Seagoe Archives

Apr 2022


Apr 2022

This year as we approach

Holy Week we are delighted

to be able to do so with

greater freedom due to the easing

of some of the Covid restrictions.

We therefore encourage as many

people as possible to join us for

the Holy Week services, as detailed


Holy Week presents us with

a much needed opportunity to

consider again the obedient selfsacrificial journey of Jesus to the

cross on our behalf. On Holy

Thursday we will be gathering in

the Parish Centre for a Passover

meal where we will think about

the importance of the last Jewish

Passover that Jesus attended,

Monday 1Ith April

7.00pm Youth Service

Tuesday 12th April


Wednesday 13th April

10.00am 7.30pm


2.00pm Hour at the cross

7.30pm Tenebrae

Easter Eve 16th April

2.00pm Messy Easter Party

Organisations Service

Holy Communion

Partnership Service

Maundy Thursday 14th April

Passover meal with informal Holy Communion

Good Friday 15th April


and his inauguration of the Holy

Communion at that last Supper.

The Good Friday Tenebrae presents

a very moving service where we

descend into the darkness of the

death of Jesus.

As a child | often wondered why

Good Friday is thus named; surely

it should be Bad Friday, | used to

think, as it was the day Jesus was

put to death in such a horrible

manner. My thinking was not far

off the mark, for as the Apostle Paul

reminds us in 1 Cor 15.3, “For what

| received | passed on to you as of

first importance: that Christ died for

our sins according to the Scriptures.”

The death of the innocent Son of

God on Good Friday, because of the

Spring 2022

Welcoming | Growing | Encouraging | Serving

o/h Cee Conde CYL

sin in our lives, was indeed the most

horrendous event in history.

However, whilst it was our sin

that put him there, it was actually

God's intention: Galatians 1. 4 “(Jesus

Christ) who gave himself for our sins

to rescue us from the present evil

age, according to the will of our God

and Father.” God in His loving mercy

sent Jesus Christ into the world to

bear the punishment for our sin, so

that we might be forgiven. Hence

the change of emphasis from Bad

Friday to Good Friday, and even

more so when we consider some of

the many aspects of His death on

our behalf. Above we read that we

are forgiven, but 1 Pet 2.24 further

demonstrates that we are healed

of sin so that we can live in a right

relationship with God: “He himself

bore our sins’ in his body on the

cross, so that we might die to sins

and live for righteousness; “by his

wounds you have been healed.”

Rom 6.23 develops this further to

demonstrate that our forgiveness

and healing is not just for this life,

but rather, the new relationship

we have with God through Christ,

is eternal: “For the wages of sin is

death, but the gift of God is eternal

life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Such

blessing, and we find much more as

we study the scriptures that further

develop the benefits of the cross

for us.

The glorious resurrection of

Christ on Easter Sunday confirms for

us the truth of these promises of life

from death, and demonstrates His

risen presence with us at all times.

The lives of the devastated disciples

were transformed by witnessing

His living presence with them, and

when he ascended to heaven and

poured out His Holy Spirit on all

believers they, and we, experienced

not only His presence but His risen

power to enable Christian living.

But the story does not end there

simply with blessing for us; as Jesus

left his disciples he gave them the

great commission, “Go and make

disciples of all nations, baptising

them in the name of the Father and

of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and

teaching them to obey everything |

have commanded you.” However, it

came with a promise: “And surely

| am with you always, to the very

end of the age.” The disciples,

and those who followed them,

faithfully obeyed that command in

taking the Gospel message to many

people. In our generation we are

equally blessed by the events of

Good Friday and Easter, but we are

also given the wonderful privilege

and responsibility of the Great

Commission to spread the Kingdom.

As we move forward through Covid,

and as restrictions ease, we are to

seek God's guidance on how we

are to make Him known in the new

opportunities of engagement that

will present themselves. May God

richly bless us all this Eastertide

and send us out to

spread His Kingdom.

