Seagoe Archives

April 1938


April 1938

Seagoe Parish Magazine.

APRIL, 1938


REV. J. W. APPELBE, M.A., B.D., Carrickblacker Ave.

REV. W. F. HAYES, B.A., L.Th., The Bungalow,

Lower Seagoe.


Rector's—JOHN H. TWINEM.





April 3rd—5th Sunday in Lent.

6th—Mid-week Lenten Service in Parish


10th— 6th Sunday in Lent.

11th—Monday before Easter.

12th —Tuesday before Easter.

13th —Wednesday before Easter.

14th—Thursday before Easter.

13th—Good Friday.

17th —Easter Day.

20th —Annual Easter Vestry.

21st—Concert in Edenderry Parochial Hall.

24th—1st Sunday after Easter.

25th—St. Mark.


In accordance with our usual custom, there will be

a Service. each evening during Holy Week in the

Parish Church (i.e., Monday, April 11th—Friday, 15th.)

On Good Friday, April 15th, there will be Morning

Prayer at 11.30 a.m.

on Easter Day there will be HOLY COMMUNION

at 8 a.m. and after Morning Prayer.

We appeal to all our parishioners to attend, if at all

possible, the Services in Holy Week. All our parochial

organisations will cease during that week. The Cross

is central in Christianity.

It reminds us of the wickedness of which our human nature is capable.

He came that men " might have life and have it in

abundance"; He came to reveal the Love of God and

what His will for man is, yet when confronted with

that wondrous revelation His contemporaries shouted,

Crucify Him, crucify Him." But Calvary shows us

more than the length to which sin can go in blinding

men; it shows us the Love of God stooping to the

lowest to redeem us and rescue us from its guilt and

power. " God was in Christ reconciling the world

to Himself." The Cross with its challenge is central

in Christianity, is it central in our own lives? We

sometimes sing rather glibly and perhaps without

realising what such solemn words mean, such as:—

Beneath the Cross of Jesus I fain would take my

stand," or " When I survey the wondrous Cross on

which the Prince of Glory died."

But the point is that it is a hollow mockery to use

words like these, unless we are trying to see the meaning

of our lives in the light of Christ upon the Cross.

Have we ever really surveyed the Cross and tried to

see its meaning and our lives in the light of it? Have

we ever even taken time to try and see the challenge

of the Cross as it applies to our own individual lives?

Let us look on the services of our Church in Holy

Week as an opportunity for each one of us to think

afresh of God as He has revealed Himself in Christ

and to try and see ourselves as we are in His sight.

If we do this in a spirit of prayerfulness we will find

how true the words of our hymn are:—

Sweet the moments, rich in blessing,

Which before the Cross I spend,

Life and health and peace possessing,

From the sinner's dying friend."

For the Christian, Holy Week without Easter Day

would be a tragedy. It is the “empty tomb" that

changes the Cross from a martyrdom into " power of

God unto Salvation." On Easter Day we see Christ

alive and victorious over His enemies, over death and

the grave. He invites us to share His joy that He

may share with us His victorious life-giving power.

Nowhere can we do this better than by meeting Him

at His Table and taking the Bread broken, in memory

of His body broken, and the wine—the token of His

Blood outpoured. Jesus lives, Jesus is Lord. Are we

going to turn a deaf ear to His gracious invitation?

It has been well said by a Saint of God that the

person who is not fit to come to Holy Communion is

not fit to pray, in other words this Sacrament is not

an end in itself but a veritable means of grace for all

those who use with penitent and faithful hearts. We

pray because we know we are not good enough and

we want God to make us better. We come to Holy

Communion because we know we are not good enough,

and we want Christ to make us better.

Let us see to it that on Easter Morning all communicant

members of our parish obey our Lord's command

and let us remember too that to the first

disciples, on one occasion, " He was known of them

in breaking of bread" (Luke xxiv., vv. 30, 31, 35.)


Bocombra—Tuesday, April 5th at 8 p.m.

Drumgor—Easter Day, April 17th, at 3 p.m.

Hacknahay—Sunday, April 24th, at 3.30 p.m.


