Seagoe Archives

19050811 11th August 1905 Select Vestry meeting


19050811 11th August 1905 Select Vestry meeting

At a meeting of Select Vestry was held on 11 August 1905 when there were present Revd Jas E. Archer- int the chair- Revd John Taylor – John Montgomery- Rob Gracey – David Rick- Thomas Martin – Jas Albin – Jos Monro – W. J. McDowell – A Cassells – Jos H. Stevenson and W. R. Atkinson.

The proposed presentation to the Dean having been discussed, the following arrangement for collecting subscription was agreed to.

Messer’s Robert Gracey and Joseph Murray with Messer’s Thomas Martin, Atkinson Cassells to assist to collect all the townlands west side of Lurgan Road except Seagoe and Derryvore, which will be collected by Jas Atkinson and J. G. Montgomery and Kernan which will be done by J. H. Collins.

W. J. McDowell and Jas Monro to collect all the townlands east side of the Lurgan Road – except Edenderry and to request assistance if required.

Edenderry to be collected by John Montgomery, James Albin, David Rock and Jos H. Stevenson.

It was agreed that the collectors should meet at Seagoe School on Friday 1 Sept to report result of their undertaking.

Proposed by John Montgomery and seconded by Thomas Martin that Thomas Stothers having sent in a note for poor rate payable out of his house and garden, with a request the vestry should pay same the secretary is here by instructed to return the note and say they will take no action in the matter.

The debt on Edenderry Hall was considered and it was decided an effort should be made to reduce same, when James Albin proposed, and Joseph Monro seconded. That a “Halloween market of fair” be held and that contributions of poultry, Farm and Garden produce or money be requested from parishioners.

In connection with this the following sub committee was appointed to go more fully into the matter and make such arrangements as they should think best, namely Revd. John Taylor, J. G. Montgomery, David Rock, Joseph H. Stevenson, and W. R. Atkinson.

James E, Archer

September 1st, 1905


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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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