Seagoe Archives

18910824 Select Vestry 24th August 1891 p360


18910824 Select Vestry 24th August 1891 p360



Monday August 24 1891 _ meeting of Select Vestry. Rev. A. Dawson in Chair.


Mr Jas. Atkinson

Mr Joseph Monroe

Mr Jas. Albin

Mr Jn. Montgomery

Mr Geo. Calvert

Mr Capel W. Reid

Mr Thomas Gilpin

Mr D. W. Walker

Mr A. Macrum

The following resolution of minutes was proposed by Mr Jas. Atkinson seconded by Mr David W. Walker and adopted:-

Resolved _ that the Clergymen , Church Wardens and Select Vestry of the Parish of Seagoe desire to express their grateful Thanks to the Very Reverend The Dean of Connor Rev, Thos. J. Welland, D.D. and Rev. R.R. Kane LLD, for their earnest sermon and able advocacy at the recent Re-opening Services in our Parish Church; to the clergy, and to the Collectors and numerous friends of all Denominations in Portadown and the neighboring Parishes, who by their presence, services, and generous help kindly evinced their interest with the Parishioners in their Successful efforts for the reconstruction and enlargement of their Parish Church, and greatly contributed to the magnificent offerings which were presented at the Re. Opening Services.”

A copy of their Resolution, signed by the Chairman, was inserted as an Advertisement in the Portadown News of Saturday. Aug. 29/91 and printed copies of the Resolution were forwarded To the Dean of Connor, the Rev Dr Welland Kane, Rev. Canon Duke D.D and Rev. Canon Harding A.M and to each of their collection.

2 .Proposed by Mr Geo. Calvert

Seconded by Mr Capel W. Reid and adopted:- Resolved _ the collectors already appointed to receive the subscriptions of the parishioners to the church enlargement fund be requested to revisit their several Districts for the purpose, during the month of September; that Mr Robert Gracey of Balteagh be requested to a facilitator. John Lavery of Kilvergan in receiving the subscriptions of residents in the townlands of Kilvergan and Balteagh. Meet the 1st of November be appointed for the paying in of subscriptions and instalments of farmer subscriptions; And the 1st May 1892, be appointed for the payment of the second instalment of the subscriptions of any persons whom it may be convenient to pay their subscriptions by instalments.”

3. Opposed by Mr Thomas Gilpin

Seconded Mr. J Albin and adopted –

“ Resolved _ that Wednesday 2nd Sept. next, at 2 O’clock, be appointed for each of the Parishioners as desire seats in the new Aisle to meet at the church, then churchwardens by whom allocations of the seats will then be made.”

4. Proposed by Mr. Jas. Atkinson

Seconded by Mr Geo. Calvert and adopted

“Resolved. That the warmest thanks of the Vestry be accorded to Abraham Macrum esq. for his generous offer of American Organ can be procured.”

Abraham Dawson


Allocation of Seat in the Aisle, by the churchwardens, Messrs. Jas. Atkinson and Geo Calvert

September 2, 1891.

Mr. N. F. Armstrong22



( Mr. David Rudddell)






(W. J. McDowell)


( J Mongomery x J Craig)


(Joseph Munro)


Mr. Joseph Murray

App. Seagoe16


Mr. A. Macrum . Mr J. H. Wilson



The Rector





12 Jas May


11 Servants



Upp. Seagoe

9 ( Mr Watson Walker)


8 ( Mr Russell and Family)

7 The curate


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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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