Seagoe Archives

17090425 Page 183 Vestry Meeting 25th April 1709


17090425 Page 183 Vestry Meeting 25th April 1709


At a Vestry held for the Parish Church of Sego in the Parish Church of Sego

on Easter Monday April 25 th 1709

It was enacted and agreed upon by the Minister, Churchwardens and Parishioners then present, that the sum of £07 13s 05d sterling be applotted and levied of the Parishioners and landowners of the said Parish for the uses following

For repairing of the window in the east end of the church £01-10-00

For elements of the communion 12 times ..........................02-00-00

Bell man’s wages for the ensuing year ..............................01-00-00

For articles and charges ....................................................00-13-08

Applotting the sess ............................................................00-02-00

For washing and table linen............................................... 00-02-00

Accidental charges ............................................................01-00-00

To persue Ruth Webb and keep her child maintained .......01-00-00

and that James Bomer of Bellihanon, and Patrick Chambers of Edenderry are chosen Churchwardens to serve for this insuing year. Anthony Medcafe of Sego to serve overseer of the highways instead of John Wilson, to oversee from Edenderry to Kilvirgen River. William Lynes to serve instead of Thomas Steenson to oversee from Killicomain to William Dynes Hill and from the Blue Stone to Bellynegone Hill. Patrick Mahallom of Derritrasna to serve for Robert Wilson. Edward Steenson to serve instead of James Simonton. John Woolsey continues, Robert Thompson continues, John Webb continues, William Dixon continues, William Robinson continues.

John Campbell, Clerk

Richard Smurfit Churchwarden

John Geary Churchwarden

Woollsey Smuphet


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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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