9th 1701

Sarah daughter of Richard Simmons and Ann his wife baptised November 15th 1701

Sara daughter of Thomas Dillon and Mary his wife was baptised December

25th 1701

Elizabeth daughter of John Niblock and Frances his wife baptised December

29th 1701

George son of John Bradshaw and Ellen his wife was baptised December the

29th 1701

Elizabeth daughter of James Swan and Anne his wife was baptised on January the

11th 1701/2

John and Thomas sons of Thomas Carrick and Sara his wife was baptised January

the 23rd 1701/2

Anthony son of John Metcalf and Patricia his wife was baptised January the

24th 1701/2

Frances daughter of Robert Dale and Margaret his wife was baptised January

25th 1701/2

John son of James Balmer and his wife Elizabeth baptised January 29th 1701/2

James son of James McDonald and Margaret his wife baptised January 31st 1701/2


Baptisms 1702

Grizel the daughter of Thomas Byars and Mary his wife was baptised March

9th 1701/2

Judith daughter of John and Anne Hearthlo was baptised March 17th 1701/2 [Heartlow

:?.h.41. no4]

Robert son of Thomas and Judith Bogg was baptised March 19th 1701/2

Margaret daughter of Edward Macenzey and Prudence his wife was baptised April

14 1702

Margaret daughter of Mark Maclune and Margaret his wife was baptised May 11


Alice the daughter of Bowlan Barker and Mary his wife was baptised Sunday the 21

of May 1702

Ambrose the son of Richard Bains and Martha his wife was baptised May the

11th 1702

Prudens daughter of William Lepher and Prudens his wife was baptised May

27th 1702

Thomas the son of Mr John Mathers and Mary his wife was baptised May 29th 1702

Elizabeth daughter of Robert Haughey and Margaret his wife was baptised May

29th 1702

Anne daughter of Thomas Thornburgh and Mary his wife was baptised June

16th 1702

Jane daughter of Thomas Blore and Anne his wife was baptised July 3rd 1702

Anne daughter of William Bullock and Mary his wife was baptised July 16th 1702

Margaret daughter of Robert Bullock and Sarah his wife was baptised July 12 1702

Mary daughter of Robert Best and Margaret his wife was baptised July the 19th 1702

Mary daughter of Ralph Heelam and Selene his wife was baptised privately July

21st 1702

Sarah daughter of Thomas Pressict and Elenor his wife was baptised August the

9th 1702

Jane daughter of Alexander McDowel and Margaret his wife was baptised privately


John son of David Williamson and Margaret his wife was baptised August 26th 1702

Mary daughter of Henry Black and Elizabeth is wife was baptised …..

Margaret daughter of Jeremiah Ramsay and Elizabeth is wife was baptised

September 5th

John son of Alexander McDowel and Margaret his wife was baptised September 7th

John Campbell, Vicar of Sego

John Mathers

Thomas Workman


Christenings in the year 1702, 1703

Hugh Son of William Robinson and Elizabeth his wife was baptised Sunday the 20th

of September 1702

Martha daughter of Robert Freere and Margaret his wife was baptised Sunday the

25th of October 1702

Mary the daughter of Henry Turfeto and Susanna his wife was baptised Sunday the

25th of October 1702

James the son of John Davies and Helene his wife was baptised March the

9th 1702/3

Thomas the son of John Chamberlane and Dorothy his wife was baptised March

29th 1703 [Registered again p.114]

Thomas the son of Ralph Wilson and Mary his wife was baptised April 1st 1703

Catherin the daughter of Richard Wilson and Jane his wife was baptised? April 1703

Francis the son of Mr John Mathers and Mary his wife was baptised April 5th 1703

Elizabeth the daughter of Jonathan Murray and Elizabeth his wife was baptised

September 25th 1702

Mary the daughter of Joh Fryar and Helen his wife was baptised October 11the 1702

William the son of Joseph Atkinson and Letitia his wife was baptised October

28th 1702

William the son of John Rocastle and Elizabeth his wife was baptised November the

19th 1702

John the son of Valentine Dynes and Frances his wife was baptised November

19th 1702

Michael the son of Francis Carries and Mary his wife was baptised December

29th 1702

Margaret the daughter of Mr Roger Steer and Sarah his wife was baptised January

6th 1702/3

George the son of John Potts and Isabel his wife was baptised January 19th

Meredith son of Thomas Workman and Elizabeth his wife was baptised January

20th 1702

John Campbell Vicar of Sego

John Mathers

Thomas Workman


Baptisms 1703

Merideth the son of Merideth Dynes and Mary his wife was baptised

January the 24th 1703

Elizabeth daughter of James Ellis and Sarah his wife was baptised

January the 26th 1703

Sarah daughter of Loughlin Down and Jane his wife was baptised Jan 31st 1703

Richard the son of George Tooms and Margaret his wife was baptised

February the 3rd 1703 (page 25)

John Campbell vicar of Sego

John Matreise Churchwarden

Thomas Hinkman Churchwarden


Baptisms 1703, 1704

Thomas son of John Chamberlan and three other persons mentioned

112 were baptised 1703 (see page 112)

Janes daughter of William Lervy and Jane his wife was baptised April ye 18th


John son of John Midcast? and Patience his wife was baptised April

the 20th 1703

William son of Thomas Pattison and Christian his wife was baptised May

ye 2nd 1703

Ann Jones the daughter of Merede Jones and Margaret his wife was baptised may

ye 6th 1703

John Coulter the son of John Coulter and Mary his wife was baptised may ye 8th


William son of Francis Greenway and (omitted) his wife was baptised June ye 2nd

1703 Anthony Metcalf Junior and John Greenway Junior Godfathers and

Gibson Godmother

John son of Andrew Wilson and Jane his wife now a widow was baptised June ye

27th ....and Godfather and Godmother

John son of John Wright and Dorothy his wife was baptised July ye 18th 1703

Elizabeth daughter of John Woolsey and Ann his wife was baptised September ye

7th 1703

Margaret daughter of John Metcalf and Isabel his wife was baptised September ye

12th 1703

Elizabeth daughter of John Mills and Barbara his wife was baptised October ye 3rd


Elizabeth the daughter of Henry Magee and Janes his wife was baptised October ye

23rd 1703

Bartholomew the son of John Bynks and Alice his wife was baptised the same

October ye 23rd 1703

John Magowan the son of William Magowan and Ann his wife was baptised

November 28th 1703

Mary Matchett the daughter of Stephen Matchett and Margaret his wife was baptised

Jan ye 9th 1704

John Gray the son of Charles Gray and Sarah his wife was baptised Jan 19th 1704

Hugh Pew the son of John Pew and Elizabeth his wife was baptised Jan 24th 1704

Ann Rilens (Rylands) the daughter of Robert Rilens and Elizabeth his wife was

baptised Jan (10th?) 1704

James Matchett the son of Richard Matchett and Elizabeth????

Anthony Metcalf wife was baptised 10th of March 1704

John Campbell Minister


Baptisms 1704, 1705

James Davish the son of John Davish and Madison his wife was baptized March

16th 1704.

Ann Midcalfe the daughter of Anthony Medcalfe junior and Jean his wife was

baptized March 18th 1704.

John Saywell the son of …. Saywell and Eliz. his wife was baptised March 24th 1704.


Margaret the daughter of John Blore & Ann his wife was baptised April 2… 1704

Ann Wilson the daughter of Meredeth Wilson & Margaret his wife was baptised April

9th 1704.

Glorie the daughter of George Rogers & Margaret his wife was baptised April 13th

Patrick Greacey of the Parish of Macheralin and Jane Deveson of Parish of Seago

was maryed in the Parish Church of Seago February 8th 1704.

John Campbell Min. by Midcast ???????

Alexander Bell & Eliz. Lutherzen married June 8th 1704.

Burials 1704

Anthony Mettcalf was buried December the 27th 1704

Huan son of Merideth Dines and Margaret his wife was buried July

Mary daughter of Thomas Belley was buried February 2nd 1704

(Jane son of Henery Magee buried …. November ye 4th 1704) [Registered before see



Baptisms 1704

William the son of Neal McCourt and Mary his wife was baptised May the 20th 1704.

James Balmer & Elizabeth his wife had a son baptised 14 of July 1704.

Ralph the son of Mr John Dynes & Anne his wife was baptised July 8th 1704.

James the son of Henry Black & Elizabeth his wife was baptised July 16th

Grace the daughter of James Millar & Margaret his wife was baptised July 19th 1704.

Elizabeth daughter of John Dixon & Anne his wife was baptised Aug 5th 1704.

John son of John Shewel was baptised April the 2nd 1704.

Richard son of James Balmer and Eliz. His wife baptised July 6th 1704

Thomas son of John Abraham was baptised November ?? …1704

Judeith daughter of John Coulter & Mary his wife was baptised November 1704

Hanna daughter of Mr Thomas workman and Elizabeth his wife was baptised July

the 16th 1704

Alice daughter of Thomas Torsaith and Abigail his wife was baptised July the

16th 1704

Huan son of Meredith Dines and Margaret his wife was baptized July 30th 1704

Elenor daughter of George & Margaret Rodgers was baptised April the 13th 1704

Mary daughter of Robert & Mary Huas (Hughes) was baptised April 27th 1704

Robert son of John and Elenor Wilson was baptised May 26th 1704

Eliz. Daughter of Thomas & Mary Samson baptised June 3rd 1704

Mary daughter of Jonathon and Eliz. Murray baptized June 10th 1704

Mary daughter of Robert & Sarah Bullock was baptized June 20th 1704

Mary daughter of John & Elener Russell was baptized Feb. 10th 1704

Elener daughter of Francis & Elener Greenaway 9th of March 1704

John son of Frances & Mary Carrick was baptised March 10th 1704

Sarah daughter of Valentine & Lily Harrison baptized March 22nd 1704

Patrick son of Dines Higgan was baptized March 25th 1704

Ann daughter of Robert and Margaret Greer baptized Feb. 21 1704

Ann daughter of Thomas Pegg was baptized March 3rd 1704


Baptisms 1704

Mary daughter of Robert Wright and Mary was buried March 15 1704

John the son of William Lester and Prudens was baptised April 2nd 1704


Baptisms 1705

Ann daughter of Robert Frier and Margaret was baptised February ye 21st 1705

Ann daughter of Thomas Pegg was baptised March 3rd 1705

John son of Francis Carrick and Mary was baptised March 10th 1705

Alice daughter of James Hambelton and Ann Porter was baptised October the

18th day 1705

Marriages in the year 1717

Robert Mullican and Eliz Duck both of this Parish were married April 27th 1717

Henry Carter and Elizabeth Kenningham were married May 6th

William McMurrey and Anne McClune were married in the Parish Church of Lylo May

23rd 1717

John Dillon and Mary Dyer were married Oct 24th 1717

Henry Dillon and Dorothy Redford were married Nov 27th 1717

John Campbell, Min

James McMorran, Church

Henry Wayte, Wardens

Marriages in the Year 1718

Thomas Mathers and Rose Mathers were married April 14th 1718

William Brown and Mary Hollyday were married the 11th day of August 1718

Thomas Bunten and Anne Robb were married August the 21st 1718

James Hagan and Elizabeth Millar were married August 21st 1718


Marriages 1718

William Pearson and Jane Richey were married the 28th day of August 1718

Stephen Tomlinson and Ketherine Gauly Were married the 23 of Oct 1718

Thomas Brown of the Parish of Ahaderg Loughbrickland and Mary Fryers of this

Parish were married the 30th day of October 1718

John Trotter and Esther Beatty were married November the 29th 1718

Marriages 1719

John Stuart, and Margaret Howcroft were married January ye 19th 1719

Robert Smurphet and Anne Henderson were married February ye 10th 1719

[see page 309]

John Campbell, Min

George Dickson Church Warden

John Nowill Church Warden


Marriages solemnified in ye year 1708

Between Anthony Pegge and Ann Page in ye Parish of the Church of Sego on the

27th day of October 1708

Between Andrew Scott and Jane Crage August the 13th 1708

Between George Clerk of ye Parish of Lougaul and Elizabeth Anderson of ye Parish

of Segoe December ye 2nd 1708

Between Mr William Robison? and Mrs? Judith Mathers January ye 16th 1708

Between Mr William Addy of ye Parish of Shankel and Miss Elizabeth Campbell of ye

Parish of Dromore in ye Parish Church of Sego March ye 8th 1708

John Campbell, Minister

Richard Smurphitt Church Warden

John Geary Church Warden


John Leviston of ye Parish of Tullylush and Mary Woodcraft married in ye Parish

Church of Sego on ye 21st day of September 1709

Isaac Walker of ye Parish of Killmore and Elizabeth Toulerton of ye Parish of Sego

were married in the year 1709 January ye 26th

John Campbell, Minister of Sego

Pat Chambers Church Warden

James Caucer Church Warden


Marriages in the Year 1714 in the Parish Church of Sego

Thomas Brown and Mary Trotter married Jan 14th 1714

John Gill and Mary Potts married April the 8th 1714

John Campbell, Minister

Thomas Pressick Church

William Bullock Wardens

Marriages in the year 1714

Jacob Hart of the Parish of Drumcree and Mary Nixon of this Parish married May 20


Francis Greasson and Rose Marsden married June the 8th 1714

James McKenny and Isabel Stewart married August 17th 1714

Josias? Gadder and Rachael Whinney were married on Tuesday the 9th of

November 1714

1715 Mr William Mathers and Letice Blacker were married upon Sunday March

8th 1715 (see page 97)

John Campbell, Minister

John Tusher? Junior Churchwardens

John Davis


Marriages in the Year 1715


William Bradshaw and Mary Niblock both of the Parish were married in the Parish

Church of Sego October 6th 1715

John McIlhone and Jane Lowdon were married in the Parish Church of Sego

November the 17th 1715


John Bunting of the Parish of Ballinderry and Lettice Morris of this Parish were

married in the Parish Church of Sego January 28 1716

James Harcroft of the Parish of Drumcree and Margaret Matchet of this Parish were

married in the Parish Church of Sego on the second day of February 1716

William Robinson and Rose Dynes were married Feb 8th 1716

James Rusell of the Parish of Drumcree and Jane Fryer of this Parish were married

February 11th 1716

Marriages in the year 1717 in the Parish of Sego

George Humfry and Sarah Turkington both of this Parish were married February

26th 1717

Samuel Brown and Eliza McKnab both of this Parish were married March 3rd 1717

John Campbell, Minister


Burials in the Year 1708

Alice Binks buried the 3rd Day of January 1708

Thomas Dawson was buried the 16th day of March 1708

Henry son of Mr Richard Timmons, Ann his wife buried April 11th 1708

Mr Thomas Workman was buried June 16th 1708

Richard son of James Bonner and Eliz his wife buried July the 27th 1708

Elizabeth daughter of the said James and Eliz buried August the 2nd 1708

John Croft was buried September the 8th 1708

Joseph son of John Wilson and Eliz. his wife, was buried 22nd of October

William son of Mrs Eliz Workman buried November 25th 1708

George son of John and Alice Binks buried November 26th 1708

Margaret Trotter was buried November 27th 1708

Margaret daughter of Mr Meridith and Margaret Dynes was buried January 3rd 1709

Henry son of the said Meridith and Margaret buried the December 16th day 1708

Burials in the Year 1709

Alice Leaster was buried June the 14th 1709

Dorothy daughter of James and Eliz Bamber buried July the 7th 1709

Sarah daughter of Timothy Appleby was buried September the 11th 1709

Margaret Timmons buried about the 24th day of October

Mary daughter of Mr Richard and Ann Timmons buried December 4th

John Campbell, Minister

Pat Chambers, Church

James Caucer, Wardens


Marriages in the year 1710, 1711, 1712, 1713


John Robinson and Ann Trotter were married in the Parish Church of Seagoe April

the 13th 1710

Thomas Trotter and Mary Willson, both of the Parish, were married in the Parish

Church of Seagoe July 24th 1710

William Hunt of the Parish of Shankill and Ellinor Wilson of this Parish were married

in the Parish Church of Seagoe Monday the 16th of October in the year 1710


Thomas Titterington of the Parish of Shankill and Martha Turkington of Seagoe

Parish were married in the Parish Church of Seagoe on the 8th day of July in the year



Samuel Francis of the Parish of Drumcree and Judith Collings of the Parish of

Seagoe were married in the Parish Church of Seagoe on the 21st day of February in

the year 1711/12

Mr Leonard Cross and Mrs Elizabeth Mathers both of this Parish were married in the

Parish Church of Seagoe March the 4th 1711/12

John Campbell Minister

Richard Smurphfitt

John Sinclair Churchwardens

Marriages in the year 1712

John Bullock and Frances Sharply both of this Parish were married the 29th day of

April 1712

James Toulerton of this Parish and Rebecca Hall of the Parish of Tullelish (Tullylish)

were married in the Parish Church of Seagoe August 7th 1712

George Fryer and Ann Appleby were married in the Parish Church of Seagoe

November the 12th 1712


William Potts and Mary Hambelton married January 13th 1712/13

John Trotter and Ann Robison married January 13th 1712/13

John Campbell Minister;

Patrick Cost Churchwarden

John Stephenson Churchwarden



Henry Simonds of the Parish of Drumcree and Mary Corner of this Parish married

February 17th 1712/13

John Campbell Minister

Patrick Cost Churchwarden

John Stephenson Churchwarden by his mark


Burials in the year 1710


Dorcas daughter of Mrs Elizabeth Workman buried May 30th 1710

James Cole was buried Friday the 30th of June 1710

Joseph Atkinson was buried July the 17th 1710

Margaret McDowell buried August the 13th 1710

George the son of William Ramsay and Margaret his wife, an infant was buried

October 17th 1710


Ralph Wilson was buried January the 12th 1710/11

Jane Sinclair buried March the 4th 1710/11

Isabell Trotter buried March the 5th 1710/11

Samuel Herron buried November the 29th 1711

Ann Blair buried April the 16th 1712

John Campbell Minister

Richard Smurphfitt

John Sinclair Churchwardens

Ann Blair buried April 17th 1712

Richard Dynes the son of John Dynes was buried Wednesday the 23rd day of April


James Ely was buried Saturday the 26th day of April 1712

William Ramsey was buried Sunday April the 27th 1712

Margaret Stringer the wife of Thomas Stringer in the Parish of Kilmore was buried

Sunday the 15th of June 1712

Frances Lutton buried Monday August the 4th 1712

John Campbell Minister

Patrick Cost Churchwarden

John Stephenson by his mark


Christenings in the year 1709 in ye Parish of Sego

Mary daughter of John Donaly and Elizabeth his wife baptised June ye 20th

Jane daughter of William and Ann Magowen his wife baptised June ye 23rd

Richard son of Mr Mededith and Margaret Dynes baptised August ye 7th

Mary and June daughters of Pet. and Alice Simpson baptised August ye 30th

Will son of John and Mary Patten baptised October ye 12th

Margaret daughter of Andrew Macbride and his wife baptised November ye 2nd

Will son of John and Christian Maccann baptised November ye 4th

John son of John Wattson and Mary his wife baptised November ye 20th

Sarah daughter of Christopher and Margaret Armstrong and his wife baptised

November ye 2nd

James son of Valentine and Elizabeth Harrison baptised December ye 2nd

James son of James and Elizabeth Bomer baptised December ye 19th

Mary daughter of Alexander Hellin baptised December ye 19th

George son of George and Ellin Ramsey baptised January ye 6th 1710

Sarah daughter of John and Rose Perrey baptised January ye 9th

Thomas son of Robert Shepherd and his wife baptised February ye 20th

Rachel daughter of Anthony and Ann Pegg baptised March ye ?th

Margaret daughter of Meredith and Margaret Jones baptised March ye 18th

Will son of ?? baptised March ye 19th

Mary daughter of Alexander Ross and his wife baptised March ye 20th

John Campbell

Peter Chambers Churchwarden

James Ca????? Churchwarden


Baptisms 1710, 1711

John the son of George Rogers and Elizabeth his wife was baptised Sunday the

25th of June 1710

Elizabeth daughter to John Joans was baptised the 7th of December 1710

Jenny daughter to Woollsy Smurphett was baptised the 12th December 1710


Ann daughter of Mr Meredith and Mrs Mary Dynes baptised January the

27th 1710/11

John son of Robert and Chris Conn was baptised January the 27th

John son of William and Mary Bullock baptised January 30th 1710/11

Mary daughter of Charles and Sarah Grey baptised January 2nd 1710/11

Joseph son of Joseph and Mary Lutten baptised February the 2nd 1710/11

Joseph son of Robert and Jane McKnabb baptised February the 3rd 1710/11

Anthony son of John and Patience Medcaff baptised September the first day 1711

Richard son of James Henry and Mary his wife baptised September the 6th 1711

Margaret daughter of Richard and Ann Timmons baptised the 8th day of September



Christenings in the Parish of Seagoe in the year 1710-12


John son of Robert and Mary Bullock baptised the 25th of May 1710

John son of George and Elizabeth Rodgers baptised June 25th 1710

Michael son of John and Elizabeth Pew baptised July the 18th 1710

Richard son of John and Mary Leviston baptised August the 2nd 1710

Francis son of William and Mary Emerson baptised August the 9th 1710

Thomas son of Thomas and Mary Byers baptised September the 23rd 1710

Elizabeth daughter of John and Susanna Jones baptised the 7th of December 1710

Mary daughter of John and Ann Ferclo baptised December the 14th 1710

Jenney daughter of Woollsey and Mary Smurphett baptised December the 12th 1710

John son of James and Sarah Gibson baptised the 18th of December 1710


Valentine son of William Blacker Esq. and Hanna his wife baptised February the

7th 1710/11

John son of Robert and Christian Conn baptised January the 27th 1710/11

John son of William and Mary Bullock baptised the 30th of January 1710/11

Joseph son of Joseph and Mary Lutten baptised February the 2nd 1710

Joseph son of Robert and Jane MackKnabb baptised February the 3rd

Thomas son of Meredith and Mary Wilson baptised February the 13th

Francis son of Francis and Hellin Greenway baptised March the 17th

Margaret the daughter of Alexander and Mary Richey the 18th of December


Alice Gilpen baptised in the Parish Church of Seagoe March 16th

Mary daughter of John and Susanna Jones baptised March the 16th 1711/12


James son of Pat and Mary Best born April 19th 1709


John son of Pat and Mary Best born July 6th 1711


Jud daughter of Pat and Mary Best born January 31st 1712


Christenings in the Years 1711 - 1712

Jos. Son of John Williamson and Elinor his wife baptised April 4th 1711

Eliz. daughter of John and Mary Crawford baptised April 4th

Thomas son of Tho. Rodgers and Mary his wife baptised April the 5th

Eliz. daughter of John and Ann Dynes baptised June the 15th 1711

John Henderson of Jane his wife had a child called Thomas baptised July the

2nd 1711

Isabell daughter of Thomas England and Isabell his wife baptised July 22nd

Margaret daughter of John and Eliz. Dillon baptised July the 29th 1711

William son of Daniel Caddel and his wife baptised the 12th day of August

Richard the son of James Henry and Margaret his wife baptised September the 6th

Sarah daughter of William Robinson and Eliz. his wife baptised October the 7th

Arthur son of Murtagh and Catherine Ahamel baptised October the 7th 1711

Eliz. daughter of John and Rebecca Patten baptised November the 4th

Robert son of C. Val Blacker and Eliz. his wife baptised Nov? the 26th

Francis son of Robert and Mary Stevens baptised December 12th 1711

Ann daughter of John and Ann Dixon baptised December 13th 1711


Margaret daughter William and Sarah Lewey baptised January the 7th 1712

Mary daughter of Gilbert and Jane Paterson baptised January the 14th 1712

Gabrial son of Patrick Valintine Silcock and Mary his wife baptised January the 30th

John son of Patrick and Alice Simpson baptised February the 8th

Patrick son of Hugh Milson? and Rachael his wife baptised February the 10th

William son of William and Ann Magowen baptised February the 17th

Ann daughter of Henry and Margaret Waite [v.p 927] baptised March the 3rd 1712

Mary daughter of Anthony Medcafe and his wife baptised March the 6th

Anthony son of Thomas Medcafe and his wife baptised March the 6th

Eliz. daughter of Robert Fryer and Marg. and his wife baptised March the 17th 1712

Alice the wife of George Gilpin was baptised in the Parish Church of Sego March the

9th 1712

John Campbell, Minister

Richard Smurphfitt ChurchWarden

John Sincklar ChurchWarden



Robert son of John and Elizabeth Watton baptised April ye 27th 1712

Mary daughter of Michael and Elizabeth Matchett baptised April ye 27th 1712

Thomas son of James and Sarah Gibson baptised April ye 27th 1712

Richard son of Woollsey and Mary Smurphitt baptised April ye 29th 1712

Elizabeth daughter of Robert Weat (Waite) and his wife baptised April ye 29th 1712

John son of James and Ann Steward baptised June ye first 1712

Ann daughter of Robert and Mary Lutton baptised July ye 13th 1712

Ann daughter of Conn and Jane McGinis baptised August ye first 1712

Henry McKonnan had a daughter baptised August ye 2nd 1712 called Mary

James daughter of James Byres and Mary his wife baptised September ye 14th


Ellinor daughter of Charles and Dorothy Stuart baptised September ye 21st 1712

Edward son of Hugh and Grace Lavery baptised November ye 3rd 1712

Mary daughter of John and Judith Steenson (Stevenson) baptised November ye 3rd



William son of Valentine and Elizabeth Blacker baptised January ye 6th 1712/3

Lettuce daughter of Ralph and Sara Mettrix (Mettricks?) baptised January ye 6th


Mary daughter of Robert and Mary Stevens baptised February ye 8th 1712/3


Legard the son of William Blacker Esquire and Marina his wife was baptised civilly

October 24th 1714

(Registered before on Page 61)

-------------------------- and Isabel Lindsey baptised September 30th 1714

Margaret daughter of Francis and Mary Carrick baptised October 29th

Jane daughter of John and Hellin Davison baptised November 29th 1712

Mary daughter of Robert and Christian Conn baptised December 6th

William son of Valentine and Elizabeth Blacker baptised January 6th 1712/3

Lettuce daughter of Ralph and Sarah Metrix baptised January 6th 1712/3

James son of James and Margaret Reed baptised January 30th 1712/3

Mary daughter of Robert and Mary Stevens baptised February 8th 1712/3

(Three marked and registered before on page 138)

John Campbell Minister

Patrick Cost Churchwarden

John Stevenson (his mark) Churchwarden


Memorandum of this 10th day of April 1699 being Easter Monday the Churchwardens

for the 2 years last past did at the will of the Parish and those rested due to James

At a Vestry holden for the Parish of Sego Aprile the 8th 1706

It was agreed by the Minister, Churchwardens and Parishioners there present that ye

sum of 7 ll 7 s 9 d be applotted upon the Parishioners and landholders of ye said

Parish and levied for ye uses following (viz)

for casting ye bell at 9d per pound 4 ll 16 s 14 d

for 17 pounds overweight at 12d per pound 0 ll 17 s 0 d

for altering ye iron work 00 = 4 = 00

for stock and stocking the bell 1 ll 06 s 0 d

for wast of bell metal 1 ll 4 s 0 d


The new bell weighs........................2.......................2.............................9

The old bell weighed........................2.......................1............................20



John Campbell Clerk

William Fryer Churchwarden

John Maston Churchwarden

Patt Harrison

Wollsey Smurphitt Parish Clarck (Clerk)

Memorandum that it was unanimously agreed at ye same time that the

churchwardens doe levy the said 7l 7s 9d and that which was laid on at the last Vestry

the 26th of March left being 9l 9s 4d by distress or otherwise according to law

John Campbell Clerk

William Fryer Churchwarden

John Haslett Churchwarden


At a Vestry held in the Parish Church of Seagoe on Easter Tuesday April the 15th 1707

It was then enacted and agreed upon by the Minister, Churchwardens and

Parishioners then present that the sum of 18 l – 2s – 1d - ½ be applotted and levied of

the Parishioners and landholders of the said Parish for the uses following (viz)

...........................................................................................l .....s.... d

For flagging of the Church floor nine pounds ...................9 – 0 – 0

For elements for the Communion 12 times in the year ....3 – 2 – 8

For the Bell-man’s wages for one year .............................1 – 6 – 0

For articles and charges at the visitation ..........................0 – 13 – 8

For the applotting of the said 18 l – 2s – 1d- ½................... 0 – 2 – 0

For raising of the Seagoe

For washing of the table linen ...........................................0 – 2 – 0

For cutting of the weeds in the Churchyard .......................0 – 2 – 0

For repairs of the Church and accidents that may happen 2 – 0 – 0

Owing to George Ramsey the sum of ................................0 - 7 – 6 ½

For raising of the said moneys ...........................................0 – 17 – 3

For seven barrels of lime and carriage ..............................0 – 9 – 0

And that Thomas Trotter of Seagoe and John Patterson of Kinnego are chosen

Churchwardens to serve for this ensuing year; and that George Bell continues

overseer of the highway; William Wollsey serves instead of Mr Robert Wilson to

oversee from Killicomaine to Mr Dynes hill and from the Blue Stone to the causeway

leading to Ballynecor Mill and from there to the Church Gate; James Roughcastles

continues, John Lindsey for Leonard Toulerton; Mr Francis Mathers continues, Robert

Thompson continues and John Wells for William Bell.

