Seagoe Archives

August 1936


August 1936

Seagoe Parish magazine.

AUGUST, 1936

Renovation Text

'One day in thy courts is better than a thousand"

The Re-opening Services.

Sunday, July 5th, was a great day the history of Seagoe.

The Church had been closed for

seven Sundays, except for Marriages, Burials,

Baptisms and some celebrations of Holv Communion,

and they had only been carried out under

great difficulties. The presence in the Church of

ladders and the disarrangement of the pews and

furnishings, as well as their re-varnishing, made

such services almost impossible, but it was found

possible to carry out all that was necessary. The

last Service of Public Worship was on Sunday

evening, Mav 3rd. at 7 p.m. The weather, which

been unsettled. was fine during the day.

On Sunday, July 5th, a large congregation assembled,

and at 11.30, when the the Church was quite filled the

service began.

The Bishop, attended by his Chaplain, the Rev.

H. G. Haddick, B.A., arrived at 11.15, and was

met by the Rector and the Rev. W. F. Hayes.

There was a large choir, and au Anthem, " Praise

the Lord, O Jerusalem, " was sung. The Hymns

were appropriate to the occasion and were very

heartily sung. The Lessons were read by the

H. G. Haddick-. B.A., arrived vat 11.15, and was

the Rector and the Rev. W. F. Haves. The sermon

was preached by the Right Rev. W. F.

McNeice, D.D., on " The Church." He spoke of

the Sermon on the Mount as containing the necessary

characteristics of the true Christian character,

and said that if Christian character were

modelled on it' the world would represent the true

character of the Christian Faith. Tie, also congratulated

the parishioners on the good work they

had done in renovating the Church in such a

thorough way both outside and inside. A celebration

of Holy Communion followed, at which the

Bishop celebrated and the Rev. W. F. Hayes and

Rev. H. G. Haddick assisted. In the afternoon

the Bishop drove over to Eskey, in the Parish

of Ardmore, and re-opened the Mission Hall

there. The Ven. the Archdeacon Hannon of Dromore

and Rector of Shankill preached at Evening

Prayer. The following is a statement of the collections

made in connection with the Renovation Services


Rev. Chancellor Archer, B.D., The Rectory,


Rev. W. F. Hayes, B.A., The Bungalow, Lower

Seagoe, Portadown.


Rector's— Mr. ROBERT SCOTT.

People's—Mr. THOS. E. MAGINNIS.

Special Collections and Thank Offering received

for Renovation Fund.

July 5th—Collections, Morning and

Evening £8 1 2

Special Envelope Collection £35 14 5

Anonymous, per Miss Atkinson £3 0 0

Part proceeds Guest Tea, per

Chancellor Archer £5 14 3


Total £52 9 10

Any envelopes not yet returned may be placed

in the Offering Baskets, on any Sunday. morning

or evening.

C.L.B. Sports

The C.L.B. sports are becoming an annual

event in the history of the Parish. This has been

rendered possible by the generous kindness of

Mrs. William Best, of Church Lane, who has

each year most kindly lent her field for the occasion.

The field is situated half-way along the

lane on Mrs. Best's farm. It is level and square

and commands splendid views of Seagoe and its

surroundings. The weather on the whole was

favourable. Though the day was dull and cold

the rain kept away until the meeting was

breaking up. The sports were well patronised. There

was a varied programme, which included flat

races, cycle race, sack race, egg and spoon race,

a mother's race, and long jumping. A novel

item was the mongrel dog show, for which there

were many entries. Mr. J. M' Dowell kindly distributed

the prizes. A vote of thanks was passed

to all who had helped. The proceedings came to

a close with the singing of, the National Anthem

The Choir Excursion.

We thank very sincerely the following who have

kindly subscribed to the Choir Excursion Fund.

Seagoe Choir is known far and wide. The music

is hearty and devotional, and the services are full

of life and expression. The Annual Excursion is

always an event of great importance. This year

it goes to Newcastle.

Subscribers to Choir Excursion Fund, 1936

£l each—Miss R. Calvert, Mrs. Calvert (Kingstown),

Mr. M'l)owell, Sir Samuel Kelly, MY. Jas. Lewie.

10/- each—Major McClean, Mr. White-

man, Dr. Victor Walker, Mr. Rennix, Mr. Hadden,

Major D. G. Shillington, T. G. Sinton, Mr.

