Seagoe Archives

19000419 Dedication of Organ Newspaper Cutting 19th April 1900 p421


19000419 Dedication of Organ Newspaper Cutting 19th April 1900 p421



DEDICATION OF MEMORIAL ORGAN. The organ recently erected in Seagoe Parish

Church in grateful memorial of the late Baroness von Stieglitz was dedicated on Thursday by the

Lord Bishop of Down. The service was largely attended by the parishioners and by many resi-dents in the adjoining parishes. The organ, which was built by Messrs. Forster & Andrews, Hull, bears the following inscription, engraved on a “Latten” breastplate by Mr. T. J. Gawtborpe,

London, craftsman in metals to her Majesty the Queen:-

Erected by the parishioners of Seagoe and

many friends, to the glory of God, and in

grateful memorial of many generous bene-

factions done to this Church and Parish by

Hester Anna Baroness von Stieglitz, of

Carrickblacker, who died 23rd January, 1899.

19th day of April, 1900.

The clergy present were the Bishop of Down, Very Rev. the Dean of Dromore, Seagoe Rectory ;

Rev. Canon Blacker, Woodbrook, Co. Wexford ; Rev. Canon Barker, Rostrevor; Rev. Canon

Kernan. Hillsborough; Rev. Canon Lett, Loughbrickland; The Ven. the Archdeacon of Dromore ;

Rev. Richard Johnston. Kilmore; E. W. Hobson. M.A., Portadown;

R. S. O’Loughlin, D.D., Lurgan ; F. W. Austin, Drumcree; T. W. Clarendon,

Maralin; T. B. Harpur, Moira; E. A. Myles, Tullylish; C. Dempsey, Mullavilly; C. T. P.

Grierson, Banbridge; A.R Ryder, Dunmurry; G. P. Mitchell, Drumboo Rectory, Lisburn; E.

Atkinson, Waringstown ; J. J. Major, Ardmore; G.A. Stephenson, Belfast; P. A. Kelly, Scarva ;

R. Quirk, D,D., Portadown; J. W. Auchmuty, E. Storey, W. J. Macaulay, Portadown ; George'

Daunt, Koocknamuckley ; J.L.Peacock, Lisburn; John Clarke, George Foster, W. McC. Kerr, J.C

Steele, G. G. Collins, J.W. Munchin, F.P. Dudley-Janns and W. T. Stewart. Amongst those who

received invitations to 'be present were Mrs. von Stieglitz and the Misses von Stieglitz, Rostrevor;

Miss Wade and the Misses Dawson, Seagoe Rectory; Miss Harding, Gilford; Dr. W. R.

Dawson and Mrs. Dawson, Dublin ; Mrs. Johnston,

Kilmore ; Mrs O’Longhlin, Lurgan ; Mrs. Austin, Drumcree; Miss Clarendon and Mrs. Collins.

Maralin; Mrs. Harpur and the Misses Harpur, Moira; Mrs. Kernan, Hillsborough; St. John Braddell,

Mrs. Braddell, and Miss Braddell, Gilford ; Mr. John A. Macoun and Mrs Macoun,

Belfast; Mr. W. J. Allen. Linwinny, Lurgan ; Miss Fforde, Raughlan; Miss Molony, Tandragee; Mr.

W. R. Atkinson and Mrs. Atkinson, Portadown ; Mr. T. D. Gibson, R.M.. Portadown; Mrs. Cross,

Lurgan ; Miss Johnston, Lurgan ; Mrs. Lett and the Misses Lett, Loughbrickland; Miss

F. A. Armstrong. Portadown; Miss Atkinson, Millicent Terrace, Portadown ; Dr. Hadden, Miss

Carleton, Portadown; Mrs Atkinson, Donaghcloney Rectory, Waringstown ; Mr. E. E. Godfrey

and Miss Godfrey, Gleneyre, Portadown; Mrs. Shillington, Tavanagh House, Portadown; Miss

Kelly, Scarva; Capt. W. Greer, the Wilderness, Lurgan; Miss Quirk, Mrs. Macaulay, Portadown;

Mrs. Daunt, Knocknamuckley; Messrs J. H. Atkinson, Belfast; A Macoun, C. D. Macoun, Joseph

Collen, W. Bigley, J.P. : W. Chambers, J. McMeechan, H. Martin, Wilson Irwin, J. Henry, G. M.

Atkinson, Thos. Cottingham, D. l., R.I.C. ; Géorge Calvert, James Collins, Thomas Gilpin, Joseph

Murray, Joseph Munro, A. Mackenzie, Geo. Robinson, John Montgomery, and Thos. J


Prayers were said by Dr. Quirk and Canon Barker, and the lessons were read by Rev. E. W.

Hobson and Canon Blacker.

The sermon was preached by the Bishop of Down who made an appropriate reference to the

large-hearted generosity of the late Baroness, the excellence of her character the beneficence of

her deeds.

After the service a short organ recital wag given by Mr. Charles M. Wilson, Mus. Bac., organist of

Newtownards Parish Church.

In the evening, the Dean of Dromore, Miss Wade, and the Misses Dawson gave an "At Home in Segoe Rectory.


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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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