John Campbell Clerk

John Wilson

William Fryar Churchwarden

Robert Wilson

John Masdon Churchwarden

Woollsey Smurphett

Thomas Workman

Meredith Dynes

Richard Timmons


At a Vestry held in the Parish Church of Seagoe on the 6th day of April being Easter

Tuesday 1708

It was agreed upon by the Minister, Churchwardens and Parishioners there present

that the sum of 04 l – 18s – 10d – 0 be applotted and levied of the Parishioners and

landholders of the said Parish which together with 02 l - 12s – 6d now in the

Churchwardens hands which is for the uses following:

For elements for the Communion 12 times in the year 03 – 02 – 08

For the Bellman’s wages one year 01 – 06 – 00

Articles and charges 00 – 13 – 08

Applotting of said money 00 – 02 – 0

Washing the table linen 00 – 02 – 0

Accidental repairs that may happen 02 – 00 – 0

And that Richard

For lifting the money 00 – 05 – 0

And that Richard Smurphett of Clanrolla and John Geary of Lisnamintry are chosen

Churchwardens to serve for this ensuing year 1708. John Wilson of Lisnisque to serve

overseer of the highway in George Bell’s place, to oversee from Edenderry to Kilvirgen

River Thomas Stevenson of Tanepheglasson (Tamnifiglasson) for William Wolsey to

oversee from Killicomaine to Mr Dynes hill and from the Blue Stone to Ballynecor Mill;

Robert Wilson at the Bannfoot and James Simonton to serve instead of James

Rocastles; John Wolsey for Mr Francis Mathers; Robert Thompson continues; John

Web continues; William Dixon and William Robson for the Churchway leading from

Ballymacranel through Killicomaine and the Queen’s Road.

George Dilworth John Campbell Clerk

Richard Smurphitt

Richard Timmons

Thomas Trotter

John Masdon

Valentine Harrison


At a Vestry holden in ye Parish Church of Sego on the 9th day of August 1708

It was agreed by ye Minister, Churchwardens and Parishioners there present that the

sum together with ye sum of 1l 2s 8d be levied of ye Parishioners and landholders of

ye said Parish for ye repair of ye porch and building of a style of stone and lime before

the gate of the Churchyard for a conveyancy for women to get on horseback and other

uses mentioned in a former act to be raised by ye present Churchwardens by distress

or otherwise according to law, the work to be done immediately and accounted for at

Easter next

John Campbell Clerk

Richard Smurphitt Churchwarden

John Geary Churchwarden

David Geddis

Woollsey Smurphitt

George Ramsey (his mark)


At a Vestry held for the Parish Church of Sego in the Parish Church of Sego on Easter

Monday April 25th 1709

It was enacted and agreed upon by the Minister, Churchwardens and Parishioners

then present, that the sum of £7 13s 5d sterling be applotted and levied of the

Parishioners and landowners of the said Parish for the uses following

For repairing of the window in the east end of the Church £01-10-00

For elements of the communion 12 times ..........................02-00-00

Bell man’s wages for the ensuing year ..............................01-00-00

For articles and charges ....................................................00-13-08

Applotting the cess ............................................................00-02-00

For washing and table linen............................................... 00-02-00

Accidental charges ............................................................01-00-00

To persue Ruth Webb and keep her child maintained .......01-00-00

And that James Bomer of Bellihanon, and Patrick Chambers of Edenderry are chosen

Churchwardens to serve for this ensuing year. Anthony Medcafe of Sego to serve

overseer of the highways instead of John Wilson, to oversee from Edenderry to

Kilvirgen River. William Lynes to serve instead of Thomas Steenson to oversee from

Killicomain to William Dynes Hill and from the Blue Stone to Bellynegone Hill. Patrick

Mahallom of Derritrasna to serve for Robert Wilson. Edward Steenson to serve instead

of James Simonton. John Woolsey continues, Robert Thompson continues, John

Webb continues, William Dixon continues, William Robinson continues.

John Campbell, Clerk

Richard Smurfit Churchwarden

John Geary Churchwarden

Woollsey Smuphet


At a Vestry held for ye year 1710 for ye Parish of Sego on Easter Monday 10th of


It was enacted and agreed upon and concluded by ye Minister, Churchwardens and

Parishioners then present that the sum of 8l 7s 2d be leveyd of ye Parishioners and

landowners of ye said Parish for the uses following (viz)

for Bellman's wages.........................1 - 06 - 00

for Articles and Charges.....................0 - 13 - 08

for Applotting ye left?..........................0 - 02 - 00

for washing ye table linen...................0 - 02 - 00

for accidental charges.........................1 - 00 - 00

for elements 12 times.........................2 - 00 - 00

for a Eyal?...........................................0 - 03 - 06

To be paid to Richard Smurphitt for keeping of Ruth Webbe Child this last year being

1709............................1 - 10 – 00 and for keeping of ye said child ensuing year that

Richard Smurphitt......1 - 10 – 00 be allowed halfe a crown over a month for keeping

said child..............8 - 07 – 02 year and that ye next Churchwarden do make application

to a justice of the peace for a warrant to take the said Ruth to oblidge ye said Ruth

either to keep ye said child or to have her brought to ye house of correction.

The Churchwardens have made up their account with the Parish. And that Thomas

Rodgers of Drumgask and Alexander Bell of Breagh are chosen Churchwardens are

chosen for the ensuing year. Meredith Jones to serve overseer of ye highways instead

of Anthony Metcalfe to oversee from ye low mill to Edenderry William Lynas to oversee

from Mr Dynes Mill to Killicomain and from ye blue stone to ye low mill and from John

Binkes Gate stoop to ye Church gate; Alexander Ross to oversee instead of

Steenson's pleace; John Woolsey continue in Robert Thompson's place Ed Murphy

and George Hewet; for Bellinamony Constablewick John Dixon to serve instead of

Will. Dixon and Rodgers instead of Will. Robison

John Campbell Minister

Patrick Chambers Churchwarden

(his mark)

Jany S Romer? Churchwarden

Meredith Dynes

Kenan? Matthers


County Armagh Sessions: At the General Sessions of the Peace held at Armagh in

and for the said County the 8th day of January in the eleventh year of the reign of our

Sovereign, William the Third, by the grace of God of England, Scotland, France and

Ireland; King Defender of the Faith and all. In this year of our Lord 1699 before the

Justices of our said Sovereign and King appointed to keep the peace in the said Count


For as much as the grand inquest of this County has informed the Court that the daily

concourse and great increase of vagrant persons and solo beggars is a great

grievance and annoyance to the inhabitants of the County and if through negligence

or ignorance of the inhabitants of the several Parishes and or officers concern it is to

apprehend and punish such beggars they are now grown very numerous and several

of them very insolent and the assumptions which by degrees may prove of ill

consequences to the County if not timely prevented. Wherefore thy court taking into

them their serious consideration what retried it may be most applied to the growing

mischievers do order and command all high and petty constables and all other officers

herein concerned if they do forthwith cause all the laws and statutes hereto for made

against vagrants and also the sons and surly beggars and also against imported

beggars to be put in due execution and to the end it is hereby ordered.

First that the Minister, Churchwardens and Parishioners of each Parish to be

assembled at Vestry or otherwise and do agree to take an account of what number of

poor are within their respective Parishes, whom they esteem objects of charity and fit

to be relieved by Parish collections or otherwise to be licensed to ask alms and beg

within their Parishes and to enter the names of them in the Register book of the said

Parish or in some other book to be kept for that purpose.

Secondly, to you and the poor of the each Parish may be known as distinguished by

ye in charge of every Parish a badge or ticket of brass, copper or pewter with the name

of the Parish engraved or embossed on one side thereof be given by the Minister,

Churchwardens or Parishioners to every individual poor person that receives Parish

alms or if a licence be given each of them under the seal of the next Justice of the

Peace to go from house to house to ask alms within the respective Parishes or limits

by which licence they shall be prohibited to go to any other Parish or limit which seal

is to be engraved with the name of the Parish or limit appointed to beg in and to be

provided at the charge of the said Parish.

Thirdly, ye all seneschally ( stewards) of Manors High and petty constables and all

others herein concerned by the direction or approbation of the next Justice of the

Peace shall within their respective towns, villages, constablewicks (area with

constables in charge), manors and Parishes within the County according to the

number of people within each town, village, manor, constablewick or Parish appoint

three or more sufficient inhabitants to watch in the night time by which watch and to

be examined and secured all strangers and suspected persons that shall walk or travel

by night and cannot give a sufficient and satisfactory account for their so

doing………… to be forthwith carried before same Justice of the Peace of this County

to be exiled.


Fourthly, all high and petty constables shall by order or allowance of a Justice of the

Peace within their several and respective limits make a private search once every

fortnight or oftener if need enquire in houses, barns and outhouses and suspected

places in the night time for finding out and apprehending of rogues, vagabonds,

wandering and idle persons and to secure all such; also solo persons who shall travel

with forged or counterfeited passes, all such whom they shall find begging or

wandering out of their limits if said constable with the assistance of some of the

inhabitants of the Parish shall cause to be stripped naked from the middle upwards

and to be openly whipped till their bodies shall be bloody or to be put in the stocks two

days and two nights and to have only bread and water.

Fifthly, the high and petty constables aforesaid shall go from house to house and give

notice to every householder in person within their respective limits if they take care if

neither they nor any of their servants hereafter believe any vagrant idle wandering or

disorderly person or persons or other beggars except only the poor of the same Parish

who were a Parish badge or have a licence to beg as aforesaid but if they see or know

of any such person to beg not so badged or licensed they shall forthwith send of

convey her, him or them to the constable in order to be whipped or put in stocks

according to law upon the penalty of three shillings four pence for each impotent

(ungovernable) beggar and six shillings and eight pence for every sturdy beggar either

believed by any inhabitant or further by any Parish crownship ( law) and for every time

such offence is committed or suffered to be prosecuted for the same at the next quarter


Sixthly, if any alehouse keeper, victualler or private house keeper shall from

henceforth relieve, entertain, lodge or harbour in their dwelling houses, out houses,

barns or stalls any rogues, vagrants, vagabonds, sturdy beggars wandering and

insolent beggars or any impudent beggar who wears not the Parish badge or have not

a licence as aforesaid of each person so offending shall forfeit the fines above

mentioned for every such offence and to be prosecuted for the same at the next

quarter sessions.

Seventhly, that all high and petty constables and all other officers herein concerned

shall up their utmost endeavours to execute these laws and shall forthwith inform a

Justice of the Peace or give an account upon oath in writing at the next General

Quarter Sessions what rogues, vagabonds and idlers have been apprehended and

punished and of alms-house keepers and others who have welcomed at their doors

or who lodged or harboured in their houses, outhouses or barns any rogues, beggars

or sturdy beggar, idle or vagrant persons or any impotent beggars not wearing the

Parish badge or not showing any licence as aforesaid and how often each have

afforded contrary to what is before mentioned to the intent that they may be prosecuted

there according to the law and to ye intent if none may plead ignorance herein it is

ordered that a true copy hereof shall be sent to the constable and Churchwardens of

every Parish who are to cause the same to be publically read in every market town

and fixed up there and also to

(continued on page 190)


Set up at Church Board of each Parish to be together in the respective Parish Books

there to be kept and preserved for the better information of those it shall succeed


Eighthly, that due care be taken herein by all high and petty Constabulary and all other

officers and Magistrates that all beggars whatsoever found wandering or begging out

of their proper Parishes shall after due corrective given them as aforsaid by whipping

or being put in the Stocks two days and two nights and giving them only bread and

water to be sent of the next day towards the Parish they last lived in by ye space of

three years or to the place where they were born and that such beggars shall be

enjoyned by oath to return the next way to the said Parish of their former abode and

or birth.

Ninthly, And the better to prevent that in?easo (invasion) of beggars for the future if all

children under fifteen years of age found begging or without parents or friends either

cannot or will not maintain them, may by the Churchwardens of any Parish by the

appointment of a Justice of the Peace be bound as apprentices to any trade or to

housewifery. Males to be bound to twenty-four years, females to twenty-one years or

marriage or to any age that can be agreed for.

Tenthly, ye all putative ( means purported) alive fathers of bastard children, unmarried

women with child or others suspected to become Parish charges and all such as bring

them in, ere come or entertain them in any Parish be apprehended and brought by the

Constable or Churchwardens before any Justice to be examined and bound over to

the good behaviour committed to the Goals or Houses of Correction or otherwise dealt

with according to law unless they give security to undempnifie (indemnify) the Parish.

No person to be punished on those orders as are solicitous of beggars who distribute

Doles Almes or money at a funeral only nor no Master of a Hospital or Almes House

who lodge or entertain poor those affording to the Rules of their foundation only.

John Campbell, Clerk

Richard Smurfit Church

John Geary Wardens

Woollsey Smurfit


At a Court of Vestry holden for the Parish of Sego, September 25th 1705

It was agreed by the Minister, Churchwardens and Parishioners then present that the

number of two hundred and forty five trees be applotted upon the Parishioners, to be

planted by them, according to a paper now in the Churchwardens hands, pursuant to

an Act of Parliament lately past in this Kingdom.

John Campbell, Minister

Pattrick Harrison Church Warden

John McKnight Church Warden


At a Vestry held for the Parish of Sego upon Wednesday 17th of March 1709

It was agreed and enacted by ye Minister, Churchwardens and Parishioners then

present, that ye number of trees be planted by every person that are annexed to his

name, according to an order of sessions dated ye 15th of September 1708 pursuant

to two acts of Parliament

John Campbell Minister

John Geary Churchwarden

Richard Smurphett Churchwarden

Mer. Dynes


Mr John Mathers..................12

Robert Sanders.....................11

John Russell........................011

Will Gibson............................11

Will Williamson......................13

John Williams........................02


Will Lyons.............................12

Cathrine Russell...................11

Will Measson........................01

James Toulerton...................12

Valentine Harrison................11

Cross McKaughully.............Trees

Meredith Dynes....................15


John Dynes ..........................12

Valentine Dynes....................02

Robert Wright........................11


Will Mathers..........................11

John Mathers........................12


Richard Timmons.................14

Conn McGinness..................01


Robert Wilson.......................12

John Wilson..........................11


John Mathers........................12

Richard Smurphitt.................02


Huan Mathers.......................12

Will Woolsey.........................12

John Wilson .........................12

Upper Sego..........................Trees

Widow Brown........................01

Francis Greenway................01

Stephen Matchett.................01

Anthony Metcalf...................01


John Read...........................11

Timothy Kirk.........................11

James Walker......................01

Joseph Harrice....................11


Ralph Wilson ......................13

Meredith Jones....................11

James McConnell................01


Jacob Robson......................13

Sam Kirk..............................12


Jacob Robson......................12

Will Jiann? ..........................12


Thomas Gilphen..................11

James Chambers................11

Patrick Best.........................11


Widow Dynes.......................10

Lower Sego........................Trees

John Greenway ..................12

Anthony Metcalf...................01

Widow Metcalf.......................01

Thomas Trotter....................11


Richard Mullican...................12

Thomas Rodger...................11

James Halliday.....................11

James Roe Halliday..............11


Timothy Kirk.........................14

George Bell..........................12


John Robson........................04



Mr Frances Mathers..............13

John Woolsey elder...............11

John Woolsey younger..........11


Mrs Elizabeth Workman.......13

John Binks...........................11

Kellom Kininghan.................11


Robert Black........................12

Will McGowan......................01

Henry Black..........................01


Robert Fryer.........................12

William Fryer.........................11

Len d Tollerton......................11

John Bradshaw.....................11

James McKnabb...................01

Carrickblacker.................. Trees

Will. Blacker Esquire............15


Rodger Steer........................15


Alex Bell...............................11

Thomas Pressick.................11

John Lindsay........................11

Will Kritten............................01


Francis Mathers..................11

Ralph Wilson.......................11

John Fertlo ........................01

John Potts ........................01


Dan. Sheck ........................01

Ryan Sheck........................01

John Crawford....................01


Owen McConnell................01

Thomas Dixon...................11

Will. Dixon.........................11

Will Ramsey......................01

Rob. McKnabb..................11

Mark McCloon...................11


George Joyce...................11

John Sincler......................01

Ryan McConnell...............01


John Robson....................12


George Whally.................12

Mathew McConnel ..........01


Will. Lutton............ ..........12


Mr. George Blacker..........13

Will. Lutton............ ..........12


Mr Will. Mathers... ..........12

Mr John Mathers... ..........11

James Bonner....... ..........01

John Dixon............ ..........01


John Webb............ ..........14


John Ebraham...... ..........12

Will Conner........... ..........12


Widow Robison...... ..........11

Christopher Wilson..........12

Rob Wilson.......... ..........11


Will Emerson....... ..........02

Edward Stevenson........12


James Turkinton. ..........13


Phelymenya McGowen….03


Will Irwin............ ..........13


Rob. Corner....... ..........13


Garret Raily....... ..........02


John Derin........ ..........12

Simon Huit........ ..........13


Rodger Webb...............13

John Webb...................13


Rich. Webb...................13

Rodger Fulloon.............02



John Fisher

Ben Shephard

John Paterson

Rob Mafaden?







Mr Jones

Mr Pat Marrie




John McKnight

Ed. Murphey




Wil. Masden

Tho. Hodgen




Rich. Meason

Tho. Bell

John Bell





Rob. Thompson

Will Greason




Will. Wright

Rodger Webb










1st ,,



2nd ,,



3rd ,,



4th ,,



5th ,,



6th ,,



7th ,,






Total number of persons 137

Memorandum that the trees to be planted as aforesaid are to be Oak, Fir, Elm Walnut

Poplar, Abiel (Abele aka White Poplar) or Elder of four years growth or more and for

31 years from the 25th day of March 1703


Christenings in the year 1715

Mary daughter of John Bullock and Frances his wife baptised May 8 1715

Margaret daughter of James Byers and Elizabeth his wife baptised May the 15 1715

William son of John Thompson and Jane his wife baptised April 4

John son of John Porter and Jane his wife baptised April the 7th

Jane daughter of Ralph Bullock and Hellin his wife baptised April the 9th

David son of Isaac Glass and Ann his wife baptised April the 11

Mary daughter of James Rules and Sarah his wife baptised April 23

Margaret daughter of William Robinson and Elizabeth his wife baptised June the 15th


Sarah daughter of Robert Conner and Hellin his wife baptised June 26

Anne daughter of Moses Beans and Ann his wife baptised July the 15th 1715

Joseph son of John Wright and Susanna his wife baptised July the 20th 1715

William son of Mr John Mathers and Mrs Elizabeth his wife baptised August the 10


Jane daughter of Samuel Walker and Katherine his wife was baptised in the Parish

Church of Seagoe Thursday the 18th of August 1715

John the son of John Cole and Sarah his wife was baptised 23rd of August 1715

Thomas son of John Midcaft and Patience his wife was baptised Saturday the third

of September 1715

William son of Thomas Midcaft and Mary his wife was baptised Saturday the 10th of

September 1715

John Campbell


Baptisms 1716

Elizabeth daughter of James Maccurry and Mabel his wife baptised January the

22nd 1716

Richard son of John Stevens and Sarah his wife baptised February 5th

Lynas son of Robert Gerret and Judith his wife baptised February 17th 1716

Mary daughter of Robert Abraham and Alice his wife baptised February 19th 1716

Mary daughter of James Stuart and Anne his wife was baptised Thursday the 23rd of

February 1716

Christenings in the year 1716

Edward son of John Dillon and Eliz. his wife baptised April the 8th 1716

Anne daughter of John Gilpin and Judith his wife baptised Wednesday April the

18th 1716

Mary daughter of John Crawford and Mary his wife baptised April the 29th 1716

May the 1st 1716 there was a child brought to the Church which had been left at Widow

Brennan’s house in Edenderry concerning which it could not be known neither who

were the parents, nor whether it had been baptised; and therefore Mr Campbell

proceeded according to the belief saying, if thou art not already baptised, Elizabeth, I

baptise thee and George Rodgers Churchwarden was Godfather, Margaret Cowel the

nurse and Catherine Deale were Godmother.

John Campbell


Baptisms 1716

Mary daughter of William Stocker and Catherine his wife baptised May the 2nd 1716

Margaret daughter of John Newell and Ann his wife baptised May 9th

Charles son of Charles McNabb and Sarah his wife of Lurgan baptised May

25th 1716

William son of George Ramsey and Elinor his wife baptised July the ?? th 1716

John son of Alex. McCleary and Hellin his wife baptised July the 10th with private

baptism 1716

John son of Mr William Mathers and Lettie his wife baptised Sunday July the ? th


William son of John Robson and Anne his wife baptised July the 16th 1716

James son of James Gibson and Sarah his wife baptised July the 22nd 1716

Anne daughter of James Harner and Margaret his wife baptised August the

12th 1716

John son of William Irwin and Eliz. his wife baptised September the 30th 1716

Alice daughter of Quinton Gelaspey and Isabell his wife baptised Sept 30 1716

John Campbell


Baptisms 1716-17

Judith, daughter of Ralph Wilson and Jane his wife, baptised October the 18th 1716

Francis, son of Robert Whiteside and Elizabeth his wife, baptised October the

21st 1716

Richard, son of John Thompson and Jane his wife, baptised November 6th 1716

Sarah, daughter of Edward Steenson and Blanch his wife, baptised November the

6th 1716

John, son of John Russell and Hellin his wife, baptised December the 2nd 1716

Anne, daughter of Peter Ridley and Jane his wife, baptised December the 2nd 1716

Anne, daughter of Michael Matchett and Mary his wife, baptised December 6th 1716

Walter, son of Thomas Brown and Mary his wife, was baptised the 8th day of

December 1716


Henry, son of John Medcafe and Patience his wife, baptised January 6th 1716/17

Mary, daughter of William Bullock and Mary his wife, baptised January 13th 1716/17

Elizabeth, daughter of Francis Wilson and Hellene his wife, was baptised Tuesday

the 15th of January 1716/17

Henry, son of William Robinson and Rose his wife, baptised February the

12th 1716/17

Jane, daughter of James Rules and Sarah his wife, baptised February the

13th 1716/17

John Campbell, Minister

Thomas Gibson

George Rogers by his mark


Memorandum that the Churchwardens are allowed 1s each for going to the visitations

and five pence each for going for home

1 – 15

3 – 10




Surveyors for the year 1686 (in page 61)

John Wilson for the High Street and the portion there unto Ralph Wilson for the low

way proportion Richard Black for Knock Bridge proportion; Thomas Dale Edenderry

way and proportion; Thomas G Dale for Edenderry ways and Thomas Dale for




The names of the poor

1.William Adamson's widow Isabel Adamson

Eliza Jones and his

2. William Whally

3. Calloun Hanlon

+ Janet Matthews

+ Calloun Harrison

Alice Rae

+ Widow Moore to be considered of her child Ann Moore

4 + Widow Gibson

5 + Francis Jones his wid. Margaret Jones

6 John Dixon

7 Isabel Winslie

= Elizabeth Edge to be considered of

Christopher Prossick

William Richardson

Widow Nelson

Thomas Branston

Edmund McCaine


The names of the poor of the Parish of Sego approved at a Vestry held in the Parish

Church Easter Monday April 13th 1691

1.Widdow Adamson

2. William Whally

3. Katherine Handland

3. Calloun Hanlon

4 Widdow Gibson

5 Widdow Jones

6 John Dixon and his wife Jeanette the 7th

8 Isabel Winslie

9 Thomas Potter

10 Christopher Prossick

11 Jane Moore widdow deceased her daughter Anne Mary Neal

12 Daniel Montgomery

13 Judith Osbrough put in to the number of the poor December the 8th 1695

14 John Marshall

15 Widdow Jordan

16 Jane Tipping

County Ardmagh

We do hereby certifie that K R of the Parish of Sego is a very poor man and lives upon

almes and is not able to get his living by his work or labour and soe not lyable to be

charged with the payment of Hearth money by neither of the Acts dated the 3rd day of

April 1705


The names of the poor of the Church of Seagoe December 26

1. Margaret Jones

2. Katherin Hanlan

3. Widow Gibson

4. James Cole

5. William Whaley

6. Thomas Potter deceased

7. Christopher Pressick

8. Judith Osbrough

9. Quinton Venables

10. Isabel Cunningham alias Winflie

11. Widow Adamson

12. Daniel Montgomery deceased, Widow Cook in his place

13. Mary Neal

14. Judith Widow Marshall

15. Jane Hagan

Jonathan Berry

Isabel Cook widow

Alice Beans deceased


The names of the poor people of the Parish of Seagoe that receive the alms

collected in the Church

1. Widow Adamson

2. William Whalley

3. Katherin Hanlan

4. Widow Gibson

5. Widow Jones

John Dixon and his wife

1. Isabel Winflie

2. Christopher Pressick

3. Daniel Montgomery

4. Thomas Potter

5. Anne Moore the daughter of Widow Moore deceased

6. Judith Osbrough

7. John Marshall Margaret his widow

8. Jane Hargan Hagan

9. John Brackan

10. Jonathan Berry

11. Quinton Venables

John Cole

James Cole


A list of the poor of the Parish of Seagoe March the 12th 1698/9

1. Margaret Jones

2. Katherine Hanlan

3. Isabel Gibson widow

4. James Cole and his wife

5. William Whaley

6. Christopher Pressick

7. Judith Osbrough widow

8. Quinton Venables

9. Isabel Cook widow Thomas xxxxx JamesConl

10. Alice Beans his wife is dead

11. Jane Hagan

12. Mary Neal Margaret

13. Isabel Adamson

14. Sarah McCann

15. ??nnat Brennan widow

16. Ann Dawson

17. Isabel Cunnigham alias Winslie

18. Isabel Brackanrigg widow Winslie

19. Daniel Pearson and his wife

20. Thomas Sumner

21. Deborah Garlick widow

22. Margaret McLavery alias McShane widow

23. Elizabeth Christy widow A List

24. Xxptioin Hoekdale

25. ???

