Seagoe Archives

April 1937


April 1937

Seagoe Parish magazine.

APRIL, 1937

CLERGY : Rev. J. W. Appelbe, M.A.,

Carrickblacker Avenue.

Rev. W. F. Hayes, B.Ä., L.Th.,

The Bungalow, Lower Seagoe.


Rector's—JOHN H. TWINEM.






The annual general Easter Vestry was held in

Seagoe P.E. School on Thursday April 1st. , at

8 p.m. The Rector presided. and there was a

good attendance of registered Vestryrnen and

Vestrywomen. The following appointments were

made : —

Rector's Churchwarden—John H. Twinem.

People 's Robert McC1ements.

Select Vestry—Wm. White; T. E. Maginnis; J.

G. Gracey, J. P. ; Moses Gilpin; H. Murray

Gibson; E. Mitchell;

Thos. Martin, S. M 'Cormack; Jas. Twinem; G. Price, It.

Scott; J. R. Reid.

Sidesmen—R. M 'Clements; Jas. Allen; Arthur

Allen; John H. Twinem; Jas. Reid; John G.

Gracey; Wm. A. Casey; Robt. Scott; John

Walker, Nicholas Campbell ; Isaac Dickson ;

John R. Reid; George Wilson; W. J.

M' Kinney; Alphonso Kirk; Chas. S. A.

Twinem; Thos. Gracey; Wm. Hutchinson ;

Ernest Mitchell; Wm. White; Thos. Stanfield; Robert Sherman; Wm. Hewitt, John

Stephens; David Allen; J. Gee; George

Leake; S. M 'Cormack; Jos. Hynes; Albert

Pickering; Henry Ellis.


Our Services in Holy Week came to their

climax on Easter Day, when there was a full

attendance at the early Communion and at Morning and Evening Prayer. The late Spring and the

early advent of the Easter festival, militated

against a large supply of flowers, but there were

enough kindly given for the occasion with which

to make a simple scheme of decorations. We are

grateful to all those who sent gifts of flowers and

especially to the lady who sent the beautiful

white lilies, and also our best thanks are due to

those who came along on Easter Saturday and

helped to decorate.

Special Easter music was very beautifully rendered by a full choir under the leadership of Mrs.

Casey. We congratulate the organist, choir and

soloists ; their efforts were deeply appreciated and

they helped considerably in making our Services

on Easter Day as inspiring as they were.


The day school was closed for the Easter vacation

on Thursday, March 25th. Before going

home each child was given a gift of chocolate,

through the kindness of Miss Calvert, the late

Chancellor Archer and the teachers, and it was

much appreciated.


