Seagoe Archives

17210802 Page 70 1721 Collections and Page 71 1700-1705 Marriages


17210802 Page 70 1721 Collections and Page 71 1700-1705 Marriages


Briefs August the 2 nd 1721

Memorandum that there was collected in the Parish church of Seagoe the sum of 4 - 7 - ½ for the petitioner William Barker in which sum was paid to Thomas Binks for the wife of the petitioner on the 23 rd day of July 1721.

Received by me

Thomas Binks

Memorandum that there was collected on the 19 th day of April 1719 the sum of 4-5-0 on a brief for John Clifford; which sum was this day divided amongst the poor of the Parish being July the 23 rd 1721.

Memorandum that there was collected on eth 10 th day of October 1719 for the petitioner Cornelius Cunningham the sum of one shilling four pence; which was given to the poor of the Parish on the 23 rd of July 1721; which two last mentioned collections is to be taken out of the public collection when demanded by the petitioners.


Marriages 1700 – 1705

John Metcalf and Patience Porter were married November the 9 th 1700

James Castles and Dorothy Cargin were married on the 3 rd day of February 1701

William Lenee and Sarah Ely were married the 22 nd of June 1702

Stephen Matchett and Margaret Kissick were married June the 25 th 1702

James Macy and Margaret Byres were married June the 25 th 1702

Mr Thomas Warren and Mrs Mary Blacker were married October the 24 th 1702

James Pyper and Margaret McNeigh were married November the 24 th 1702

David Fryar and Mary ThrelKat were married December 10th 1702

George Dixon and Anne Wilson were married 1702

Chas. Dawson and (omitted) Hewitt were married

William Magowan and Ann Metcalf were married

Samuel Matchett and Hanna Gage were married 1703

*(P. 115) Hiram Wilkinson and Barbara Bell were married February 10 th 1703/4

Christopher Armstrong and Margaret Page were married May the 29 th 1705

Alexander Ross and Jane Riccaby were married December the 4 th 1705

John Campbell Clerk

Robert Harrison

& Churchwardens

Joe McKnight


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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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