James Hews Buried July ye 2nd 1712
Michael Adkison [ Atkinson see p316] of ye parish of Tullylush buried Sept ye 21 th 1712
My Ann Timmons buried octo ye 18th 1712
Mrs Frizwood Hall buried Wednesday November the 19 th 1712
John Wilson buried november the 25th 1712
John Lindsay buried december ye 23d 1712
Hellin Brownlee of Drumcreeburied ye jan 21 th 1712/13
Hellin Fleetom buried february 2d 1712/13
Hellin daughter of Tho and Mary Rodgers buried february 2d 1712/13
Jane McGinnis buried february ye 5th 1712/13
David Pogue [Pollock] buried february ye 30 th 1712/13
( Note 1712 had 2 extra days )
John Campbell (Min)
Patrick Cost Churchwarden
John Steenson x his mark
Christenings year 1708,1709
[Registered before p 497]
Mary daughter of William
Robison an Elizabeth his wife baptized Feb ye 12
th 1708
John son of William Sanderson and is wife Judith baptized May the 22 nd 1708
Mary dr of Robert McKnabb and Jane his wife Bap May ye 21 st 1708
Richard son of John and Sarah Coal Bap June ye 1 day 1708
June ye 3rd Margaret dr of Henry Black and Elizabeth his wife Baptised 1708
June ye 4th Suzanna dr of Patrick Simpson and Alice his wife Bap 1708
June ye 6th Tho. Son of Tho. Dillonand Mary his wife Bap 1708
July 22 Robert son of Lawrence Dermat and Sarah his wife of ye Parish of Kilmore 1708
July 22 Margaret dr of Daniel McTeal and Mary his wife baptized 1708
August ye 4th
John son of Samuel son of John and Eliz, Pew
baptized 1708
Eliz. Dr of John Dillon & Eliz his wife baptized August ye 22 nd 1708
Katharine dr of James and Sarah Ellis baptized August ye 26 th 1708
Sarah dr of John Lindsey & Isabell his wife bap September ye 16 th 1708
Jane dr of Locklan Down and Jane his wife bap September ye 22 nd 1708
November ye 6 1708 Michael son of Tho Patison & Easter his wife bap
Sarah dr of Rob Eiklins and his wife bap November ye 7 th 1708
Rob son of Richard Matchet and his wife bap No ye 14 th 1708
Ben son of John & Elizabeth Wollsey baptized november ye 21th 1708
1709 Jane daughter of Robert & Christian Conn baptized Feb ye 10 1708/09
John son of ???? Gray?? and Elliner his wife baptized March ye 24 th 1708/09
Eliz. Dr of John Williamson & Eliz his wife bap April ye 18 th 1709
John son of John Dixon & Ann his wife bap April ye 18 th 1709
John Campbell Min
John Geary
Richard Smurphitt Churchwardens
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