Seagoe Archives

19010206 6th February 1901 Select Vestry meeting


19010206 6th February 1901 Select Vestry meeting

On 6 Feb 1901 a meeting of the Select Vestry was held in Seagoe Schoolhouse, the prescribed notification having been complied with, for the purpose of revising the list of Registered Vestrymen. Present, The Dean of Dromore, in the Chair, Rev. W T Grey, Curate, James Collins, Robert Woolsey, John Montgomery, George Calvert, Nelson Irwin, James Albin, N. R. Atkinson. The Register was gone over and names of deceased members espunged and those who had not complied with Diocesan Rules and names added of those entitled to be Registered.

Following above – the same members of Select Vestry being present – an ordinary meeting of the Select Vestry was held on same date at same place.

Dr. Quirk’s reply to Resolution of Select Vestry, having been read, it was proposed by Geo. Calvert and seconded by Robert Woolsey, that same be recorded on the minutes.

Proposed by Geo. Calvert, seconded by John Montgomery that the following names be added to the Committee for superintending building of Schoolmaster’s house, namely Thomas Stathers, James McDowell, Thomas Martin, R. J. Jones.

Tenders received and opened for erecting Schoolmaster’s house according to Plans and Specifications from Board of Works, from Richard Lutton at £339, Mr Reid at £280, Bright Bros. at £345. The estimates being all in excess of the amount of £250 allowed for the work, after a lengthened discussion it was agreed that Mr R. J. Jones, James McDowell and Geo. Calvert, should call on Mr Reid and request him to consider if her could amend his tender, to bring it within the amount allowed – Result to be communicated to a meeting of Building Committee to be held at Seagoe schoolhouse at 7.30 on Friday 8 February 1901.

Dr. Quirk’s Reply , Magherally Rectory, Banbridge, Dec 19, 1900

To the Select Vestry of the Parish of Seagoe

My dear friends, your Hon. Sec. has been good enough to forward me a resolution unanimously adopted at your meeting held on the 3rd inst., in reference to my promotion to the Incumbency of Magherally, for which I thank you very sincerely. In this resolution you refer to my long and faithful services in your Parish for nearly 20 years – long and faithful but full if pleasure as well, because during the long period in which I have been going in and out amongst you, I cannot forget the kindness and sympathy which I invariably received throughout your entire Parish, as well as your goodness in overlooking my faults and imperfections both various and numerous, of which no one is more keenly conscious. You were also good enough to make mention of my work in Edenderry, which was indeed a great pleasure to me and which I was very sorry in having to abandon. But the success of this work is not merely to be attributed to me but to the earnest, zealous and faithful band of workers who reside in the district both men and women, particularly the latter (not forgetting the untiring zeal and exertions of your excellent and worthy Secretary) whose liberality during the past year is worthy of high commendation and noble imitation and I think your Parish should be proud in having such a band who both freely and willingly and without a murmour gave the time and money toward the erection of the Lecture Hall now drawing towards completion which I pray may prove a blessing to the present and succeeding generations. Although I regret very much my removal from you and my separation from a sphere of work in which I took as much delight it is still my earnest prayer, as it has been for many years that each and every member of your Parish “may so live in this life that in the world to come they may have life everlasting”

I am my dear friends, Yours very faithfully R. Quirk, D.D. Incumbent of Magherally.

Abraham Dawson, Dean


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Seagoe Archives

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