All those who are registered vestrymen and vestrywomen

are invited to attend the annual meeting in

Seagoe School on Wednesday, April 20th, at 8 p.m., to

elect the Select Vestry for the coming year.


Amounts Contributed by box-holders (year 1937-38.)

(Box Secretary—Miss Mabel Best.)

Miss S. Halliday, 82, Ravenhill Park, Belfast £1 0 0

The Misses N. & N. K. Montgomery, Edward Street £1 0 0

Mrs. James Shanks, Kernan £0 5 0

Mrs. Magee, Carrickblacker Road £0 1 9

Miss Jean Watters, Goban St. £0 7 0

Miss Amy Cox, Carrickblacker Road £0 4 6

Mrs. Thos. Martin, Balteagh £0 8 0

Mr. Wm. Neill, Derryvore £0 4 7

Mr. Arthur Allen, Bridge Street £0 3 7

Miss M. L. Best, Goban Cottage £0 8 0


£4 2 5

Church Collection, Good Friday, 1937 £1 9 4


£5 11 9

A cheque for this amount has been sent to the above Society.


The monthly meeting of the Mothers' Union was

held in Seagoe School on Tuesday, March 8th, when

a most helpful address was given by Mrs. Perrott, of


The next meeting falls in Holy Week and so the

members have rightly decided to meet in Church on

Tuesday, April 12th, and to adjourn to the School for

tea after the Service. New members will be enrolled

at this Service.


This took place on Thursday, March 3rd, in Seagoe

School. There was a splendid attendance and all

present enjoyed themselves. After a sumptuous tea,

kindly provided by the wives of the Select Vestrymen

and their helpers, there was a short musical programme

which added to the enjoyment, of the evening.

To all who helped we express our best thanks,

and especially to the two Churchwardens, who did

a lot of spade work in attending to details such as

preparing the seating, tables, etc.


A successful social evening was held in Bocombra

Church Hall on Thursday, March 10th. The ladies of

the district provided tea, after which there followed

a most enjoyable concert. The Rev. W. F. Hayes presided

in the unavoidable absence of the Rector.

The proceeds were in aid of the Hall expenses fund.


As the title suggests this event, which may now be

regarded as an annual one, took place on the evening

of St. Patrick's Day. Shamrock played a conspicuous

part in the table decorations. The Superintendents,

teachers and their helpers are to be congatulated

on the success of the evening. A sum of

over £15 was realised as a result.

After tea, all present enjoyed a varied programme

of songs, recitations, etc. The Rector presided, and at

the conclusion expressed his thanks to the artistes,

helpers and also the audience for their presence and



The prize-giving socials have now been completed

for another year. The Bocombra prizes were distributed

on Thursday, February 24th, Seagoe Morning and Afternoon prizes on February 25th, in Seagoe

School, Hacknahay, February 25th, and Carne, March


At Bocombra a lecture entitled " If I lived in India,"

illustrated by lantern slides, was given by the Rector.

(The lantern was very kindly lent by Drumcree

Parish and operated by two Drumcree friends, to

whom we are grateful). After tea, at Hacknahay, a

splendid programme was arranged by Miss S.


At Seagoe the usual and ever popular

games were played, and at Carne, after a short. Impromptu

programme, games followed.

The prizes were distributed at Bocombra, Seagoe and

Carne by Mrs. Appelbe. Mrs. Bunbury Atkinson acted

in this capacity in Hacknahay. in which Sunday

School she shows a keen practical interest by presenting

special prizes. Hacknahay is also fortunate in

having another good friend in Miss Calvert, who kindly

sent fruit for distribution to the children.

The Rector was present at all the above function

and thanked sincerely the Superintendents and teachers

of the respective Sunday Schools for their loyal

co-operation and invaluable help during the past year.


We hope our readers will keep Thursday evening,

April 21st, free. Miss Dorothy Ashdown has kindly

promised to get up a variety concert on that evening

in Edenderry Parochial Hall, at 8 p.m. We are grateful

to Miss Ashdown for her practical help and we anticipate

that this effort will be a great attraction.