26. John Miles

27. John Mc ??rah

28. Beatrice McCann widow


A list of the poor of the Parish of Seagoe October the 19th 1707

2. Margaret Jones ............................................18.Mary Hall (or Neill)

3. James Cole................................................... Margaret McLavery alias McShane

4. Christopher Pressick Dead ............................Margaret McConnaghy widow

5. Widow Whally................................................ Owen O’ Ferran

6. Isabel Cook ...................................................(Owen O’Ferran on off ye coot?

This 24th day of January 1708

7. Jannet Brennan

8. Thomas Sumner

9. Daniel Pearson

10. Ann Dawson

11. Isabel Hanna

12. John Mills

13. Edey Snipe

Beggars past this way on Parish

14. Widow Murray

15. Widow Castles

August the 13 1710

16. Edward Davenport

17. Margaret McCrannsey

Daniel Pearson replaced by James Davison and his wife

Widow Haslett by William Kirk

John Mills by Widow Cook

20. Ann Gxxxxx dead

Margaret Lavery by W. Smurphett

Bryan McReaner by Widow Gormons

Sunday September the 24th 1710

Daniel Pearson by Widow Caflesson

2 – ½ Widow Crampsey by Widow Cook

1 – ½ Margaret Lavery by Wolsey Smurphett 2½

1 – ½ McReaner replaced by Gormans 2 - ½

5 – 1 Cat McCarrie by Conally’s son 2 – ½

Sunday October the 8th 1710

Daniel Pearson by Widow White’s daughter

John Mills by Widow Cook and Widow Caflesson

Widow White and Margaret McCrampsey

Widow Cook;

William Kirk by Widow Devenport Thirteen pence,

Jane Devenport by her son

Margaret Lavery by Woolsey Smurphett

Bryan McReaner by Widow Jones

Adamson – daughter

Elizabeth Mehefie


Trinity Sunday 1710

Send friend Recd received for James Coal 5d

Send : Gormon daughter received for Jan: Pearson, JP Ixanna,? and Wid. Castles


Thomas Rodger received for John Mills 5d

Send : Jarmon daughter received for Davenport and Will Kirk and her mother

Send : Gorman for Bryan McCruar 2 ½

Conallie son for Catrine McKinnie 2 ½

Eliz. Whaly for Catrine Campbell 2 ½

Mad: Weir for Ed McCain?

Marg. McCramsey received by Tho. Rodgers??

Sunday July 6th 1710

Recd Deverynard

received for Dan Pearson for Isabel Hanna for widow Castles

for Ind: Gormon and for her selfe

Owen O’Ferrens received by Widow Gibbon

Sunday July 16th 1710

Wid. Castles son received for Dan Pearson 2 ½

and for Judith Hanna – John Mill received by H Cook

Wid. Castles by her son; Margaret Mc Cramisey by

Wid. Cook Ind: Garmons received by ??

The srid? was received by David Carmons for

Lavery by Woollsey Smurphett

Sunday July 30th

Ind : Garmons daughter received for Dan Pearson 3 ½ and for Wid. Castles

Will Kirk received for Wid. Davenport 9 ½

Marg. Lavery received by Woollsey Smurfit

John Campbell


A list of the poor of the Parish of Sego


Margaret Jones




Widow Wally


Mary Nail


Isabel Cook


Margaret Lavery


Daniel Pearson


Margaret McConnally


Anne Dawson dec’d


Owen O Ferren


Isabel Hanna


Shane Mac Oren


John Mills


Bryan Mac Raner

Eddy Snipe


Catherine Maclean


Widow Murray


George Reid


Widow Castles



Margaret McCrarnsey



William Kirk



Widow Gibson



Judith Gorman



Jane Davenport


Jonathan Berry


Margaret Smurphett widow


Thomas Dale

John Campbell


Communicants Sunday October ye 30th 1709

Mr Merideth Dynes

Mr. Rich. Timmons

Mrs Ann Timmons

Mrs Marg. Dynes

Mrs Abi Mathers

Mrs Jud. Robinson

Mrs Eliz. Wilson

John Gibson ye younger

Jane Medcalfe

Isabel Mills

Marg. Jones

George Ramsey

Will. Bullock

James Bomer

Woollsey Smurphitt

Communicants Sunday November ye 27th 1709

Mrs Hanna Blacker

Mrs Judith Robinson

Marg. Qreat?

John Gibson ye elder

John Gibson ye younger

Eliz. Tomlerton

Jane Medcalfe

Anthony Medcalfe

James Bomer

James Coal

Marg. Jones

Woollsey Smurphitt

There was left in Woollsey Smurphitt's hand for ye poor of the Parish 2s 0d being rest

of ye collection Sunday December ye 11th 1709


Poor money distributed Tuesday ye 26th December 1710

George Ramsey for Widdow Wallis...............0.....0.....8

Judith Gorman for Dan. Warson...............0.....0.....8

the same for Isabel Hanna...............0.....0.....8

Isobell Cook for John Mills...............0.....0.....8

Jud. Gorman for widow Castles...............0.....0.....8

Jud. Gorman for Will Kirk...............0.....1.....2

Jud. Gorman for Jane Davery...............0.....0.....8

the same for Mary Neile...............0.....0.....4

the same for Bryan McCruar.............0.....0.....4

Sunday February ye 18th 1710

Dan. Pearson Jud. Hanna and widow Castles by widow Castles

Will. Kirk by wid. Devenport's son...............1.....1.....0

McKenan by wid. Devenport's son...............0.....2.....1/4

Communicants Whit Sunday

Mr McGloghlan

Mr Deacon

Mr Campbell

Mr. Will. Blacker Esquire

Mrs Hannah Blacker

Mrs Jud. Blacker

Mr Waldron Clark

Mr John Mathers

Mrs Eliz. Mathers

Mrs Jud. Robinson

Mr Tho. Mathers

Mr Meridith Dynes

Mrs Margaret Dynes

Robert Wilson

Robert Greyson and his wife

Richard Smurphitt

Jane Medcalde

John Medcalfe

Ann Blacker

William Matchett

Thomas Trotter

Thomas Robison

John Robison

Widow Dixon

Eliz. Berry

Widow Fox

Woollsey Smurphitt

George Ramsey

Widow Cook

Widow Jones

Jane Monaghan

Milin Herd

Widow Whitlow



John Bullock and Frances Sharpley both of this Parish were married in ye Parish

Church of Sego on ye 29th day of April in ye year 1712

(Registered before on page 126)


Margaret Daughter of Edward Harrison a soldier in Major Dunnbar's company; and

Mary his wife baptised privately February ye 18th 1720

(Registered again on page 28)


At a Vestry holden in the Parish Church of Sego for the said Parish on Easter Monday

April ye 2nd 1711

It was enacted, concluded and agreed upon by the Minister Churchwardens and

Parishioners then present that the sum of £8 15s 9d sterling be applotted and levied

of the Parishioners and landholders the said Parish for the uses following:

for bellmans wages for this ensuing year 01-06-00

Articles and Charges 00-13-08

Applotting the Church sess 00-02-00

for washing the table linen 00-02-00

Accidental charges 02-00-00

for elements 12 times 03-00-00

getting the elements 00-06-00

collecting the sess 00-08-06

for Patrick Chambers and James Boner for materials expended upon the East

window of the Church 04-11-00

Valentine Silcock for mending ye windoed of ye Church 01-06-00

due to the last Churchwardens 00-10-09

And that John Sinclair of Aghneeyhey and John Woollsey of Edendery are chosen

Churchwardens to serve for the ensuing year. Meridith Jones of Drumgown to serve

over-seer of the Highways from the low-mill to Edendery crossroad. William Lynas

continues, Alexander Loss continues with Patrick Hendren for the Montiaghs, John

Watson instead of John Woollsey to oversee from Killicomaine to Portadown bridge

and all that part of the highways which John Woollsey was over-seer of William Nueat

and David Gaddis for Bellinemony constable-wick John Bradshaw and Thomas

Preaswick to oversee from Lylo to Knock Bridge and to Killicomain.

Memorandum that the next Church-wardens are to pay Mr Campbell the sum of 00-

04-11 he has now pay's Patrick Chambers and James Bamber, by then laid out

formerly upon the East Window

John Campbell Clerk

Thomas Pressick

Thomas Rodgers Churchwarden

Patrick Chambers

Alexander Cell Churchwarden

Robert Crier


At a Vestry held in the Parish Church of Sego on Easter Monday, April 21st 1712 for

the said Parish.

It was enacted, concluded and agreed upon by the Minister, Churchwardens and

Parishioners then present that the sum of £9 8s 4d be applotted and levied of the

Parishioners and land holders of the said Parish for the uses following:

£ s d

Bell man’s wages for this ensuing year 01 06 0

for articles and charges at the courts 00 13 4

for washing the table linen 00 02 0

Accidental charges 02 00 00

for Elements for the Holy Communion twelve times 03 00 00

for getting the Elements 00 06 00

for a key and two locks 00 04 00

for collecting the sess 00 09 04

for applotting the sess 00 02 00

for posts and turnstile each side of Churchyard to be 01 01 08

set on each stile of the yard

for ditching and quacking of the Churchyard 00 04 00

And that Patrick Best of Tanefeglastony and John Stephenson of Derriadda are

chosen as Churchwardens for the incoming year. George Bell chosen overseer of the

Highways from the Low Mill to Edenderry sic: Edward Murphy to succeed in the place

of Alexander Rofs, Mr James Turkington in place of Patrick Hendron, James Byers to

oversee through Edenderry from Bocomra to Portadown Bridge, and from Jennat

Brown’s to the Great Road leading through Edenderry. Mr John Deary in place of

William Braite, John Fisher the Elder in place of David Gaddis, George Dixon in place

of John Bradshaw to oversee from Knock Bridge to Widdow William’s Hill

John Campbell Minister ..................John Greenway

Richard Smurphfitt Church............. Thomas Rodgers

John Sinclar.......... Wardens ...........George Dillworth


The se


November the 17th 1712

At a court of Vestry held for the Parish of Sego. It was agreed upon led by the Minister

Churchwardens and Parishioners then present that the sum of two pounds be equally

applotted and levied of the Parishioners of the said Parish for maintaining of a man

child that was lately left at the house of Edmund McConwell and for defraying the

expenses of the Churchwardens to be accounted for at Easter next

John Campbell Minister

Patrick Cost Churchwarden

John Steenson (his mark) Churchwarden

Will Blacker

Woollsey Smurphett


Vestry Meeting, 6 April 1713

At a Vestry held for the Parish of Sego in the Parish Church on Easter Monday April

the 6th 1713

It was agreed upon by the Minister, Churchwardens, and Parishioners then present

that the sum of nine pounds & five shillings be allotted among the Parishioners For

the following (viz) 9. 5. 0

Bellmans wages for ye year 1713 ..............................1. 6. 0

Churchwardens and sidesmen's articles and charges 1. 0. 0

Washing the table linnin ..............................................0. 2. 0

Accidental charges .....................................................3. 0. 0

For Elements 12 times .............................................3. 00. 0

Getting Elements ......................................................0. 06. 0

Collecting the cess............................................... 0. 09. 0

For applotting the cess......................................... 0. 02. 0

And that William Bullock of Tanefeglassony and Thomas Pressick of Breagh are

chosen Churchwardens for this ensuing year. Richard Milligan of Drumgask and Henry

Gaddinaze of Turmoyra are chosen sidesmen for this ensuing year in ye Parish of


Overseers of the Highways

John Gibson of Upper Sego for the highway from Kilvirgan River to Edenderry and

from ye Church to Killicomaine Gate, William Emerson in place of Alexander Murphy

and James Turk for the moyntaghs. James Byers to oversee from Bocomra to

Portadown Bridge, from John Binks to upper Sego gate. John Deary and John Fisher

ye elder to oversee Ballynemoney constablewick. Mr Francis Mathers to oversee from

the Great Rode to the Runnel that divides Edenderry and upper Sego. Owen McGra

and James McKenney to oversee from Knock Bridge to widow Williams’ Hill etc.,

William Lynas to oversee from Mr Dynes’ Hill to Killycomaine and from ye blue stone

to ye low mill and from John Binks to Sego Gate.

John Campbell, Minister

Patrick Cost & John Stevenson (his mark) Churchwardens

Francis Mathers

Patrick Chambers

Alex Murphy


Memorandum, that there was applotted upon Easter Monday 1712 the sum

of................................ 9 : 8 : 4

and November 17, 1712.......... 2 : 0 : 0

................................................11 : 8 : 4

Patrick Best and John Stephenson the Churchwardens accounted

for............................................ 9 : 17 : 05

There remains therefore in their hands the sum of.............................. 1 : 10 : 11

Easter Monday 1713

Patrick Best paid the foresaid sum to the Reverend Mr John Campbell upon the

27th day of May 1713 and we do acknowledge to have received the same from him

this 29th day of May 1712 ............................ 1 : 10 : 11

Thomas Prossick....... Church-

William Bullock............ -wardens


At a Vestry held in the Parish Church of Seagoe for the said Parish on Easter Monday

March the 30th 1714

It was enacted, concluded and agreed upon by the Minister, Churchwardens and

Parishioners then present that the sum of six pounds three shillings and sixpence 6 l –

3s – 6d be applotted and levied of the Parishioners and landholders of the said Parish

which together with three pounds and eleven pence makes the sum of now in the

Churchwardens hands makes the sum of 9l – 4s – 5d for the uses following (viz):

The Bellman’s wages for this coming year............... 1 – 6 – 0

Churchwardens and Sidesmen Articles and Charges 1 – 0 – 0

For washing the table linen .........................................0 – 2 – 0

Accidental charges .....................................................3 – 0 – 0

For elements for the Holy Communion twelve times ..3 – 0 – 0

For getting the elements .............................................0 – 6 – 0

For collecting the Cess ...............................................0 – 6 – 0

For applotting the Cess ..............................................0 – 2 – 0

And that John Fisher the Younger of Kinnego and John Davison of Bocombra are

chosen Churchwardens for this present year and Thomas Hodgen of Drumnakelly and

James Byers of Levaghery are chosen Sidesmen for this present year.

Joseph Lynas of Drumnegowan (Drumnagoon) is chosen overseer of the highway

from Kilvirgin River to Edenderry and from the Church to Killicomaine gate; John

Ebraham of Derryadd and Thomas Humphrie of Derrymacash to oversee the way from

the Bannfoot to Isabell Lindseys; John Potts in place of James Byers to oversee from

Killicomaine to Portadown Bridge and from the great road to Upper Seagoe gate; John

Fisher the Elder and John Deary continue for Ballynamoney Constable Wick; Bryan

McConwell and George Black in place of James McKenney and Owen McGrath to

oversee from Knockbridge to Widow Williams’ Hill and William Lynas continues to

oversee from Mr Dynes’ Hill to Killicomaine and from the Blue Stone to the Low Mill;

Mr William Mathers to oversee from Bocombra to Edenderry and from John Binks to

Upper Seagoe gate.

Henry Geddes Sidesman

John Campbell Minister

Richard (his X mark) Millican SidesMan

Thomas Prossick Churchwarden

William Bullock Churchwarden

Wills Dixon

Chris Smith

John Fisher the Younger?


Se??? Blick

Woollsey Smurphett Parish Clerk

Anthony Midcalfee

Memorandum that there is in the Churchwardens hands more than is set down in ye

act the sum of 8--- 1---- 1/2

9 ........18..........8 1/2

2 ........10..........0


12 ........8..........8 1/2



12 ........11..........8 1/2

Memorandum that Thomas Gibson and George Rodgers Churchwardens of

the Parish of Sego have now of the Parish's money in their hand, the sum of eleven

shillings and five pence. April 22nd 1717

John Campbell Minister


At a Vestry held in the Parish Church of Sego for the said Parish on Easter Monday

April the 19th 1718

It was agreed upon by the Minister, Churchwardens and Parishioners then present

that the sum of 12--- 13---10 be applotted and levied of the Parishioners and land

holders of the said Parish by distress or otherwise according to law and two pound

fourteen shillings and eight pence now in the Churchwardens hand make 15---08---06

for the uses following (viz).........................................£..........s.............d

Bellmans wages for the ensuing year........................01.......16............00

Articles and Charges................................................01........00............00

Accidental Charges..................................................03........00............00

for elements of the Holy Communion.......................03.......06............00

and for providing ye elements

for collecting ye Church sess.....................................00.......12............09

for washing the table linen........................................00........02............00

to Lettuce Adeison for maintaining............................05.......00............00

the child left in the Parish and to

discharge the Parish of it

for washing the surplice............................................00.......07............06

for applotting the sess...............................................00.......02............00

And that George Dixon of Ballygargan and John Newell of Levaghary are chosen


rdens for this ensuing year and Thomas Richeson of Annaghloyst and John

Elizxxx of the Parks xxxx xxxxx xxxxxx October 1717

John, son of Edward Swan and Deborah his wife; baptised October the 13th 1717

Ralph, son of John Jones and Rebekah his wife of the Parish of Drumcree was

baptised the 17th day of October 1717

Anne, Sarah and Jane, daughters of Thomas Dillworth and Deborah his wife were

baptised the 22nd day of October 1717

John Campbell Minister

Henry Magee

James McMorran


John, son of John Lindsey and Elizabeth his wife; baptised October 27th 1717

Henry, son of Henry Black and Elizabeth his wife was baptised the 3rd day of

November 1717

Alice, daughter of George Rogers and Elizabeth his wife; baptised November 17th

Judith, daughter of Leonard Croft and Elizabeth his wife baptised November 17th

Mary, daughter of Robert Wilson and Judith his wife; baptised the 20th day of

November 1717

Margaret, daughter of Thomas Spence and Helene his wife was baptised the 5th day

of December 1717

Joseph, son of John Hardy and Sarah his wife of the Parish of Drumcree was

baptised the 8th of December 1717

Mary, the daughter of John Maclune and Jane his wife was baptised the 8th day of

December 1717

Sarah, daughter of john Irwin and Isabel his wife was baptised Thursday the 12th of

December 1717

Frances, daughter of John Bullock and Frances his wife was baptised the 15th of

December 1717

Debora the wife of Thomas Dillworth was baptised December the 21st 1717

Valentine, son of Valentine Blacker and Elizabeth his wife was baptised the 22nd of

December 1717

John Campbell Minister

James McMorran

Henry Magee


Christenings in the years 1717 and 1718 in the Parish of Sego

Sarah daughter of James Stewart and Sarah his wife baptised December the 29th


Eliz? S?i? F?i? daughter of Mr Meredith Dynes and Margaret his wife baptised

January the 10th 1718

Elizabeth daughter of Richard Gayner and Mary his wife was baptised the 16th of

January 1718

Sarah daughter of James Hagan and Elizabeth his wife was baptised the 16th of

January 1718

John son of Woollsey Smurphet and Mary his wife was baptised the 18th of January


John son of William Daveson and Martha his wife was baptised the 26th day of

January 1718

Mary baptised daughter of George Daveson and Elizabeth Bonar was baptised

the 26th day of January 1718

Elizabeth daughter of James McMaghan and Sarah his wife baptised February the

first 1718

James son of David Smith and Anne his wife baptised February the 2nd 1718

John Campbell Minister

James McMorran Churchwarden

Henry Magee Churchwarden


Baptisms 1717 / 1718

Jane, daughter of Thomas Pickle and Sarah his wife; baptised February 16th

Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Conn and Christian his wife; baptised February 16th

Joseph, son of James Stuart and Anne his wife was baptised the 20th day of

February 1717/8

Richard, son of Robert Bullock and Sarah his wife, baptised March the 9th 1717/8

John, son of Henry Wayte and Margaret his wife; baptised the 11th day of March





Elizabeth, daughter of John Lynas and Margaret his wife was baptised Thursday the

20th of March 1717/8





James the son of Samuel Walker and Katherin his wife was baptised Thursday the

27th of March 1718

Elizabeth, daughter of Meredith Wilson and Margaret his wife was baptised the

27th of March 1718

James, son of John Makown and Mary his wife was baptised the 30th of March 1718

Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Dillon and Dorothy his wife baptised April the 6th 1718

John Campbell Minister

Henry Magee Churchwardens

James McMorran


Baptisms in the year 1718

Jane daughter of John McCanne and Sarah his wife baptized May the 4th 1718

Thomas son of Robert Huey and Margaret his wife baptized the 5th day of May 1718

(see page 303)

John son of Francis Rogers and Elizabeth his wife of the Parish of Drumcree was

buried in the Churchyard of Sego the 10th May 1718

Hannah daughter of John Marshal and Mary his wife baptized May ye 18th 1718

Moses son of Moses Beans and Anne his wife baptized June ye 8th 1718

Jane daughter of Thomas Guy and Judith his wife baptised June ye 10th 1718

Judith daughter of John Steenson Judith his wife baptized July 27th

Elizabeth daughter of Robert Ebraham and Alice his wife baptised July 27th

Thomas son of John Gilpen and Judith his wife baptized September ye 6th 1718

John Campbell

George Dickson Churchwarden

John Newill Churchwarden



William son of Edward Addy and Margaret his wife baptized Saturday the 9th of


John son of Richard Coulter and Anne his wife was baptized Tuesday the 12th of


Mary daughter of Ralph Lutton and Isabel his wife baptized August ye 17th

Anne daughter of Thomas Walker and Anne his wife baptized September ye 11th


Elizabeth daughter of Robert Bullock and Sarah his wife baptized September ye 17th


Mary daughter of Daniel Kettle (Caddell) and Mary his wife baptized September ye

21st 1718

Anne daughter of Michael Matchet and Elizabeth his wife was baptized the 20th day

of September 1718

John son of Alexander McCleery and Hellin his wife baptized October ye 5th 1718

Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Mathers and Sarah his wife baptized October ye 7th


John Campbell Minister

George Dickson Churchwarden

John Newill Churchwarden


Christenings in the year 1718

Anne daughter of David Robison and Anne his wife of the Parish of Shankell

baptized October the 15th 1718

Elizabeth daughter of Jacob Hart and Mary his wife baptized October 26th 1718

Judith daughter of Francis Carrick and Mary his wife baptized November the 2nd


John son of John Billington and Ketherine his wife baptized November the 2nd 1718

Thomas baptized son of Thomas Harwood of the Parish of Donacloney and Amy

Livingston of the Parish of Tullylish was baptized the 8th day of November 1718

Mary daughter of William Mathers and Lettice his wife was baptized Tuesday the 2nd

day of December 1718

William son of James Gibson and Sarah his wife was baptised the 4th day of

December 1718

John Campbell Minister

George Dickson Churchwarden

John Newill Churchwarden


Henery Metcalf his hand and pen this 29th day of March Riejhl (regnal) in the year


Elizxxx of the Parks xxxx xxxxx xxxxxx October 1717

John, son of Edward Swan and Deborah his wife; baptised October the 13th 1717

Ralph, son of John Jones and Rebekah his wife of the Parish of Drumcree was

baptised the 17th day of October 1717

Anne, Sarah and Jane, daughters of Thomas Dillworth and Deborah his wife were

baptised the 22nd day of October 1717

John Campbell Minister

Henry Magee

James McMorran


John, son of John Lindsey and Elizabeth his wife; baptised October 27th 1717

Henry, son of Henry Black and Elizabeth his wife was baptised the 3rd day of

November 1717

Alice, daughter of George Rogers and Elizabeth his wife; baptised November 17th

Judith, daughter of Leonard Croft and Elizabeth his wife baptised November 17th

Mary, daughter of Robert Wilson and Judith his wife; baptised the 20th day of

November 1717

Margaret, daughter of Thomas Spence and Helene his wife was baptised the 5th day

of December 1717

Joseph, son of John Hardy and Sarah his wife of the Parish of Drumcree was

baptised the 8th of December 1717

Mary, the daughter of John Maclune and Jane his wife was baptised the 8th day of

December 1717

Sarah, daughter of john Irwin and Isabel his wife was baptised Thursday the 12th of

December 1717

Frances, daughter of John Bullock and Frances his wife was baptised the 15th of

December 1717

Debora the wife of Thomas Dillworth was baptised December the 21st 1717

Valentine, son of Valentine Blacker and Elizabeth his wife was baptised the 22nd of

December 1717

John Campbell Minister

James McMorran

Henry Magee


Christenings in the years 1717 and 1718 in the Parish of Sego

Sarah daughter of James Stewart and Sarah his wife baptised December the 29th


Eliz? S?i? F?i? daughter of Mr Meredith Dynes and Margaret his wife baptised

January the 10th 1718

Elizabeth daughter of Richard Gayner and Mary his wife was baptised the 16th of

January 1718

Sarah daughter of James Hagan and Elizabeth his wife was baptised the 16th of

January 1718

John son of Woollsey Smurphet and Mary his wife was baptised the 18th of January


John son of William Daveson and Martha his wife was baptised the 26th day of

January 1718

Mary baptised daughter of George Daveson and Elizabeth Bonar was baptised

the 26th day of January 1718

Elizabeth daughter of James McMaghan and Sarah his wife baptised February the

first 1718

James son of David Smith and Anne his wife baptised February the 2nd 1718

John Campbell Minister

James McMorran Churchwarden

Henry Magee Churchwarden


Baptisms 1717 / 1718

Jane, daughter of Thomas Pickle and Sarah his wife; baptised February 16th

Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Conn and Christian his wife; baptised February 16th

Joseph, son of James Stuart and Anne his wife was baptised the 20th day of

February 1717/8

Richard, son of Robert Bullock and Sarah his wife, baptised March the 9th 1717/8

John, son of Henry Wayte and Margaret his wife; baptised the 11th day of March





Elizabeth, daughter of John Lynas and Margaret his wife was baptised Thursday the

20th of March 1717/8





James the son of Samuel Walker and Katherin his wife was baptised Thursday the

27th of March 1718

Elizabeth, daughter of Meredith Wilson and Margaret his wife was baptised the

27th of March 1718

James, son of John Makown and Mary his wife was baptised the 30th of March 1718

Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Dillon and Dorothy his wife baptised April the 6th 1718

John Campbell Minister

Henry Magee Churchwardens

James McMorran


Baptisms in the year 1718

Jane daughter of John McCanne and Sarah his wife baptized May the 4th 1718

Thomas son of Robert Huey and Margaret his wife baptized the 5th day of May 1718

(see page 303)

