Seagoe Archives

18910615 Select Vestry 15th June 1891 p333


18910615 Select Vestry 15th June 1891 p333



A meeting of the Select Vestry was held in Seagoe Parochial School room on Monday 15th June 1891 the Rev. A. Dawson Rector in the Chair.

The printed copies of the Annual Report were presented. Arrangements were adopted for the lighting of the nave and aisle of the Church by standard to besupplied by Messer’s Patterson and Co of Belfast at 26/6 each -The BaronessVon Stieglitz having generously provided for the lighting of the Chancel.

As the minds of many of the Parishioners were reported to be much agitated by the Finials designed for the ornamentation of the gable ends of the Church the following resolution proposed by Mr George Calvert and seconded by Mr William McCann was unanimously adopted.

Resolved that though the Finials on the gables of the rebuilt Parish Church were designed by the Architect mainly for the greater ornamentation of the building and are in themselves unobjectionable, yet as it is alleged that they are offensive to many of the parishioners, the select vestry in the interest of peace consent that the Finials shall be either removed or altered to some shape that may be more satisfactory.

The vestry was adjourned to Monday 6th July next

Present at the meeting

Messers. J. Buckly Atkinson _ James Atkinson,Geo. Calvert, James Collins, Thomas Gilpin_ John Montgomery _ Joseph Monroe, William McCann, Capel. W. Reid _ David W. Walker, John Watson _ James Albin.

Abraham Dawson



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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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