Seagoe Archives

17321004 Page 421 Vestry meeting 4th October 1732 and 428 Vestry Meeting 10th April 1732


17321004 Page 421 Vestry meeting 4th October 1732 and 428 Vestry Meeting 10th April 1732


At a Vestry held in the Parish Church of Seagoe held for the said parish on the 4 th day of October 1732 it was agreed upon and ordered by the Minister, churchwardens and Parishioners present that the undernamed persons shall serve overseer of the highway in the said Parish (viz)

Robert Wilson of Bocomra and William Woollsey to oversee from Williamsons Bridge to Killecomen and from the Blue Stone to the Great Rode at the Low Mill, Balteagh, Drumgor, Moreverty, Drumgask, CrossMcKaughully, Lislremintry, Lylo, Bocomra, Clanroll, Knockmenagh, Lisnisque, Bellygargan, Knocknemuckley, to work at the said rodes.

James Fox of Drumnegoan to oversee from Kilvirgin to Edenderry the townlands in the rest of Mr St. John’s manner to work under the said James Fox and Derryvore

John Potts of Edenderry

Edward Joyce to oversee from Knock Bridge to Lylo and from Henry Blacks to the Great Rode in Killecomaine and from there to Portadown Bridge the whole mannor to work under him except Derrevore, Knocknemuckley and Bellygargan.

Matthew Hewitt continues in Ballynemony constable wick the whole mannor to work at the rodes from Shankel Parish to Kilvirgin River and from the Great Rode to Derremacash Bridge

Loghlan Down in Derremacash to oversee from the Bannfoot to Derremacash Bridge, the Moyntaghs to work at the said rode except Derritagh and Slantrey and Bellymurrey which is to work at the rode from Carne to the edge of Derretrashna, Richard Timmons overseer. Mr Meredith Workman Esq continues Director over the said overseers.

William Woollsey

Woollsey Smurphett

Arthur Fforde Vicar

John Gilpin

Matthew Hewitt

Richard Timmons

Meredith Workman

John Thaton (Patton?)


At a Vestry held in the Parish Church of Seagoe held for the said Parish on Easter Monday April 10 th 1732 it was concluded and agreed upon by the Minister, Churchwardens and Parishioners then present that Mr John Mathers of Edenderry and Valentine Harrison of Moreverty are chosen Churchwardens for this ensuing year.

And that the sum of seven pounds six shillings be applotted and levied of the Parishioners and Landholders of the said Parish for the uses following (viz)

Bellman’s wages for this ensuing year................................................... 2 – 0 – 0

For Elements and providing............................................................ 1 – 16 – 0

Articles and charges of the Churchwardens ........................................0 – 16 – 0

For washing the surplices and table linen ............................................0 – 12 – 0

For a gang beger to take up strange beggars in the Parish of .............2 – 0 – 0


For applotting the Church Cess .............................................................0 – 2 – 2

.................................................................................................................7 – 6 – 2

And that this Vestry is adjourned to the second of May next

Arthur Fforde Vicar

Meredith Workman

Ralph Wilson Churchwardens

Woollsey Smurphet

Arthur Dynes

James Byers

Anthony Midcalf


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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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