We regret to have to chronicle the removal from

our midst of two old parishioners in this month's issue

—Margaret McKane and John Loney. They both had

passed the " allotted span." To their relatives who

mourn their loss we extend our sympathy, and

pray that Christ who is " the Resurrection and the

Life," may comfort and sustain them in their sorrow.


With reference to the list of collectors published

last month, the name of Mr. J. E. Lavery, who was appointed

to the Kilvergan district was inadvertently

omitted. The following amendments in the distiicts

allocated to collectors are made :-

Ballyhannon—Delete Mr. J. H. Twinem, substitute

Mr. W. White.

Bocombra—Delete Mr. W. White, substitute

J. H. Twinem.

Tarson and Came—Delete Carne. Mr. W. M'Kinney;




To Balance £1 5 1 ½

Transferred from Special Repairs A c. £0 15 11

Harvest Collection £4 0 3

Sale of Photos £6 10 0

payments for use of Hall £19 9 9


£32 11 0 1/2


Caretaker's Wages £10 5 0

N.I. Electricity Board £7 18 5

Fuel £3 9 11

Cleaning Materials £0 18 11 1/2

Repairs £2 14 0

Lamps £0 5 0

Coronation Bunting £0 11 0

Cleaning Flues £0 5 0

Ground Rent £0 1 0

Balance in hand £6 2 9


£32 11 0 1/2




To Balance £7 6 1

Collections £7 7 1

Harvest Offertory £1 15 9 1/2

Subscriptions £10 17 10

Subscriptions £1 11 6


£36 6 6


Coal Account etc. £0 13 0

Wreaths £4 0 0

Annual Social

Thom's Account £1 2 6

Allen's Account £3 11 7

Sundries £0 19 8

Excursion Expenses £3 5 2

Social Expenses £1 12 0

Sale Expenses £0 18 6

Oil Account etc. £0 4 9

By Balance B/D £19 19 4


£36 6 6



To cash on hands from 1936 £3 2 4

Sunday Collection from children £2 17 9

Monthly Service Collections £0 12 7

Harvest Thanksgiving £1 6 6

, Cash paid by Mr. Jas. Fletcher for

Hire of Cups £0 5 0

Additional Cash paid for Railway Tickets £1 0 6


£9 4 8

By Bal. of Wreath for Chancellor Archer £0 4 0

Cash for Coal £0 4 0

Expenses of Social £0 6 0

Railway Tickets, etc. £2 16 0

Aug. 18, Social £0 3 3

Coal, Mantle and R. Best £0 9 3

Feb. 2—Coa1 £0 5 4

Feb 24—Books for 1937 £2 2 0

Cash in hands £2 14 10


£9 4 8



Balance from 1936 £4 9 4

Sunday Collections £2 13 5

Harvest Collections £3 13 1

Social £1 18 0

Rent £2 14 8


£15 8 6


Books £2 1 10

S.A. Mission £2 0 0

Coal, oil, etc. £1 3 2

Stove £0 15 0

Painting and repairs £1 18 8

Caretaker £0 15 0

Balance £6 14 10


£15 8 6


Statement of Account in connection with Social held in aid of New Organ Fund.


To Sale of Old Organ £1 5 0

„ Sale of Tickets at Social £8 10 0

Sales at Social £0 5 0

„ Private Subscriptions

received by Superintendent £5 16 6


£15 16 6

By Purchase of New Organ £7 10 0

Carlton Cafe Account £0 16 0

Purchase of Music Hymn Book £0 6 0

Cover for Organ £0 2 6

Printing and Postage Accounts £1 1 3

First Sub. to New Rectory Fund £1 0 0

Gratuities and Incidental Expenses £0 9 6

Bal. Transferred to Sunday School A/c £4 11 3


£15 16 6



James Lewie, Levaghery £5 0 0

William Neill, Lr. Seagoe £0 12 0

William Gregson, Drumgor £0 5 0

W. J. Lynass, Knockmena £0 10 0

Frank Heasley, Knockmena £0 10 0

Mrs. A. J. Best, Balteagh £0 10 0

Thomas McNu1ty, Drumgor £0 10 0

Rev. G. H. Daunt, "Enniskeane," £1 0 0

Drumgor Sunday School £1 0 0

Mr. & Mrs. Kirkpatrick. Seafield £2 2 0

Mr. George Steenson, Breagh £5 10 0

Miss Calvert, Breagh £10 0 0


£27 9 0

Amount already acknowledged £37 5 0


Total £64 14 0


For Year ending March, 1938.

