Seagoe Archives

18960830 Service on the Fifth Anniversary of the Reopening of the church 30th August 1896 p396-p397


18960830 Service on the Fifth Anniversary of the Reopening of the church 30th August 1896 p396-p397

Sunday August 30, 1896:- The Lord primate of All Ireland (Dr William. Alexander) preached a special sermon in the Parish Church on the occasion after fifth anniversary of the opening of the Church in 1891. The service was largely attended, not only by the parishioners but by many of all denominations, from Portadown, Lurgan, Tandragee, Moyallon, Magheralin an Every available space- including the Choir, the vestryroom and the transept was fully occupied. Prayers were said by the Dean of Dromore, Rector and Rev. Dr. Quirk, Curate and the lessons were read by Rev. Laurin R. J. T. Blacker.

The Lord primate preached the sermon from Ps.XLV,7. (45v7) “ Thou lovest righteousness and hatest iniquity; therefore God, even Thy God hath anointed them with the oil of gladness above thy fellows” in eloquent words he set forth first the Joy of Christ and Secondthe Joy of Christianity. In conclusion he said- “I find that about £4,600 have been expended upon the Church or rather that has been the cost of the enlargement and renovation. Of this sum no less than £4,550 has already, I believe been paid, so that those only remains of this large sum about £50 more to defray the entire expenses. It would be a suitable things to try and cover the whole of that deficit by this morn-


Special Sermon by Lord primate


ings collection. Remember all of you that no doubt you have received large and offered donations from individual benefactors, but remember also that in all things, belonging to our Church, as time goes on, those are likely to be fewer and fewer persons who will be able to give large sums for such purposes as this. The burden of the Church in the future must fall in a very large measure upon a large number of persons who leave not large fortunes or very acceptable measures but who from a variety of causes, into which I need not enter, are likely to be more prosperous in the future than they have been in the past. May this blessing of Almighty God be with every one of you, and may you all feel in one of that true joy which the world cannot give and which the world cannot take away.

The offering was then taken up the following gentlemen officiating as Special Collectors: - W. Christian Miller, Esq. Of Kirca???? ; James MacauleyEsq. D. L of Lurgan; L, Buckby Atkinson Esqof Portadown; John Atkinson Esq. J. R, do; Chas. Johnston Esq. J. P, do; and John Collins, Esq. J. P, do. The Collection accumulated to £36.

During his visit the Lord primate and wife of Alexander were the guests of the Barroness von Steiglitz of Carrickblacker


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