34 1705, 1725
Burrialls in the year 1705 in Sego
Janathen Murry was buried November 16th 1705
Mary the wife of Ralph Willson was buried November ye 29
William son of James Bonier Eliz ( Elizabeth ) his wife buried January ye 27
Jane dau (daughter) of Henry Magee? was buried November ye 4th
Isabell Bracanridge was buried May ye 2nd 1705
John son of John Pue and Eliz. his wife was buried May ye 27th
Robert Black was buried June the 4th 1705
Robert son of John Mills and Jane his wife buried Sept. ye 9
Thomas Wollocks was buried October the 25th 1705
Katharine Murriss was buried November 15th 1725 ( Page 339)
Registered again Pages 36 and 115
Burials 35 1691 - 1699
Major George Blacker buried in the Parish church of Sego February 12th 1691
Ailse MaConnel was buried in the churchyard at Sego Sunday the 11th February 1694
Ailse Whaley was buried in the churchyard at Sego Friday the 30th March 1694
Christopher Trotter was buried in the churchyard at Sego Saturday 22nd December 1694
Christopher Trotter was buried in the churchyard at Sego Saturday 22nd December 1694
John Nelson's father was buried the same 22nd December 1694
Thomas Thompson's two twin children were buried December 25th 94
John the son of Mr John Mathers and Mrs Mary Mathers was buried wednesday the 13th of February 1695
John the son of Valentine Dynes was buried November the 24th 1695
Richard Cook was buried fryday the 6th of August 1697
Elizabeth the daughter of David Williams was buried Sunday the 24th of 8ber ( November ) 1697
William Dixon was buried ye 29th of 8ber ( November ) 1698
Margaret Hoarne was buried ye 12th day of Xber ( December ) 1698
Mr Stephen Atkinson was buried october the 24th 1699
Mr Henry Dynes was buried december the 18th 1699
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