We print below and hereby gratefully acknowledge

the receipts received up to and including

Saturday March 27th:—

Miss Isobel Atkinson £10 0 0

Miss G. E. Atkinson £10 0 0

James Twinem £ 3 0 0

Rev. G. Howe Daunt £ 1 0 0

Thos. E. Maginnis £ 1 0 0

Samuel Walker £ 1 0 0

Robert Scott £ 1 0 0

Miss Rebecca Calvert £ 1 0 0

John Campbell £ 0 10 0

G. Steenson £ 0 10 0

George Leake £ 0 10 0

11. McC1ements £ 0 10 0

James J. Twinem £ 0 10 0

John R. Reid £ 0 10 0

The McDona1d Family £ 0 10 0

Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Twinem £ 0 10 0

John Sandford £ 0 10 0

The Misses Matchett £ 0 10 0

Mrs. Margretta Sherman £ 0 10 0

S. McCormick £ 0 10 0

W. R. Sherman £ 0 10 0

Wm. Sherman £ 0 10 0

R. Forsythe £ 0 10 0

Joseph Monro £ 0 10 0

Mrs. M. A. Lewie £ 0 10 0

Mr. and Mrs. J. Stephens £ 0 10 0

Wm. White . £ 0 7 6

Mr. and Mrs. R. Hoy £ 0 6 0

Nicholas Campbell £ 0 5 0

S. J. Hall £ 0 5 0

R. Maxwell £ 0 5 0

Mrs. Loney £ 0 5 0

Mrs. Grace Duke £ 0 5 0

S. J. Abraham £ 0 5 0

George Matchett £ 0 5 0

Miss A. Dawson £ 0 5 0

Mrs. H. Vance £ 0 5 0

Mr. and Mrs. Cathcart £ 0 5 0

Mrs. Geo. Gracie £ 0 5 0

James Sands £ 0 5 0

Mrs. Coulter ... £ 0 5 0

Miss Gracey ... £ 0 5 0

Mrs. McKerr £ 0 5 0

Jas. W. Mayes £ 0 5 0

The Misses Hoy £ 0 4 6

Harry Maxwell £ 0 4 0

Mrs. S. Best £ 0 4 0

W. Neill £ 0 4 0

A. M. M'Dowe11 £ 0 4 0

David Campbell £ 0 3 0

Mrs. Loughlin £ 0 3 0

Mrs. A. Allen and Family £ 0 3 0

Mary Campbell £ 0 3 0

M. Bradshaw £ 0 2 6

S. Jennett £ 0 2 6

Wm. J. England £ 0 2 6

John Porter £ 0 2 6

S. J. Coulter £ 0 2 6

Miss McCombie £ 0 2 6

Samuel Guy £ 0 2 6

James Atkinson £ 0 2 6

D. Cairns £ 0 2 6

Miss S. M'Dowe11 £ 0 2 6

R. H. Best £ 0 2 6

A. E. Crawford £ 0 2 6

Joseph Ward £ 0 2 6

Mrs. Ballentyne £ 0 2 6

Lily Ruddell £ 0 2 6

James Allen £ 0 2 6

Joseph McLoughlin £ 0 2 6

James Neill £ 0 2 6

John Livingstone £ 0 2 6

David Webb £ 0 2 6

Mrs. Nixon £ 0 2 6

Wm. H. Bell £ 0 2 6

Albert Guy £ 0 2 6

Miss Margaret Robinson £ 0 2 6

Robert J. Grey £ 0 2 6

Mrs. Metcalfe £ 0 2 6

Chas. McLough1in £ 0 2 6

Mrs. Margaret Porter £ 0 2 6

H. V. Sands £ 0 2 6

Mrs. Stevenson £ 0 2 6

H. Sinnamon £ 0 2 6

John Adams £ 0 2 6

Jas. Shepherd £ 0 2 6

Mrs. E. Preston £ 0 2 6

Miss Montgomery £ 0 2 6

Wm. Moffett £ 0 2 4

Mrs. H. McMu11an £ 0 2 0

Mrs. E Preston £ 0 2 0

E. Flannagan £ 0 2 0

Mrs. Pentland £ 0 2 0

W. J. Heyburn £ 0 2 0

R. Lynas £ 0 2 0

Mrs. S. McBroome £ 0 2 0

Mrs. A. Williams £ 0 2 0

Thos. Laverty £ 0 2 0

Joseph Watson £ 0 2 0

Thos. J. Coulter £ 0 2 0

Miss Trainor £ 0 2 0

Samuel J. Ruddell £ 0 2 0

W. Currie £ 0 2 0

Mary J. Coulter £ 0 2 0

Lily McCormick £ 0 2 0

Mary A. McCormick £ 0 2 0

Moses Gilpin £ 0 2 0

S. Wortley £ 0 2 0

Mrs. Cooke £ 0 2 0

Robert Walker £ 0 2 0

W. J. Hall £ 0 2 0

W. J. Cox £ 0 2 0

Mrs. J. Hoy £ 0 2 0

Alexander Brownlee £ 0 2 0

S. D. Walker £ 0 2 0

Wm. V. Porter £ 0 2 0

Robert Guy £ 0 1 0

W m. Frazer £ 0 1 0

R. Maxwell (junr.) £ 0 1 0

Mrs. Hutchinson £ 0 1 0

Miss Minnie £ 0 1 0

Mrs. Hunniford £ 0 1 0

J. Best £ 0 1 0

A. McKeown £ 0 1 0

Robert McCormick £ 0 1 0

Wm. Jennett £ 0 1 0

H. Thompson £ 0 1 0

Frank Metcalfe £ 0 1 0

Mrs. Magee £ 0 1 0

Miss E. Magee £ 0 1 0

G. Simpson £ 0 1 0

Mrs. J. McLoughlin £ 0 1 0

Mrs. Marks £ 0 1 0

Margaret Mathers £ 0 1 0

Thos. Best £ 0 1 0

Joseph McMurray £ 0 1 0

Mrs. Best £ 0 1 0

Minnie Preston £ 0 1 0

Thos. J. Gordon £ 0 1 0

Mary Flavelle £ 0 1 0

Drumgor (a) £ 0 1 0

Drumgor (b) £ 0 1 0

Drumgor (c) £ 0 1 0

Drumgor (d) £ 0 1 0

Robert Nixon £ 0 1 0

Annie Kilpatrick £ 0 1 0

Emily Thompson £ 0 1 0

Wm. J. Kilpatrick £ 0 1 0

W. H. Harrison £ 0 1 0

G. H. I. £ 0 0 6

Anonymous—10 Envelopes £ 0 11 6

D. E. F. £ 0 0 6

James Sloan . £ 0 0 6

T. J. McCormick £ 0 0 6

Mrs. Sarah McCormick £ 0 0 6

Drumgor £ 0 0 6

Richard McClatchey £ 0 0 6

James Craig £ 0 0 6



On March 22nd the members of the G.F.S.

held their meeting in Seagoe P.E. School and

gave a very interesting address by the

Rector, after which tea was served. A large number of the members was present.

