Baptisms 81 1691
Margaret daughter of Andrew and Jane Stott, baptised March the 1 st 1690/91
Godfather Bryan Oneal, Godmothers Jane Fisher & Jane
Martha daughter of Nicolas & Martha Harrison baptised March the 12 th 1690/91
Godfather Henry Hall & Valentine Harrison; Godmothers Mary and Matthune And Jane Suttlin.
Elizabeth daughter of Mr. John and Mrs. Anne Dynes baptised March the 22 nd 1690/91
Meredith Dynes Godfather; Anne Midcaft And Anne Pritchett Godmothers.
Elizaberh d. of Thomas and Helene Pressick Baptised Sunday March the 29 th
1691. Godf. John Smith; Godm Mary Wilkison & Anne Lutton
Margaret daughter of David & Margaret Williams baptised Aprile the 9 th 1691
Godf. John Russel; GodnothersJane Williamson & Anne Black
Margaret daughter of Michael & Jane Fitzpatrick baptised Aprile the
10th 1691; Andrew Garner Godfather; Helene Allen & Margaret Wilson Godm.
Thomas son of Robert & Margaret Simson baptised Easter Day 12 th Aprile 1691; Godfather
Thomas Robinson & Thomas Brown; Joan Brown Godmother.
Robert son of John Rogers baptised with private baptism Aprile 19 th 1691.
Wm. son of George Poll baptized May the 3 rd 1691
son of James Walker baptized May the 3 rd 1691
Baptisms 82 1691, 1722
Henry son of John Hall baptised Sunday 4 th October 1691.
Godfathers Mr Valentine & Meredith Dynes; Godmothers
Sarah daughter of Henry & Elizabeth Jackson baptised Sunday 11 th
of October 1691.
Katherine daughter of Thomas Pool baptised Sunday 18 th of October 1691
Margaret daughter of M Francis & Elizabeth Mathers baptised
Tuesday 20th of October 169. M Will Mathers Godf.
Mrs FrancesTippin? & Christ. Fleming Godmothers
Elizabeth daughter of Franis & Helene Greenway baptised
in the Parish church of Sego sud? October the 25 th 1691
Robert son of John & Elizabeth Wilson baptised November 17 th
George son of William & Martha Dixon baptised
January the 9th 1691/2
William son of Henry & Jane Corner were baptised in
Sego church ye 30th day of May anno Domini 1722 per Me
Jas. Reynolds
Registered again p298
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