/ erence


9.00am Easter Holy Communion

10.30am Easter Holy Communion

6.00am Dawn Service at Craigavon Lakes Please plan to attend as many Holy Week services as you can so that you will benefit most from the journey to the cross of Good Friday. 7.00pm Churches Together Easter Praise in Armagh Road Presbyterian

Palm Sunday 10th April

On Palm Sunday morning at 10.30am children are encouraged to bring along palm branches made of

paper to wave during the service as we think of Jesus’ entry in Jerusalem.

Holy Week Services-7.30pm

During Holy Week this year we will be

offering services each evening. Each evening

will have a different style of worship and we

encourage you to engage with each one.

Monday Youth Service -7.00pm

A special service for all young people with

our guest speaker, Josh Thornbury. Josh

previously worked for us in Seagoe Youth

Group, but is now the Diocesan Youth

Development Officer.



Good Friday

2.00pm Hour at the Cross-a quiet contemplative

service in Church.

7.30pm Tenebrae Service. We have developed

this service over the past few years. It offers an

atmospheric journey through the unfolding final

hours of Jesus life leading to his death on the


As we do so the lighting in the Church diminishes

until we are left in darkness..


6.00am Dawn Service at Craigavon Lakes

organised by Churches Together in Portadown.

Followed by some welcoming refreshments.

9.00am Traditional Easter Holy Communion.

10.30am All-age Easter Communion service.

7.00pm Easter Songs of Praise, organised by

Churches Together in Portadown. Held this

year in Armagh Road Presbyterian Church

Please spread the word about all these services

and invite others to come along with you.

Tuesday Fellowship Service

Members of our Church organisations are encouraged to attend this service together

Wednesday Partnership Service

As a reminder of the fellowship between

Churches Rev. Alan Wardlow of Edenderry

Methodist Church will be our preacher and

members of the Methodist Church will join

us for worship.

Thursday Passover Communion

An informal worship event around tables

in the Parish Centre where we will join in a

traditional Jewish style Passover and consider

how it points towards the Lord's final supper

with his disciples, which will lead us into an

Seagoe Messy Easter .

At Christmas we had a wonderful

Christmas Party with a lot of children

and their parents engaging in lots of fun

activities. This Easter eve, Saturday 16th

April at 2pm we will hosting a similar

party based on the Easter message.

There will be lots of craft items to make,

some lovely food and a special Easter

talk. All children and their parents or

carers are welcome to attend.



Games, cra

Saturday 16th ‘April


Seagoe Parish Centre

Family fun for all!

To register please visit: and click on ‘Messy

Easter' or contact Stuart on:



informal Holy Communion service. ,

Tel: 3833 2538 Mob: 078 9498 7702 Mob: 077 3918 1466

Email: — Email: Email: Sree


Rev. Canon Rev. Stuart CHURCH

Terence Moles LEADER

Cadden Rev. Jim _

—- " ACILITIES MANAGER YOUTH 8 Upper Church Lane, 149 Kernan Hill Manor 145 Princess Way ee Toe le

Portadown BT63 5JE Portadown Portadown, BT 63 5EL Mob: 07833668684 Boyd McClurg Seagoe South Group

Office: 38350583 Mob: 07954994749

SEAGOE PARISH OFFICE 46 Seagoe Road, Portadown BT63 5HW Office Opening Hours: 9am - 12 noon

Office: 3835 0583 Email: Facebook: seagoeparish Seagoe Youth Group email: Killicomaine Youth Centre Tel: 3833 5279 Tel: Killicomaine Tel: 3839 Youth 4441 Centre 3839 4441



| Growing | Encouraging


| Serving

service Jimes

Come & ‘Worship with Us

6.00pm 7.00pm

Rae lta le a St. Gobhan’s

5th SUNDAY in Lent 3rd Holy Communion Family Service Evening Worship

PALM SUNDAY 10th Holy Communion Palm Sunday Service Holy Communion

EASTER SUNDAY 17th Easter Communion Easter Family Communion 7.00pm Churches together Easter Songs of

