Seagoe Archives

18980516 Select Vestry 16th May 1898 p404-p406


18980516 Select Vestry 16th May 1898 p404-p406


Annual Easter Vestry 1898


On motion of Mr James Lavery and Mr A MacKenzie the former officers were re-elected viz.-

Calvert, Mr. George

Collins, Mr. James

Gilpin, Mr. Thomas

Lavery, Mr. James

Murray, Mr. Joseph

Robinson, Mr. George

Abraham Dawson, Chairman

Select Vestry At close of General Vestry, the Select Vestry resolved that their next meeting should be held on Monday 16 th May, to receive balance of subscriptions to the Sustentation Fund, and the publication of the Annual Report.

Abraham Dawson, Chairman

Select Vestry, Monday 16th May: Meeting of Select Vestry. Present The Dean of Dromore, Rector in Chair, Atkinson, James; Albin, James; Calvert, George; Munro, Joseph; Murray, Joseph; Robinson, George.

Sust. Fund. Mr. James Albin paid in the balance of Edenderry Collection, amounting to £1. 9. 6,

making the total collection from Edenderry amount to £22. 15. 6.

thus fin year ended at Easter makes total subscriptions £123. 4. 1

Balance from 1896 .......................................................£100. 0. 10

Total ..............................................................................£223. 4. 11

Expenditure ..................................................................£125. 0. 0

Balance in hand .............................................................£98. 4. 11

Proposal for reducing debt in Glebe : Mr Chairman informed the Vestry that the R.C.B. had set aside out of their funds last year, the sum of £5000 which they offered to all the parishes in Ireland to help them in recuring or reducing the debt upon their glebes, being generally the interest upon the residue of the Building Charge which was regarded as annual rent. The R.C.B. proposed to give an equal sum £1 for £1 – to that contributed by the parishioners by this sum £400 was assigned to our United Diocese, and was soon taken up.

At the last Easter Vestry, it was mentioned that some of the parishioners had expressed a desire that an effort should be made to pay of or reduce the rent charged upon Seagoe Glebe. On referring to Rev. L.A.H. J. Porter – secretary for the grant to the Diocese – it was found that no aid from the grant was available at present, as it had been exhausted by the numerous applications. It was noted however, that the R.C.B. might be able to renew this grant and in that event Rev. Porter kindly put down our parish for the first offer.

The following correspondence, in reference to this matter took place with the R.C.B

Seagoe Rectory, Portadown, 13 th April, 1898

Dear Sir, I would feel much obliged by your informing me what is the amount of the Building Charge against the Parish of Seagoe, and the interest of which forms the Rent charged for the Glebe – Building and land.

The parishioners propose making an effort topay off the charge, in whole or part, so as to remove or reduce the Annual Rent.

I am, dear Sir,

Yours Very Truly,

Abraham Dawson,

Dean of Dromore

To Thomas Greene Esq

To this letter the following reply was returned:

32 St, Stephen’s Green, East Dublin, 16 th April 1898

Dear Sir – In reply to your letter dated the 13 th inst. I am directed to state that the charges due to the Rep. Body are as follows: -

3 ½ pc on £950. 5. 8. Purchase money £33. 5. 2

Insurance Premium ................................£ 1. 2. 6

Guarantee 10 pc on .............................£50 5. 0 .0

?? 3 on .................................................£13. 11. 4.

Capital now required to pay

of this loan is £6. 0. ..............................£ 3. 14. 0

................................................................£43. 1. 8

I am, Dear Sir,

Faithfully yours

Thomas Greene, Secretary

To the Very Rev., The Dean of Dromore


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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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