Seagoe Archives

18990519 Select Vestry 19th May 1899 p412-p414


18990519 Select Vestry 19th May 1899 p412-p414



Friday, 19th May 1899 – Meeting of Select Vestry

Mr Dean of Dromore in Chair

Rev, Dr Quirk Mr Jas. Collins

J. Buckly Atkinson Mr Joseph Monro

Mr. J. Albin Mr. Thomas Montgomery

Mr. Geo. Calvert Mr Robert Woolsey

  • 1 The Annual Report presented ready for printing.
  • 2 The proposal for erection of a memorial Organ in the chancel of the church considered. Mr J B Atkinson appointed treasurer of Fund, and Rev, Dr Quirk and Mr Geo. Calvert appointed Secretaries. A corrum was also appointed and the parish marked into Districts persons appointed to canvas for subscriptions – cards, statements on when prepared for circulation.

27/6/99 and 23/10/99: Meeting of the Organ Committee: Subscriptions paid in : total to last date £302.11.06

Friday 27th October Meeting of Select Vestry Rev Dr Quirk , in the Chair , present Messrs J. Buckby Atkinson, Archibald Mackenzie, Geo. Calvert, James Collins, Thomas Gilpin, John Montgomery, Robert Woolsey and Joseph Murray.

The following Resolution proposed by Mr J. B. Atkinson and seconded by Mr. Archibald Mackenzie was unanimously adopted.

  • 1 “That the members of the Select Vestry of the parish of Seagoe hereby give notice to the members of the Lurgan District Council, that it is their intension to claim, and to use for parochial purposes that portion of ground adjoining Seagoe Graveyard (for parish stables , coach house etc.) which is marked off upon the map prepared by the Guardians Engineer, by the property of the Parish of Seagoe, and to which map we by leave to refer.”
  • 2 Resolution proposed by Mr Robert Woolsey, seconded by Mr John Montgomery , and unanimously adopted:-
  • 3 It was suggested that the Dean of Dromore has requested, for Mr James Atkinson , secretary of Vestry to communicate their resolution to Mr W.J. Corner Secretary , No.1 Rural District Council Lurgan.
  • 4 The following Resolution of Condolence was proposed by Geo. Calvert, seconded by Mr Archibald Mackenzie and unanimously adopted:-
  • 5 It was proposed by Mr Thomas Gilpin, Seconded by Mr J.B. Atkinson, and adopted:-
  • 6 Proposed by Mr Geo Calvert, seconded by Mr. Joseph Murray and adopted.
  • 7 Proposed by Mr. J. Buckby Atkinson, seconded by Mr Thomas Gilpin, and adopted:-

“ That the following be appointed a committee to wait upon the Lurgan District Council on Thursday next, Nov 2nd inst. to support the above Resolution “ viz – Messrs J Buckby Atkinson James Atkinson, James Collins and Joseph Murray.

“ That we the members of the select Vestry of the Parish of Seagoe at this our first meeting of members since the lamented death of the daughter of our respected Rector the Dean of Dromore, desire to express on behalf of the Parish our deep feelings of regret at the removal of one who was so helpful in our choir, Sunday School , Visitation of the sick and other Parochial affairs, and we also tender our heartfelt sympathy to the Dean and the members of his family with the earnest prayer that the God of all consolation may with such a sad and sorrowful bereavement vouchsafe his presence and support.

“That a copy of the above Resolution be forwarded to the Dean of Dromore, and that both it and the reply be inserted in the minutes.”

“That we hereby tender on behalf of the parish our best thanks to Mr. J. Buckley Atkinson for his kindness in renovating the walls of the Church at his expense.”

“ That the following appointed a committee to see Mr. Richard Lutton, and to arrange with him in reference to the draughts in the church, with power to act according as they see fit; viz:-

Mr. W.R. Atkinson

Mr Geo. Calvert

Mr. Robert Woolsey

And that the meetings be convened by Mr W. R. Atkinson.

Abraham Dawson – Dean



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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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