John son of Francis Rogers and Elizabeth his wife of the Parish of Drumcree was

buried in the Churchyard of Sego the 10th May 1718

Hannah daughter of John Marshal and Mary his wife baptized May ye 18th 1718

Moses son of Moses Beans and Anne his wife baptized June ye 8th 1718

Jane daughter of Thomas Guy and Judith his wife baptised June ye 10th 1718

Judith daughter of John Steenson Judith his wife baptized July 27th

Elizabeth daughter of Robert Ebraham and Alice his wife baptised July 27th

Thomas son of John Gilpen and Judith his wife baptized September ye 6th 1718

John Campbell

George Dickson Churchwarden

John Newill Churchwarden



William son of Edward Addy and Margaret his wife baptized Saturday the 9th of


John son of Richard Coulter and Anne his wife was baptized Tuesday the 12th of


Mary daughter of Ralph Lutton and Isabel his wife baptized August ye 17th

Anne daughter of Thomas Walker and Anne his wife baptized September ye 11th


Elizabeth daughter of Robert Bullock and Sarah his wife baptized September ye 17th


Mary daughter of Daniel Kettle (Caddell) and Mary his wife baptized September ye

21st 1718

Anne daughter of Michael Matchet and Elizabeth his wife was baptized the 20th day

of September 1718

John son of Alexander McCleery and Hellin his wife baptized October ye 5th 1718

Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Mathers and Sarah his wife baptized October ye 7th


John Campbell Minister

George Dickson Churchwarden

John Newill Churchwarden


Christenings in the year 1718

Anne daughter of David Robison and Anne his wife of the Parish of Shankell

baptized October the 15th 1718

Elizabeth daughter of Jacob Hart and Mary his wife baptized October 26th 1718

Judith daughter of Francis Carrick and Mary his wife baptized November the 2nd


John son of John Billington and Ketherine his wife baptized November the 2nd 1718

Thomas baptized son of Thomas Harwood of the Parish of Donacloney and Amy

Livingston of the Parish of Tullylish was baptized the 8th day of November 1718

Mary daughter of William Mathers and Lettice his wife was baptized Tuesday the 2nd

day of December 1718

William son of James Gibson and Sarah his wife was baptised the 4th day of

December 1718

John Campbell Minister

George Dickson Churchwarden

John Newill Churchwarden


Henery Metcalf his hand and pen this 29th day of March Riejhl (regnal) in the year




Mary daughter of John Gammel (Gamble) and Sarah his wife baptized December ye

14th 1718


Ann daughter of John Kentlin and Elizabeth his wife baptized January ye 4th 1719

Lusey daughter of Arthue Jordan and Sarah his wife baptized January ye 7th 1719

Hellinor daughter of William Bradshaw and Mary his wife baptized January ye 4th


Mary daughter of Isaac Corner and Hellin his wife baptized January ye 18th 1719

Thomas son of Joseph Totten and Sarah his wife was baptized Thursday the 23rd of

January 1719

Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Mathers and Rose his wife was baptized January ye

27th 1719

John son of John Bulla and Hellin his wife baptized February ye 1st 1719

Diane daughter of John Crawford and Mary his wife was baptized February ye 4th


Mary daughter of Robert Greyson and Deborah his wife baptized February ye 5th


Margaret daughter of William Robison and Rose his wife baptized February ye 8th


John Campbell Minister

George Dickson Churchwarden

John Newill Churchwarden


Anne, daughter of James Rules and Sarah his wife was baptised Friday the 13th of

February 1718/9

Margaret, daughter of John MaCannon and Rachel his wife was baptised the 15th of

February 1718/9

Sarah, daughter of Mr Matthew Murphey and Sarah his wife; baptised February

19th 1718/9

Edward, son of Edward Donnelly and Jane his wife was baptised the 26th day of

February 1718/9

Henry, son of James Hagan and Elizabeth his wife; baptised March the first 1718/9

William, son of Edward Swan and Debara his wife; baptised March the 8th 1718/9

Thomas, son of Joseph Gibson and Hanna his wife was baptised 11 March 1718/9

Mary, daughter of Henry McKaine and Mary his wife; baptised March the 15th 1718/9

William the son of Thomas Dilworth and Deborah his wife was baptised the 17th day

of March 1718/9

Richard, son of John Robison and Anne his wife; baptised March the 23rd 1718/9

John Campbell Minister

John Norvill Churchwarden

George Dickson Churchwarden


Christening in the year 1719

Charles son of Charles Grey and Sarah his wife baptized 25th of June 1719

Jane daughter of William Bullock and Mary his wife was baptized Sunday the 5th of

July 1719

Wilson the son of Thomas Trotter and Mary his wife was baptized Monday the 20th

of July 1719

Helene daughter of Robert Wilson and Judith his wife was baptized the 28th day of

July 1719

Richard son of George Greenway and Jane his wife of the Parish of Drumcree was

baptized Wednesday the 29th of July 1719

Helene daughter of Thomas Spence and Helene his wife was baptized Thursday the

13th of August 1719

George the son of William Wilson and Elizabeth his wife was baptized the

16th day of August 1719

Margaret the daughter of Michael Abraham and Anne his wife was baptized the 16th

day of August 1719

John Campbell Minister


Baptisms 1719

Alice the daughter of Thomas Rodgers and Mary his wife was baptized the 18th day

of August 1719

Huan son of John Russell and Helene his wife was baptized the 23rd day of August


Jane daughter of John Midcast and Mary his wife was baptized the 12th day of

September 1719

George son of John Stuart and Margaret his wife was baptized the 12th day of

September 1719

William son of John Midcast and Patience his wife was baptized the 20th day of

September 1719

Jane the daughter of Thomas Addy and Mary his wife was baptized the 27th day of

September 1719

Elizabeth daughter of Robert Dale and Margaret his wife was baptized the 21st day

of September 1719

Anne and Sarah daughters of the same parents were baptized privately the 22nd

day of the same month and all three then were received into the Church publicly and

the rest of the office performed upon Sunday the 27th of September according to the

Rule in the Book of Common prayer. (see Burials page 307)



Alice the daughter of Alexander Murphy and Deborah his wife baptized October ye

4th 1719

Ellinor daughter of John Jones and Susanne his wife baptized October ye 4th 1719

Mary daughter of John Harraway and Elizabeth his wife baptized October ye 25th


Martha daughter of Thomas Logan and Rachael deceased his wife baptized

November ye 8th 1719

Thomas son of Samuel Penny and Margaret his wife baptized Fryday November ye

13th 1719

William son of William Emerson and Mary his wife baptized November ye 15th 1719

Mary daughter of Thomas Bunten and Anne his wife baptized November ye 29th


Elizabeth daughter of William Hoy and Dorothy his wife baptized November ye 29th


Rose daughter of Oliver O Nail and Prudence his wife baptized November ye 29th


John Campbell Minister

William Magoan


Baptisms: 1719-20

Mary, daughter of John Gilpin and Judith his wife was baptised the third day of

December 1719

Jane Mary, daughter of John Lindsay and Elizabeth was baptised Sunday the 6th of

December 1719

Thomas, son of Henry Dillon and Dorothy his wife was baptised the 13th of



Anne, daughter of John Trotter and Esther his wife, baptised December the

25th 1719

James, son of Robert Conn and Christian his wife; baptised December the 26th 1719

Jane, daughter of Francis Wilson and Heline his wife baptised December the 26th

Jane, daughter of John Woollsey and Jane his wife; baptised December 27th 1719

1720 (on page 226)

Sarah, daughter of James Stuart and Anne his wife, baptised January the first


John, son of Robert Bullock and Sarah his wife, baptised January the 3rd 1720/19


Christopher, bastard son of Francis Weat and Katherine Eagey; baptised December

the 25th 1719

John Campbell

William Magee


Baptisms: 1720

Richard, son of John Matchet and Joan his wife was baptised Tuesday the 5th of

January 1719/20

Jeremiah, son of David Richison [Richardson] and Margaret his wife, baptised

January the 17th 1720/19

Margaret, daughter of Edward Harrison, (a soldier in Major Drumbay Company) and

Mary his wife was baptised privately Thursday the 18th of February 1720/19

Jane, daughter of Isaac Cornwell and Hellin his wife, baptised February the

24th 1720/19

Meredith, son of William Robison and Rose his wife was baptised the 27th day of

February 1719/10

Mary, daughter of Robert Smurphett and Anne his wife, baptised February the

28th 1720/19

John, son of Samuel Walker and Katharine his wife, baptised the 5th day of March


Anne, daughter of Richard Coulter and Anne his wife, baptised the 1 th day of March


Blanche, daughter of Edward Steenson and Blanche his wife was baptised the

23rd day of March 1719/20

Margaret, daughter of Thomas Dilworth and Deborah his wife was baptised the

28th of March 1720

John Campbell

William Magee


Baptisms 1720

Jane the daughter of Gilbert Patterson deceased and Jane his wife was baptized the

2nd day of April 1720

Helene the daughter of Charles Stuart and Dorothy his wife was baptized

Wednesday the 6th day of April 1720

John P Campbell Minister

William Megoon

Baptisms 1720

William son of John Martine and Margaret his wife was baptized the 1st day of May


Valentine son of Meredith Jones and Margaret his wife his wife was baptized the 8th

day of May 1720

William son of Woollsey Smurphet and Mary his wife was baptized Tuesday the 17th

day of May 1720

William son of John Beans and Anne his wife was baptized the 29th day of May


Edward son of Edward Swan and Deborah his wife was baptized the 19th day of

June 1720

John Campbell Minister

Francis Grayson Churchwarden

John Watson (his mark) Churchwarden


Baptisms 1720

John a bastard son of Job Hollywood and Mary Atkinson was baptised the 25th day

of May 1720

Patrick a bastard son of James Magran and Winifred Pegg was baptised the 29th

day of May 1720

Mary daughter of William Simson and Jane Campbell his pretended wife by a

marriage of Robert Dunoon an excommunicant person was baptised the 14th of May


John son of Robert Robison and Anne his wife was baptized the 24th of July 1720

William son of Thomas Pickle and Sarah his wife was baptized the 24th of July 1720

Robert son of Huan Wright and Margaret his wife was baptized the 26th day of July


Elizabeth daughter of Harry Gilpen and Elizabeth his wife baptized July the 31st


John Campbell Minister

Francis Grayson Churchwarden

John Watson (his mark) Churchwarden


Baptisms: 1720

Margaret, daughter of James Hagan and Margaret his wife, baptised August the

7th 1720

Samuel, son of James Walker and Dorothy his wife, baptised August the 14th 1720

Elizabeth, daughter of Daniel Conway and Mary his wife was baptised 23rd of August

1720; married as she says by Robert Dunoon; deceased an excommunicated person

William, son of John Smith and Jane his wife was baptised October 1 1720

Elizabeth, daughter of Daniel Campbell and Mary his wife was baptised October 1


John, son of Leonard Cross and Elizabeth his wife, baptised October 4 1720

Jane, daughter of Robert Eccles and Jane his wife was baptised October the

9th 1720

Sarah, daughter of Valentine Joyce and Mabel his wife was baptised October the

12th 1720

Mary, daughter of William Brown and Mary his wife, baptised October the 16th 1720

Anne, daughter of Henry Duck and Elizabeth his wife was baptised the 26th of

October 1720

John Campbell Minister

Francis Grayson Churchwarden

John (his X mark) Watson Churchwarden


Baptisms: 1720

Jacob, son of William Robison and Anne his wife; Quakers of Lurgan, was baptised

the 27th day of October 1720

James, son of Thomas Node and Margaret his wife was baptised the 29th day of

October 1720

William, son of Charles Gray and Sarah his wife, baptised November 6 1720

Henry, son of George Semple and Jane his wife; baptised the 12th day of November


xxxxxx Joseph

Joseph, son of William Walker and Elizabeth his wife was baptised Thursday the

24th of November 1720

Mary, daughter of Phelemy Dogherty and Katharine his wife was baptised the

24th day of November 1720

Hanna, daughter of the Reverend Robert Stephenson and Judith his wife; baptised

the 8th of December

John, son of John Bullock and Frances his wife, baptised December eight 15 1720

John Campbell Minister

Francis Grayson Churchwarden

John (his X mark) Watson Churchwarden


Baptisms: 1721

William, son of William Lapsly and Anne his wife baptised January 15th 1720/21

Rachael McConwell of the Parishof xxxxxx xxxxx January 22nd 1720/21

William, son of William Wilson of the Parish of Drumcree; baptised January 22


Mary, daughter of Mr Thomas Mathers and Rose his wife; baptised January the

26th 1720/21

Arthur, son of Arthur Jordon and Jane his wife; baptised February the 5th 1720/21

Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Deal (Dale viz 282) and Margaret his wife; baptised

February the 12th 1720/21

George, son of John McCann and Christian his wife, baptised February the

18th 1720/21

John, son of Thomas Humphrays and Mary his wife; baptised the 19th of February


Rachel, daughter of Hewan Mathers and Abigel his wife was baptised February the

21st 1720

John Campbell Minister

Francis Grayson Churchwardens

John (his X mark) Watson


Baptisms: 1721

John, son of Jacob Hart and Mary his wife was baptised February the 23rd 1720/21

Sarah, daughter of John Coal and Sarah his wife was baptised Thursday the second

of March 1720/21

Ellinor, daughter of James Fryer and Mary his wife; baptised March the 11th 1720/21

James, son of William Davis and Martha his wife was baptised Wednesday 22nd of

March 1720/21

Mary, daughter of John Buller, a Quaker; and Helene (Lynas her maiden name) his

wife, was baptised the 24th of March 1720/21

Robert, son of Robert Hews and Margaret his wife was baptised Thursday the 30th of

March 1721

Helene, daughter of George Ramsay junior and Helene his wife was baptised the

31st day of March 1721

Josihas, son of James Stuart and Ann his wife; baptised April the 8th 1721

John Campbell Minister

Francis Grayson Churchwardens

John (his X mark) Watson


Christenings in the year 1721

Mary daughter of William McGowen and Ann his wife was baptized April ye 19th


Christopher son of John Steenson and Judith his wife was baptized April ye 30th


Thomas son of John Vanner and Mary his wife was baptized May ye 14th 1721

Judith daughter of Hewy Porter and Elizabeth his wife was baptized May ye 14th


Sarah daughter of John Carvil and Mary his wife was baptized May ye 14th 1721

Elizabeth daughter of William Bradshaw and Mary his wife was baptized Fryday May

ye 20th 1721

Joseph son of Thomas Young and Anney his wife was baptized May ye 30th 1721

Robert son of Signey Russell and Mary his wife was baptized June ye 10th 1721

Mary daughter of Anthony Kougheran and Christian his wife was baptized June ye

11th 1721

George son of James Rules and Sarah his wife was baptized June ye 22nd 1721

Anthony son of Thomas Midcast and Mary his wife was baptized June ye 20th 1721

John son of Thomas Rogers and Jane his wife was baptized July ye 9th 1721

William son of Henry Wait and Margaret his wife was baptized Thursday July ye 13th


John Campbell

Francis Greenway Churchwarden


Baptisms 1721

Sarah daughter of Alexander Murphy and Deborah his wife baptized August ye 5th


Mary daughter of Michael Abraham and Anne his wife baptized August ye 8th 1721

Mary daughter of Matthew McRichard and Katharine his wife baptized August ye 8th


William son of John Beavers and Jane his wife baptized August ye 13th 1721

Elizabeth daughter of James Fairly and Mary his wife baptized August ye 26th 1721

Sarah daughter of John Thompson and Jane his wife baptized September ye 21st


June daughter of Ralph Bullock and Hellin his wife baptized September ye 29th 1721

Margaret daughter of Robert Wilson and Judith his wife baptized October ye first


Anne daughter of John Ramsey and Margaret his wife baptized October ye 22nd


Infants lost

Mary daughter of Robert Stevenson and Judith his wife baptized privately ye 2nd

November 1721

John son of Thomas Fryer and Anne his wife baptized ye 23rd day of November


John Campbell Minister

Francis Greenway Churchwarden


Baptisms 1721-22

John son of John Marshall and Mary his wife baptized November ye 26th 1721

Sarah bastard daughter of James Murphey and Christian Hanna was baptized

November ye 26th 1721

William son of Thomas Carr and Anne his wife baptized November ye 28th 1721

Marjorie daughter of Thomas Buntin and Anne his wife baptized December ye 26th


Elijah son of Robert Macnab and Jane his wife baptized Saturday December ye 30th


Anne daughter of George Sample and Jane his wife baptized December ye 31st


James son of Joseph Totten and Sarah his wife baptized December ye 31st 1721

Mary daughter of William Hoy and Esther his wife baptized December ye 31st 1721

James son of Thomas Binks and Martha his wife baptized January the 13th 1722

Robert son of Isaac Glass and Anne his wife baptized January the 13th 1722

Sarah daughter of William Bullock and Mary his wife baptized January the 14th 1722

John Campbell Minister

Francis Greenway Churchwarden


Baptisms 1722

Catherine daughter of the Rev. John Campbell and Mary his wife was baptised

Tuesday the 6th of February 1722

Margaret daughter of Walter Mally and Esther his wife was baptised the 17th day of

February 1722

Francis son of Thomas Spence and Heline his wife baptised February the 18th 1722

Mary daughter of Francis Wilson and Elinor his wife was baptised February the

18th 1722

Margaret daughter of William Bodle and Mary his wife of the Parish of Drumcree was

baptised the 28th day of February 1722

Elizabeth daughter of Anthony Midcaft and Jane his wife was baptised Friday? the

2nd day of March 1722

Mary daughter of John McCann and Sarah his wife, baptised March the 4th 1722

John son of Bryan Kavenagh of the Parish of Shankel and Sarah Cattles of the

Parish of Sego, baptised March 11th 1722

John Campbell, Minister

David Geddis and Francis Greenway, Churchwardens


Baptisms 1722

William son of Robert Bullock and Sarah his wife was baptised March the 14th 1722

Joseph son of John Medcafe and Patience his wife, baptised March the 18th 1722

Sarah daughter of George Redman and Catherine his wife was baptised Wednesday

the 21st of March 1722

Thomas son of Thomas Swillen and Anne his wife was baptised the 7th day of April


James son of James Hagan and Elizabeth his wife, baptised April the 8th 1722

Anne daughter of Woollsey Smurphet and Mary his wife was baptised April the

15th 1722

George son of William Emerson and Mary his wife, baptised the same day.

John Campbell


Baptisms 1722

James, son of Rodger Griffin and Rose, his wife, baptized May the 6th, 1722

Charles, son of John Stuart, and Margaret, his wife, baptized May the 13th 1722

Rachel, daughter of John Robison and Anne, his wife, baptized May 21st 1722

Hewan, son of Hugh McClean and his wife, baptized May the 29th 1722

William, son of Henry and Jane Corner was baptized in Sego the 30th of May 1722

by me Jas Reynolds

Anne, dau of Thomas Bradshaw and Sarah his wife, baptized June ye 17th 1722

Leonard, son of Mr Leonard Cross and Elizabeth his wife, bap: June 22, 1722

Jane, dau of Thomas Bradshaw and Elizabeth his wife, Fryday the 29th of June


John, son of Robert Grayson and Deborah his wife, baptized Saturday the 9th of

July 1722

Mary, dau of Richard Coulter and Anne his wife, baptized July the 28th 1722

John, son of John Gamble and Sarah his wife, baptized July ye 29th 1722

Robert, son of Robert Conn and Christian [wife], baptized July the 29th 1722

John Campbell, Minister

Thomas Scot & Henery Black - Churchwardens


Baptisms 1722

John, son of John Harvey and Elizabeth his wife, baptized August the 25th 1722

Anne, dau of James Hutchinson and Elizabeth his wife, was baptized September

2nd, 1722

Anne, dau of Thomas Young and Amey his wife, was baptized September ye 16th


Mary, dau of Valentine Joyce and Isabell his wife, was baptized Octo ye 7th 1722

William MaClune was buried September 5 1720

Judith, daughter of William Park and Judith his wife, of the Parish of Tillyhush

(Tullyglush) was buried October the 12th 1720

Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Mathers and Rose his wife was buried the 29th day of

October 1720

Jane the daughter of Ralph Bullock and Helene his wife was buried the third day of

December 1720

George Whally buried December the 25th 1720

Robert Bullock deceased

Mary, daughter of Sarah Bullock buried December the 31st 1720

Anne, daughter of Ralph Lutten and his wife buried December 31


William, son of William Lapsly; and Anne his wife buried February the 19th 1720/21

Margaret Symmill was buried March 9th

Dorothy Wait buried March the 12th 1720/21

Henry Lees a child of Henry Lees and Jane his wife was buried Monday the xx

xx 27th of March 1721

John Campbell Minister


Burials 1721

Susanna wife of John Jones was buried Saturday the 15th of Aprile 1721

John son of Leonard Croft and Elizabeth his wife buried May ye 14th 1721

Daniel Macneal was buried Thursday the 8th day of June 1721

Mary daughter of Anthony Kougherine (Coughrane) and Christian his wife was

buried Fryday June ye 16th 1721

George son of James Rules and Sarah his wife was baptized June ye 22nd 1721 (see

page 293)

Mary an infant daughter of Thomas Bunting and Anne his wife was buried Fryday

June ye 23rd 1721

Anthony son of Thomas Midcast and Mary his wife was baptized June ye 20th 1721

(see page 293)

Sarah daughter of Willliam Aeran (Irwin) and Isabel his wife was buried the 29th day

of June 1721

James Herren buried August ye 5th 1721

John Campbell Minister


Burials 1721-22

Thomas Farclo of the Parish of Kilmore was buried Tuesday the 19th of September


Thomas Whaly of the Parish of Drumcree was buried Friday October the 17th 1721

Joseph Lutton of the Parish of Tartaraghan was buried Sunday ye 5th of November


Mary daughter of Robert Wilson and Judith his wife was buried November ye 20th


William the son of Thomas Pau and Anne his wife was buried the 30th of November


Joseph Gibson was buried the same day

Elizabeth daughter of Anthony Midcast and Janes his wife was buried on the 6th day

of March 1722

Thomas Rodgers was buried the 11h March 1722

John Campbell Minister


In the year 1722

Christopher? son of John Beaty? and of Christian his wife baptised ?? March ??

Mr Meridith Dynes was buried March 28th 1722

Mary Walker (widow) was buried March the 29th 1722

Valentine Toulerton of the Parish of Ballymore buried Monday May the 11th 1722

Thomas son of Thomas Whally, deceased and Hellin his wife of the Parish of

Drumcree buried July 22nd 1722

John Gibson was buried Friday the 16th of August 1722

James Hearcross buried Monday the 20th of August 1722

Anthony son of Thomas Medcafe and Mary his wife buried August the 29th

William son of William Wilson and his wife of the Parish of Drumcree buried August

the 26th

Rachel daughter of Thomas Atkinson and Margaret his wife of the Parish of Tullylish

was buried September the 2nd 1722

Mary daughter of Mr Thomas Mathers and Rose his wife was buried September the

5th 1722

Alice the daughter of John Binks the younger and Elizabeth his wife an infant was

buried the 11th day of August 1722

John Campbell, Minister

Thomas Scot and Henry Black, Churchwardens


Frances Sinclair buried September the 12th 1722

Judith Scott an infant daughter of Thomas Scott and Sarah his wife was buried the

12th of October 1722

Alice an infant daughter of Robert Abraham and Alice his wife buried October the

14th 1722

Henry Porter buried October the 21st 1722

William son of John Beavers and Jane his wife buried October the 21st 1722

John an infant son of Thomas Humphery and Mary his wife was buried the 29th day

of October 1722

Elizabeth daughter of Robert Bullock, deceased and Sarah his wife was buried

Tuesday 30th of October 1722

Judith Sanderson buried November the 9th 1722

Anne Ramsey buried November the 10th 1722

Thomas son of Thomas Cullen and Anne his wife was buried December 8th 1722

Mary Wright was buried December the 11th

Edward Mathers buried December the 19th 1722

John Campbell, Minister

Thomas Scott and Henry Black, Churchwardens


Burials: 1722-23

Richard, son of Michael Matchet and Elizabeth his wife, an infant was buried the

26th of December 1722


Lisabeth Hutson buried January the 18th 1722/23

Francis, son of Thomas Spence and Elenor his wife, buried February the 7th 1722/3

Burials in the year 1723

Andrew Massey was buried 1723 April 16th

Andrew Mafsey

Mary, daughter of George Humphreys and Sarah his wife, was buried Saturday the

20th of April 1723

Judith, the wife of William Parr of the Parish of Tullylish was buried Wednesday the

24th of April 1723

the? sean? buried June the 3rd 1728?

