Seagoe Archives

19040203 3rd February 1904 Select Vestry meeting


19040203 3rd February 1904 Select Vestry meeting

A meeting of the Select Vestry was held on 3 February 1904 when the following were present – The Very Revd the Dean of Dromore – in the chair – Revd W. J. Grey and Edward Jennings, Messer’s James Collins, W.J. McDowell, John Montgomery, Thomas J. Montgomery, J. G. Gracey, James Albin, Thomas Gilpin and W.R. Atkinson.

The List of Registered vestrymen having been revised, it was found there were 269 registered and 4 owners of property and 6 Accustomed members of the congregation.

Mr John Curry was appointed caretaker of Edenderry Parochial Hall at a salary of £1 per quarter on the understanding that he would that he would give satisfaction in the performance of his duties.

It was proposed by W.J. McDowell, seconded by Thomas J. Montgomery passed, that Mr R. Lutton be instructed to erect inside the porch in the transept, according to sketch and particulars contained in his letter of 7 January 1904, at the cost of about £15.

An Application from Mr G. Philip Girling of Portadown for leave to practice on the church organ having been confirmed it was proposed by W. J. McDowell. Seconded by John Montgomery and passed that same be declined on the grounds that such an arrangement might not work satisfactorily and would form a precedent which might give rise to trouble at some future time.

It was arranged the next meeting should be held on Friday 26 February to confirm register.

Abraham Dawson



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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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