During the week before Easter many of the

members collected eggs for the poor, and over 600

were distributed by Mrs. Scott.

After the 8 a.m. Holy Communion Service on

Easter Day, Mrs. Scott, Miss Montgomery and

Mabel Best laid a beautiful sheaf of pink

and white tulips on the late Agnes Wallace's

grave on behalf of her friends in the G.F.S.

The next meeting will be held on Monday, the

5th of April, at 8 p.m. At this meeting arrangement

is will be made for entertaining the Lurgan

G. F. S. members on the 19th (B.S.)


Hacknahay.—Mrs. Bradshaw, 8s 6d; Miss

Minnie England, 3s 0d; Miss Minnie McCormick 4s ld;

Miss Sadie Magennis, 4s 8d; Miss Lizzie

Neill, 2s 5d; Miss Dinah Montgomery,

2s 8d;

Miss Jane Currie, 2s 6d; Miss Gladys Magee,

1s 10d; Miss Sophie Jennett, 14s 8½d; Miss

Margaret McKane, 6s 5½d; Miss Rachel England

3s Mrs. George Neill, 2s 6d; Mr. Norman

Creggan, 3s 0d; Miss Rebecca Calvert, £ 1 19s ;

Mrs. Ephraim Collins, Kernan, 2s 6d; Miss

Atkinson, Edenderry, 2s 6d; Miss G. E. Atkinson,

Edenderry, 15s 0d; Miss Flannigan, Edenderry,

3s 9d; Mrs. Metcalf, Edenderry, 2s 7½d ;

Mrs. Dawson, Edward St., 9s 6d; Miss Elizabeth

Graces, Drumgor, 5s 10½d; Mrs. Dickson, Tamnifiglasson,

7s 0d. Total—£7 7s 9d.

The above amount has been sent to the C.M.S.

Office, Belfast.



Boxes—Miss Calvert, 17s 9d; Mrs. T. H. Guy

8s 0d; Mrs. Lewie, 6s 0d; Mrs. McDougal 1s 9d,

Miss S. Montgomery, 6s 10½d; Miss D. Montgomery,

4s 7½d, Mrs. H. Sloan. 6s 5d; Miss

Margaret Reid, 10s 0d; Mrs. Jack Walker, 3s 2d.

Card—Miss Atkinson, £5 14s 6d. Total— £8

19s ld. This has been sent to the above



Box Colleetions.—Miss S. Halliday, Belfast,

£1; The Misses N. and N. K. Montgomery,

Edward St., £l; Miss Amy Cox, Edenderry,

5s 3d; Mrs. Richard Hoy, Lurgan Road, 5s 0d ;

Mrs. James Shanks, Kernan, 5s 6d; Mrs. Wm.

Neill, Derryvore, 4s 0d; Miss Jean Watters,

Goban St., 5s 9d; Mr. Arthur Allen, Bridge St.,

4s 0d; Mrs. Martin, Balteagh, 5s 0d. Total—

14s 6d. This has been sent to the Diocesan


We are grateful to the Hon. Secretaries and

box-holders, who have done so splendidly for the

above-mentioned Missionary Societies, and we

hope they will continue to support them. The

Christian, who is not missionary minded, is a

poor Christian indeed. The need for support

from the home base is greater than ever before

because the opportunities are greater—there is

such a thing as the burden of success and this

is especially felt in Missionary work, where success

and expansion create new calls and further

expense. To take one example, in the C.M.S. of

Dornakal Diocese, in India, there are no less than

three hundred villages appealing for teachers ;

they represent 40,000 people definitely asking for

baptism. The Bishop of reckons that

probably about a million people in his diocese

alone are moving Christward. This is a typical

instance of the many pressing needs of Missionary

enterprise to-day—it is encouraging, but it is

more than that; it is a challenge to our loyalty to

Christ, for there is the danger that the Missionary

Societies may not be able to cope with their opportunities for lack of funds.


The annual children's social and prize-giving

in connection with Drumgor Sunday School took

place on Thursday evening, March 11th. Owing

to the heavy fall of snow, many of the younger

children were unable to be attend, but the

majority of the pupils attended and their courage

in facing the elements was amply rewarded by a

splendid tea. After tea, the usual games were

played and were enjoyed by all. The Rector

thanked the Superintendent and Sunday School

teachers for their help, and congratulated them

on the flourishing state of the Sunday School.

