Seagoe Archives

17220326 Page 253 Memorandum and Page 254 Act of Vestry March 26th 1722


17220326 Page 253 Memorandum and Page 254 Act of Vestry March 26th 1722


Memorandum that the Minister Churchwardens and

Parishioners at a vestry held in ye Parish Church of Sego

on Easter Monday last did bestow the old church Bible

to Woollsey Smurphitt which he is to receive when

another is provided or witness our hands

this 26th day of Marh 1722

John Campbell Minister

David Geddis Churchwarden

Francis ( hs mark) Greenway Churchwarden

Memorandum that Mr Campbell is owing

of the last year 8s 8d memorandum that

George Ramsey received 2s 2d of the money from

Mr Campbell 2s 2d remaining 6s 6d

due by Mr Campbell


Att a vestry held in the Parish Church of Sego for the Parish

on Easter Monday March the 26th 1722. It was then enacted

concluded and agreed upon by the Minister Churchwardens and Parishioners

then present, that the sum of 6....07.....7d sterling be applotted and

levied of the parishioners and land holders of the said parish by

distress or otherwise according to law

which together with the sum of 2......17.......11 now in the

churchwarens hands make the sum of 9......05......6

for the uses following (viz)

Bellmans Wages for the insuing year 2......10......0

Articles and Charges of the churchwarens 1......0......0

Accidental charges 3......0......0

for elements of the communion 1......10......0

for providing the elements 12 times 0......06......0

for washing the surplice 0......7.......6

for washing the table linen 0......02......0

for applotting the church cess 0......02......0

for collecting the cess 0......06......6

And that Henry Black of Bellymacranell and Thomas Scott

of Levaghery are chosen churchwardens for this

ensuing year; and that Moses Beans of Moreverty

Robert Deal of Kernan are chosen sidesmen for ye said

year; overseersfor ye highways are

John Gilpin continues overseer for the low rode in Kernon

John Masden and Cormock McKaughully

John Fisher of Kinnego and Richard Sarrel for

Bellemony constablewick and are chosen accordingly

George Dilworth continues; Robert Blacker

continues; John Turk of Derremacash and Alexander

Murphy of Derrcadda are chosen overseers for ye Moyntagh

rodes. Owen McGrah of Knocknemuckley and Thomas

wollock of Aghnehey are chosen overseers of ye rodes

for Knock Brdge to Lylo cross.

John Campbell Minister

Francis Grayson

David Gebbs Chuchwarden

Frances Greenway Chuchwarden

John Russel

Woollsey Smurphitt


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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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