Seagoe Archives

17280824 Page 397 Vestry Meeting 24th August 1728 and Page 398 Vestry Meeting 9th October 1728


17280824 Page 397 Vestry Meeting 24th August 1728 and Page 398 Vestry Meeting 9th October 1728


At a Vestry held in the parish church of Sego held for the same parish on the 24th day of August 1728

It was enacted concluded and agreed upon by the Minister, Church Wardens and Parishioners then present that the

sum of ll 2 s 4 d 5 be applotted and levied of the parishioners and land holders of the said parish by distress or otherwise

according to the law be given for maintaining of a male child found in the parish. 5 s 5 d to be laid out for clothing ye said child immediately.

John Campbell Minister

Edward Baston Churchwarden

Robert Willson Churchwarden

Woollsey Smurphett

Edward Huddagh ( his mark)


At a Vestry held in the parish church of Sego held for the said parish on the 9th day of October 1728

It was enacted concluded and agreed upon by the Minister, Church Wardens and Parishioners then present that the

persons under named shall serve overseers of the highways in the parish of Sego for the insuing year (viz)

Richard Timmons of Knockmenagh to oversee the rodes from Mr Dynes Hill to Killicomain and from the Blew stone

to the low mill. John Tifft of Drumnegoan to oversee from Edenderry to Kilvergan River

John Deary of Bellynamony and Thomas McKowan of Turmoyra oversees for Bellynemony Constablewick

Michael Patison of Derryinver and John Turkinton of Derrymacash for Moyntagh Constablewick

James Bomer of Bellymacrannel and William Dixon of Bellygargan to oversee from Knock Bridge to Lylo

and from Henry Black to Bellymacrannel to Killicomain and that Mr Henry Burleigh of Lylo

chosen derector over the afore said overseers pursuent to the statute made in that case.

John Campbell Minister

Will Blacker

Edward Baston Churchwarden

Robert Willson Churchwarden

Henry Burleigh

James Tuft

Thomas Bunting


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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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