Praise In Armagh Road Presbyterian Church

SUNDAY Holy Communion Morning Worship No Service

SUNDAY Ist Holy Communion Family Service Evening Worship

SUNDAY 8th Holy Communion Morning Worship Holy Communion

SUNDAY 15th Holy Communion Morning Worship & Café Youth Evening Worship Rotunda Praise

Church Service

SUNDAY 22nd Holy Communion Holy Communion Evening Worship

SUNDAY 29th Holy Communion Children's Day Service Evening Worship

SUNDAY 5th Holy Communion Queen's Platinum Jubilee Service Evening Worship

PENTECOST 12th Holy Communion Morning Worship Holy Communion


TRINITY SUNDAY 19th Holy Communion Morning Worship & Evening Worship Rotunda Praise

Café Youth Church Service

SUNDAY 26th Holy Communion Holy Communion Evening Worship

(> a Church Restoration

n January Terence presented

the Parish with some of

the thoughts and plans of

the Select Vestry concerning

the renovations and reordering

of the inside of our Church.

The Vestry has now tasked MEETING

our architects to progress to

several months to complete, and once completed the Vestry will present | | f | | | iL | ' |

detailed plans ready to seek tenders for the work. This process will take

the final detail to the Church. ; 5 Everyone is encouraged to attend the Easter Vestry (AGM of the The overall cost is anticipated to be high and so the Vestry will plan to Church) although only those who are registered as General Vestry

launch a fundraising initiative later in the year. Anyone who would like ane bers GalvGake:

to start contributing now can do so through the building fund. Details

of how to contribute can be had from Philip Holland our Treasurer. An


People are elected every year to serve on the Select Vestry which estimated start date for the work may be immediately after Christmas is the body responsible for the finance, furnishing and fabric of the i parish. In addition to the clergy, the Select Vestry is composed of the Rector’s Churchwarden and Glebewarden (both appointed by the

Rector), the People’s Churchwarden and Glebewarden, and up to 12

other members elected by those entitled to vote.

with the expectation of completion by the end of June 2023. *


Moving out of Covid restrictions

e are delighted that Covid restrictions

have been eased by our Assembly in

Stormont. As a Church we have not

Please make every effort to attend and please pray for God's

guidance in the elections.

abandoned all restrictions, rather we have sought

Moving forward

to reduce them bit by bit as time has passed. We

are hopeful that by Easter we will have progressed to having nearly

all restrictions removed. As always, we are eager to encourage more

people to come to join with us for Church worship and our other

activities. Please play your part in inviting others to join you in Chur

Monday 2nd May

7.00pm Drinks reception

7.30pm Vestry Meeting



Rea Meares eB Sea]


ne of the knock-on effects of Covid restrictions

was the change to how we handled contributions

to Church funds. Rather than taking up an

offering during worship we encouraged people to leave

money and envelopes in containers at the doors. In

addition we have been encouraging people to consider

using Standing Orders from their bank accounts directly

to the Church account rather than having to bring money

or envelopes to Church; quite a number of people have

made this transfer. A further benefit of this change is that

there is not so much pressure on our counting team each week. If you would like further details

on setting up a Standing Order please contact Philip Holland, our Treasurer.

As always, we thank you for your generosity in giving by whatever means to enable the mission

of the Church.

As we receive money into Church funds we are able to distribute it to support other ministries.

From time to time we have various special appeals, and again people respond so generously. _ S


t seems a long time since Christmas!! You may

remember that our Christmas Appeal 2021 was

divided between Barnabas Aid, which helps

fox=lgcrclel0 | keeGl alae anon Kal eX Lae mates ia gelA

Community Northern Ireland, which helps the

homeless here. Thanks to your generosity the

Ss | mM O Nn _ ae g sums were forwarded: Barnabas £1,890.3:

Simon community £1,905.38. These sums will help community the I work of both organisations in seeking to caring for

eee the vulnerable at home and overseas


(— ) End of year

° allocations Ukraine

‘A tee

t the end of every year the Select

Vestry distributes some of the

income of the Church to other In response to the crisis in Ukraine we

organisations as part of its mission. launched an appeal for funds to be directed

