Seagoe Archives

18930308 Select Vestry 8th March 1893 p371-p372


18930308 Select Vestry 8th March 1893 p371-p372

A special meeting of Vestry was held in Seagoe Parochial Schoolroom on Wednesday8th March 1893. The Archdeacon of Dromore in the Chair. Convened by letter to consider and adopt(if approved) the Protest of the Standing Committee of the Synod against the Government of Ireland Bill.


Archdeacon of Dromore Chairman. Rev Dr. Quirke.

Messers James Albin – Geo. Calvert. James Collins _ John Lavery _ Joseph Monroe, John Montgomery _ Thomas Montgomery _ William McCann _ Capel W. Reid.

Letters of apology for inability to attend received from Messer’s James Atkinson and A Macoun both approved of object of meeting.

The following protest apodted by the standing Committee of the General Synod which had been sent to the Select Vestry of every parish in Ireland was used to the Vestry by the Chairman,

Church of Ireland

Protest “Against the Government of Ireland Bill”

We the select Vestry of Seagoe in the Diocese of Dromore , hereby declare our unswerving adherence to the principle set for the Resolution unanimously adopted by the Bishops , Clergy and Laity of the Church of Ireland at a meeting of the General Synod , specially convened for that purpose on the 23rd of March 1886 and we therefore consider it a duty pending the next meeting of the General Synod to protest without delay against the measure which has just been introduced into the House of Commons under the title of “ The Government of Ireland Bill”. We are convincedin common as we know with large number of our fellow countrymen, who do not belong to our church that the revolutionary changes proposed in that measure if carried into effect would seriously imperil the safeguards of civil and religious liberty, the security of property and life and the integrity of the great Empire of which the United Kingdom is the centre. We also believe that these changes would tend to impoverish if not to expatriate many of those on whose support the maintenance of our church , under God depends and would thereby disable her effort she is making to supply the spiritual needs of her people. And we make this Protest not as theadherent of the party, not on behalf of a class but as members of a Church numbering more than 600,000 Irishmen who holding narrow political opinions and following many different callings are united in a common allegiance to the Throne and a common desire for the honour and welfare of their native land.

It was proposed by Mr George Calvert Churchwarden seconded by Mr. William and unanimously adopted.

That the Form of Protest forwarded by the Standing Committee of the General Synod and now read to the Vestry is hereby unanimously adopted and the Chairman and Secretary are requested to sign the said Protest on behalf of the Select Vestry.

The Chairman also submitted to the Vestry the Design of the Stained Glass Window which Mrs Carlton proposed to erect in theparish Church in the memory of her Father Mr Thomas Carlton. It was drawn by Mr Hyoness (Reporton Road Fulham London) on of two Artists recommended to her by Mr Thomas Drew. R.H.A.. Architect of the Church _ Last year the same Artist design designed a memorial Window for Gilford Church, which much admired the design is in keeping with the architecture of the restored Church and the details are skilfully wrought out_ on the motion of Mr Capel W. Reid and Mr Thomas Montgomery the design was unanimously approved by the Vestry.

The Chairman also reported to the Vestry that Mrs Carlton has proposed with the consent of the Vestry to have the entire walls of the Parish Churchplanted with ivy , Virginian creeper, at her expense, this would be a great additional beauty to the fabric and would cover the incongruity of the old and the new world _ On the motion of Mr John Lavery and Mr James Collins it was resolved that the Vestry accept Mrs Carlton generous offer with cordial thanks.

Meeting concluded with prayer for the present crisis in Ireland.

Abraham Dawson – Chairman

James Atkinson Sec.


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