Seagoe Archives

18900411 Laying the Chancel Foundation Stone p310


18900411 Laying the Chancel Foundation Stone p310

310 - 316

Friday, April 11, 1890

310 Laying the foundation. Floor of the Chancel of Seagoe Church

On Friday, 11th April, 1890, the ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the chancel of Seagoe Parish Church was performed by the Baroness Von Stuglitz of Carrickblacker. This is an important portion of the extensive enlargement and improvement of the Church which is now being carried out by Messrs Callen Bros. of Portadown, in accordance with the plans of Thomas Drew, Esq R.H.A., Architect. Besides this Chancel / which includes also an Organ Chamber and Vestry. Mr Drew’s plans provide for a South Aisle, which will accommodate 200 persons, a new roof of great beauty of design, for the Nave, new windows corresponding with ornate character of the new work, and the conversion of the present Vestry – room into a spacious and handsome Porch. The entire expenditure covered by the contract is £2,832.

The day was eminently propitious. It was one of the finest of the Season, bright and warm. Great interest in the Proceedings was felt both by the parishioners and by their neighbours in Portadown and adjoining parishes. At 3 o’clock p.m., when the Service began above 400 persons were assembled among whom were the following; -

The Bishop of Down (Dr. William Reeves), the Baron Von Stuglitz and Mrs Von Stuglitz, Carrickblacker, The Dean of Dromore (Dr. Theo. Campbell, Mrs Campbell, Dr. Duncan, and Mrs Dickenson, Lurgan Rectory, Rev. A Dawson, Mrs Wade, Mr. W.R. Dawson, Misses Dawson, Dungannon, Rev. Dr. Fitzgerald and Mrs Fitzgerald, Portadown Glebe, Rev. Canon Harding and Mrs Harding, Gilford Vicarage, Rev. Canon W. D. Pounden Lisburn Rectory, Rev. Canon W. A. Hayes, Dromore Rectory, Rev. E. D. Atkinson and Mrs Atkinson, Donacloney Rectory, Rev. T. W. Claredon and Mrs Claredon, Magherlain Rectory, Rev. Thomas B. Harpur, Mrs Harpur, Mrs Law and Miss Harpur, Ardmore Rectory; Rev. Hen. W. Lett and Mrs Lett, Aghaderg Rectory, Rev Edw. St J. Corbett and Mrs Corbett, Lawiner’s? Parsonage, Rev. Wm. P. Magee, Mrs Magee and Miss McKinstry, Kilmore, Mr Oates and the Misses Oates, Knocknamuckly Parsonage, Rev. Messrs N. G. Austin, I. R. Ballie, W. H. Davies, L. A Forde, Chas. T. R. Grierson, N. H. James, P. A. Kelly, A. Leitch, W. J. Nunce, D McC McFerron, M. J. Paliner, Robert Duirle, G. A. Stephenson, George Vaughan, George Wade, and Robert White. The Misses Alexander, Acton, Miss Fforde, Raughlan, Miss Carleton, Mr Atkinson, Mr McCracken, Mr Miles Breslin Portadown, Miss Atkinson, Edenvilla, Miss Quirk, the Misses Collen, Mrs Reid, Misses Robinson (Lylo), Mrs E Hunt, Gormery, Mrs Stanley, Miss Wallace, Thomas Drew Esq., R.H.A. St. John G Braddell, Mrs Braddell and Miss Braddell, Woodlands Gilford, Chas. Johnston Esq., J.P. and Mrs Johnston, J Buckly Atkinson Esq, James Bonis Esq (District Inspector R.I.C.) John Collen Esq, J.P. William Collen Esq, C.E.W Johns Esq, Hugh Anderson Esq, George Kinkade Esq. and the Misses Kinkade, W. J. Paul Esq, Wentworth Paul Esq. B.L., J.R. Macum Esq, Abraham Macum Esq, Rev. W. J. MaCaulay, Dr. Clarks, Mr William Hall (Chairman of the Portadown Cennin? Joiner), Mr Thomas Gilpin and David W. Walker, Churchwardens, Mr James Atkinson, James Albin, George Calvert, James Calvert, John Montgomery, Joseph Munro, William McCann, James McKenzie, and John Watson, Select Vestrymen, Mrs H. Wilson and Mrs Wilson, Mr John Walker and Mrs Walker, Mr Watson Walker and Mrs Walker, Mr Joseph Cullen, J Collins, C Courtney, John Gilpin, John George Livingstone, James Magennis, Robert Montgomery, Capel W. Reid, Alex Russell, David Sherman, John Twinem, Charles Wilson, Serg. W. Ewing R.I.C.