Currently we distribute 10% of our income, through the Church of Ireland Bishops’

this year £21,000. A wide range of Mission 7No}ol-r- ema ene LM KOLA Ice =e Ke

organisation, aid agencies, and some charities Habitat for Humanity and Christian Aid. Both

are supported as a result. From time to these agencies are already well established

time we have guest speakers in Church to in Ukraine and the surrounding countries

highlight some of the organisations that we and so are very well placed to help those in

support. If you would like a full list of the need. Please give as generously as you can.

end of year allocations please contact Diane

in the Parish office: \ wt



he next session of Fellowship Groups

IMecolaainnrciarercin Acie mesxel-\ Pad aie) 6

Everyone is encouraged to

participate in a Fellowship Group so that we

can examine the scriptures together and ask

questions that we might no otherwise have

the opportunity to ask.

If you have never been to a Fellowship

Group before we strongly encourage you

to come along. Further information from

Terence or Stuart.

(Bishop’s Bike Ride |

ver several days in March Bishop

David and some others from the

Diocese cycled around the Diocese

visiting every Church as part of a fund-raising

initiative for two partner projects through

Bishops’ Appeal. The partner projects

are: Tear Fund's Church and Community

Mobilisation project in Jordan seeking to

enable further development of the Church

in the local community; Christian Aid’s work

in Honduras to help the people in the light

of Climate Change. In Seagoe we will be

learning more about these projects later in

the year.

On Monday 14th March at about 3.20pm a

group of Seagoe parishioners welcomed the

cycling team to the Church and Parish Centre

where they were hosted to some welcome



Welcoming | Growing | Encouraging | Serving

Café Youth Church fundraising car wash for Ukraine

The young people from Café Youth Church are hosting a fundraising car wash for Ukraine

on Saturday 9th April from 10am to Ipm.

The car wash will take place in the car park grounds of the church. Tea/coffee and buns ;

will also be served.

All funds raised will go towards the Bishop's Appeal nominated charities for Ukraine - Habitat for Humanity and Christian

Aid — for their humanitarian responses.

Please support the young people of the church who are organizing and leading this fundraising event and the people of

Ukraine by coming on Saturday 9th April.

Just a taster of the fun our

brigade boys have at Seagoe CLB.

We shared a special evening with

Milo the Gospel Dog, Trips to

Peter Pans and Airtastic Bow

along with our usual busy Thursday nights

crafts, scripture, food, fellowship, fun and

games. Delighted to say we have currently 109

boys with a waiting list for new starts come

Soy o)Kaignl 1g

God Bless from Captain Pauline & the

leadership team at Seagoe CLB . I€*COLLAGE

Christian care for families

Centenary 1922 - 2022

eagoe Mother’ Union was formed on

4th April 1922 following a meeting

n Edenderry Parochial Hall and the

parish magazine encouraged ladies to join

adding ‘Don't wait to be asked’. (Some

of you will remember the Parochial hall

which stood where the KFC is now on

Bridge Street.) At the first month saw

four gatherings to establish the branch

) before becoming monthly meetings. The (—

Duke of Ed i nbu rgh’s Awa ra Presentation officers bearers included Miss Collen, of

Killycomain House, Miss Georgie Atkinson,

way During 2021 Seagoe Youth Group had a fantastic year with 33 young people of Eden Villa and Mrs Hamilton Robb,

completing expeditions at Bronze, Silver and Gold levels. Participation ladies that we would affectionately call

levels increased despite the restrictions of Covid lockdowns. Young today ‘ladies who lunch’. By end of July 1922

people complete Volunteering, Physical and Skills sections of the award two more branches were established in the

as well as the Expedition. This year our members got busy with rugby, parish holding their meetings in Carne and

hockey, guitar, cooking, litter picking, coaching, leadership, driving, first aid, Parola

young enterprise, audio visual, cycling and photography. Presentations of The branches continued to flourish