William Magowan buried 29th of April

John Campbell Minister

Thomas Scot Churchwardens

Henery Black


Burials 1723

[Binks: viz 316 and viz 322]

June 10th William, son of John Bynks and Elizabeth his wife was buried

Grizel Byers buried June the 22nd 1723

Helene, daughter of Charles Stuart and Dorothy his wife was buried the 15th of July


Anne, daughter of John Rodgers and Heline his wife of the Parish of Drumcree,

buried July the 21st 1723

Heline Wilson, the wife of Francis Wilson; buried July the 21st 1723

??????? Wright ???? ???? ?????? July 25th

H??? son of John & Elizabeth Page buried July the 25th 1725

Anne, daughter an infant daughter of John Rogers the younger and Helene his wife,

of the Parish of Drumcree was buried Fryday the 9th of August 1723

Helene, daughter of George Lawson and Elizabeth his wife, of the Parish of

Drumcree, was buried the 10th day of September 1723

John Campbell Minister

Will Smurphett Churchwarden

Josias Geddis Churchwarden

his mark


Burials 1723

Elizabeth daughter of William Wright and Rose his wife of the Parish of Drumcree

was buried September 25th 1723

Anne daughter of James Collins and Mary his wife was buried September 30 1723

Robert Abraham buried October the 3rd 1723

Sarah Quin? of the Parish of Kilmore was buried October 26th 1723

Mr John Mathers was buried October the 27th 1723

Mary Quin daughter of Gilbert Quin of the Parish of Kilmore was buried at Sego the

21st of November 1723

Heline Leaster buried December first 1723

Francie Madowel was buried the 6th of December 1723

John Campbell, Minister

Will Smurphett and Josias Geddis, Churchwardens


Burials 1723

John, son of Robert Bullock and Esther his wife, an infant was buried the 6th of

December 1723

James, son of George Rodgers and Elizabeth his wife, an infant was buried the

16th day of December 1723

Robert Wilson was buried December the 29th 1723


Robert Smurphet buried January the 11th 1724

Mathias Calvert buried January the 12th 1724

William Gallway was buried February 7th 1724

Faith Lewis of the Parish of Kilmore was buried at Sego Monday the 10th of February


William Coulter was buried the 11th of February 1724

John Campbell, Minister

Will Smurphett and Johias Geddis, Churchwardens


Burials 1724

Mary Hoy of the Parish of Drumcree was buried Wednesday the 4th of March 1723/4

John Dale of the Parish of Drumcree was buried the 5th day of March 1723/4

Martha Dixon buried March the 22nd 1723/4

John, son of john Dillon and Anne his wife, buried 22nd March

Margaret, daughter of Thomas Dilworth and Deborah his wife was buried the 9th day

of April 1724

Thomas Mathers of Lilo was buried the 10th of April 1724

John Binks was buried on the 12th day of April 1724

John Quin was buried April the 27th 1724

Elizabeth, daughter of Robert Hues [Hughes] was buried the 29th day of April 1724

Sarah, daughter of James Bammer [Bomer] was buried the 19th of April 1724

Margaret Wilson was buried May the 3rd 1724

Leonard, son of Leonard Cross and Elizabeth his wife buried May the 4th 1724

(page 339)

John Campbell Vicar of Seagoe

Will Smurphett

The mark of Josias X Gaddis Churchwardens


Baptisms 1722/3

(page 300)

William, son of William Robison and Rose his wife, baptised February the 3rd 1722/3

Edward, son of John Dillon and Elizabeth his wife, baptised February the 13th 1722/3

Elizabeth, daughter of Isaac Cornwall and Elene his wife, baptised February the

19th 1722/23

Martha, daughter of William Magowan and Anne his wife, baptised February the

17th 1722/3

Katharine, daughter of Samuel Walker and Katharine his wife, baptised February the

26th 1722/23

Anne, daughter of Thomas Humphary and Mary his wife, baptised March the

17th 1722/23

Anne, daughter of Robert Deal [Dale viz 282] and Margaret his wife baptised March

the 31st 1723

John Campbell Minister

Thomas Scot

Henery Black Churchwardens


Baptisms in the Year 1723

Mary daughter of John Aaron and Isabell his wife was baptised April the 21st 1723

Mary daughter of John Beany and Anne his wife was baptised April the 21st 1723

Margaret the daughter of Phelomy Daugherdy and Catherine his wife was baptised

April the 21st 1723

Thomas son of William Brown and Eliz: his wife baptised April the 25th 1723

William son of James Fearly and Mary his wife baptised the 28th of April 1723

Dorothy daughter of Thomas Medcafe and Mary his wife baptised April the 28th 1723

Valentine the son of Alexander MacCleery and Helene his wife was baptised the

10th day of May 1723

Eliz: daughter of John Centlin and Eliz his wife baptised May the 26th 1723

Robert son of Thomas Fryer and Anne his wife baptised June the 2nd 1723

John Campbell

Will Smurphett and Johais Gaddis, Churchwardens


Baptisms 1723

Margaret daughter of Leonard Calvert and Margaret his wife baptised June the

22nd 1723

James son of George Rodgers and Elizabeth his wife was baptised Tuesday the

9th of July 1723

Elizabeth daughter of the Reverend Robert Stephenson and Judith his wife baptised

July the 4th 1723

John son of Robert Abraham and his wife was baptised July the 21st 1723

Margaret daughter of Frederick Hartlo and Anne his wife baptised Tuesday the

30th of July 1723 [see page 309]

Charles son of William Evens and Mary his wife baptised August the 2nd 1723

Thomas son of Henry Duck and Elizabeth his wife was baptised the 9th day of

August 1723

John Campbell, Minister

Will Smurphett and Johais Geddis, Churchwardens


Baptisms 1723

Rose daughter of Daniel Campbell and Mary his wife baptized August ye 11th 1723

Ruth daughter of Edward Coardy and Susana his wife baptized August ye 18th 1723

Diane daughter of Thomas Dill and Deborah his wife baptized August ye 18th 1723

Charles son of Matthew Read and Alice his wife baptized August ye 25th 1723

Elizabeth daughter of Henry Porter and Elizabeth his wife baptized August ye 25th


Robert son of James Walker and Dorothy his wife baptized September ye 8th 1723

William son of William Wilson and Elizabeth his wife baptized October ye 6th 1723

William son of William Brown and Mary his wife baptized October ye 9th 1723

Jane daughter of Edward Swan and Deborah his wife baptized October ye 13th 1723

James son of William Bradshaw and Mary his wife baptized October ye 20th 1723

William son of William Duck and Sarah his wife baptized October ye 20th 1723

John son of Arthur Jordan and Jane his wife baptized October ye 26th 1723

John Campbell vicar of Sego

Wills Smurphitt Churchwarden

John Gaddis (his mark) Churchwarden


Baptisms 1723

Jane daughter of William Hoy and Dorothy his wife baptized October ye 27th 1723

Margaret daughter of Isaac Scott and Katharine his wife baptized October ye 30th


Mary daughter of John Gibson and Katherine his wife baptized November ye first


William son of Rev John Campbell and Mary his wife baptized November ye 12th


Judith daughter of Francis Hops and Margaret his wife baptized November ye 16th


Francis and John children of Francis Grayson and Rose his wife baptized November

ye 16th 1723

John son of Thomas Bunten and Anne his wife baptized November ye 23th 1723

Valentine son of Thomas Binks and Martha his wife baptized November ye 24th


John son of John Dillon and Anne his wife baptized December ye 26th 1723

Ann daughter of John Harrad and ????? his wife Baptized December ye 27th 1723

James son of John Martyn and Margaret his wife baptized December ye 28th 1723

John Campbell Minister

Wills Smurphitt Churchwarden

John Gaddis (his mark) Churchwarden


Baptisms 1723-24

Jane, daughter of John Russel and Ellinor his wife, baptised December the 29th 1723


John, son of David Smith and Anne his wife baptised January 5th 1723/4

Margaret, daughter of George Sample and Jane his wife baptised January the

8th 1723/4

John, son of Thomas Bradshaw and Mary his wife, baptised January the 9th 1723/4

Charles, son of Charles Cullen and Jane his wife was baptised February the

2nd 1723/4

Mary, daughter of Edward Wilkison and Jane his wife was baptised February the

22nd 1723/4

Helene, daughter of Robert Wilson and Judith his wife was baptised February

26th 1723/4

Mary, daughter of William Poots and Elizabeth his wife was baptised Saturday the

7th of March 1723/4

John, son of William Emerson and Mary his wife baptised the 7th of March 1723/4

Mary, daughter of Patrick McAtear and Alice Mallan (who pretend to be married by a

Popish priest) baptised March the 7th 1723/4

Charles, son of Charles Grey and Sarah his wife baptised March the 22nd 1723/4

John Campbell Vicar of Seagoe

Will Smurphett Churchwardens

Josias (his X mark) Gaddis


Baptisms 1724

Twins, children of John Thompson and Jane his wife were baptised March the

28th 1724 called –

John, son of Thomas Lieu (Luie) and Anne his wife was baptised April the 4th 1724

John, son of Daniel Caddell and Mary his wife, baptised April the 19th 1724

Anne, daughter of Henry McKaine and Mary his wife, baptised April the 19th 1724

Helene, daughter of Thomas Bullar and Sarah his wife, baptised May the 2nd 1724

Elizabeth, daughter of Janes Hagan and Elizabeth his wife, baptised May the

3rd 1724

Mary, daughter of John Richeson deceased and Mary his widow, a poor woman,

was baptised the 23th day of May 1724

Elenor, daughter of Sandey McCleary and Helen his wife was baptised the 21st day

of May 1724

John Campbell

George Ruddock

Robert Hillen Churchwardens


Baptisms in the year 1724

Hanna daughter of Patrick Thompson deceased and Eliz: his wife baptised May the

26th 1724

James son of James Rules and Sarah his wife baptised Jun 7th 1724

William son of James Rickerman and Jane his wife was baptised the 16th day of July


James son of John Stuart and Margaret his wife was baptised July 1th 1724

William son of Robert Wilson and Mary his wife was baptised 24th of July 1724

John Campbell, Minister

George Ruddell and Robert Wilson, Churchwardens


Distributed April 7th 1724

G: Romsan? 1.1

Jane Manorgan

An: MaConnel 6 ½

And: Hanna 6 ½

Henry Daily 1.1

May Black

Christopher Napton 6 ½

An: Nelson 6 ½

Margaret Halway 6 ½

Helene Raily 6 ½

Margaret Jones 1:1

Paxy (proxy?)

Cecilia Dillon 6 ½

0 6 ½

1 1 0

0 6 ½

1 1 0

0 6 ½

0 6 ½

0 6 ½

0 6 ½

1 1 0

0 6 ½

7 7 0

Mary Richey 6 ½

1 4 4

7 7 0

0 16 9 ½

Martha wife of William Barr of the Parish of Tullylish was buried the 18th of July 1731


(see page 312)

Marriages 1723

William Wright Jane Henderson Married July 25th 1723

William Saunderson Elizabeth Page were Married July 25th 1723

William Dixon and Susanna Black were married by licence September 25th 1723

John Bomer and Ruth Black were married October 22nd 1723

David Hunter of the Parish of Tullylish and Ann Bullock of this Parish were married

November 7th 1723


(see page 310)

Archibald Crage and Margaret Irwin were married April ye 27th 1724

Thomas Calvart and Sarah Webb were married Saturday May ye 2nd 1724

John Campbell Vicar of Sego

Will Smurphitt Churchwarden

Josias Gaddis Churchwarden

John Meakamson (Malcolmson) and Elizabeth Robison were married Tuesday the

26th of May 1724


Leonard Uprichard of the Parish of Tullylish and Margaret Quin also McKlune were

married February the 9th 1725

John Campbell Minister

George Ruddell Churchwarden

Robert Wilson Churchwarden


Marriages in the year 1725

Joseph Harris and Elizabeth Calvart were married the 13th of April 1725

James Byers and Maran Scott were married on the 29th day of May 1725

Michael Palmer and Anne Bullock were married on the 29th day of May 1725

William Greenway and Elizabeth Emerson were married June the 24th 1725

John Bradshaw and Jane Meakamson [Malcomson] were married July the 22nd 1725

George Lucas and Mary Matchett were married July the 29th 1725

Henry Mulholan and Jane Dixon were married August the 24th 1725

Robert Pickrom and Sarah Kinney were married September the 16th 1725

Francis Carrick and Rose Venables alias McConnal were married November

9th 1725

John Campbell Vicar of Seagoe


Marriages 1726

Christopher Quin of the Parish of Tullylish and Mary Hews were married (by Licence)

January the 27th 1725/6

Marriages in the year 1726

William Whiteside of the Parish of Ahagallen and Margaret Murphy of the Parish of

Seagoe were married by Licence April 14th 1726

Samuel Hellan of the Parish of Shankill and Susanna Pierson of the Parish of

Seagoe married July 28th 1726

Andrew Smith of Belfast and Elizabeth Chambers of this Parish married August

9th 1726

Henry O’Neil and Ann Berry married September 8th 1726

John Goss of the Parish of Tynon and Anne Chambers of this Parish were married

September the 15th 1726

William Dixon and Mary Whinny were married September 22 1726

David Smith and Mary Bulla were married November the 7th 1726

Robert Lyness of the Parish of Shankill and Elizabeth Dixon of this Parish married by

Licence November 17 1726


John Dickison of the Parish of Killmore and Elizabeth Webb of this Parish married by

Licence January 28th 1726/7

John Campbell Minister

John Gilpin Churchwarden

Robert Dilworth Churchwarden


Marriages 1727

James Mehaffey and Anne Davison were married April ye 4th 1727

John Potts and Joan Dundass were married April ye 6th 1727

William Maxwell of the Parish of Shankel and Mary Fargeson (Ferguson) were

married by licence April ye 11th 1727

John Campbell Minister

John Gilpin Churchwarden

Robert Dillworth Churchwarden


Marriages in the year 1727-28

John Ray and Elizabeth Potts married June 6th 1727

Isaac Strain and Anne McMaghan (McIllahan) married July the 27th 1727

John Makernson (Malcomson) and Anne Wilson were married October 10th 1727

Gilbert Kennedy of the Parish of Tullylish and Hanna Workman of this Parish married

by licence 9ber (October) 10th 1727

George Kerrin and Margory Bamer were married November ye 23rd 1727


William Mathers of the Parish of Sego and Elenor Lindsay of the Parish of Ballymore

were married in the Parish Church of Sego on the 6th day of January 1728

William Stephenson of the Parish of Loughgall and Mary Murray (Morrow) of this

Parish were married January the 23rd 1728

Henry Ducker and Anne Smurphet were married March the 5th 1728

John Campbell Minister

Robert Blacker Churchwarden

Jas Berry Churchwarden


Marriages 1728-29


Thomas Humphreys and Sarah Bullock married April 25th 1728

Mr Henry Burleigh and Mrs Judith Robinson married by licence June 2nd 1728

John Wales and Sarah Eckles were married July the 5th 1728

Robert Corner and Anne Dynes were married on the 29th day of August 1728

Robert Wright and Elizabeth Bullock married October 12th 1728

William Sherring and Judith Coulter were married November the 12th 1728

John Armstrong and Margaret Horner married November 13th 1728

Mr Henry Hops and Mrs Hannetta Blacker were married by licence December the

22nd 1728

Thomas Robison and Margaret Meakamson were married December 28th 1728

John Dixon and Anne Wate were married December the 28th 1728


Samuel Kantlin and Martha Weir were married January the first day 1728/9

Henry McKain and Ann W Mary Wilson married February 17th 1728/9

(see page 357)


Burials in the year 1724-25

(see page 322)

Anne Coulter buried May the 28th 1724

John, son of Thomas Lew (Louie) and his wife buried August the 25th 1724

Richard Matchett buried August the 30th 1724

John John, son of David Smith and Mary his wife was buried September 3rd 1724

Margaret, daughter of Patrick Harold and Anne his wife was buried the 7th day of

September 1724

Peter Bullock was buried November the 10th 1724

James Beggs was buried November 10th 1724

George Quin of the Parish of Kilmore was buried the 15th of December 1724


Margaret, daughter of Mr Francis Hops and Margaret his wife buried January the

15th 1724/5

George Ramsay buried February the 20th 1724/5

Joseph Murray was buried March the 30th 1725

Anne Magowan of the Parish of Drumcree was buried April 7th 1725

John Campbell Minister

George Ruddock

Robert Wilson Churchwardens


Burials 1725

John son of William Lawfort and Jane his wife of the Parish of Drumcree was buried

Sunday the 11th day of April 1725

Henry Magee of the Parish of Kilmore was buried Friday 16th of April 1725

William son of William Pringle and Rachel his wife buried May the 5th 1725

Robert Cook son of Isabel Cook, widow of the Parish of Drumcree buried May

26th 1725

Elizabeth daughter of John Gule and Ann his wife buried June 9th 1725

Robert Fryer was buried on the 10th day of June

Anne the wife of David Smith was buried July the 17th

Ardil a Logan a child buried July 25th 1725

Daniel son of John Kelly and Elizabeth his wife buried July 27th 1725

Elizabeth Marr was buried August the first 1725

Elizabeth daughter of Lettice Gallaway, widow buried August 23rd 1725

Katherine Paul of the Parish of Tullylisk buried August 27th 1725


Burials 1725 – 1726

Susana the wife of William Dixon was buried on the 14th day of September 1725

Margaret the wife of Thomas Adcison (Atkinson) of the Parish of Tulleelush buried

October the 18th 1725


Mary daughter of Edward Dillon and Ellinor his wife buried January 13th 1726

Margaret wife of Leonard Aprichard was buried January 29th 1726

Margaret daughter of William Bullock and Mary his wife buried February the 5th 1726

Thomas Podle buried February 8th 1726

James son of John Sinclair buried February 15th 1726

John son of Oliver Neil and Prudence his wife buried February 18th 1726

James Paterson buried February 22nd 1726

Isabel the wife of John Medcafe buried February the 29th 1726

Richard son of John Pulla and Sarah his wife buried February 28th 1726

Dorothy Pool? of the Parish of Tullish the wife of Thomas Pool was buried March the

13th 1726


Burials 1726

Isabel, the wife of John Irwin was buried March the 17th 1725/6

Robert Macnab was buried March the 18th 1725/6

Burials in the year 1726

George Humphreys, son of Thomas Humphreys buried April 9th 1726

Alice Calvart of the Parish of Killmore buried April the 24th 1726

Sarah, the wife of James Rules buried May the 9th 1726

Thomas, son of Elizabeth Matchett, widow, buried July 4th 1726

Richard Thompson buried July 13th 1726

John Makamson (Malcomson) buried August 17th 1726

William Barnell buried August the 18th 1726

William, son of William Robinson and Rose his wife buried August the 18th 1726

James Pow (Pooe) of the Parish of Tullylish was buried August the 28th 1726

Thomas Gilaspey buried August 29th 1726

Thomas, son of George Whaley and Jane his wife buried September 12th 1726

George Emerson of the Parish of Tartaraghan was buried on the 30th of September


Elizabeth Ward buried October 10th 1726

Margaret, daughter of William Lawson and Jane his wife of the Parish of Drumcree

buried December 3 1726

John Campbell Minister

John Gilpin

Robert Dilworth Churchwardens


Burials 1727

Anne, daughter of Francis Rodgers and Elizabeth his wife was buried the 3rd day of

July 1727

James, son of John Binks and Elizabeth his wife buried July 5th 1727

John, son of George Cochran and Joan his wife buried July 7th 1727

Haltridge, son of John Binks and Elizabeth his wife buried July 9th 1727

Elizabeth Ducker buried July the 15th 1727

Judith, wife of John Joyce of the Parish of Drumcree buried July 28 1727

Isabel, daughter of Robert Dornan of the Parish of Killinare and Margaret Gibson his

pretended wife buried July the 30th 1727

Valentine, son of Thomas Binks and Martha his wife buried August 1st 1727

Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Binks and Martha his wife buried August 1st 1727

William, son of William Bodell and Ann his wife buried August 6th 1727

Abraham, son of Robert Bullock and Sarah his wife buried August 7th 1727

Christian, daughter of John Rodgers Jr. and Elinor his wife, buried August 7th 1727

Ann, daughter of John Rodgers Junior and Elinor his wife buried August 7th 1727

John Campbell Minister

Robert Blacker Churchwardens

Jas (James) Berry


Burials 1727

John son of John Binks and Elizabeth his wife buried August 7th 1727

Edward son of John Dillon and Elizabeth his wife buried August 17th 1727

Ann Berry buried August 17th 1727

Catherine daughter of John Glassey and Lettice his wife buried August 18th 1727

Elinor daughter of Alexander McCleary and Elinor his wife buried August 23rd 1727

Ann daughter of Thomas Humphries and Mary his wife buried August 24th 1727

Anne daughter of Michael Abraham and Anne his wife buried August 27th 1727

Henry son of Richard Bodell and Hanna his wife buried September 6th 1727

Francis bastard son of Francis Murray and Margaret Allen buried 7ber (September)

6th 1727

Elizabeth daughter of Michael Matchett and Elizabeth his wife buried 7ber

(September) 7th 1727

The Revd Thomas Mathers buried 7ber (September) 9th 1727

John son of Thomas Clery and Jane his wife buried 7ber (September) 26th 1727

Mary Richie buried October ye 11th 1727

James son of George Humphary and Sarah his wife buried 15th October 1727

John Campbell Minister

Robert Blacker Churchwarden

Ja (James) Berry Churchwarden


Burials 1727-28

Sarah Willson buried October 20th 1727

Elizabeth daughter of George Ruddell and Jane his wife buried November 7th 1727

Catherine daughter of Rev Mr Campbell and Mary his wife buried 9ber (November)

16th 1727

Mary daughter of Nicholas Porter and Margaret his wife buried 9ber (November)

20th 1727

James son of George Ruddil and Jane his wife buried 9ber (November) 16th 1727

George son of John Thompson and Jane his wife buried December 2nd 1727

Patrick Chambers buried December 23rd 1727


James son of John Stewart and Margaret his wife buried January 5th 1728

Henry son of Thomas Atkinson of the Parish of Tullylish and Susan his wife buried

January 11th 1728

Mary Black buried January 29th 1728

George Lucas buried January 31st 1728

Anne Dixon buried February 4th 1728

Thomas Bressick buried February 11th 1728

Thomas Robinson buried February 12th 1728

John son of Sarah Bullock buried February 15th 1728

George son of George Black and Mary his wife buried February 23rd 1728

John Campbell Minister

Robert Blacker Churchwarden

Jos (James) Berry Churchwarden


Burials 1728

Mary, wife of James Armstrong buried March 6th 1727/8

James, son of Alexander Richey and Mary his wife deceased, buried March

7th 1727/8

William, son of Will Parr and Judith his wife buried March 10th 1727/8

William, son of James Byers buried March 13th 1727/8

Hugh, son of Daniel Kettle (Caddell) and Mary his wife buried March 23 1727/8

Robert, son of John Bradshaw and Elinor his wife buried March 24th 1727/8

Jane Lyness buried April 6th 1728

Margaret Keeran buried April 12th 1728

Mary, daughter of William Bradshaw and Mary his wife buried April 16th 1728

William Davis buried April 25th 1728

George Joyce buried April the 28th 1728

Robert, son of James Hagan and Elizabeth his wife buried the 28th day of April 1728

Helene Davies bur

John Campbell Minister

Robert Blacker Churchwardens

Jas (James) Berry


Burials in the year 1728 & 29

Helen Davie was buried May the 5th 1728

John Robinson buried May 10th 1728

Antony McAnally buried May 11th 1728

Mary, wife of Valentine Montgomery of the Parish of Tartaraghan buried May

25th 1728

Elizabeth, daughter of Woollsey Smurphett and Mary his wife buried July the

19th 1728

Thomas Guy buried August the 29th 1728

Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Black and Elizabeth his wife buried October 14th 1728

Margaret Norcross buried October 29th 1728


Jane, wife of Alexander Reynolds buried January 3rd 1728/9

Elinor, wife of John Wolsey Senior buried January 11th 1728/9

Anne Gelaspey buried January the 9th

William, son of John Porter of the Parish of Drumcree and Elizabeth his wife buried

January 20th 1728/9

Rose Robinson was buried February 26th

David Hapheaced? was buried ???


Burials in the year 1729

Judith daughter of Joseph Harris Junior and Elizabeth his wife buried January 23rd


Mark son of Henry Clark and Rachel his wife buried January 24th 1729

Mrs Elizabeth Mathers buried January 29th 1729

Robert Hews (Hughes) buried January 30th 1729

Thomas son of John Harroway and Elizabeth his wife buried February 4th 1729

Rose Robinson buried February 26th 1729

James Bowhannon buried March 2nd 1729

John Joyce buried March 6th 1729

Marjery Walker buried March 10th 1729

Thomas Trotter buried March 17th 1729

Isaac Glass buried March 18th 1729

George Dixon buried March 25th 1729

John son of John Richey and Margaret his wife buried March 26th 1729

Elizabeth Harrie? buried April ye 8th 1729


Burials in the year 1729

William Smurphett buried April ye 9th 1729

Janet Brown buried April ye 9th 1729

Ketharine Porter buried April ye 12th 1729

Margaret Wilson buried April ye 15th 1729

Ketharine daughter of Mr Leonard Cross and Elizabeth his wife buried April ye 17th


Mary daughter of Thomas Brown and Mary his wife buried April ye 19th 1729

John Abraham buried April ye 19th 1729

Anne daughter of Jacob Hart and Mary his wife buried April ye 27th 1729

Mary daughter of James Hagan and Elisabeth his wife buried April ye 19th 1729

William Buye buried April ye 13th 1729

Elizabeth Anderson buried May ye 8th 1729

John son of Alexander Reynolds buried May ye 8th 1729

Peter Bullock was buried November the 10th 1724

James Beggs was buried November 10th 1724

George Quin of the Parish of Kilmore was buried the 15th of December 1724


Margaret, daughter of Mr Francis Hops and Margaret his wife buried January the

15th 1724/5

George Ramsay buried February the 20th 1724/5

Joseph Murray was buried March the 30th 1725

Anne Magowan of the Parish of Drumcree was buried April 7th 1725

John Campbell Minister

George Ruddock

Robert Wilson Churchwardens


Burials 1725

John son of William Lawfort and Jane his wife of the Parish of Drumcree was buried

Sunday the 11th day of April 1725

Henry Magee of the Parish of Kilmore was buried Friday 16th of April 1725

William son of William Pringle and Rachel his wife buried May the 5th 1725

Robert Cook son of Isabel Cook, widow of the Parish of Drumcree buried May

26th 1725

Elizabeth daughter of John Gule and Ann his wife buried June 9th 1725

Robert Fryer was buried on the 10th day of June

Anne the wife of David Smith was buried July the 17th

Ardil a Logan a child buried July 25th 1725

Daniel son of John Kelly and Elizabeth his wife buried July 27th 1725

Elizabeth Marr was buried August the first 1725

Elizabeth daughter of Lettice Gallaway, widow buried August 23rd 1725

Katherine Paul of the Parish of Tullylisk buried August 27th 1725


Burials 1725 – 1726

Susana the wife of William Dixon was buried on the 14th day of September 1725

Margaret the wife of Thomas Adcison (Atkinson) of the Parish of Tulleelush buried

October the 18th 1725


Mary daughter of Edward Dillon and Ellinor his wife buried January 13th 1726

Margaret wife of Leonard Aprichard was buried January 29th 1726

Margaret daughter of William Bullock and Mary his wife buried February the 5th 1726

Thomas Podle buried February 8th 1726

James son of John Sinclair buried February 15th 1726

John son of Oliver Neil and Prudence his wife buried February 18th 1726

James Paterson buried February 22nd 1726

Isabel the wife of John Medcafe buried February the 29th 1726

Richard son of John Pulla and Sarah his wife buried February 28th 1726

Dorothy Pool? of the Parish of Tullish the wife of Thomas Pool was buried March the

13th 1726


Burials 1726

Isabel, the wife of John Irwin was buried March the 17th 1725/6

Robert Macnab was buried March the 18th 1725/6

Burials in the year 1726

George Humphreys, son of Thomas Humphreys buried April 9th 1726

Alice Calvart of the Parish of Killmore buried April the 24th 1726

Sarah, the wife of James Rules buried May the 9th 1726

Thomas, son of Elizabeth Matchett, widow, buried July 4th 1726

Richard Thompson buried July 13th 1726

John Makamson (Malcomson) buried August 17th 1726

William Barnell buried August the 18th 1726

William, son of William Robinson and Rose his wife buried August the 18th 1726

James Pow (Pooe) of the Parish of Tullylish was buried August the 28th 1726

Thomas Gilaspey buried August 29th 1726

Thomas, son of George Whaley and Jane his wife buried September 12th 1726

George Emerson of the Parish of Tartaraghan was buried on the 30th of September


Elizabeth Ward buried October 10th 1726

Margaret, daughter of William Lawson and Jane his wife of the Parish of Drumcree

buried December 3 1726

John Campbell Minister

John Gilpin

Robert Dilworth Churchwardens


Burials 1727

Anne, daughter of Francis Rodgers and Elizabeth his wife was buried the 3rd day of

July 1727

James, son of John Binks and Elizabeth his wife buried July 5th 1727

John, son of George Cochran and Joan his wife buried July 7th 1727

Haltridge, son of John Binks and Elizabeth his wife buried July 9th 1727

Elizabeth Ducker buried July the 15th 1727

Judith, wife of John Joyce of the Parish of Drumcree buried July 28 1727

Isabel, daughter of Robert Dornan of the Parish of Killinare and Margaret Gibson his

pretended wife buried July the 30th 1727

Valentine, son of Thomas Binks and Martha his wife buried August 1st 1727

Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Binks and Martha his wife buried August 1st 1727

William, son of William Bodell and Ann his wife buried August 6th 1727

Abraham, son of Robert Bullock and Sarah his wife buried August 7th 1727

Christian, daughter of John Rodgers Jr. and Elinor his wife, buried August 7th 1727

