Seagoe Archives

18900106 and 18900210 Select Vestry meetings p305


18900106 and 18900210 Select Vestry meetings p305


A meeting of Select Vestry was held in Seagoe Vestry room on Monday 6th January 1890. Rev. A. Dawson Rector in the Chair

Arrangements were made for collecting the subscriptions to the sustentation Fund for 1889

Present at the meeting

Messrs. Thomas Gilpin - George Calvert, and James Albin

Abraham Dawson


James Atkinson


A meeting of Select Vestry was held in Seagoe Parochial Schoolroom on Monday 10th February 1890 Rev. A Dawson Rector in the Chair

Mr Dawson revised the list of general vestrymen and the agreement for the extra new work to be done by Collins Brothers was agreed to The Baroness Von Stieglitz having agreed to subscribe £400 more for the putting on a new roof making her subscription in all £1410


J Buckly Atkinson Esq - Messrs Colin Montgomery - James Atkinson - Thomas Gil;pin - Abram McCann - John Lavery - James Albin - Capel Ried - George |Calvert - Robt. Woolsey - James Collins - Joseph Monroe - David W. Walker

Abraham Dawson


James Atkinson



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Seagoe Archives

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