Seagoe Archives

16850420 Page 6 Acts of Vestry 1685 1686 1687


16850420 Page 6 Acts of Vestry 1685 1686 1687



At a vestry held at the Parish church of Sego for the said parish on Easter Monday the 20th of April 1685.

Agreed that the minister and parishioners of the said parish do nominate, elect and constitute David Ball?? of

Knocknamuckly and Archibald Hamilton of Knockmenagh to serve as churchwardens for this said parish

for this present yeare.


At a vestry held at the Parish church of Sego for the said parish on Easter Monday the 5th of April 1686.

Agreed that the minister and parishioners of the said parish do nominate, elect and constitute James Walker of Kernan

and William Hodgson of Drumnakelly to serve churchwardens for this said parish for this present yeare.

It is likewise agreed that the sum of five pounds to to equally applotted on the said parish to be raised and

the said churchwardens and to be disposed of for the life of the said

parish and to be arranged for at Easter next by the said churchwardens.

( For list of clergymen for 1686 see Page 203)

George Blacker.............................Hen. Jenney

James Stewart

Hugh Haft............................. Archibald Hamilton church

William Mathers............................. James Ball wardens

John Wilfie ............................. ?a Jameson


At a vestry held at the Parish church of Sego for the said parish on Easter Monday the 28th day of March 1687.

Agreed that the minister and parishioners of the said parish do nominate, elect and constitute Matthew Martin of Sego Ereagh?

and John Wilson? of Knockmenagh to serve churchwardens for this said parish for this present yeare. Likewise it is jointly agreed

at the request of the parishioners and by the consent of the minister that twenty oaks

be fallen on the lands of Killvergan for to supply ye parish church with shingles the old ones being very much decayed through

long continuous use. Likewise agreed that yeatseck??? mossiff? and Thomas Bell shall be overseers

of the high ways in M? Brownloe? in proportion and that Thomas Trumb?? be and Timothy Kirke?? to overseers of the highways in the naming?

of land? Tho. Esmnble??? for the higher ways and Timothy for the lower ways and that Thomas Ederington John Lindsay be overseer of the high ways of the

Mannor of Brackabog the said Thomas Ederington for that loading from Knock to Lillo and from Ballymacrandle to Killicomaine and John Lindsay

for that loading from Portadown to Buccamory?? guile?? and the church way loading from Edenderry to Sego.

James Hewitt????

Hugh Hall? Hen. Jenney Clergy

John Matthews Richard Smurphett

John Dynes James Walker Churchwarden

William Neill? Ja. Jameson

Ralph Wilson

Thomas Dale

David Ball

William Hodgson

Memoranded that James Walker former church warden gladly and obliged to said parish in the

fund of fourteen shillings and pence four


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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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