THE DUKE certificates took place on 21st March with our guest of honour Alderman with speakers giving a variety of topics of

Ora Glenn Barr, Lord Mayor of ABC Council. It was a fantastic to welcome 80 MaRS te nra eeiede

guests for the presentations with all the young people being supported by their families. Well and Duty’ to ‘Zenana Medical Missionary

done for all the hard work! Society’. During 1922 the ladies organised

eight large Socials and a Mothers Union

Sa es(ola maaan aUlesolamy- Caine an

different from what our current branch

would organise and | had to smile as | read

in October entry in the Church magazine:

“On Wednesday, October 4th, an

Excursion of the Mothers Union will take

place by Motor Charabane to Armagh’.

“The ticket for the Excursion, including Tea,

YL Loa

In this our Centenary year we aim to

eNom MMA) CSN aoa eM BAIT

members afternoon tea and a celebration

dinner. We are thankful for the ladies who

had the foresight to establish our branch

of this the largest womens worldwide

organisation. We look forward to the future

with the encouragement to all ladies which

was printed in the April 1922 magazine

‘Don't wait to be asked. Shirley Branyan LL

Silver award Bronze award —)

Mla CiaV Al a

Welcoming | Growing | Encouraging | Serving

eagoe Men

eagoe Men's group have had an encouraging six

months, after our return last autumn. Over the

last few months, our theme has been ‘A time to...

and we've reflected on a diverse range of topics such as

prayer, evangelism, waiting, love and perseverance, and

the challenge to engage in these different areas in our

day to day living. The group is an informal opportunity

for our men to gather, over some refreshments, a chance to catch up, and to be encouraged

as we study God's word. Our times together remind us that as men we are on a journey with

one another, that involves both discipleship and friendship. All men are welcome, especially if

you are new. Life can be busy, and whilst we encourage men to attend as often as they can, we

understand that it can be difficult to get out to every event. Therefore there is no pressure to

have to sign up to attend a programme. We just value the space to gather and share with one

another and encourage each other. As a group we have been challenged as we've come through

this time of covid, and we have many hopes for looking ahead; both in our men's ministry, and

in encouraging more of our men in the wider involvement in church.

We will be taking a short break for Easter, however the next night of the Mens Group will

meet in the Parish centre on Tuesday 17th May at 730pm. Please continue to pray for our men’s

ministry, and spread the word to others and invite them to join with us. If youd like to find out

more information about the Men’ Group, please get in touch with Stuart Moles.

ToL ay



Explore the

meaning of life

Ask. Learn. Discuss #TryAlpha )

Alpha Course 2022

The course runs over 10 weekly sessions, starting on

itolaeE WMC AM icelir iam Molen lata a Ole) dco

It looks at;

+ ts Christianity relevant in the 21st century?

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Discussion Groups and being able to ask questions are big

PeTaeKo) mu eeel evome Veo M TMLee Les miele LN)


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Looking for community? Aue en ale eRe Sm eal ails

Keen on making new





e are very blessed to have so many

parishioners who have reached very

significant milestones in their lives,

whether that be their age or in the number of

hey have been married.

Oth Wedding Anniversary .

Cedric and Mildred Fulton, who worship

regularly at St Patrick's Hall, recently celebrated

their 60th wedding anniversary.

70th Wedding Anniversary

Mervyn and Cynthia Pepper, who until recently

regularly worshipped in Seagoe, celebrated

their 70th Wedding Anniversary just before

hristmas and were delighted to receive a card

from The Queen.

On behalf of the parishioners at St Patrick's Hall

and Seagoe Parish we wish both couples every

blessing together as they have reached these magnificent milestones.



Welcoming | Growing | Encouraging | Serving

Blesma The Limbless Veterans Charity award - Jean McCready

lesma is an armed forces national charity founded in the aftermath of the First World pe ee ae ct

War. Blesma supports serving and ex-serving men and women who have suffered life

changing injuries, such as limb loss or the loss of use of a limb, an eye or loss of sight

whether this is during or after their military Service. Blesmna is a Membership charity and

provides lifelong support to its Members, and following the death of a Member, the widow/

widower have membership in their own right and are provided with the same lifelong

support; in essence caring for the carer.

