Seagoe Archives

17310501 Page 411 Purchase of seat and 412 Vestry Meeting 6th October 1731


17310501 Page 411 Purchase of seat and 412 Vestry Meeting 6th October 1731


Where as William Mathers, late of Drumgor in the Parish of Seagoe and County Ardmagh has purchased one seat in the Church of Seagoe, standing in the front of the gallery, from John Mathers, late of Killicomaine, for which seat the said William Mathers has an Article from the said John Mathers which is entered in the Vestry Book of Seagoe by consent of the Minister, Churchwardens and Parishioners present.

These are therefore to certify that I the said William Mathers has sold and made over to Robert Blacker of Edenderry one third part of the said seat to him and his heirs forever in lieu of a sum of money received by me from the said Robert Blacker:

As witness my hand this first day of May 1731 William Mathers

I protest against the entering the above as done by the Act of Vestry the above mentioned said seat being annexed to the freehold of Killicomaine and Meredith Workman entered in this Vestry Book by consent of the Minister, Churchwardens and Parishioners then present this first day of May 1731.


At a Vestry held in the Parish church of Seagoe held for the said Parish on the 6 th day of October 1731 it was concluded and agreed upon by the Minister, Churchwardens and Parishioners there present that the undernamed persons shall serve overseers of the highways in the said Parish xxxxx for this ensuing year (viz)

Arthur Jorden in Leonard Cross place xxxx xxxxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx xxx and William Williams to oversee the rode from Portadown to Williamsons Bridge and from the Blue Stone to Carbury McCanns and that the following towns work at the said rode by the six days work (viz) Edenderry Upper and Lower, Levaghery, Killicomaine, Lisnisque, Bocomra, Bellyhannon, Lylo, Listromintry, Bellygargan, Bellymacrannal, Cross McKanghilly, Moreverty, Drumgor, Drumgaskin, Clanroll, Knockmenagh, Upper Seagoe, Kernon, Balteagh, Tamnefeglasson, Drumnecanvey, Bellynaghey.

John Gilpin to oversee from Kilvirgin to Edenderry and the undernamed towns to work by the six days work (viz) Lower Seagoe, Tarsan, Carne, Bellynecorr, Tamnefecarbitt, Derryvore, Drumnegowan, Kilvirgin.

Matthew Hewitt to oversee from Kilvirgin River to Lurgan Parish and from the Great Rode to Derrimacash Bridge, the Constable wick of Bellynemony to work at the said rode (except Kilvirgin)

William McKinney and James Simmonton to oversee from the Bannfoot to Derrymacash, the Moynitaghs townlands to work at the said rode, except Derritagh and Slantry, which is to work at the rode from Kerne to the side of Derritrashna Richard Timmons to oversee.

John Lutten to oversee from Knock Bridge to Lylo and from Henry Blacks to Seagoe Church.

And it is likewise agreed by the persons aforesaid that Meredith Workman Esq are chosen Director over the said overseers

The townland of Breagh, Carrick, Drumlisagrilly, Knock, Aughnehay, Bellydonaghy, Knocknemuckley are to work under John Lutten at the rode appointed to him.

Robert Blacker Arthur Fforde Vicar

John Daly Meredith Workman Churchwardens

Thomas MaCain Ralph Wilson


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Seagoe Archives

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