Ann, daughter of John Rodgers Junior and Elinor his wife buried August 7th 1727

John Campbell Minister

Robert Blacker Churchwardens

Jas (James) Berry


Burials 1727

John son of John Binks and Elizabeth his wife buried August 7th 1727

Edward son of John Dillon and Elizabeth his wife buried August 17th 1727

Ann Berry buried August 17th 1727

Catherine daughter of John Glassey and Lettice his wife buried August 18th 1727

Elinor daughter of Alexander McCleary and Elinor his wife buried August 23rd 1727

Ann daughter of Thomas Humphries and Mary his wife buried August 24th 1727

Anne daughter of Michael Abraham and Anne his wife buried August 27th 1727

Henry son of Richard Bodell and Hanna his wife buried September 6th 1727

Francis bastard son of Francis Murray and Margaret Allen buried 7ber (September)

6th 1727

Elizabeth daughter of Michael Matchett and Elizabeth his wife buried 7ber

(September) 7th 1727

The Revd Thomas Mathers buried 7ber (September) 9th 1727

John son of Thomas Clery and Jane his wife buried 7ber (September) 26th 1727

Mary Richie buried October ye 11th 1727

James son of George Humphary and Sarah his wife buried 15th October 1727

John Campbell Minister

Robert Blacker Churchwarden

Ja (James) Berry Churchwarden


Burials 1727-28

Sarah Willson buried October 20th 1727

Elizabeth daughter of George Ruddell and Jane his wife buried November 7th 1727

Catherine daughter of Rev Mr Campbell and Mary his wife buried 9ber (November)

16th 1727

Mary daughter of Nicholas Porter and Margaret his wife buried 9ber (November)

20th 1727

James son of George Ruddil and Jane his wife buried 9ber (November) 16th 1727

George son of John Thompson and Jane his wife buried December 2nd 1727

Patrick Chambers buried December 23rd 1727


James son of John Stewart and Margaret his wife buried January 5th 1728

Henry son of Thomas Atkinson of the Parish of Tullylish and Susan his wife buried

January 11th 1728

Mary Black buried January 29th 1728

George Lucas buried January 31st 1728

Anne Dixon buried February 4th 1728

Thomas Bressick buried February 11th 1728

Thomas Robinson buried February 12th 1728

John son of Sarah Bullock buried February 15th 1728

George son of George Black and Mary his wife buried February 23rd 1728

John Campbell Minister

Robert Blacker Churchwarden

Jos (James) Berry Churchwarden


Burials 1728

Mary, wife of James Armstrong buried March 6th 1727/8

James, son of Alexander Richey and Mary his wife deceased, buried March

7th 1727/8

William, son of Will Parr and Judith his wife buried March 10th 1727/8

William, son of James Byers buried March 13th 1727/8

Hugh, son of Daniel Kettle (Caddell) and Mary his wife buried March 23 1727/8

Robert, son of John Bradshaw and Elinor his wife buried March 24th 1727/8

Jane Lyness buried April 6th 1728

Margaret Keeran buried April 12th 1728

Mary, daughter of William Bradshaw and Mary his wife buried April 16th 1728

William Davis buried April 25th 1728

George Joyce buried April the 28th 1728

Robert, son of James Hagan and Elizabeth his wife buried the 28th day of April 1728

Helene Davies bur

John Campbell Minister

Robert Blacker Churchwardens

Jas (James) Berry


Burials in the year 1728 & 29

Helen Davie was buried May the 5th 1728

John Robinson buried May 10th 1728

Antony McAnally buried May 11th 1728

Mary, wife of Valentine Montgomery of the Parish of Tartaraghan buried May

25th 1728

Elizabeth, daughter of Woollsey Smurphett and Mary his wife buried July the

19th 1728

Thomas Guy buried August the 29th 1728

Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Black and Elizabeth his wife buried October 14th 1728

Margaret Norcross buried October 29th 1728


Jane, wife of Alexander Reynolds buried January 3rd 1728/9

Elinor, wife of John Wolsey Senior buried January 11th 1728/9

Anne Gelaspey buried January the 9th

William, son of John Porter of the Parish of Drumcree and Elizabeth his wife buried

January 20th 1728/9

Rose Robinson was buried February 26th

David Hapheaced? was buried ???


Burials in the year 1729

Judith daughter of Joseph Harris Junior and Elizabeth his wife buried January 23rd


Mark son of Henry Clark and Rachel his wife buried January 24th 1729

Mrs Elizabeth Mathers buried January 29th 1729

Robert Hews (Hughes) buried January 30th 1729

Thomas son of John Harroway and Elizabeth his wife buried February 4th 1729

Rose Robinson buried February 26th 1729

James Bowhannon buried March 2nd 1729

John Joyce buried March 6th 1729

Marjery Walker buried March 10th 1729

Thomas Trotter buried March 17th 1729

Isaac Glass buried March 18th 1729

George Dixon buried March 25th 1729

John son of John Richey and Margaret his wife buried March 26th 1729

Elizabeth Harrie? buried April ye 8th 1729


Burials in the year 1729

William Smurphett buried April ye 9th 1729

Janet Brown buried April ye 9th 1729

Ketharine Porter buried April ye 12th 1729

Margaret Wilson buried April ye 15th 1729

Ketharine daughter of Mr Leonard Cross and Elizabeth his wife buried April ye 17th


Mary daughter of Thomas Brown and Mary his wife buried April ye 19th 1729

John Abraham buried April ye 19th 1729

Anne daughter of Jacob Hart and Mary his wife buried April ye 27th 1729

Mary daughter of James Hagan and Elisabeth his wife buried April ye 19th 1729

William Buye buried April ye 13th 1729

Elizabeth Anderson buried May ye 8th 1729

John son of Alexander Reynolds buried May ye 8th 1729

Mary, daughter of William Bodell and Mary his wife baptised October 16th 1725

Mary, daughter of Thomas Humphray and Ann his wife baptised the 17th of October


Martha, daughter of Jacob Hart and Mary his wife baptised October 30th

William, son of John Bullock and Frances his wife baptised October the 31st 1725


Baptisms 1725-26

Mary daughter of Thomas Anderson and Jane his wife baptised November the

21st 1725

Lettice daughter of Nicholas Summer of the Parish of Tullylish and Sarah his wife

baptised November the 25th 1725

Mary daughter of Isaac Scott and Katherine his wife baptised December the

27th 1725


Alice daughter of George Sample and Jane his wife baptised January the 2nd 1726

William son of John Ramsey and Margaret his wife baptised January the 5th 1726

Mary daughter of William Gringhe and Rachel his wife baptised January the 6th 1726

Mary daughter of Isaac Corner and Jane his wife baptised January the 23rd 1726

Anne daughter of Henry Porter and Eliz. his wife baptised January the 23rd 1726

Henry son of William Duck and Sarah his wife baptised the 6th of February 1726

Blanch daughter of John Beavers and Jane his wife baptised February the 6th 1726

William son of Robert Hide and Ann his wife of the Parish of Drumcree baptised

February 11th 1726


Baptisms 1726

James son of William Sanderson and Eliz. his wife baptised February the 12th 1726

John son of Joseph Harris, junior and Elizabeth his wife baptised February the

12th 1726

Jane daughter of Henry Duck and Eliz. his wife baptised February the 13th 1726

Alice daughter of Ralph Bullock and Helene his wife baptised February the 27th

Elizabeth daughter of John Whiteford a soldier in Carke (Karki) and Anne a minor

baptised the first of March 1726

Jane daughter of James Stuart and Anne his wife baptised March the 6th 1726

James son of Samuel Walker and Catherine his wife baptised March 8th 1726

Robert son of Thomas Brown and Mary his wife baptised March the 13th

Thomas son of James Rules and Sarah his wife baptised March the 20th

Susana daughter of Edward Cardy and Susana his wife baptised March the 20th

John son of John Gilpen and Judith his wife baptised Saturday the 26th March 1726

James son of John Magowan and Diana his wife of the Parish of Drumcree baptised

March 28th 1726


Baptisms 1726

Mary daughter of John Beans and Anne his wife was baptized April ye 3rd 1726

Anne daughter of David Richson and Margaret his wife was baptized April ye 3rd


Ellioner daughter of Thomas Bradshaw and Mary his wife was baptized April ye 17th


John son of Daniel Campbell and Mary his wife was baptized April ye 17th 1726

Robert son of James Hagan and Elizabeth his wife was baptized April ye 17th 1726

Thomas son of John Marten and Margaret his wife was baptized April ye 24th 1726

Ann daughter of Richard Hadden and Margaret his wife was baptized April ye 26th


Jane daughter of John Kentlin and Elizabeth his wife was baptized May ye first 1726

Ralph son of Robert Wilson and Judith his wife was baptized May ye 12th 1726

George son of William Emerson and Mary his wife was baptized May ye 14th 1726

Catherine daughter of Thomas Bunten and Anne his wife was baptized May ye 14th


Thomas son of John Davison and Sarah his wife was baptized May ye 17th 1726

Mary daughter of John Bradshaw and Jane his wife was baptized May ye 17th 1726

George son of David Turkington and Jane his wife was baptized May ye 20th 1726

Leonard son of Leonard Calvert and Margaret his wife was baptized May ye 21st


William son of James Hughey and Jane his wife was baptized May ye 22nd 1726

John Campbell Minister

John Gilpin Churchwarden

Robert Dillworth Churchwarden


Baptisms 1726

Judith daughter of Thomas Dillworth and Deborah his wife was baptized June ye 5th


William son of Edward Wilkison and Jane his wife was baptized June ye 5th 1726

William son of James Walker and Dorothy his wife was baptized June ye 5th 1726

Thomas son of Thomas Bulla and Sarah his wife was baptized June ye 5th 1726

Thomas son of George Whaley and June his wife was baptized June ye 19th 1726

Jane daughter of William Mucklehone (McElhone) and Anne his wife was baptized

June ye 19th 1726

Jane baptized daughter of Sarah Tate and Jon Leget supposed to be father baptised

June ye 19th 1726

Martha daughter of William Harrison and Alice his wife baptized July ye 17th 1726

Ann daughter of William Rob and Sarah his wife baptized July ye 21st 1726

Elizabeth daughter of Robert Pickrom and Sarah his wife baptized July ye 29th 1726

Abraham son of George Lucas and Mary his wife baptized July ye 28th 1726

Rachel daughter of William Greenway and Elizabeth his wife baptized July ye 28th


John Campbell Minister

John Gilpin Churchwarden

Robert Dillworth Churchwarden


Baptisms 1726

Alice, daughter of John Randleston [Reynoldson see p. 377] and Jane his wife was

baptised July 31st 1726

Henry, son of John Robison and Anne his wife baptised 2nd of August 1726

William, bastard son of William Spence and Ket. Redman baptised August 7th

George, son of George Black and Mary his wife baptised the 7th day of August

Bartholomew, son of Bartholomew Seggs and Ellenor Foster, his pretended wife

baptised August the 21st 1726

William, bastard son of John Wilson and Jane Davine baptised August the 21st 1726

Mary, daughter of Patrick Herrald and Mary his wife baptised August the 21st [see p.


Anne, bastard daughter of Thomas Kenthin and Mary Ford baptised on the 24th of

August 1726

Anne, daughter of George Tomlinson and Elizabeth his wife, strangers, baptised

September the 11th 1726

Elizabeth, bastard daughter of Meave Quinn baptised September the 11th 1726

John Campbell Minister

John Gilpin Church

Robert Dillworth Wardens


Baptisms 1726-27

John, son of James Davice and Anne his wife baptised October the 2nd 1726

James, son of John Castles and Ketherine his wife baptised October the 16th 1726

Mary, daughter of William Bradshaw and Mary his wife baptised October the

30th 1726

William, son of Michael Palmer and Anne his wife baptised November the 6th 1726

Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Kenthin and Susana his wife baptised November the

20th 1726

James, son of James Shaw, a souldier and Sarah Frier baptised November 22 1726

Mary, daughter of Henry Clark and Rachel Hall, who pretend to have been married

by a Popish priest baptised November 22 1726

Elizabeth, daughter of William Lindsay and Sara his wife baptised November the

27th 1726

Edward, son of Mr Edward Barten and Elizabeth his wife baptised December the

27th 1726


Sarah, daughter of John Eackens and Margaret his wife baptised January the

8th 1726/7

John Campbell Minister

John Gilpin Church

Robert Dillworth Wardens


Baptisms 1727

Jane daughter of Mr Nicholas Owen and Mebill his wife baptised January the

15th 1727

Mary daughter of Nicholas Porter and Margaret his wife baptised January the

15th 1727

John son of John Binks and Elizabeth his wife baptised January 19th 1727

Alex son of William Whiteside and Mary his wife baptised January the 22nd 1727

Anne daughter of Andrew Hanna and Anne his wife baptised January the 22nd 1727

John son of George Wilson and Ann baptised February the 7th 1727

Elinor daughter of Richard Coulter and Ann his wife baptised February 23rd 1727

Henry son of Richard Rodell and Hanna his wife baptised February 27 1727

Elizabeth daughter of John Dillon and Anne his wife baptised March the 5th 1727

William bastard son of Mary Atkinson baptised March 13 1727

Mary daughter of Antony McNally and Catherine his wife baptised March 20 1727

Mary daughter of John Martin (a stranger of the Parish of St. James in Dublin) and

Elinor his wife baptised March 20 1727

Henry son of Henry McKane and Mary his wife baptised March 22 1727

John Campbell, Minister

John Gilpin and Robert Dillsworth Church Wardens


Baptisms 1727

Deborah daughter of Robert Bullock and Sarah his wife baptised March the 23 1727

John son of John Grand a soldier in Derry and Mary his wife baptised April the

3rd 1727

Anne daughter of William Hall and Elizabeth his wife was baptised April the 9th 1727

John son of Ralph Lutton and Isabell his wife was baptised April the 16th 1727

Rachel daughter of John Steenson and Judith his wife was baptised April the

16th 1727

Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Metcafe and Mary his wife was baptised April the

16th 1727

Mary daughter of John Rulla and Sarah his wife was baptised April the 26th 1727

John Campbell, Minister

John Gilpin and Robert Dillsworth, Churchwardens


Baptisms in the year 1727

Margaret daughter of Thomas Lew (Louie) and Ann his wife baptized May 17 1727

Thomas son of John Berry and Elizabeth his wife baptized May 24 1727

George son of John Reid and Grace his wife baptized June 9th 1727

William son of Moses Nuttal (Lutton) and Elinor his wife baptized June 11th 1727

Elizabeth daughter of James Byers and Maran his wife baptized June 25th 1727

Helene daughter of James Pridget (Uprichard) and Mary his wife baptized July 1st


Rachael daughter of Henry Nail and Anne his wife baptized July 2nd 1727

Thomas son of George Best of the Parish of Drumcree and Charity his wife baptized

July 11th? 1727

James son of Patrick McTear and Alice his wife baptized July 16th 1727

An daughter of Isaac Corner and Helene his wife baptized July 16th 1727

Alice daughter of Christopher Wilson and Maren his wife baptized July 16th 1727

James son of Edward Dillon and Helene his wife baptized July 16th 1727

John Campbell Minister

Robert Blacker Churchwarden

Jo. Berry Churchwarden


Baptisms 1727

Susana daughter of Hugh McKlean and Susana his wife baptized July the 17th 1727

An daughter of Henry Quarry and An his wife baptized July the 17th 1727

Christian daughter of Thomas Rodgers and Mary his wife baptized July the 22nd


Alice daughter of Robert Wilson junior and Mary his wife baptized July the 22nd


Isabell daughter of Robert Dornan and Margaret Gibson who pretends to be his wife

baptized July 22nd 1727

Isabel daughter of John Potts and Jane his wife baptized July the 30th 1727

William son of William Hoy and his wife Dorothy his wife baptized August the 20th


Henry son of Henry Corner and Jane his wife baptized August the 20th 1727

Rachel daughter of Francis Wilson and Ann his wife as is pretended baptized August

the 20th 1727

Sarah daughter of Edward Wilkinson and Jane his wife baptized August the 20th


Thomas son of William Scott and Mary his wife baptized August the 27th 1727

John Campbell Minister

Robert Blacker Churchwarden

Jo. Berry Churchwarden


Baptisms: 1727

Martha, daughter of William Dixon and Mary his wife baptised September 2nd 1727

George, son of John Thompson and Jane his wife baptised September the 3rd 1727

Elizabeth, bastard daughter of Richard Workman and Margaret Castles baptised

September 10th 1727

Rachel, daughter of James Stewart and Ann his wife baptised September 11th 1727

Jane, daughter of Alex McCleary and Helene his wife baptised September the

12th 1727

Isabel, daughter of Henry Rob and his wife of the Parish of Drumcree baptised

September the 17th 1727

William, son of Robert Dillworth and Elizabeth his wife baptised September the

21st 1727

William, son of John Celly and Elizabeth his wife was baptised September the

22nd 1727

Thomas, son of David Smith and Mary his wife was baptised October the first 1727

Isaac, son of Batholomew Seggs and Helene Foster his deceased wife’s sister’s

daughter baptised October the first 1727

John Campbell Minister

Robert Blacker

Jo Berry Churchwardens


Baptisms 1727

Sarah, daughter of Charles Vanner and Bridget his wife baptised October the

8th 1727

George, son of Valentine Joyce and Isabel his wife baptised October the 10th 1727

Thomas, son of William Robinson and Rose his wife baptised October 13th 1727

Elizabeth, daughter of Woollsey Smurphett and Mary his wife baptised October

15th 1727

Mary, daughter of Edward Jones and Mary his wife baptised October the 15th 1727

Thomas, son of John Harway [Harvey] and Elizabeth his wife baptised October the

22nd 1727

Anne, daughter of John Abraham and Hannah his wife baptised October the

22nd 1727

George, son of Charles Stewart and Dorothy his wife baptised October 28th 1727

Jane, daughter of Richard Joyce and Catharine his wife baptised November

11th 1727

William, son of John Reynoldson and Jane his wife baptised November 19th 1727

Henry, son of Mr Francis Hopps and Margaret his wife baptised November the

22nd 1727

Elizabeth, daughter of John Ramsey and Margaret his wife baptised December

7th 1727

John Campbell Minister

Robert Blacker

Jo Berry Churchwardens


Baptisms 1727-28

Isaac, son of Isaac Glass and Anne his wife baptised December the 10th 1727

Leonard, son of John Crawford and Mary his wife baptised December the 10th 1727

Judith, daughter of Joseph Harrison and Elizabeth his wife baptised December

24th 1727

Anne, daughter of James Fearley and Mary his wife baptised December the

26th 1727

Richard, son of William Bodle and Mary his wife baptised December the 31st 1727


Anne, daughter of Jacob Hart and Mary his wife baptised February the first 1727/8

Deborah, daughter of William Whiteside and Margaret his wife baptised February the

4th 1727/8

Jane, daughter of Michael Abraham and Ann his wife baptised February 7th 1727/8

Margaret, daughter of Nicholas Sumner [Sumner see p. 366] of the Parish of

Tullylish and Sarah his wife baptised February 7th 1727/8

Sarah, daughter of Thomas Brown and Mary his wife baptised February the

11th 1727/8

John Campbell Minister

Robert Blacker Churchwardens

Jo Berry


Baptisms 1728

John, son of George Murray of the Parish of Drumcree and Elizabeth his wife,

baptised February 17th 1727/8

William, son of Thomas Kenthin and Susana his wife baptised the 18th of February


Susanna, daughter of Edward Coardey and Susanna his wife baptised February the

8th 1727/8

Jane, daughter of Edward Yeomans of the Parish of Drumcree and Mary his wife

baptised February 22nd 1727/8

Margaret, daughter of George Lucas deceased and Mary his wife baptised February

the 25th 1727/8

Josias, son of James Davis and Ann his wife baptised March 13th 1727/8

Skeffington, son of the Reverend Mr John Campbell and Mary his wife, baptised

March the 16th 1727

James, son of William Hall and Elizabeth his wife baptised April 28th 1728

John Campbell Minister

Robert Blacker Churchwardens

Jo Berry


Baptisms 1728

Grace daughter of Nill Murphey and Ellinor his wife baptised May 11th 1728

Catherine daughter of Henry Porter and Elizabeth his wife baptised May 18th 1728

Joseph son of Joseph Robinson and Elizabeth his wife baptised May the 25th 1728

Anne daughter of John Irwin and Eliz his wife baptised May the 26th 1728

Eliz. daughter of Richard Matchett and Eliz. his wife baptised May the 26th 1728

Mary daughter of David Turkington and Jane his wife baptised May the 26th 1728

William son of John Fryer and Ruth his wife baptised June the 9th 1728

Terence bastard son of Jane Barnson, an idiot, deaf and dumb, the father not known

baptised July 12th 1728

Elizabeth daughter of John Binks and Elizabeth his wife baptised July 17th 1728

Thomas son of John Gilpen and Judith his wife baptised July the 20th 1728


Baptisms 1728

Anne daughter of Matthew Robb and Anne his wife baptised the 21st of July 1728

Rachel daughter of John Buller and Helene his wife baptised July the 21st 1728

George son of George Ramsey and Elinor his wife baptised August 3rd 1728

Rebekah daughter of William Duckworth and Sarah his wife baptised privately

August 5th 1728

James son of Arthur Jordan and Anne his wife baptised August 7th 1728

William son of Samuel Robinson and Margery his wife baptised August 13th 1728

Robert son of Robert Willson and Judith his wife baptised September 5th 1728

Mary daughter of William McIlhome and Ann his wife, as she pretends, baptised

September 15th 1728

Mary daughter of Oliver Turkington and Margaret his wife baptised September

24th 1728

Mark son of Henry Clark and Rachel his wife baptised October 8th 1728

Margaret daughter of William Reed and Mary his wife of the Parish of Killmore

baptised October 24th 1728


Baptisms 1728-29

Anne daughter of Thomas Anderson and Jane his wife baptized November ye first


John son of William Williamson and Mary his wife baptized 9ber (November) ye 9th


Robert son of Joh Wallis (Wallace) and Sarah his wife baptized 9ber (November) ye

28th 1728

Anne daughter of William Page and Martha his wife baptized December ye first 1728

George son of Thomas Lue and Ann his wife baptized December ye 14th 1728

William son of William Wright and Jane his wife baptized December ye 20th 1728

Benjamine son of Thomas Tippen and Elizabeth his wife baptized December ye 21st


Anne daughter of James Crawley and Mary his wife baptized December ye 27th



John son of Richard Bryans and Mary his wife baptized January ye first 1729

Jane daughter of Daniel Campbell and Mary his wife baptized January ye 12th 1729

Mary daughter of Richard Joyce and Catherine his wife baptized January ye 16th


Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Robinson and Margaret his wife baptized January ye

19th 1729


William son of Henry Duck and Anne his wife baptized February ye 2nd 1729

Helene daughter of Nicholas Porter and Margaret his wife baptized February ye 9th


James son of James Stuart and Anne his wife baptized February ye 13th 1729

John son of Robert Dillworth and Elizabeth his wife baptized February ye 16th 1729

Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Spence and Elinor his wife baptized March ye 27th


Peter son of John Bullock and Frances his wife baptized March ye 30th 1729

Pierce son of John Dynes and Elizabeth his wife of the Parish of Tullylish baptized

April ye 6th 1729

Alexander son of Hugh Robison and Margaret his wife baptized April ye 6th 1729

William son of William Sherring and Judith his wife baptized April ye 13th 1729

Ellinor daughter of Samuel Walker and Catherine his wife baptized April ye 20th


Henry son of Henry Kaine and Mary his wife baptized April ye 27th 1729

Mary daughter of William Hall and June his wife baptized April ye 27th 1729

Elizabeth daughter of Matthew Reid and Alice his wife baptized May ye 4th 1729


Baptisms 1727

Mary, daughter of John Renison and Jane his wife was baptised the 8th day on May


Joseph, son of William Emerson and Mary his wife baptised May the 11th 1729

Jane, daughter of John Beans and Anne his wife baptised May the 11th 1729

David, son of Patrick Herrild and Mary his wife baptised May the 11th 1729 [see p. 370]

Mary, daughter of Thomas Bradshaw and Elizabeth his wife baptised May 17th 1729

William, son of Mr Henry Burleigh and Judith his wife baptised June 10th 1729

Ann, daughter of John Smyth and Ann his wife baptised June 22 1729

John, son of Henry Corner and Jane his wife baptised June 22 1729

Richard, son of Christopher Wilson and Marian his wife baptised June the 22nd 1729

James, son of John Thompson and Jane his wife baptised July the 6th 1729


Baptisms 1729

Elizabeth, daughter pf Thomas Bulla and Sarah his wife baptised July 14th 1729

James, son of Thomas Pirson and Margaret his wife baptised July 14th 1729 [see p.


Margaret, daughter of Patrick Harrold and Ann his wife baptised July 16th 1729

Anne, daughter of john Potts and Jane his wife baptised July the 20th 1729

Ann, daughter of John Hews and Margaret his wife baptised July the 24th 1729

William, son of William Dixon and Anne his wife was baptised the 2nd day of August


Mary, daughter of William Linsey and Sarah his wife was baptised August 5th 1729

Elizabeth, daughter of James Mahaffey and Ann his wife was baptised August

29th 1729

John, son of James Walter and Dorothy his wife was baptised Friday the 9th of

September 1729

Katharin, daughter to Leonard Cross and Elizabeth his wife was baptised the 15th of

October 1729


Baptisms 1730

John son of John Abraham and Anne his wife baptised August the 2nd 1730

Sarah daughter of Richard and Joyce his wife was baptised August the 8th 1730

Margaret daughter of Alexander Walker and his wife baptised August the 8th 1730

Mary daughter of George Shepherd and Elenor his wife baptised August the 9th 1730

Sarah daughter of Patrick Macatier and Alice his wife baptised August the 13th 1730

William son of Thomas Pinson and Margaret his wife baptised Saturday the 15th of

August 1730

James son of Arthur Charleston and Margaret his wife baptised September the

6th 1730

Deborah daughter of Michael Abraham and his wife baptised September the

13th 1730

Katherine daughter of Robert Wilson and Mary his wife baptised September the

13th 1730

Susana daughter of James Black and Mary his wife baptised September the

20th 1730

George son to George Dixon and Jane his wife baptised the 21st of September 1730

Thomas son to John Bullar and Sarah his wife baptised October the 31st 1730


Baptisms 1730-31

Margaret daughter of Nicholas Porter and Margaret his wife baptised October the

25th 1730

James son of Oliver Turkington and his wife baptised November the 10th 1730

William son of Joshua Ward and Mary his wife baptised November the 15th 1730

Jane daughter of James Beathel and Eliz. his wife baptised November the 15th 1730


9th December Robert son of Joseph and Elizabeth Robinson was baptised

John son of John Ramsey and Margaret his wife was baptised 9th Dec 1730

In Mr Fordes time the under named baptised

John son of Benjamine Gatefield and Eliz. his wife baptised December the 13th 1730

John son of William Potts and Jane his wife baptised December the 27th 1730


Samuel son of Hewey Crawford and Ket his wife baptised January the 3rd 1731

Margaret daughter of Charles Venner and his wife baptised January the 3rd 1731

Mary daughter of William Hall and Eliz. his wife baptised January the 10th 1731

Helene daughter of George Wilson and Helene his wife baptised January the

17th 1731

Anne daughter of Jonathan McGuigen and Anne his wife baptised January the

14th 1731

Edward son of Edward Steenson ‘being a bastard’ was baptised on the 24th day of

January 1731

Judith daughter of James Fryer and Mary his wife baptised January the 27th 1731

[see p. 419]


Memorandum that John Gilpen and Robert Dillworth are indebted to the Parish 1 l –

14s – 5d this third day of April 1727

Memorandum that Len: Cross and John Gilpen are indebted to the par (Parishioners)

of the Parish 2 – 14 – 0 August the 9th 1730


At a Vestry held in the Parish Church of Seagoe held for the said Parish on Easter

Monday the 11th of April 1726

It was agreed upon by the Minister, Churchwardens and Parishioners then present

that the sum of 9 l – 7s – 10d sterling to be applotted and levied of the Parishioners and

Landholders of the said Parish together with the sum of 00 l – 14s – 02d in the old

Churchwardens hands make the sum of 10l – 2s – 0d for the uses following (viz)

For elements and providing Elements for the ensuing year 1 – 16 – 00

For the Bellman for ringing the bell and keeping the Church clean this ensuing year 2

– 00 – 00

Articles and charges of the Churchwardens and Sidesmen 00 – 16 – 00

For washing the surplice and table linen 00 – 07 – 06

Accidental charges 02 – 00 – 00

For white-washing the timber of the roof of the Church 00 – 10 – 00

To Henry Black and Thomas Scott late Churchwardens which they then disburse 01

– 02 – 09

For enlarging the desk for the books to lie on 00 – 05 – 00

For applotting Church Cess 00 – 02 – 00

For collecting the Church Cess 00 – 09 – 00

And that John Gilpen of Tamnefeglassony; and Robert Dillworth of Balteagh are

chosen Churchwardens for the ensuing year; and William Black of Bellydonaghy and

Daniel Kettle of Bellymony are chosen Sidesmen for the said year.