John Dickson, Mr. Hugh Ross, Mr. Jas. Turtle,

Mr. John Johnston, Messrs. Collen Bros., George

H. Wilson. 5/- each—Mr. McCormick, Mr. Callaghan,

Mr. Sam Walker, Mr. Callender Bullock,

Mr. John Twinem, Mr. John Montgomery, Rev.

G. Howe Daunt, My. Casey. Total £13 10s.

Our thanks are due to the many kind subscribers to

our Fund. The Excursion is to Newcastle on

Saturday, August 8, at 8 a.m.

Our Sunday Schools.

The Sunday Schools are closed for Sundays

in July and for the first two Sundays in August,.

We miss the bright voices and faces of the children

as they hurry along the roads to the various

Schools when we notice the change which takes

place ever lived on earth. It gives one a great idea of

the influence exerted by our splendid Sunday

School when we notice the change which takes

place when they are closed. We hope that the

teachers and children do not fail to attend the

Services in the Parish Church. In these "pleasure

loving” days families might easily get out

of touch with all religion. Parents and older

brothers and sisters should see to it that the

members of the family are careful to attend both

Morning and Evening Prayer. It would be a

good thing if the teachers and children learnt the

lessons in the calendar for each Sunday. It is

especially important for them to know very well

the subjects for Sunday, August 16th, when the

Schools re-open, and we print them here. Morning

—10th S. after Trinity, Repetition for juniors,

Catechism, Title and Ans. 1 and IT.

Senior rept., Gen. Conf. (1st half), study passage, Gen.

21. Afternoon—Junior Repet., Cat. , Duty to-

wards neighbour (all). Senior Repet., Cat. ,

Duty towards neighbour (2nd half), study pass-

age, St. Matt. 12, 1-38. A punctual attendance

both of teachers and children is very necessary.

The Parish of Seagoe is essentially a Sunday

School Parish and therefore the Sunday Schools

have a greater share in the organisation of the

Parish, so we ask both teachers and children to

please be very careful that the schools do not

suffer through the summer closing.

The Anniversary Service.

On Sunday evening, July 12th, an Anniversary

Service was held in the Parish Church. There

was a crowded congregation, very many lodges

being represented. The Service was said by the

Rev. W. F. Hayes; B.A., curate of Seagoe. The

Rev. Canon Marks, B. D. , Rector of Tandragee,

was the special preacher. He dealt with the

principles of Christianity and Orangeism and enlarged

on the splendour of Loyalty in a nation.

The collection was on behalf of the Lord Enniskillen

Memorial Orphan Fund, and amounted to £7 11s 0d.

The Somme Anniversary.

On Sunday, June 28th, both at Morning and

Evening Prayer, Special Services were held in

the Parochial Hall in connection with the Somme

Anniversary. Mr. T. H. Wilson presided at the

harmonium, and there were large congregations.

The Rector preached in the morning and read out I

the list of the names of those who from Seagoe

Parish—52 in number—had made the Great

Sacrifice. The Rev. W. F. Hayes, B.A.,

preached at Evening Prayer. The collections at

both services were on behalf of the Co. Armagh

Protestant Orphan Society. In the course of his

sermon at the Morning Service the Rector referred

to the fact that the Society had its origin

in Seagoe Parish. Major Blacker, of Carrickblacker,

had noticed the great need that existed

for a Protestant Orphan Society in the County

Armagh. With his usual energy he set about

organising a meeting in 1869 with that

and before long brought into existence the present Society.

The Society, therefore, has a special claim on the Parish of Seagoe.

Brick Cards.

Amount already acknowledged £52 7 6

Miss Boyce £ 0 6 0

Mr. Leonard Twinem, U.S.A. £ 1 0 0

Mrs. Cathcart £ 1 4 0

Miss Best £ 0 4 0

Miss M 'Combie £ 0 10 0

Mrs. Gilpin £ 0 5 6

Miss Jennett ... £ 0 1 0

Miss B. Lynass £ 0 7 0

Mrs. Shanks . £ 0 5 0

Miss Watters £ 0 5 0

Mrs. Johnston, Thompson

U.S.A. £ 2 0 0

Mr. John E. Lavery £ 0 15 0

Miss Montgomery £ 0 13 6

Miss Hannah Russell £ 1 10 0


£61 13 6

Our Sunday School Excursion

Our Sunday School Excursion which took place

on the 18th June this year, was a great success.

Almost 700 children, teachers and parents took

train to Warrenpoint, where they spent a very

and health-giving day, enjoying and exploring

this part of "The Kingdom of Mourne.

