Seagoe Archives

19040108 8th January 1904 Select Vestry meeting


19040108 8th January 1904 Select Vestry meeting

A meeting of Select Vestry was held on 8 January 1904 when the following were present- The Very Rev’d, The Dean of Dromore-in the Chair-Revds. W.T. Grey & Edward Jennings, Messrs.J. Albin, J.G. Gracey, Joseph Monroe, George Calvert and W.R. Atkinson.

The meeting was for the purpose of receiving sustentation funds Collectors books & Collections £93.5.0 was paid in.

The Dean having explained that a Commission would shortly need to consider certain repairs at the Rectory, It was proposed by Geo Calvert, seconded by Ja’s. Albin. Passed, that Wilson Irwin represent Select Vestry at the enquiry.

In having been reported that the caretaker of Parochial Hall, Edenderry was not giving satisfaction, it was proposed by Jas. Albin & seconded by W.T. Grey that he be informed his services would not be required after end of the quarter and that Mr. J. Carry the appointed at same Salary (£1 a quarter) subject to his being willing to undertake all the duties required, as to keeping the Hall in proper order and the grounds neat & tidy at all times.

There was some conversation as to the condition of Levaghery Schoolhouse and the Dean undertook to see it with A.G. Sloan with a view to learning whether he could have some repairs be made.

It was arranged to have next meeting of Select Vestry on Friday 2 February next.

A sketch of a proposed new Porch at transept door at an approximate cost of £12 was received from Mr R Lutton. It was decided to leave over consideration of the matter for a larger Vestry.

Abraham Dawson


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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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