Seagoe Archives

16951119 Page 32 and 33 Marriages 19th November 1695 to 6th February 1600 and Act of Vestry 14th June 1698


16951119 Page 32 and 33 Marriages 19th November 1695 to 6th February 1600 and Act of Vestry 14th June 1698

Marriages 1697-98 32 ( Registered again Page 98 )

William Fleming and Anne Timons were married November 19th 1695

Simon Hasleton and Margaret Wait were married thursday the 9th (november) 1696

William Roe and Anne Mathers were married thursday the 6th may 1697

John Porter and Elizabeth Trotter were married thursday the 9th september 1697

John Masden and Anne Stringer were married thursday the 29th august 1697

James Davison and Jane MaConnell were married the 13th day of november 1697

September 1st 1698 Mr George Baylie and Miss Jane Blacker were married

December ye Mr Meridith Dynes and Mrs Mary Mathers were married 1698

John Sinclare and Jane Frire were married January 10th 1699

William Blacker Esq. and Hanna Lawrence were Maryed June 29th

Samuell Webster and Elizabeth Gage? were marryed July ye 27th 1699

Thomas Kerin and Margaret Parr were married Sunday 4th of February 1700

John Castils and Elizabeth Robb were married February 6th 1700

(Page 71)

33 1698

At a vestry holden in ye Parish Church of Sego on

Wednesday ye 4th day of June 1698

It was then enacted by the Minister and parishioners

there present that whereas at a Vestry holden in said parish

Church on 16th day of May 1698 that the sum of five pounds

sterling was applotted for the making two windows and other

new slaryusos? for ye said church . It is then otherwise ordered if

one of the said windows which was to be made towards chancel of the

said church be omitted for this present year and if ye sum of twenty

shillings sterling now be levied of ye parishioners of ye said parish making

in all six pounds sterling (viz) for making a window in ye lower end in

the church to buy a pulpit cloath, to buy a flagon of black linen

and a plate of pewter and for whitewashing and repairing ye said church

witness our hands

....................................................John Campbell Minister of Sego

.....................................................George Whalley.................Church

the mark of John Abram..............James Walker (his marke).....wardens

Peter Bullock................................George Blacker

.......................................................Henry Dynes

.......................................................William Mathers

.......................................................James Toullerton

.......................................................Richard Timmons

.......................................................Richard Smurphit

.......................................................James Dawson

.......................................................William Gyail? (his mark)


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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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