Seagoe Archives

18990403 Easter Vestry 3rd April 1899 p410-p411


18990403 Easter Vestry 3rd April 1899 p410-p411



Easter Monday April 3:-The Annual Easter Vestry held in the Parochial School House today. The Dean of Dromore, Rector in the chair. Present , Rev. Dr Quirke, Curate and the following parishioners:-

Atkinson, James McCann, William

Albin, James Monro, Joseph

Calvert, George Montgomery , John

Collins, James Murray, Joseph

Gilpin, Thomas Robinson, George

Gracey, Robert Stothers, Thomas

Guy, Robert Twinem, James Jn

Lavery, John Wilson. James

Mackenzie, Archibald

The meeting was opened by Rev, Dr Quirke reading a portion of scripture and by prayer. Subscriptions to the Sustentation Fund for 1898 were handed in to the treasurer from nearby all the parochial collection – Districts, and to a considerable amount. The several Parochial Accounts were presented and unanimously passed.

The following Resolution, proposed by Mr Geo. Calvert and seconded by Mr. Archibald Mackenzie was unanimously adopted –

“ Resolved that the thanks of this annual Easter Vestry are due and are hereby given to the outgoing Churchwardens , Messrs Joseph Murray and Geo. Robinson for their effective discharge of their offices for the last two years.”

The Dean of Dromore appointed Mr. Geo. Calvert as his Churchwarden and Mr James Collins was elected as the People’s Churchwarden on the nomination of Mr Joseph Murray and Thomas Gilpin for the current year.

The following were elected members of the select Vestry for the ensuing year , on the nomination of Messrs John Lavery and Robert Gracey:-

Atkinson J. Buckly Monro, Joseph

Atkinson, James Montgomery, Thomas

Albin, James Murray, Joseph

Gilpin, Thomas McCann,William

Macoun, A Robinson, Geo

Mackenzie, Archibald Woolsey, Robert

Mr Jas, Atkinson was also re-elected Secretary and Treasurer.

Messrs Jas. Albin, Joseph Monro, Joseph Murray and Geo. Robinson were elected to serve (with the Churchwardens) as sidemen for the year.

The Chairman brought before the Vestry the proposal made by some of the parishioners to erect an organ in the Chancel of the church in memory of the late Baroness Von Steiglitz, to whose munificence the church and parish had been greatly indebted for many years. Preliminary inquiries were being made and when these were further advanced the proposed effort would be brought more fully before the parishioners.

The proceedings throughout were cordial and harmonious. The meeting was closed by the Dean with a prayer and the benediction.

Abraham Dawson

Chairman and the Dean

19 May 1899


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Seagoe Archives

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