Seagoe Archives

17040717 Page 168 Vestry Meeting 17th July 1704 and Page 169 Vestry Meeting 9th April 1705


17040717 Page 168 Vestry Meeting 17th July 1704 and Page 169 Vestry Meeting 9th April 1705


At a Vestry held in the Parish Church of Sego on

Monday the 17 th day of July 1704

It was then agreed and enacted by the Minister, Churchwardens and Parishioners then present, that the sum of £2 3s 2 ½ d applotted upon the Parishioners and levied of them for rough casting the East end of the Church and other public uses, which together with the sum of £5 sterling agreed upon the 17 th of April last makes up the sum of £7 3s 2 ½ d be accounted for by the Churchwardens at Easter next.

John Campbell, Clerk

Valentine Dynes Churchwarden

Robert Wilson Churchwarden

John Mathers

Rich. Timmons

James Turkington (x his mark)

Richard Smurfit

At a Vestry held in Parish Church of Sego

Monday the 17 th of July 1704

It was agreed and enacted by the Minister, Churchwardens and the greater number of Parishioners then present, that the Church Tax in the Manner of Kernon be equalized by the old survey done by Matthew Betts, most accepted.

John Campbell, Clerk

Valentine Dynes Churchwarden

Robert Wilson Churchwarden

John Mathers

Rich. Timmons

James Turkington (x his mark)

Richard Smurfit


At a Vestry holden in Parish Church of Sego on Easter Monday the 9 th day of April 1705

It was then agreed and enacted by the Minister, Churchwardens and Parishioners then present that the sum of £13 13s 04d sterling be applotted and levied of the parishioners and land holders of the said parish for the uses following (viz) two pounds ten shillings for ordering a place for the minister to dress himself in, and elements for the holy communion, twelve times three pounds for necessary repairs of the Church, one pound ten shillings for the bell man for ringing the bell for one year and a half, one pound and nineteen shillings and to have ten pence for every burial for making the grave and ringing the bell payed by the parties concerned and Robert Wilson, for work done in the Church to have fifty five shillings and for lifting the money ten shillings, and for Valentine Hareson of Moyreuerty and John McKnight of Rnokramon are chosen Churchwardens for this present year and John Greenaway junior, overseer for the highway from Edenderry to Killuirgen river, William Mason to oversee the way from Killecomain to Mr Dynes hill and from and the Blue Stone. to ye Causeway leading to Baillenagore Mill and from Killecomain to the Church gate. James Rocastle from the Bann Foot to the Stone Bridge in Derrymacagh, George Bleek from Knock brige to Lylo and through Killecomain to upper Sego geat (gate?), Mr Thomas Workman from Knockbridge to Lylo, for John Binks, Thomas Bell and William Grasey, in Rodger Webbs stead to survey from Mr Dynes hill to William Williamson’s bridge and from Shankill Church to Killuirgen river.

John Campbell Clerk

Vallentine Dynes Churchwarden

Robert Wilson Churchwarden

Robert Wilson

Richard Smurfit

Thomas Davison

George Dilworth


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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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