William Smurphett and George Dillworth overseers of the rode from Mr Dynes Hill to

the Low Mill; John Gibson of Upper Seagoe for the Low Rode from Edenderry to

Kilvirgin River; Robert Masden and Art McCan continues; Robert Bullock of Derriadda

and Daniel Kettle for the Montiaghs; George Whally of Bellynaffey and Henry Black of

Bellymacrannal from Knock Bridge to Lylow

John Campbell


Meredith Workman

Woollsey Smurphet

John (his X mark) Robison Churchwardens

George Ramsay

John ???????


At a Vestry held in the Parish Church of Sego held for the said Parish on Easter

Monday April the 3rd 1724. It was enacted concluded and agreed upon by the Minister,

Churchwardens and Parishioners then present that the sum of £15-06-0d Sterling be

applotted and levied of the Parishioners and Landholders of the said Parish by distress

or otherwise according to the law for uses following (viz)

For Elements and providing Elements by incoming year...... £1-16-0d

Bell Man wages for the incoming year for ringingMary, daughter of Edward Jones and Mary his wife baptised October the 15th 1727

Thomas, son of John Harway [Harvey] and Elizabeth his wife baptised October the

22nd 1727

Anne, daughter of John Abraham and Hannah his wife baptised October the

22nd 1727

George, son of Charles Stewart and Dorothy his wife baptised October 28th 1727

Jane, daughter of Richard Joyce and Catharine his wife baptised November

11th 1727

William, son of John Reynoldson and Jane his wife baptised November 19th 1727

Henry, son of Mr Francis Hopps and Margaret his wife baptised November the

22nd 1727

Elizabeth, daughter of John Ramsey and Margaret his wife baptised December

7th 1727

John Campbell Minister

Robert Blacker

Jo Berry Churchwardens


Baptisms 1727-28

Isaac, son of Isaac Glass and Anne his wife baptised December the 10th 1727

Leonard, son of John Crawford and Mary his wife baptised December the 10th 1727

Judith, daughter of Joseph Harrison and Elizabeth his wife baptised December

24th 1727

Anne, daughter of James Fearley and Mary his wife baptised December the

26th 1727

Richard, son of William Bodle and Mary his wife baptised December the 31st 1727


Anne, daughter of Jacob Hart and Mary his wife baptised February the first 1727/8

Deborah, daughter of William Whiteside and Margaret his wife baptised February the

4th 1727/8

Jane, daughter of Michael Abraham and Ann his wife baptised February 7th 1727/8

Margaret, daughter of Nicholas Sumner [Sumner see p. 366] of the Parish of

Tullylish and Sarah his wife baptised February 7th 1727/8

Sarah, daughter of Thomas Brown and Mary his wife baptised February the

11th 1727/8

John Campbell Minister

Robert Blacker Churchwardens

Jo Berry


Baptisms 1728

John, son of George Murray of the Parish of Drumcree and Elizabeth his wife,

baptised February 17th 1727/8

William, son of Thomas Kenthin and Susana his wife baptised the 18th of February


Susanna, daughter of Edward Coardey and Susanna his wife baptised February the

8th 1727/8

Jane, daughter of Edward Yeomans of the Parish of Drumcree and Mary his wife

baptised February 22nd 1727/8

Margaret, daughter of George Lucas deceased and Mary his wife baptised February

the 25th 1727/8

Josias, son of James Davis and Ann his wife baptised March 13th 1727/8

Skeffington, son of the Reverend Mr John Campbell and Mary his wife, baptised

March the 16th 1727

James, son of William Hall and Elizabeth his wife baptised April 28th 1728

John Campbell Minister

Robert Blacker Churchwardens

Jo Berry


Baptisms 1728

Grace daughter of Nill Murphey and Ellinor his wife baptised May 11th 1728

Catherine daughter of Henry Porter and Elizabeth his wife baptised May 18th 1728

Joseph son of Joseph Robinson and Elizabeth his wife baptised May the 25th 1728

Anne daughter of John Irwin and Eliz his wife baptised May the 26th 1728

Eliz. daughter of Richard Matchett and Eliz. his wife baptised May the 26th 1728

Mary daughter of David Turkington and Jane his wife baptised May the 26th 1728

William son of John Fryer and Ruth his wife baptised June the 9th 1728

Terence bastard son of Jane Barnson, an idiot, deaf and dumb, the father not known

baptised July 12th 1728

Elizabeth daughter of John Binks and Elizabeth his wife baptised July 17th 1728

Thomas son of John Gilpen and Judith his wife baptised July the 20th 1728


Baptisms 1728

Anne daughter of Matthew Robb and Anne his wife baptised the 21st of July 1728

Rachel daughter of John Buller and Helene his wife baptised July the 21st 1728

George son of George Ramsey and Elinor his wife baptised August 3rd 1728

Rebekah daughter of William Duckworth and Sarah his wife baptised privately

August 5th 1728

James son of Arthur Jordan and Anne his wife baptised August 7th 1728

William son of Samuel Robinson and Margery his wife baptised August 13th 1728

Robert son of Robert Willson and Judith his wife baptised September 5th 1728

Mary daughter of William McIlhome and Ann his wife, as she pretends, baptised

September 15th 1728

Mary daughter of Oliver Turkington and Margaret his wife baptised September

24th 1728

Mark son of Henry Clark and Rachel his wife baptised October 8th 1728

Margaret daughter of William Reed and Mary his wife of the Parish of Killmore

baptised October 24th 1728


Baptisms 1728-29

Anne daughter of Thomas Anderson and Jane his wife baptized November ye first


John son of William Williamson and Mary his wife baptized 9ber (November) ye 9th


Robert son of Joh Wallis (Wallace) and Sarah his wife baptized 9ber (November) ye

28th 1728

Anne daughter of William Page and Martha his wife baptized December ye first 1728

George son of Thomas Lue and Ann his wife baptized December ye 14th 1728

William son of William Wright and Jane his wife baptized December ye 20th 1728

Benjamine son of Thomas Tippen and Elizabeth his wife baptized December ye 21st


Anne daughter of James Crawley and Mary his wife baptized December ye 27th



John son of Richard Bryans and Mary his wife baptized January ye first 1729

Jane daughter of Daniel Campbell and Mary his wife baptized January ye 12th 1729

Mary daughter of Richard Joyce and Catherine his wife baptized January ye 16th


Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Robinson and Margaret his wife baptized January ye

19th 1729


William son of Henry Duck and Anne his wife baptized February ye 2nd 1729

Helene daughter of Nicholas Porter and Margaret his wife baptized February ye 9th


James son of James Stuart and Anne his wife baptized February ye 13th 1729

John son of Robert Dillworth and Elizabeth his wife baptized February ye 16th 1729

Elizabeth daughter of Thomas Spence and Elinor his wife baptized March ye 27th


Peter son of John Bullock and Frances his wife baptized March ye 30th 1729

Pierce son of John Dynes and Elizabeth his wife of the Parish of Tullylish baptized

April ye 6th 1729

Alexander son of Hugh Robison and Margaret his wife baptized April ye 6th 1729

William son of William Sherring and Judith his wife baptized April ye 13th 1729

Ellinor daughter of Samuel Walker and Catherine his wife baptized April ye 20th


Henry son of Henry Kaine and Mary his wife baptized April ye 27th 1729

Mary daughter of William Hall and June his wife baptized April ye 27th 1729

Elizabeth daughter of Matthew Reid and Alice his wife baptized May ye 4th 1729


Baptisms 1727

Mary, daughter of John Renison and Jane his wife was baptised the 8th day on May


Joseph, son of William Emerson and Mary his wife baptised May the 11th 1729

Jane, daughter of John Beans and Anne his wife baptised May the 11th 1729

David, son of Patrick Herrild and Mary his wife baptised May the 11th 1729 [see p. 370]

Mary, daughter of Thomas Bradshaw and Elizabeth his wife baptised May 17th 1729

William, son of Mr Henry Burleigh and Judith his wife baptised June 10th 1729

Ann, daughter of John Smyth and Ann his wife baptised June 22 1729

John, son of Henry Corner and Jane his wife baptised June 22 1729

Richard, son of Christopher Wilson and Marian his wife baptised June the 22nd 1729

James, son of John Thompson and Jane his wife baptised July the 6th 1729


Baptisms 1729

Elizabeth, daughter pf Thomas Bulla and Sarah his wife baptised July 14th 1729

James, son of Thomas Pirson and Margaret his wife baptised July 14th 1729 [see p.


Margaret, daughter of Patrick Harrold and Ann his wife baptised July 16th 1729

Anne, daughter of john Potts and Jane his wife baptised July the 20th 1729

Ann, daughter of John Hews and Margaret his wife baptised July the 24th 1729

William, son of William Dixon and Anne his wife was baptised the 2nd day of August


Mary, daughter of William Linsey and Sarah his wife was baptised August 5th 1729

Elizabeth, daughter of James Mahaffey and Ann his wife was baptised August

29th 1729

John, son of James Walter and Dorothy his wife was baptised Friday the 9th of

September 1729

Katharin, daughter to Leonard Cross and Elizabeth his wife was baptised the 15th of

October 1729


Baptisms 1730

John son of John Abraham and Anne his wife baptised August the 2nd 1730

Sarah daughter of Richard and Joyce his wife was baptised August the 8th 1730

Margaret daughter of Alexander Walker and his wife baptised August the 8th 1730

Mary daughter of George Shepherd and Elenor his wife baptised August the 9th 1730

Sarah daughter of Patrick Macatier and Alice his wife baptised August the 13th 1730

William son of Thomas Pinson and Margaret his wife baptised Saturday the 15th of

August 1730

James son of Arthur Charleston and Margaret his wife baptised September the

6th 1730

Deborah daughter of Michael Abraham and his wife baptised September the

13th 1730

Katherine daughter of Robert Wilson and Mary his wife baptised September the

13th 1730

Susana daughter of James Black and Mary his wife baptised September the

20th 1730

George son to George Dixon and Jane his wife baptised the 21st of September 1730

Thomas son to John Bullar and Sarah his wife baptised October the 31st 1730


Baptisms 1730-31

Margaret daughter of Nicholas Porter and Margaret his wife baptised October the

25th 1730

James son of Oliver Turkington and his wife baptised November the 10th 1730

William son of Joshua Ward and Mary his wife baptised November the 15th 1730

Jane daughter of James Beathel and Eliz. his wife baptised November the 15th 1730


9th December Robert son of Joseph and Elizabeth Robinson was baptised

John son of John Ramsey and Margaret his wife was baptised 9th Dec 1730

In Mr Fordes time the under named baptised

John son of Benjamine Gatefield and Eliz. his wife baptised December the 13th 1730

John son of William Potts and Jane his wife baptised December the 27th 1730


Samuel son of Hewey Crawford and Ket his wife baptised January the 3rd 1731

Margaret daughter of Charles Venner and his wife baptised January the 3rd 1731

Mary daughter of William Hall and Eliz. his wife baptised January the 10th 1731

Helene daughter of George Wilson and Helene his wife baptised January the

17th 1731

Anne daughter of Jonathan McGuigen and Anne his wife baptised January the

14th 1731

Edward son of Edward Steenson ‘being a bastard’ was baptised on the 24th day of

January 1731

Judith daughter of James Fryer and Mary his wife baptised January the 27th 1731

[see p. 419]


Memorandum that John Gilpen and Robert Dillworth are indebted to the Parish 1 l –

14s – 5d this third day of April 1727

Memorandum that Len: Cross and John Gilpen are indebted to the par (Parishioners)

of the Parish 2 – 14 – 0 August the 9th 1730


At a Vestry held in the Parish Church of Seagoe held for the said Parish on Easter

Monday the 11th of April 1726

It was agreed upon by the Minister, Churchwardens and Parishioners then present

that the sum of 9 l – 7s – 10d sterling to be applotted and levied of the Parishioners and

Landholders of the said Parish together with the sum of 00 l – 14s – 02d in the old

Churchwardens hands make the sum of 10l – 2s – 0d for the uses following (viz)

For elements and providing Elements for the ensuing year 1 – 16 – 00

For the Bellman for ringing the bell and keeping the Church clean this ensuing year 2

– 00 – 00

Articles and charges of the Churchwardens and Sidesmen 00 – 16 – 00

For washing the surplice and table linen 00 – 07 – 06

Accidental charges 02 – 00 – 00

For white-washing the timber of the roof of the Church 00 – 10 – 00

To Henry Black and Thomas Scott late Churchwardens which they then disburse 01

– 02 – 09

For enlarging the desk for the books to lie on 00 – 05 – 00

For applotting Church Cess 00 – 02 – 00

For collecting the Church Cess 00 – 09 – 00

And that John Gilpen of Tamnefeglassony; and Robert Dillworth of Balteagh are

chosen Churchwardens for the ensuing year; and William Black of Bellydonaghy and

Daniel Kettle of Bellymony are chosen Sidesmen for the said year.

William Smurphett and George Dillworth overseers of the rode from Mr Dynes Hill to

the Low Mill; John Gibson of Upper Seagoe for the Low Rode from Edenderry to

Kilvirgin River; Robert Masden and Art McCan continues; Robert Bullock of Derriadda

and Daniel Kettle for the Montiaghs; George Whally of Bellynaffey and Henry Black of

Bellymacrannal from Knock Bridge to Lylow

John Campbell


Meredith Workman

Woollsey Smurphet

John (his X mark) Robison Churchwardens

George Ramsay

John ???????


At a Vestry held in the Parish Church of Sego held for the said Parish on Easter

Monday April the 3rd 1724. It was enacted concluded and agreed upon by the Minister,

Churchwardens and Parishioners then present that the sum of £15-06-0d Sterling be

applotted and levied of the Parishioners and Landholders of the said Parish by distress

or otherwise according to the law for uses following (viz)

For Elements and providing Elements by incoming year...... £1-16-0d

Bell Man wages for the incoming year for ringing

The bell and keeping the Church clean...................................... 2-00-0

For Articles and charges of the Churchwardens and Sidesmen 0-16-0

For washing the Surplice and Linen........................................... 0-07-0

Accidental Charges ....................................................................2-00-0

For Applotting the Church Cess .................................................0-02-0

For the Surplice ..........................................................................2-10-0

For pillars and a new gate for the Churchyard ...........................4-00-0

Mending the Church fence by scouring and...............................1-00-0

For collecting the Church Cess ..................................................0-14-6

And that Robert Blacker of Edenderry and John Berry of Aughnehey are chosen

Churchwardens for the incoming year : and James Stuart of Ballynecor and William

Black of Bellydonaghey are chosen Sidesmen for the incoming year. William Bullock

of Cross McKaughully oversee of the road from Dynes Hill to Killecomaine and from

the Blue Stone to the Low Mill: John Gibson Continueth, Thomas Turner of Turmoyna

and James Castles of Aughacomon for Ballynury. Constablewick: William Keenney of

Derry Inver and James McKaughally of Ballynury for the Moyntaghs: John Wally of

Drumnacanvey and Henry Black of Bellymaerannal from Knockbridge to Lylo and from

Henry Blacks to Killecomaine.

John Campbell, Minister

John Gilpin and Robert Dillworth, Churchwardens


At a Vestry holden in the Parish Church of Seagoe the 24th day of August 1727

Whereas at a former Act of Vestry holden in the Parish Church of Seagoe Easter

Monday the 2nd of April 1727 it was agreed upon by the Minister, Churchwardens and

Parishioners then present that the sum of four pounds should be levied of the

Parishioners for making pillars and a new gate for the Church yard, which sum is found

to be insufficient for doing the said works. It is therefore enacted by the Minister,

Churchwardens and Parishioners that the sum of seven pounds be levied for

perfecting the said work and for making a new wheel for the bell which with the

forementioned sum of four pounds, amounts to e even pounds sterling, which sum is

to be raised by distress or otherwise according to law.

Woollsey Smurphett John Campbell Minister

George (his ‘O’ mark) Ramsay Robert Blacker Churchwardens

John Berry


At a Vestry held in the Parish Church of Seagoe held for the said Parish on Easter

Tuesday April the 23rd 1728 it was enacted, concluded and agreed upon by the

Minister, Churchwardens and Parishioners then present that the sum of 9 – 12 – 9 –

½ be applotted and levied of the Parishioners and Landholders of the said Parish by

distress or otherwise according to law; the uses following viz;

For Elements and providing Elements 01 – 16 – 0

For the Bellman for ringing the bell and keeping the

Church clean 02 – 00 – 00

For washing the surplices 00 – 12 – 08

Accidental charges 02 – 00 – 00

Articles and Charges 00 – 16 – 00

For applotting Church Cess 00 – 02 – 00

Due to the late Churchwardens 01 – 16 – 10 – ½

The sum is 9 – 3 – 6 – ½

For collecting the said sum 0 – 9 – 3 – 0

The whole sum is 0 – 12 – 9 – ½

For attending the court next

And that Mr Edward Barton of Drumgor and Robert Wilson of Levaghery are chosen

Churchwardens for this present year and William Thompson of Aughnehey and john

Gibson of Upper Seagoe are chosen Sidesmen for the said year.

Arthur Jorden of Moreverty over seer of the highways from Mr Dynes Hill to Killicomain

and from the Blue stone to the Low Mill; John Tuft of Drumnegoan for the Low Rodes

from Edenderry to Kilvirgin River; from John Reed’s in Lower Seagoe to William

Erwin’s in Karn and John Deary of Bellnemony and Thomas McKoan of Turmoyra for

Bellynemony Constablewick; John Turkington for the Moyntaghs; James Bomer of

Bellymacrannel and Willian Dixon of Bellygargan from Knock Bridge to Lylo and from

Henry Black’s to Killicomaine. John Tuft of Drumenagoon overseer of the Low Roads

from Edenderry to Kilvirgin River and from Joh Reed’s in lower Seagoe to William

Erwin’s in Karn.

Woollsey Smurphett John Campbell Minister

John Whalley Robert Blacker Churchwardens

John Binks John Berry


At a Vestry held in the Parish Church of Sego held for the same Parish on the 24th

day of August 1728

It was enacted concluded and agreed upon by the Minister, Church Wardens and

Parishioners then present that the sum of 2l 4s 5d be applotted and levied of the

Parishioners and land holders of the said Parish by distress or otherwise according to

the law be given for maintaining of a male child found in the Parish. 5 s 5 d to be laid

out for clothing ye said child immediately.

John Campbell Minister

Edward Baston Churchwarden

Robert Willson Churchwarden

Woollsey Smurphett

Edward Huddagh (his mark)


At a Vestry held in the Parish Church of Sego held for the said Parish on the 9th day

of October 1728

It was enacted concluded and agreed upon by the Minister, Church Wardens and

Parishioners then present that the persons under named shall serve overseers of the

highways in the Parish of Sego for the ensuing year (viz)

Richard Timmons of Knockmenagh to oversee the rodes from Mr Dynes Hill to

Killicomain and from the Blew stone to the low mill. John Tifft of Drumnegoan to

oversee from Edenderry to Kilvergan River John Deary of Bellynamony and Thomas

McKowan of Turmoyra oversees for Bellynemony Constablewick Michael Patison of

Derryinver and John Turkinton of Derrymacash for Moyntagh Constablewick

James Bomer of Bellymacrannel and William Dixon of Bellygargan to oversee from

Knock Bridge to Lylo and from Henry Black to Bellymacrannel to Killicomain and that

Mr Henry Burleigh of Lylo chosen derector over the afore said overseers pursuent to

the statute made in that case.

John Campbell Minister

Will Blacker

Edward Baston Churchwarden

Robert Willson Churchwarden

Henry Burleigh

James Tuft

Thomas Bunting


Vestry record from Sep 1729

At a Vestry held in the Parish Church of Sego held for the ye Parish on the 30th day of

September 1729

It was enacted, concluded and agreed upon by the Minister and Parishioners then

present that the persons undernamed shall serve [as] overseers of the highway in the

Parish of Sego for this inshuing year. (viz)

Valentine Harrison to oversee the rodes from Mr Dynes Hill to Killycomaine and from

the Blew Stone to the Low Mill; John Tufft continueth in the low rode in Kernan

constable. John Deary and Thomas McLonan continues in Ballynemony

Constablewick overseers of the highway therein John Abraham of Deriadda and

William Whiteside of the same to oversee from the Bann futt (Bannfoot) to

Derremacath Bridge John Woollsey of Edenderry and Aaron O Rogan of Ballyhannon

from Knock Bridge to Lylo and from Henry Black’s in Ballymccrannal to Killicomaine

and from the Great Rode in Edenderry to upper Sego William Blacker Esquire Director

over the said overseers pursuant to the Act of Parliament made in that case

John Campbell Minister

John Gibson Churchwarden

Woollsey Smurphett

James Bonnar (his mark)


Vestry meeting Apr 1729

At a Vestry held in the Parish Church of Sego held for the said Parish on Monday the

7th of April 1729

It was enacted, concluded and agreed upon by the Minister, Churchwardens and

Parishioners then present that the sum of 5-3-11-1/2 be applotted and levied of the

Parishioners and landholders of the said Parish, which together with the sum of 2-7-

3-1/2 now in the Churchwarden’s hands make ye sum of 7-11-9 for the uses following


Bellman’s wages for ringing the bell and keeping the Church clean ...2-00-00

For Elements and providing elements............................................... 1-16-00

For washing the surplices ...................................................................0-12-08

Accidental charges .............................................................................2-00-0

For applotting the Church cess ............................................................0-02-0

Articles and charges ........................................................................... 0-16-0

For collecting the cess.................................................................... 0-05-00


And that Leonard Croft of Moreverty and John Gibson of Upper Sego are chosen

Churchwardens for the said year and Jonathan Masden of Drumnakelly and Henry

Corner of Derryadda are chosen sidesmen for the said year

John Campbell Minister

Edward Barton & Robert Willson (Churchwardens)

William Dixon

James Bonner (his mark)

John Atkinson?

Henry Burleigh


At a Vestry held in the Parish Church of Seagoe held for the said Parish on Easter

Monday the 30th of March 1730

It was agreed upon by the Minister, Churchwardens and Parishioners then present

that Arthur Jorden of Moreverty; and Robert Wilson of Levaghery; and Ralph Wilson

of Breagh shall have a Liberty of Repairing of the sixth seat from the lowest part of the

upper end of the Church for their own proper uses, the said seat now standing on the

north side of the Church.

John Campbell Minister

Leonard Cross Churchwardens

John Gibson

Henry Corner Sidesman

Robert Wilson

John Newill

Will Wolsey

John Mathers

Henry Burleigh


At a Vestry held in the Parish Church of Seagoe held for the Parish on Easter Monday

the 30th of March 1730 it was enacted, concluded and agreed upon by the Minister,

Churchwardens and Parishioners then present that Thomas Bradshaw of

Knocknemuckley and Thomas Woollsey of Edenderry are chosen Churchwardens for

this ensuing year; and that William Reid of Ardmore and Henry Hunter of

Drumnecanvey are chosen Sidesmen for the said year.

John Campbell Minister

Leonard Cross Churchwardens

John Gibson

Henry Corner

Ter: O'Neill

Robert Wilson

Woollsey Smurphett


Whereas William Mathers of Drumgor hath suffered several losses and damages, by

Beal and otherwise for me I freely give and resign my right toitle and inbuilt clame of

my seat that I built in Sego Church which I had an Act of Vestry for and recorded in

the Vestry book of Sego (not now to be found in this book) for which seat I quitt me

my Heirs and descendants? all own right title inbuilt and cleam forever to ye said

William Mathers his heirs and descendants? and assigns for and in lieu of part of what

damage and loss he has sufferred for me by Beal or otherwise as witness and hand

this 22nd January 1725

Signed sealed and delivered in the name of Henry Fernan Francis Hopps

Entered by covant of the Minister Churchwardens and Parishioners present the 29th

April 1730

John Campbell Minister

Leonard Cross Churchwarden

John Gibson Churchwarden

John Walker

Henry Burleigh


At a Vestry held in the Parish Church of Sego held for the said Parish on the 29th of

April 1730. It was agreed upon by the Minister Churchwardens and Parishioners then

present that the sum of 14 - 13 - 2 - ½ be applotted and levied of the Parishioners and

land holders of the said Parish for the uses following (viz) by distress or otherwise

according to law

Bellmans wages for ring ye Bell

and keeping Church clean................................2 - 00 - 00

for elements and providing elements................................1 - 16 - 00

for washing the suplusses and table linen................................0 - 12 - 08

for applotting the Church cess................................0 - 02 - 00

articles and charges of the Churchwardens

and sidesmen................................0 - 16 - 00

due to Leo. Cross and John Gibson Churchwardens of the Parish of

Sego for the year 1729 ................................1 - 15 - 16 1/2

to Mr Henry Burleigh director of the high ways in the Parish

of Sego for the year 1728................................2 - 00 - 00

for collecting ye said cess................................0 - 11 - 00

for accidental charges................................3 - 00 – 00

John Campbell Minister of Sego

Leonard Cross

William Mathers

John Gibson

Thomas Bradshaw

Henry Corner


At a Vestry held in the Parish Church of Seagoe held for the said Parish on the 29th day

of April 1730 it was enacted and agreed upon by the Minister, Churchwardens and

Parishioners then present that Thomas Bradshaw, Woollsey Smurphett, Valentine

Joyce and Robert Hews shall have the Liberty of Erecting or Repairing one seat next

to Arthur Jorden’s seat below at their own proper charge which seat so repaired to be

for the use of the said persons only.