The prizes were distributed by Mrs. Hutchinson

in the unavoidable absence of Mrs. Appelbe.

A special Easter Service was held in Drumgor

on Easter Sunday afternoon, at which the Rector

preached. There was a good attendance. The

Schoolroom had been tastefully decorated for the

occasion, and the children sang choruses for a

quarter of an hour before the commencement of

the service.

Miss Gracey was responsible for

the music.


As was announced in last month's issue, there

will be a Confirmation Service in Seagoe Parish

Church on Tuesday, June 29th, at 8 p.m.

The Rector wants all intending candidates to

assemble in the Church on Sunday, 25th April,

at 4 p.m., when arrangements will be made for

weekly preparation classes. Candidates must be

at least 14 years of age on 1st April, 1937.



Look out, for this ;

it will be held in Seagoe

P.E. School about the end of April, in aid of

Seagoe Sunday Schools, morning and afternoon.

Details will be announced in Church later.


Suffer little children to come unto Me, and

forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of


March 7th—Lucie Ann, daughter of Frederick

and Elizabeth McDona1d,


March 7th—Samuel Joseph, son of Herbert and

Mary McClure, 1, Watson's Lane, Portadown.

March 22nd—William John George, son of John

Mary Eileen Malcolmson, Edenderry (privately)


Those whom God hath joined together let no

man put asunder.

March 27th—John Kennedy, Connor's Row, Gilford, and Rachel Morrison, Seagoe


March 29th—James William McBroom, 46, Cecil

St., Portaclown, and Margaret Brown, 5, Joseph St., Portadown.

March 29th—William George Russell, 5, Princes St., Lurgan, and Deborah Cull, 27,

Florence Court, Portadown.

April 1st—John Joseph McDowell, Tamnavelton,

Tandragee, and Elizabeth Webb. Kernan.


Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord

from henceforth, yea, saith the Spirit, that they

may rest from their labours.

March 4th—Susan McConaghy, 13, Elgin St.,

Belfast, aged 81 years.

March 11th—Vera Rainey, 23, James St., Portadown, aged 14½years.

March 26th—William John George Malcolmson,

Edenderry, aged 7 months.


We regret to have to record the deaths of two

very young parishioners this month. Vera

Rainey was an invalid for nine years as a result of

an accident. Though weak and frail she loved

attending Sunday School; her courage and cheerfulness

should be an inspiration to all who knew her.

William John G. Malcolmson was but an

infant; he was in failing health for some months.

We leave these children in the loving arms and

tender care of Him who said, “Suffer the little

children to come unto Me " and we tender our

sincere sympathy to the bereaved.


This will take place on Thursdav, 24th June, to



The Superintendents and Teachers of Edenderry

Morning and Afternoon Sunday Schools organised

a most successful Shamrock Tea on

Thursday, March 81th, in Edenderry Parochial

Hall. After sumptuous tea: provided by the,

teachers and their friends, the audience which

filled the hall were entertained by sketches, renditations

and songs. The rector presided,

and thanked the organisers and artistes for their help.

Over £14 was realised as a result of this effort for

the Sunday School.


The members of the parochial branch of the

above met in Seagoe P.E. School on Tuesday,

March 9th, and in spite of the inclement weather

there was a large attendance. After tea, a most

interesting address on Mission work amongst the

Jews in Poland was given by Miss Pilkington, of


The next meeting will take place in Seagoe

P.E. School on Tuesday, April 13th, at 7.30 p.m.,

when Mrs. Reaves will speak.

All members wishing to take part, in the excursion

to Dublin on the 29th April should bring or

send money to the Hon. Treas. at next meeting

Return fare, 6 - ; including lunch, 7/6.



Collecting Cards :-—

Miss Edna Grey £0 18 0

Miss May Simpson £0 11 6

Church Collection £2 10 11


£4 0 5

This has been forwarded to the above Society.


The members of Seagoe Choir were most hospitably

entertained on Wednesday, March 31st,

in Seagoe School by the organist and Mrs. Wilson

and Mr. George Wilson. After tea, games were

played, and a happy evening was brought to a

close by the singing of "Auld Lang Syne." During

the evening, on behalf of the members of the

choir, Mrs. Appelbe presented Miss Isabella Best

with a beautiful hand-bag, as a token of their appreciation

of her help, when a member of the

choir, and to convey their good wishes for her

success in the future. Miss Best rendered valuable

service both as a Sunday School Teacher and

Choir member; her appointment, to Downpatrick

has deprived Seagoe of her services.


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