Seagoe Archives

18970419 Easter Vestry 19th April 1897 p401-p402


18970419 Easter Vestry 19th April 1897 p401-p402



Monday, April 5:- Meeting of S. Vestry.

Present – Dean of Dromore on Chair.

Albin, JamesMonro, Joseph

Calvert, GeoMontgomery, John

Collins, JamesRobinson, George

Macoun, Abraham

Subscriptions on account of the Sustentation Fund paid by the Chairman amounting to £37.5.00; and by Messrs Jas. Albin, Geo Calvert , and Joseph Monro, amounting to £14.18.06.

Annual Easter Vestry appointed to be held in the Parochial School House on Easter Monday, 19th April inst. , at 11.30 o’clock.

Easter Vestry: Easter Monday, April 19th :-

Present – The Dean of Dromore in chair

Rev. Robt. Quirke-Curate.

Messrs. Jas. Albin

“Geo, Calvert“Archibald Mackenziex

“Chas. J. Collins “Thos. J. Montgomery

“James Collins “Wm. McCann

“Thos. Gilpin“Geo Robinson

“Robt. Gracey“Jas Twinem junx

“Jno. Lavery x not Regt. Vestrymen

Meeting opened by reading portion of scripture and by prayer. Accounts presented and passed. The following elections werenominally made:-

Parochial Nominators – W.R.Atkinson – Omagh

James Atkinson – Ln _ Seagoe

Geo. Calvert- Breagh.


Diocesan Synodsmens -Mr Wilson Irwin – Carne

“J. R Macoun,Belfast

“ Thos. J. Montgomery, Derryvore

Joseph Murray , Ballynacor

Churchwarden Mr. Joseph Murray, do

Mr Geo. Robinson, Lylo

Select Vestry :-

Mr, J.B, AtkinsonMrA. Macoun

Mr, Jno. Atkinson“Thos Montgomery

Mr, Jas. Albin“Joseph Monro

Mr, Ge Calvert“Wm. McCann

Mr, Jas, Collins“Capel W. Reid

Mr. Thos Gilpin“Robt. Woolsey

Secretary of Select Vestry and {parochial Treasurer

Mr James Atkinson

Sidesmen - Mr Geo Calvert

“ Geo Calvert

“Jas Collins

“Jno. Lavery

“Geo. Robinson

The vestry was over the closed with prayerbenediction

Abraham Dawson



Friday. Feb.4, 1898 :- At meeting of General Vestry, duly convened, The Dean of Dromore, Rector in the chair, the register vestrymen was revised with the following

Resident Vestrymen …………………………………………. 248

Owners of Property……………………………………­­­­­­­­……….6

Accustomed member of Congregation ……………………………4


Total 258

Abraham Dawson - Chairman


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