Seagoe Archives

19050426 26th April 1905 Select Vestry Meeting


19050426 26th April 1905 Select Vestry Meeting

A meeting of Select Vestry was held 26 April 1905 when were were present, Revd. James E. Archer – in the Chair – John Taylor, George Calvert, Mr T. McDowell, T.J. Montgomery, Wilson Irwin, Joseph Murray, John Montgomery, John Lavery, James Albin, Thomas Martin, Mr R. Atkinson, Thomas Stothers, Joseph Monro.

The Dean and Mr Atkinson submitted statements of the various Parochial accounts, preparatory to publication and the Treasurer was instructed to pay accounts as furnished for fuel and oil.

Mr Joseph Murray paid his subscription of £8 to Auxiliary Fund.

James E. Archer

June 27th 1905

Annual Vestry, Easter 1905

The annual Vestry was held on Wednesday 26 April 1905 at which Revd. James E. Archer presided.

The Dean nominated Mr John Montgomery as Rector’s Churchwarden; and on the motion of Mr Atkinson, seconded by Mr George Calvert, Mr

Joseph Murray John Montgomery Joseph Murray was appointed People’s Churchwarden.

It was proposed by Mr Atkinson and seconded by Mr George Calvert and agreed to that the names of 8 members of the late Select Vestry be written on separate slips of paper and put in a hat and that the two first drawn should be voted on the new Select Vestry, so that some Parishioners might be appointed who had not previously acted. The names of Messrs. John Lavery and Thomas Stothers were drawn and the following is the result of the ballot for new Select Vestry, namely – Mr R. Atkinson, James Albin, George Calvert, Atkinson Costello, Robert Gracey, Wilson Irwin, Thomas Martin, Joseph Monro, T.J. Montgomery, Mr T McDowell, Joseph H. Stevenson and David Rock.

Revd. J. Taylor and Mr Joseph H. Stevenson acted as scrutineers of the ballot.

It was proposed by George Calvert and seconded by Thomas Martin that Mr R. Atkinson and Mr T McDowell act as Sidesmen with retiring Churchwardens.

Votes of thanks were unanimously accorded to the outgoing Churchwardens and Treasurer and Secretary.

The following Resolution was proposed by Joseph Murray, seconded by Thomas Martin and supported by T.J. Montgomery – same to be conveyed to The Dean and entered on the minutes – “That we the members of the General Vestry of the Parish of Seagoe beg to convey to our beloved Rector, The Very Revd., The Dean of Dromore, our sincere sympathy with him in his time of weakness and our heartfelt desire that with God’s blessing he may soon be restored to his former health and strength.”.

James E. Archer

(June 27th 1905)

April 17th 1906


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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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