Seagoe Archives

18960101 Memorial Brass Recording the Benefactors of the Blacker family 1896


18960101 Memorial Brass Recording the Benefactors of the Blacker family 1896

The Memorial Brass, presented by the Parishioners

of Seagoe, in Record of the Benefactions of the Blacker

Family for 240 years, to the Church and Parish of

Seagoe. This work has been wrought by Messrs.

John W. Singer & Sons (Frome, Somerset), from the

designs of Mr. Drew.

The Inscription on it is as follows :-

“To the Glory of God, in Record of the munificence of Stewart Blacker, of Carrickblacker, Esquire, deceased anno 1881, and his surviving sister, Anna, Baroness von Stieglitz, to the Parish of Seagoe.

" They following the pious example of their forefathers (of whom it is of record that Valentine

Blacker rebuilt, about 1662, the ancient Parish Church. ruined in the Rebellion of 1641 ;

and the very Rev. Stewart Blacker, Dean pf Leighlin, with the Rev. George Blacker, Vicar, by their exertions built this Church in 1816), in 1876 by a Gift of £1000, and an advance to

the Vestry of £1600 secured to the Parish at the Disestablishment of the Irish Church, a Parochial

Endowment Fund now, in 1896, amounting to £6,710. In 1891, the Baroness von Stieglitz

generously aided the parishioners in the rebuilding of the Nave of this Church and the erection of

the South Aisle, and at sole cost added the Chancel in Loving Memory of her aforesaid

Brother, Stewart Blacker, providing it suitable furniture and adorning it with many costly gifts and

offerings towards the comely and reverent worship of Almighty God ; and, in 1896, she presented

the Glazing of the Great East Window in sympathetic accord with the grace and beauty of this

house of God.

"We glorify God in the behalf of these Benefactions, and humbly pray that they may be had in

everlasting remembrance before him."

Abraham Dawson. A. M.,

Dean of Dromore and Rector of Seagoe.

George Calvert,

John Lavery, Churchwardens

Anno, 1896.


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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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