With the Sanction of the Bishop a special Order of Service had been arranged and printed by Rev. A Dawson, by whom a handsomely bound copy of the service book, suitably lettered was presented to the Baroness Von Stieglitz. The trowel presented to her by the Contractors was supplied by the well known company W. Gibson and Co., Belfast. It is of solid silver, elaborately wrought, with carved ivory handle and is quite a work of art. It has two inscriptions; that on the point is as follows “presented to the Baroness Von Steglitz, Carrickblacker on her laying the foundation stone of the Chancel of Seagoe Parish Church, April 11 th 1890; Messrs Collen Bros., Contractors, Portadown” On the reverse inscribed “This Chancel is built in loving memory of Stewart Blacker, D.L. and J.P. Carrickblacker.

About half past 2 o’clock the Bishop and Clergy began to assemble in the Parochial school house where they robed and whence they went in procession to the church. When the procession was within the church gates the 84 th Psalm ‘O how amiable are thy dwellings, Thou Lord of Hosts’ was repeated by the Bishop and Clergy respectively. Inside the church, Hymn 42 ‘We love thy kingdom, Lord’ was given out by Rev. R. Quirk?, Curate and sang by the Choir and congregation. The first part of the special service was then said by Rev. A Dawson, Rector. Then was sung Hymn 418 ‘this stone in faith to thee we lay’

Rev A. Dawson then mentioned that the glass jar which would be placed beneath the foundation stone contained the following papers;

1. Placard concerning meeting of Parishioners to present the proposed enlargement of the Church, July 4 th 1889

2. Handbill announcing same

3. History of the Parish and statement of the proposed enlargement and improvement of the church

4. First list of Subscriptions July 5th 1889

5. Second list of Subscriptions Nov. 5 th 1889

6. Handbill announcing the proposed laying of the Foundation stone

7. Form of Service used on the occasion

8. Copy of the Portadown and Lurgan News, of Saturday April 5 th 1890, containing an article on the history of Seagoe Church and details of the enlargement of the same.

9. Document engraved on parchment recording the laying of the foundation stone of Chancel. This is as follows; - “This document records, that on Friday April 11 th 1890, the foundation stone of the Chancel of Seagoe Parish Church, which is now being enlarged, was laid by the Baroness Von Stieglitz of Carrickblacker, at whose sole charge the Chancel is being built, in loving memory of her brother, the late Stewart Blacker, D.L. and J.P. of Carrickblacker; by whose munificence and pious care the Endowment Fund of the Parish was formed in 1876, in addition to many other parochial benefactions.

“We praise thee, O God”

The Right Reverend William Reeves D.D. Bishop of Down, Connor and Dromore

Rev. Abraham Dawson, A.M. Rector of Seagoe

Rev. Robert De?? A.B. Curate

Thomas Gilpin, of Clanrolla, Churchwarden

David, Wm Walker, of Lower Seagoe

John Buckley Atkinson, Treasurer of Seagoe Church Enlargement Fund

Thomas Drew, R.H.A. Dublin, Architect

Collen Bros, Portadown, Contractors

The Rev. A. Dawson, on behalf of the parishioners and subscribers?, then asked the Baroness Von Stieglitz to lay the foundation stone. Mr John Collon, the senior member of the firm of Contractors, presented her with the silver trowel for the ceremony.

The Rev. A Dawson deposited the glass jar containing the documents and papers, above specified, in the cavity made for it in the concrete course at the North-east corner of the Chancel, adjoining the buttress. The bed of the stone to be laid above it was then positioned and the stone – a block of Dumfries sandstone 2’ 6” square and 9”, was lowered to its place, and squared and levelled by Mr. Drew, assisted by Mr John Joseph Collen. Mr. Drew having certified to the Baroness Von Stieglitz that the stone was well and truly laid. She then touching the stone, repeated with deep emotion, the appointed form;- “ To the glory of God, and in loving memory of Stewart Blacker, we place this foundation stone; in the faith of Jesus Christ, and in the name of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy ghost, Amen”


The Lord Bishop addressed the assembly. Hymn 419 (Christ is our Corner Stone) was sung, and the concluding part of the Service was said by Rev. A. Dawson. The Benediction was pronounced by the Lord Bishop.

The musical portion of the Service was conducted, with great ability, by Mr. Charles Wilson of Downpatrick Cathedral, assisted by Mr. Thomas Henry Wilson, and the parochial choir.

The flags of the LOL Nos 26 and 41 (Carrickblacker) in the charge of their respective Masters, Messrs. Richard A Atkinson and John Montgomery , graced the scene, and gave a fitting tribute of respect to the memory of one of the most honoured Chiefs and devoted friends if the Orange Institution.


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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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