Mrs. E. Collins £0 2 6

The late Mrs. Dickson £0 6 4 1/2

Mrs. Thomas Metcalf £0 4 6

Mrs. Dawson £0 12 4

Miss Flannigan £0 1 1

Miss E. Gracey £0 9 1

Miss Atkinson £0 2 6

Miss G. E. Atkinson £0 10 0

Hacknahay :

Mrs. Brawshaw £0 5 3

Miss M. M'Cormick £0 4 3

Miss M. England £0 4 4

Miss S. Maginnis £0 6 1

Miss J. Currie £0 3 8

Miss L. Neill £0 2 11

Miss G. Magee £0 2 10 1/2

Miss R. England £0 3 1

Mrs. G. Neill £0 2 6

Mr. Norman Creggan £0 5 5

Miss Dinah Montgomery £0 2 6

Miss Calvert £1 0 6


Total £5 11 11


Seagoe C.E. Society held their annual business meeting

on Monday, January 3rd, 1938, in Edenderry

Orange Hall. After an enjoyable tea, the following

offce-bearers were elected for the year 1938 :—President,

Miss Nellie Montgomery; vice-president, Miss

Mabel Best; Corresponding Sec., Miss Jean Watters;

Recording Sec., Miss Sadie Best; Treasurer, Mrs. John

Dermott ; Committees—Look-out (convener), Mr. J.

Walker; Social (convener), Miss R. Matchett; Sunshine (convener), Miss N. K. Montgomery.


" Suffer little children to come unto Me, and forbid

them not, for of such is the Kingdom of God."

March 6th—Kenneth Henry, son of Henry and ,Edna

Phyllis Sinnamon, Levaghery.

March 6th—John Gordon, son of John Joseph and

Hannah Margaret Medlow, Lisniskey.


" Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from

henceforth, yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest

from their labours."

March 5th—Margaret McKane, Levaghery, aged 77 years.

March 10th—Mary McMurray, Crossmacaughley.

March 18th—John Loney, 5, Florence Court. Interred in Kilmore, aged 71 years.


Mr. P. Morgan Jury, M.R.I., A.I., Diocesan Architect,

has been appointed to act as architect for the proposed

new rectory. He has submitted preliminary plans

which have been passed by the Select Vestry.


The Church will be decorated for Easter Day on

Saturday, April 16th, at 2 p.m.

Gifts of flowers, etc., will be gratefully received and

should be left at the Church not later than Saturday


It is hoped that as many as can do so will

along to help on that afternoon.



Cash handed to Treasurer— £15 4s 0d.

Miss L. Gracey £0 7 0

Mr. John Campbell £1 5 0

Mr. David Allen £0 18 0

Mr. Joe Hynes £0 5 0

Mr. J. H. Twinem £0 9 0

Mr. Wm. White £0 13 0

Mr. Tom McMurray £0 12 0

Miss Hynes £0 8 0

Mr. Moses Gilpin £0 12 0

Mr. Geo. Wilson £0 10 0

Mr. Wm. Neill £1 1 0

Mr. Foster Shanks £1 1 0

Mr. R. McC1ements £0 14 0

Mr. Willie Best, Goban Cottage £0 17 0

Mr. Wm. Hutchinson £0 8 0

Mr. A Kirk £0 12 0

Mr. W. Best (Killicomain) £0 17 0

Mr. T. Stanfield £1 0 0

Mr. T. Gracey £0 17 0

Mr. E. Mitchell £0 2 0

Mr. G. Price £0 10 0

Taken at Door £1 6 0


£15 4 0


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