Seagoe Archives

19020715 15th July 1902 Select Vestry meeting


19020715 15th July 1902 Select Vestry meeting

A meeting of Select Vestry was held on 15th July 1902. Present the very Rev’d, The Dean of Dromore, in the chair, Rev’d. Edward Jennings, Geo Calvert, Wilson Irwin, John Montgomery, Thos. Stothers, Jas Collins, John Lavery, Joseph Murray, W.T.McDowell.

It was proposed by Mr Thos. Stothers and seconded by Mr Wilson Irwin passed, Resolved that we accept Mr R. Lutton’ s plans & specifications for proposed Stable, Cycle house & carriage then at the estimated cost of about £120: and instruct the Committee to make arrangements with Mr R. Lutton to have the proposed works proceeded with at once.

It was proposed by Mr Geo Calvert & seconded by Mr Thos Martin passed, resolved that Mr W.R Atkinson be requested to act as Treasurer to receive subscriptions for the execution of proposed works.

The following subscriptions were promised-W. R. Atkinson £10, Geo Calvert 310, Dean of Dromore £5, Jos Murray £4 (in 2 years) Wilson Irwin £4 (in 2 years) John Lavery £4 (in 2 years Thos. Martin £2, W. T. McDowell £2, John Montgomery £2 (in 2 years), James Collins £2 (in 2 years Thomas Stothers £1.

Proposed by Mr Thos. Stothers, Seconded by Mr Geo Calvert passed. Resolved, that the thanks of the Vestry are due thereby accorded to Mr W.G. Sloan, Solicitor, in advice & documentary services, gratuitously given in the legal arrangements in connection with the building of the Teacher’s Residences.

Abraham Dawson Dean


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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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