The Cyril Stephens Blesma Award 2020 was awarded to Jean McCready in appreciation

for her tireless commitment to fundraising for Blesma. Jean and her late husband Jack, who

was a Blesma member, began fundraising for Blesma in 2013; organising coffee mornings and

local collections. Following the death of her husband Jean continued to fundraise; her efforts

range from local store collections, car boot sales, selling prize draw tickets

to crocheting items for a donation to Blesma. Jean is also a Blesma volunteer

and supports in raising awareness of the charity at local events such as

Armed Forces Day.

Jean is seen receiving her award during the Annual Blesma Members

Weekend in October 2021 from the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Sir ’ Many injured veterans are no

Adrian Bradshaw KCB, OBE. ' — hens hasta

Jean was completely overwhelmed and | think she is still getting over the fT Blesma continues to provide practical

surpri al | financial and emotional support to limbless veterans throughout the

COVIDD - 19 crisis and for their

P entire lives ahead Here to assist

limbless veterans

to lead independent THE LIMBLESS VETERANS and fulfilling lives

Rev Jim Fleming is appoit Farish Register

Christian Burial

4th January 2022 Catherine (Kathleen) Trotter,

Lynden Gate, Portadown

| Hospital Chaplain

| \ Jim, who leads our church plant in

| Killicomaine, has been selected as the

"Church of Ireland Chaplain in Lurgan

Hospital. Jim will be employed by

the Southern Health Trust to carry

_ out this very important role. Jim

comments, “It really is a privilege and

a huge responsibility to be appointed

' to this role. | love coming alongside,

supporting people and offering

| pastoral care. | look forward to .

| bringing these passions to the Chaplain’s position in Lurgan Hospital.”

ee = a 2 =

i | |) 10th January 2022 Margaret Steel, Corcreeny

Place, Gibson Hill, Lurgan

19th January 2022 Billy Walsh, Killicomaine Drive,




23rd January 2022 Dorothy Terry, Beech Grove,



i \\ 24th January 2022 John Lockens, Princess Way,


| 30th 2022 Mary Iris Sherrard, K | Re BC ee MLL ce pane Saxiaiece: |

at Week and a Blessed Lee RL focus Rade | | 31st January 2022 Frances Elizabeth Turkington

on the ty and AACE TV (Betty) Jones, Portadown

3rd February 2022 Alan Aston, Lanark, England |

21st February 2022 Sarah Elizabeth (Betty) West,

Princess Way, Portadown

12th March 2022 Valentine Regina (Val) Holden,

Seagoe Park, Portadown

15th March 2022 Dorothy Phyllis Ruddell,

Sandringham PNH


Welcoming | Growing | Encouraging


| Serving

Raise FREE funds for us

every time you,shop online!

M&S John Lewis &

"t= Join Gold and Pearl award winning groups in © Seagoe Old School Every Thursday 9.30am, 11.30am, 5.30pm, 7.00pm Booking is essential. Call Letty 077 8716 4996 or check out Facebook. Slimming World Portadown. Everyone Welcome #SWtastethefreedom @¥OE *At participating groups only. See our website for more information.


Pr aR cel oe Mae

Core tere)

%, oe

Fe 2001 ty 1880



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VAT No. GB872630517

It would be much appreciated if people parking cars could please use

the parking bays and not park on the church roadways or at the kitchen

area to avoid any difficulty if ambulances etc needed access to the


On Sundays the carparks at the School can also be used.

Disabled spaces are provided in the back carpark to allow for easy access to the buildings.




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Welcome all babies, Os and parents/carers



<A ~e : fe


10:30 am — 12:30 St. Patrick’s Hall, Princess Way (beside the school gates) Lots of toys, fun, friends and a cuppa!

 Stream Closed


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Seagoe Archives


Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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