John Campbell Minister of Seagoe

Leonard Cross Churchwardens

John Gibson

William Mathers

Henry Burleigh

John Mathers

Henry Gilpin


At a Vestry held in the Parish Church of Seagoe held for the said Parish it was ordered

by consent of the Minister, Churchwardens and Parishioners then present that John

Watson Senior, Thomas Watson, John Key, Isaiah Cherry, John MaDowell have

Liberty to Repair a seat for their own proper uses, which seat is the fourth from the

pulpit on the south side.

Dated the 29th day of April 1730

It was ordered at the same time by consent of the Minister, Churchwardens and

Parishioners then present that William Williams, William Smurphett and James

Harrison have Liberty to Repair the seat next John Gibson’s seat, being the third seat

from the pulpit, for their own proper uses on the south side of the Church.

John Campbell Minister of Seagoe

Leonard Cross

John Gibson William Mathers

Woollsey Smurphett Thomas Bunting

Henry Gilpin


At a Vestry held in the Parish Church of Seagoe held for the said Parish on the

12th day of October 1730

It was agreed upon by the Minister, Churchwardens and Parishioners then present

that the undernamed persons shall serve Overseers of the highways in the Parish of

Seagoe (viz)

Mr Leonard Cross to oversee from Mr Dynes Hill to Killicomaine and from the Blue

Stone to the Low Mill; Anthony Medcafe of Upper Seagoe from Kilvirgin to Edenderry;

and John Deary and Thomas McKowan continue in Ballynemony Constable wick;

William McKinney and James Simonton are chosen to oversee from the Bannfoot to

Derrimacash and half way from that to the Great Rode; John Nervill and John Hollon

to oversee from Knock Bridge to Lylo and from Henry Black’s to Upper Seagoe and

from the Great Rode in Edenderry to Upper Seagoe.

Mr Robert Blacker of Edenderry Director Overseer of overseers

Robert Blacker

John Campbell Minister

John Gibson

John Carroll Churchwarden

Thomas Woollsey Churchwarden

Anthony Midcafe

Thomas Bradshaw


At a Vestry held in the Parish Church of Seagoe held for the said Parish on Easter

Tuesday Aril the 20th 1731

It was ordered and agreed upon by the Minister, Churchwardens and Parishioners

then present that Mr Henry Burleigh shall have Liberty to build or erect one seat on

the ground lying between the seat called John Watson’s seat and the Church door

being the Lower seats in the Church on the south side to be done by the said Henry

Burleigh for his own proper use.

Arthur Fforde Vicar

Thomas Bradshaw

Thomas Brown

Henry Gilpin

Anthony Midcalf

Meredith Workman


At a Vestry held in the Parish Church of Seagoe held for the said Parish on Easter

Tuesday the 20th day of April 1731

It was enacted, concluded and agreed upon by the Minister, Churchwardens and

Parishioners then present that the sum of 6 l – 2s – 8d be applotted and levied of the

Parishioners and Landholders of the said Parish to be levied by distress or otherwise

according to law and accounted for at Easter next for the following:

....................................................................................................£ s d

Bellman’s wages .......................................................................2 – 0 – 0

Elements and providing Elements.............................................1 – 16 – 0

For washing surplices and table linen....................................... 0 – 12 – 8

Articles and Charges of the Churchwardens and Sidesmen..... 0 – 16 – 0

For badges for the poor of the Seagoe Parish ......................... 0 – 16 – 0

And that Meredith Workman Esq. and Ralph Wilson of Breagh are chosen

Churchwardens for this present year and Alexander Murphy of Derriadda and Henry

Gilpin of Drumgor are chosen Sidesmen for the said year and that this Vestry is to the

first day of next May.

Arthur Fforde Vicar

Leonard Cross ......................Thomas Bradshaw

Meredith Workman............ Thomas Woollsey Churchwardens

Ralph Wilson........................ Thomas Brown


Whereas William Mathers, late of Drumgor in the Parish of Seagoe and County

Ardmagh has purchased one seat in the Church of Seagoe, standing in the front of

the gallery, from John Mathers, late of Killicomaine, for which seat the said William

Mathers has an Article from the said John Mathers which is entered in the Vestry Book

of Seagoe by consent of the Minister, Churchwardens and Parishioners present.

These are therefore to certify that I the said William Mathers has sold and made over

to Robert Blacker of Edenderry one third part of the said seat to him and his heirs

forever in lieu of a sum of money received by me from the said Robert Blacker:

As witness my hand this first day of May 1731 William Mathers I protest against the

entering the above as done by the Act of Vestry the above mentioned said seat being

annexed to the freehold of Killicomaine and Meredith Workman entered in this Vestry

Book by consent of the Minister, Churchwardens and Parishioners then present this

first day of May 1731.


At a Vestry held in the Parish Church of Seagoe held for the said Parish on the 6th day

of October 1731 it was concluded and agreed upon by the Minister, Churchwardens

and Parishioners there present that the undernamed persons shall serve overseers of

the highways in the said Parish xxxx for this ensuing year (viz)

Arthur Jorden in Leonard Cross place xxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx and William Williams

to oversee the rode from Portadown to Williamsons Bridge and from the Blue Stone

to Carbury McCanns and that the following towns work at the said rode by the six days

work (viz) Edenderry Upper and Lower, Levaghery, Killicomaine, Lisnisque, Bocomra,

Bellyhannon, Lylo, Listromintry, Bellygargan, Bellymacrannal, Cross McKanghilly,

Moreverty, Drumgor, Drumgaskin, Clanroll, Knockmenagh, Upper Seagoe, Kernon,

Balteagh, Tamnefeglasson, Drumnecanvey, Bellynaghey.

John Gilpin to oversee from Kilvirgin to Edenderry and the undernamed towns to work

by the six days work (viz) Lower Seagoe, Tarsan, Carne, Bellynecorr, Tamnefecarbitt,

Derryvore, Drumnegowan, Kilvirgin.

Matthew Hewitt to oversee from Kilvirgin River to Lurgan Parish and from the Great

Rode to Derrimacash Bridge, the Constable wick of Bellynemony to work at the said

rode (except Kilvirgin)

William McKinney and James Simmonton to oversee from the Bannfoot to

Derrymacash, the Moynitaghs townlands to work at the said rode, except Derritagh

and Slantry, which is to work at the rode from Kerne to the side of Derritrashna Richard

Timmons to oversee.

John Lutten to oversee from Knock Bridge to Lylo and from Henry Blacks to Seagoe


And it is likewise agreed by the persons aforesaid that Meredith Workman Esq

are chosen Director over the said overseers

Jonas Rymar rec’d by Sarah Paterson Will Hall Paterson

Will Hall Margaret Node

Margaret Node rec’d by Widow Node Widow Ramsay rec’d

Thomas Bradshaw has one Maydar and thirteen pence of the Poors Money May the

29 1730

Margaret McConaghy

Ket Shealds

Margaret McGinnis

Dinnis MaGrannel

Rose Higgen by Conaghy


Poor of the Parish of Seagoe


William Jones

Merlin Herd

Ann Maconwell

Isabell Hanna

Ann Paterson

John Porter

Hugh? Archer

Helene Baily

Sarah Paterson

Elene Law

Judith Pegg

Cath Porter

Thomas Pegg

Grace Carvell

Jane Pickle

Mary Delap

Martha Appleby

Jane Willsinson

Jane Monorgin

Isaac Conwell

Ovid Ramsey

Grace Surclam?

Will Hall

John Wilson

Mary Nodge

Jonas Raymer

Jane Ellis

Mary Marshall

Timothy Appelbe

Mary Coulter


Cir Dillon

Owen O Brierran

Thomas Masdynes

Jane McKeown

Shane Maginn

Margaret Maconnaghy

Murtagh Greenan

Cath. Shiel

Jane Pickle a child

?? Campbell

Mary Magennis

Dinnes McGrannal

Rose Higgens

Peter McGulldrick


Burials 1725 in Sego

John Mills a burial on the 28th December 1725


Memorandum that..


Dins O Ferrenar?

Ardil a Rogan.........................two

Turlough Celly

Henry conlan in

Hugh Cettle buried May 17th 1726

Hugh McGoan in Montiaghs one 1726

Henry McKaughally his wife one

The sum is

Two 5 - 3 - 11 1/2

Two shiilings six pence

half penny farthing half of a Shing?

Turlough Celly buried the


Writing from Page 442 appears here

Nov 6


December the 25th left in Mr Campbell’s hand 4 – 6 – ½

January first in Mr Campbell’s hand 4 – 10 – 0 – 2 Raps

January the 8th in Mr Campbell’s hand 1 – 9 – 4

January the 15th in Mr Campbell 3 – 5 – 0 2d Raps

January the 22nd in Mr Campbell 3 – 2 – 0 3 ½ Raps

January the 29th left in Mr Campbell’s hand 4 – 1 – 4 – 0

February 5th in Mr Campbell’s hand 3 – 0 – 0 – 3d

February 12th in Mr Campbell’s hand 1 – 0 – ½ - 2

6 – 0 – ½ - 2

February 26th in Mr Campbell’s hand 3 – 3 – 4

March the 5th in Mr Campbell’s hand 2 – 5 – ½ 3

March the 12th in Mr Campbell’s hand 3 – 2 – 0 : 3 ½

Mr Campbell gave out of the said 3 – 3 – 0 – 0

In Mr Campbell’s hand March 26 the sum of 4 – 8 – ¼

April the 2nd in Mr Campbell’s hand 10 – 5 – ½

April the 9th in Mr Campbell’s hand 3 – 4 – ¼

April the 16th in Mr Campbell’s hand 3 – 9 – 3

April the 23rd in Mr Campbell’s hand 2 – 11 – ½ 4 ½

April the 30th in Mr Campbell’s hand 5 – 5 – ¾

May the 7th in Mr Campbell’s hand 3 – 0

May the 14th in Mr Campbell’s hand 0 : 0 : 10 ½

May 21 in Mr Campbell’s hand 0 : 5 : 10

June 4th in Mr Rob: Blacker’s hand 0 : 12 : 11

June 11th in Mr Blacker’s hand 0 : 3 : 2 ½

June 18th in Mr Blacker’s hand 0 : 2 : 9


June 26

June the 5th in Mr Campbell’s hand 4 – 2 – ¼ Pat Hardy 1 – 1 – 0

June 12 in Mr Campbell’s hand 3 – 6 – ¾ M Harrison 0 – 6 – ½

Pat Hardey

June 19th 1726 in Mr Campbell’s hand 4 – 5 – ¼ which was made


June the 29th 1726 left in 6 – 10 – ½ which was paid from such hand

July the 3rd in Mr Campbell’s hand 4 – 4 – ¾ was xxxx xxxxxx paid

July 10th 1726 in Mr Campbell’s hand 2 : 7 ½ Woolsey

July the 17th 1726 in Mr Campbell’s hand 5 – 0 – 0 Mr Woolsey

Robert Blacker 18 – 11 – 3 11 – 8 – ½

31st July left in Mr Campbell’s hand 3 – 9 – 00 14 – 6 – ½

7th of August in Mr Campbell’s hand 4 – 4 – ¾ 6 – 3 – 0

14th August in Mr Campbell’s hand 4 – 2 – 4 April

21st August in Mr Campbell’s hand 3 – 6 – ¾ Gull and


Which was paid xxxxxxxx

Left in Mr Campbell’s hand August the 28th 3 – 0 – 0

4 September Mr Campbell’s hand the sum of 4 – 9 – 0

11th September in Mr Campbell’s hand the sum of 2 – 10 – ½

18 September in Mr Campbell’s hand the sum of 2 – 10 – ¾

September 25 1726 left in Mr Campbell’s hand 04 s – 00d – 0

October the 2nd in Mr Campbell’s hand 4 – 07 – ¼

October the 9th in Mr Campbell’s hand 2 – 10 – ¾

October the 16th in Mr Campbell’s hand 1 – 7 – 0 ½

October 23rd in Mr Campbell’s hand 4 – 2 - 0

November 6th in Mr Campbell’s hand 14 – 3 – ½

November 13th 1726 in Mr Campbell’s hand 00 – 4 – 6 – ½

November 20th in Mr Campbell’s hand 3 – 7 – 0

November 27th 1726 in Mr Campbell’s hand left 1 – 3 – ¾ 3 – 6 – 0

December 4th 1726 in Mr Campbell’s hand 4 – 3 – 0 7 – 6 – ¾

December 11th in Mr Campbell’s hand 1 – 4 – ¼ 19 – 7 – 3

December 18th in Mr Campbell’s hand 5 – 0 – ½ Raps 10 Dec 4th 1726

December 25th in Mr Campbell’s hand 11 – 8 – ½ Raps 5 – ½


A list of the Poor of the Parish of Seagoe


2 Margaret Jones 18 Andrew Hannaway

3 George Ramsey 19 Agnes Leviston

4 Mirlin Hird 20 xxxxxx xxxxxxxx x

5 Jane Monorgin 21 Cis Dillon

6 Margaret Harvey Rose Guxxxxy

7 Henry Darbey

8 Widow Wilson 22 Rose Lavery

9 Mary Wilson Owen O’Ferren

10 Widow Bealy

11 An Maconnal 23 xxxxx xxxxxx

12 Chris Knapton xxxxx xxxxxxx

13 Mary Richey xxxxx

Isabel Hannaway xxxxx xxxxxx

15 Mary Black xxxxx

16 xxxxx xxxxxx Daniel Hanley

17 John Trotter Child


A list of the Poor of the Parish of Seagoe

1 William Jones 1 14 Cis Dillon 1 – 13 – 7 10

2 Mirlin Hird 2 1 – 12 – 9

3 Jane Monorgin 3 Rose Lavery

4 Margaret Harvey 4 Owin O’Ferren 1 – 11 - 1

5 Henry Darby 5 0 - 3

6 Widow Wilson 6 Pat McDowel 1 – 9 - 10

7 Mary Wilson 1 - 9

7 Anne McConnal 7 ------------------------------------------------------------

8 xxxx xxxx 16 Thomas Hxxxxx

9 Mary Richey 18 Robert xxxxxx

10 Isabel Hanna 19 was paid xxxx xxxxx

11 xxxx xxxx Sarah Paterson

Xxxxx xxxxx

12 Child Hanna 21 Daniel McQuonan

13 Agnes Leviston Shane McGoan

Anne Paterson 11 Sheane McGoan

John Porter 12 xxxxx xxxxx

John Richardson 13

Mary Richardson Widow McCrennis

Xxxxx xxxxx Margaret McConaghy widow

Helene Bealy Widow Catharine O’Ferran

Christopher Knapton Murtagh Creeran

Sarah Paterson alis Aram John McKeonan an infant

Elene Law Catharine Sheal

Judith Pegg Jane Pickles a child

Catharine Porter Jane Pickles

Thomas Pegg Jane Pickles a child

Grace Carvell fourth daughter of


Mary for Mirlin – 13d November 27th 1726.................... August 30th 1724

John Gilpen for a great many.................... ................... Chris Knapton pd

January the 29th 1726 .................... .............................. Adam Hunter

Jane Richey for Mirlin 13d and the said .................... .... John Trotter child

And Mary Rielly 13 .................... .................... .......... 2 McConwells

John Gilpen rec’d for John Robison .................... ......... O’Ferran

John dynes received for John

Capuladay and Daniel Kaine paid his dues

And Samuel Walker and out of the said

Home and William Jones Ja: (Jan) 2: 1725 .................... Cis Dillon rec’d for

.................... .................... .................... .................... .........Rose Garvery 5 ½

3 – 4 – 8 – ½

...........................................................................................Mary Richey rec’d for

6 – 6...................................................................................Mary Black

2 – 3 – ¾ ....................................................................... And Hanna rec’d

3 – 5 – ½ ...................................................................... for Isaac Hanna

12 – 3 – ¼ ..................................................................... Agnes Leviston

6 – 4 – ¼ ....................................................................... Rose Lavery

4 – 0 – 0

1 – 2 – 8 – 0 .................................................................. October 11th 1724

Mary Richey for ............................................................. Is Hanna

Mirlin Hird 1 – 1 ............................................................. J Trotter £ : 2

J Robison for Widow Wilson 1 – 1 .................................. O Ferran

H Hanna by Widow Levison ........................................... rec’d by W : S :

Widow Bealy by Ia Dillon .............................................. for Will Jones 13d

Cis Dillon by Widow Levison 13d ................................................ 20d in Robert Wilson’s hand

Rose Lavery by Ia Dillon .............................................. November 29th 1726

O F by John Robison – 13 d ............................................................ Will Jones by RW:


............................................................. ..............................Is: H: by And Hanna

............................................................. ..............................Henn Darby by Sd

............................................................. ..............................John Murua


Widow Wilson rec’d by Widow Bealy 13d ........................... April 29 1724

June the 28th 1727 ........................... ................................. Widow Wilson rec’d by

Widow Bealy

Chris Knapton rec’d by W: Smurphet ........................... was 8 – ½

Is: Hanna : And Hanna ........................... ........................... o – s 1 - 2

Agnes Crawford ........................... ........................... ....... a – k by Woollsey


Rose Garvery Cis Dillon ........................... ........................... 2 McConwells 1 - 2

Rec’d by And Hanna ........................... ........................... .... Jos: Gaddis rec’d a

penny for O Ferran

Rose Lavery by Jo: Gaddis ........................... ............ Chris Knapton by W Sm: 7 – ½

John Trotter Child ........................... ........................... ..... Mary Richey by W: S 7 – ½

Which ?????? and ........................... ........................... .... J Trotter

O Ferren: Rose Backagh ........................... ........................... Adam Hunter by Jos


Rose McConwell ........................... ........................... ........................... Woollsey

By W Smurphett ........................... ........................... ........................... Is: Hanna 1 - 2

-------------------------------------------------- ........................... ........................... And Hanna

0 – 7 – ½

July 26 1724 ........................... ........................... ........................... Ag Levison 1 – 2 –


G Ramsay 11 – 6 ........................... ........................... ................. xxxxxxxxxxxxx

M Harvey rec’d 3 – 10 ........................... ........................... Rec’d by Ag Levison

Hen Darby by G: ........................... ........................... ...... -------------------------------------


G Ramsay 15 – 4 ........................... ........................... An: McConnal

9 each 1 – 11 ........................... ........................... ............. Mary Black rec’d by An:


17 – 3 ........................... ........................... ........................... Rose Lavery 7 – 0 – ½

........................... ........................... ........................... ............Cis Dillon 0 – 4 – ½

Ric Wilson and ........................... ........................... .......... Pat Madowel 1 – 2 - 0

Mary Wilson pd ........................... ........................... ............ Rose Garvery 0 – 7 - 0

Chris Knapton rec’d by Woollsey ........................... .............which was paid all to Pat:

Dowell’s wife

Mary Richey Smurphet 9 each ........................... ................rec’d by Jos Gaddis 2 8 ½

John Trotter Child ........................... ........................... 13d lent to George Ramsay

May the 29th 1724

And for Margaret Jones ........................... ........................... G Ramsay

Is Hanna ........................... ........................... ........................... M Hird Widow Black

And Hanna ........................... ........................... .................... J Monorgin rec’d by And

Conwell - 6

Ag Levison rec’d by And ........................... ........................... M Harvey Is Hanna 7

Cis Dillon Hanna ........................... ........................... ........... Hen Darby And Hanna 7

Rose Garvery ........................... ........................... ............ Ric Wilson Ag Levison

------------------------------------------- ........................... ............... her daughter Cis Dillon


Rose Lavery 1 d Adam Hunter ........................... .................. rec’d by Hen Darby

Rose Garvery 2

O Ferren rec’d by WS ........................... ........................... o - s

........................... ........................... ........................... .........A – k Pat Dowel

Rose McConwell ........................... ........................... ........ 2 Roses – 6 by W Smur

Rose Lavery 3

Rose Backagh pd ........................... ........................... ...... P Knap: 6 rec’d by And



A List of the Poor of the Parish

Margaret Jones pd ................................And: Hanna xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

George Ramsay ................................ Is: Hanna xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Xxxxxxxx xxxxx

Mirlin Hird by ??? pd ................................ Thomas Node xxxx by And Hanna

Jane Monorgin pd ................................ ..... Agnes Leviston pd Levingston

Margaret Harvey 6 : pd ................................ Margaret McConaghey?

Henry Darby 6 pd ................................ ..... Adam Hunter pd

Xxxxx xxxxxx

Widow Wilson pd

Mary Wilson rec’d by Widow Wilson ................ Cis Dillon

Thomas Bealy pd ................................ .......... Rose McGarvery pd

Jen Dunoon

Xxxxx xxxxxx................................................ ......Ounagh McKaughully 2 – ½

Owen O’ Ferren ................................ ................ Pat: McDowell pd

Anne Kaine

Mary Realy

Martha Gilpen................................................John McConnal

H McConwell

Rose McConwell ................................ ................xxxxxx xxxxxx

Mary McConwell

Rose McConwell ................................ ................xxxxx xxxxx

Chris Napten ................................ .............xxxxxx xxxxx

Mary Richey

Mary Black ................................ ...................... Rose Lavery pd 2

John Trotter Child pd

Anne McConnal pd 23

Jane Pickle

Isabel Hanna

Isabel Hanna

Jane Gilpen


April 21st 1723

May four rec’d by And Hanna ................................................ 3 – 0

May the 26th 1723 ................................................................ 11 – 4 – ½

Sarah Pickle rec’d for Thomas Node and her mother ......5 – 0 – 0

Hen Darby rec’d for Widow Wilson and her son

and Widow Bealy 8 – ½ ................................ .................... 16 – 4 – 0

so far rec’d for all in their place being 2 – 10 ................ 15 – 4

And Hanna rec’d for Agnes Leviston Una McKaughully


And Hanna 6 ................................ ................................................ 1 4 – 4 – ½

Mirlin Hird 17 ................................................................................ 4 – 0 - 0

Hen Darby 42 ............................................................................. 1 - 8 – 4 – ½

Ja Monargin 6

Widow Bealy 1 – 0 2

June the 30 th 1723 ............................................................................. 4 - 3

.............................................................................................................2 - 5

Chris Knapton rec’d by Ia Fryer 10d .................................................................2 - 10

Adam Hunter rec’d nu Jos Gaddis 10d ...................................... 1 – 4 – 4 - ½

Rec’d by Thomas Node’s wife 10d each 16 – 8 ....................... 0 – 4 – 0 - 0

Rose McConnal rec’d by Is Fryer 2 6 ...................................... 7 – 7 - 0

Rose Backagh 19 – 2 ................ ............................................. 1 – 5 – 11 – ½

Mary Realy rec’d for Mary Caine 5


Owen O’Ferren wants his shear (share?)


July the 28th 1723

Widow Wilson rec’d for 8 beginning at G Ramsay

Pay to Widow Bealy 6 each

3 Irish Mary Richey Ann McConnal

Chris Knapton – rec’d by W: Smurphet

And Hanna Thomas Node Agnes Leviston Cis Dillon

Rose Garvery Unagh Kaughully Sarah Pickle

Rec’d by Sarah Pickle 6 Adam Hunter and Hanna

and 5 of old rec’d by Sarah Pickle for Una Kaughully


August the 25th 1723 February 29th 1723 Sep the 22nd 1723 October 27th 1723

G Ramsay Ja Monorgin xxxxxxxxxxx G Ramsay

M Hird Adam Hunter M Hird M Hird

J Monorgin John Trotter Child Ja xxxxxxx J Monorgin

M Harvey rec’d by Jos Gaddis Ja Monorgin M Harvey

Hen Darby And Hanna Henry Darby H Darby

Wid. Wilson Ag Leviston Margaret Harvey Wid Wilson

her daughter H Hanna Wid Wilson M Wilson

Rec’d by Henry Darby rec’d by And Hanna Mary Wilson Wid Bealy

Thomas Bealy Hen Darby H Hanna H Hanna

O – S G Ramsay rec’d by Wid Wilson M Black

A – K M Hird Wid Bealy pd rec’d by H Darby

M Gribben Widow Wilson O F pd o f

M Realy her daughter An Kaine A K ------ 1

Rose McConwell rec’d by W Wilson Mary Realy pd R McConwell

Rose McConwell M Griben R McConwell

C Knapton An: Kaine Rose Conwell C Knapton 3

Ann McConnal O F--------- Rose Baccah M Richey 4

Mary Richey 2 Roses ---- Chris Knapton J Trotter 5

rec’d by W. Smurphet Mary Richey Mary Richey An McConnal 6

And Hanna An McConnal rec’d by W Smurphet O Kentlin ½

Thomas Node Pat Dowell And Hanna rec’d by W Smurphet

Ag Leviston Rose Garvery Ag Leviston pd And Hanna

Cis Dillon Cis Dillon Cis Dillon pd : Cas:

Rose Garvery Chris Knapton O Kentlin pd Una

Onna McKaughully rec’d by W S: Mary Black pd Mary

Sarah Pickle An McConwell pd An McConnal

rec’d by Cassaly Dillon October 27th 1723

John Trotter Adam Hunter And Hanna

Rec’d by Jos Gaddis 5 d each Cis Dillon

Margt Hannan Rose Garvery

Mary Black Ag Leviston

Wid Bealy rec’d by Wid Leviston

Rec’d by Wid Bealy


March the 27th 1720

Margaret Jones rec’d for A 11 : ½

Stephen Tomlinson – 9 – ½ 8 ½

June the 26th 1720

Feb the 28th

Kian Greyson rec’d for 4 ½

seven 9d a piece 9 – ½

5 – 0 Margaret

Thomas Dynes 2 – 7 – 0 J Tomli

Woollsey rec’d for 9 – ½ Wid Cast

six 9d a piece 48 3 – 4 – ½ Wid Han

3 – ½ Din Gal

11 8 4 An H

October the 30 th 8 ½ Tho.

Mirlin rec’d for 8 9 0 ½ 7 4 An

Wid Castles rec’d for 6 1 10 xxxxxx

W Smurphet rec’d for 5 9 2 Ja

being all the Irish and Tomlinson Phel

and for Dan Really 6 d

to H: Rose 6 – ½

pd all this I: T: 6 – 1

& R was paid for xxxxxxx

A K - 3 – 0 – ¼ from which

11 M A - 3 – 0 – ¼ xxxxx

3 – 8 To Con 6 – ½ paid

14 – 6 To Gull 6 – ½

Feb 28 171

Woollsey rec’d for all the Irish

And 10 pence to last


List of the Poor of the Parish

English ............................................Irish

ret Jones 2 ..................................... Owen O ferren

Cook 3 ............................................ Anne Kean

Gibson 4 ........................................ Margaret Connally

Castles 5.........................................There was be paid

Hannah 6..................................... of list of the Poor of the

ans chil ............................................????? Really

..................................... .....................Margaret Gribben 21

..................................... .....................Catherine McKaughully 22

..................................... .....................Isabel MaConville

..................................... .....................Rose McConwell

..................................... .....................November 27 th Bellygargan rec’d

..................................... .....................By themselves

..................................... .....................Wid Connally rec’d

..................................... .....................Marg Gribben

..................................... .....................K Kaughully rec’d by Cor

..........................................................John McConwell


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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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