The day was gloriously fine, the weather being, as it

generally is, very kind to Seagoe. And last but

not least, for the first time for many years, the

excursion paid its way and a small balance has

been placed in the bank for the credit of next

year's excursion:- Dr. - Received all sources,

£67 9s 0d. Cr.—To Railway Co., £38 6s 6d; to

Davidson and Co., £27; "Portadown Times, "

16s 6d; Insurance, 12s 6d; bill posting, 2s 6d •

Total, £66 18s 0d. By Balance—11s 0d.

The Rector of Ardmore,

Widespread regret has been expressed at the

death of the Rev. James Smyth, M.A., Rector of

Ardmore. Mr. Smyth had been for many years

Rector of Ardmore and had made many friends.

He was a most energetic parish worker and had

many friends amongst the Freemasons and

Orange Order. He served for some time at

Portaferry and Aghalee before coming to Ardmore.

The rectory when he was appointed became

curacy-in-charge. It was only as recently

as Sunday, July 5th, that the Lord Bishop of the

Diocese dedicated great improvements made in

Eskey Hall in the parish. NIT'. Smyth was very

popular with his brother clergy. He was very

generous and ready to do anything to oblige a

friend. The recent death of his only daughter

was a crushing blow to fall on him and his wife

and son.

Mr. Smyth came from the County

Cork, and was always very proud of his native

land. but in politics he was a strong Unionist,

and in the days of the Ulster Volunteers did

splendid work. No exertion or self-denial was too

great for him to undertake. Tie was most diligent

in visiting the sick, and was full of courage.

His sincerity won him hosts of friends.

It is more than a year ago that Mr. Smyth got into

somewhat weak health. During the winter he

could not well get away for a change. He took

a brief holiday but suffered from a perpetual

headache. It, was found necessary for a severe


In fact there were two operations

and neither succeeded. Last week left him very

much weaker, and he passed away on Saturday


The funeral took place to Ardmore

Church on Monday, August, 3rd. The Rev. W.

F. Hayes was present. The Rector regrets that

he was unable to attend owing to illness. The

Church was crowded with parishioners and a

representative body of friends, including many of

the clergy of the diocese. The service was conducted

by the Archdeacon of Dromore and Canon

Hurst. Two hymns were “Rock of Ages"

and "The Lord is my Shepherd." An address

was given by the Archdeacon.

In simple and touching words he paid tribute to the life and

work of the Rev. James Smyth. The following

is the substance of his remarks a unique

way, differing from any other man in a public

position, a rector was before and among his

people. He shared with them in their joys and

in their sorrows. He knew during the last twenty

years how Mr. Smyth had been in and out among

his people—the people of Ardmore, the Montiaghs.

During those years in every way possible

he had tried to help and serve them. The word

service seemed peculiarly descriptive of him—he

lived to serve. That was specially true of him in

the troubled days of the War. What he was and

meant to the people of the parish then could not

be expressed. Mr. Smyth loved Ardmore and he

lived for it. He could have left it for other

spheres of work; even since his daughter's death

he had been offered another parish. He chose

rather to minister to the people whom he loved.

The present satisfactory state of the finances and

buildings of the parish were in a large measure

due to his work and foresight. Even in his weakness

his devotion to it remained strong. In that

long trying illness, borne with such wonderful

courage and patience, his concern and thoughts

were for his people. He was moved, and deeply

grateful to them for the kindness and sympathy

they extended to him in his suffering. The greatest

tribute they could pay him was to consecrate

themselves anew to the extension of that Kingdom

for which he laboured. When little Molly

was called to her rest somewhat more than a year

ago a great wave of sympathy went out from

everybody, especially from the people of Ardmore,

to Mr. and Mrs. Smyth in their sorrow. On

this occasion again their hearts went out to Mrs.

Smyth and her son. They would have them in

their thoughts and prayers. In sorrow and suffering

thus shared they learned something of the

heart of God and what life was meant to be. The

thought that their loved ones belonged to God,

from whom nothing could separate, would bring

them comfort and consolation.

At the close of the service, while the choir

sang the Nunc Dimittis, the coffin was carried

from the Church by members of the Select

Vestry. A large cortege followed to the New

Cemetery. Crowds of people were assembled as

it passed through Lurgan. From North Street to

the grave the coffin was again borne by members

of the vestry. After the interment members of

the Masonic Order paid their last respects.

Parish Register for July.


The following were baptized in the Parish

Church on July 4th, 1936:—

McAllister—David Lester, son of David Frederick

and Sarah McAllister, of Drumlisnagrilly.

Sponsors—David Frederick McAllister, Sarah


Major—Geraldine Edwina, daughter of William

John and Sarah Major, of Edenderry.

