Seagoe Archives

18980614 Confirmation Service 14th June 1898 p406-p407


18980614 Confirmation Service 14th June 1898 p406-p407

Tuesday, 14 June 1898 – Confirmation service held in Church at 3.30 p.m. by the Bishop of Down (Dr. Welland), who was accompanied by his Chaplain, the Archdeacon of Dromore (J Harding). The candidates were presented by the Dean of Dromore, Rector of the parish, assisted by Rev. Dr. Quirk, Curate, Rev J.W. Austin, Rector of Dromore, and Rev. J.J. Major, Rector of Ardmore. The prayers (shortened evening service) with the Proper Psalms xxiii and xxiv, were said by Rev. Dr. Quirk, and Rev. J.W. Austin. The Proper Lesson, Eph vi. 1-19 was read by the Dean of Dromore. The appropriate Hymn 594 was sung, and the Bishop, from the pulpit, gave an earnest and interesting address to the candidates, who numbered 157, 57males and 94 females – including from Ardmore, presented by Rev. J.J. Major. Their demeanour was generally reverent and devotional. A large number of their relatives and friends were present and appeared fully interested in the service.

At the close, after the first post – confirmation Collect, the hymn 376 – “Thine for ever, God of Love” was given out by the Bishop, and at his request was sung by the candidates and congregation, all kneeling.

Monday 6th, February 1899 – Meeting of the Select Vestry, held to revise Register of Vestrymen. The Dean of Dromore, Rector in the Chair. The register was carefully gone through, several persons were added who were qualified thereafter, and others were removed who were disqualified by death, removal from the parish or failure or insufficiency of subscription. At the close of the Revision Period, in 28 th February following, the following was the result of the Revision for ensuing year (1899-1900): -

Resident Parishioners 249

Owner of Property 7

Acc. Members of congregation 5


The following Resolution on the lamented death of the Baroness von Stieglitz – on Monday, 23 rd January 1899 was unanimously adopted. Proposed by Mr. George Calvert and seconded by Mr. Thomas Gilpin. “Resolved – that on the part of the Parishioners of Seagoe, we desire to place on record our deep sorrow on the occasion of the loss and bereavement we have sustained on the death of Hester Anna, Baroness von Stieglitz, of Carrickblacker. She ever cordially acted with her brother, Major Stewart Blacker, in his devotion to all that concerned the Welfare of Seagoe, and generously share in his munificence to which we are largely indebted for the provision made for the re-endowment of the Parish succeeding her brother in their ancestral estate, and ancient mansion. She lived in the midst of her tenantry, knowing all, sympathising withal, and known and respected by all. Forward in promoting all efforts for the instruction of the young, and the relief and comfort of all amongst us who were any ways afflicted or distressed. The rebuilding and enlargement of the Parish Church was affected chiefly through her bounty, encouraging the zeal of the parishioners and friends to make the House of God remarkable for is grace and beauty. Deservedly esteemed in her hale old age, she came to her grave like as a stook of corn cometh in its season and died full of years and honour and blessing.

Abraham Dawson, A.M. Dean of Dromore and Rector of Seagoe – Chairman


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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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