Sponsors—Mary Ellen Devlin, Sarah Major.


McKerr and Freeburn—Ju1y 15th, James Henry

McKerr, Ballynaghy, Parish of Knocknamuckley,

to Mary Freeburn, of Edenderry.

Whitten and McLoughlin--Ju1y 30th, Robert

Walker Whitten, of Portadown, to Ella

McLoughlin, of Drurnnagoon„


Willis—July 25th, Matthew Willis, 13 Alfred

Villas, Portadown, aged 73. Interred at


Roney—August 1st, Samuel Roney, of Edenderry, aged 76 years.

Cousins—August 2nd, William Cousins, of Balteagh,

aged 52. Interred at Maralin.

Mothers' Union.

On Tuesday, Aug. 11th, a meeting of the

Mothers' Union will be held in Seagoe School.

An address will be given by Mrs. Rennix, formerly

of Seagoe School. Tea at 7.30 p.m.


Photos of the Rev. Chancellor Archer,

in three sizes, 2/6, 1/3 and 1/- are on sale. In

case there are any persons who have not already

got one, they may be obtained from the following;

Mr. John H. Twinem, Mr. R. Scott,

Mitchell, Miss Cox, Miss Watters,

Miss Jennett, Miss Preston, Mr.


Mr. Maginnis, Mr. Vennard, Mrs. Huner.

Good Wishes,

Our readers will join us in offering to Miss

Atkinson our best wishes as she starts on her

journey to Northern Rhodesia. It is a pleasure

journey, as Miss Atkinson is visiting an old friend

who resides in that country.


We express sincere sympathy with those

have been bereaved in our midst last month.

Death has snatched away two well-known among

us—Samuel Roney and William Cousins. Samuel

Roney was one of our most active men in the.

Parish some years ago but the flight of time had

enfeebled him. He was a very active member of

our various agencies for men's work. In the

Wooden Hall and in the Room in Bridge St. he,

took a special interest. He was also a leader in

the Men's Bible Class. William Cousins died at

a comparatively early age. We sympathise very

deeply with the members of his family. He has.

passed away at a comparatively early age.

was very diligent and during his illness for the

last year bore it with great patience. We have

also lost Matthew Willis at an advanced age. He

will be much regretted.


HOLY COMMUNION Sunday after Morning

Prayer ; 3rd Sunday at 8 a.m., and on the Chief


HOLY BAPTISM— 1st Saturday of cach Month at 3

p m e, and during any Service in the Parish Church,

notice be given ; Two Sponsers at least are required

and they must be Confirmed Members of the Church.

Churchings are held at each Baptism. Mothers are

(See Book of

expected to bring a thankoffering.

Common Prayer.

MORNING PRAYER—Sundays and Chief Festivals,

11-30 a.m.

EVENING PRAYER—Sundays, 7 p.m


Hacknahay—Last Sunday of Month at 3-30 p.m.

Drumgor— Sccond Sunday of Month at 4 p.m

Edenderry—Wednesdays at 8 p.m.

MARRIAGES must be performed between 8 a.m. and 3pm


BIBLE CLASS FOR MEN in Edenderry on

Sundays at 10 a m.

SUNDAY SCHOOLS 10 a.m. Edenderry Parochial

Hall and Seagoe School. 3 p.m. Seagoe, Edenderry

Parochial Hall, Levaghery, Hacknahay, Carne,

Drumgor, Bocombra.

MOTHERS' UNION—2nd Tuesday of each month

at 7-30 p.m.

CHURCH LADS' BRIGADE in the Parochial Hall

on Tuesdays and Fridays.


Mondays at 8 p.m.

SEAGOE P.E. SCHOOL, 9-15 a.m. Principal—Mr.

R. Scott.

3 p m. Licenses are issued by Rev. Canon Hannon,

Rectory, Lurgan. Due notice (48 hours) mus be given to the Rector of intended weddings. FEES—BY License—

Labourers 5/- Tradesmen 10/-, Merchants and Farmers 15/-, Professional, at. By Banns 5/-. FUNERALS will be attended by the Clergy if proper notice be given. SICK CASES should be notified to the Clergy without delay

FEES FOR CERTIFICATES BAPTISM 3/7, Children (Factory) 1/- and 2/- (non-residents); MARRIAGE 3/7

An extra Search Fee is chargeable in certain cases

It will be a help to the Clergy if they are notified of the

arrival of new Church families in the Parish.

A copy of the Magazine will be sent post free to any subscriber for 3/- per anunm.


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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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