Seagoe Archives

August 1937


August 1937

Seagoe Parish Magazine.

AUGUST, 1937


Rey. J. W. Appelbe, M.A.,

Carrickblacker Avenue.

Rev. W. F. Hayes, B.A., L.Th„

The Bungalow, Lower Seagoe,


Rector's—JOHN H. TWINEM.






August 1st—10th Sunday after Trinity.


8th—11th Sunday after Trinity.

15th—12th Sunday after Trinity.

22nd—13th Sunday after Trinity.

24th—St. Bartholomew.

29th—14th Sunday after Trinity.


The Lord Bishop confirmed seventy-three candidates at the Confirmation

service held in Seagoe Parish Church, on

Wednesday, July 7th, at 8 p.m. There

were twenty-nine boys and forty-two

girls from Seagoe Parish, and two girls

from Tullylish. The Rev. L. W. Crooks,

M.A., Rector of Knockbreda, acted as

Bishop's Chaplain. The Seagoe candidates

were presented by the Rector, and

the Very Rev. the Dean of Dromore presented

the Tullylish candidates.

The impressive nature of the service

was enhanced by the inspiring address

given by the Bishop, who based his remarks

on the Service for Holy Communion

in our Prayer Book. He stressed

the importance of Prayer, Bible-reading,

Public Worship, and frequent attendance

at Holy Communion as vital helps for the

Christian. These are the " means of

grace" for which we thank God every

time we join in the " General Thanksgiving".

Those present were also reminded

that in these days no progressing Christian

worthy of the name can be a looker-on

or adopt a neutral attitude, while the

things for which Christ lived and died are

being ignored or challenged by Anti-Christ.

To-day, more than ever before,

Christ expects of us, who profess to be His

disciples, not just lip service but utter surrender

and a full consecration of ourselves

to the carrying out of His Will. This

means that we must work for him, witness

for Him, worship Him. When a

boy or girl is confirmed, it does not mean,

that after that service they can rest on

their oars and think they have done

enough, but it means that they have realised

their responsibilities all the days of

their life. What a power for good it would

be if those seventy-one young people

would really by their work, witness and

worship show themselves to be not merely

lookers-on but actively engaged in the

fight against sin in themselves and in the

world around them. The following were

confirmed :

Boys—Herbert Atkinson, James Brownlee,

William James Whiteside, Frederick

Porter, Joseph McMurray, Robert Guy,

Walter White, Robert Neill, Thomas

McMurray, Ernest Caddell, William Joseph

Russell, Benjamin Pentland, Richard Wilson Robinson,

Alfred Hall, Joseph Russell

Simpson, William John Caddell, James

Simpson, James Jennett, Robert Abraham,

Jim Ruddell, Frank Dickson, Jack

Best, Joseph Pierson, David Neill, George

Lester, Robert Ruddell, James Hamill,

Bertie Neill, Thomas Cecil Nesbitt.

Girls-—Emma Christabel McNeill, Esther

Hunter, Irene McBroom, Mary Evelyn

McBroom, Elizabeth Hunter, Violet Hoy,

Olive Vennard, Margaret Caruth Donaldson,

May Jennett, Ellie Maxwell, Margaret

Anderson, Norah Trainor, Pearl

Gilpin, Evelyn Brennan, Margaret Russell,

Mabel Gracey, Meta Campbell, Irene

Gracey, Sarah Ida Doreen Gracey, Amy

Cousins, Doris Campbell, Elizabeth

Kearns, Maureen Boyce, Gladys Hoy,

Margaret Jane Bell, Jean Finney, Maria

Irene Porter, Charlotte Edna Gray, Sarah

Kearns, Gladys Winifred Porter, Elizabeth

Sherman, Emily Morrison, Myrtle Leonia

Caddell, Ida Guy, Olive Magee, Isabel

Magee, Anna Dorothea Lester, Isobel

Magennis, Vera Louise Gracey, Mary

Elizabeth Heyburn, Frances Helen Stanfield,

Matilda Thompson.


As we go to press we learn of the arrival

of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Twinem

who are on a visit from U.S.A. Mr. Twinem

is visiting his old home in Lylo. We extend

to them a hearty welcome and wish

them a pleasant visit.



In accordance with their usual custom

the local Orange Lodges attended Seagoe

Parish Church on Sunday evening, July

11th. There was a splendid turn-out of

Orangemen. The procession was led by

Major Shillington, Sir Wm. Allen and Mr.

David Rock. One of the lessons was read

by the Rev. Harry Joyce, a Portadown

man who is now a Presbyterian minister

in Canada and was visiting Northern Ireland

as one of the representatives of the

Orange delegates from Canada and the


An impressive sermon very appropriate

to the occasion was delivered by the Rev.

G. A. Boulger, M.A., of Ardmore. Mrs.

Casey was the organist on this occasion.

The collection was in aid of the Lord

Enniskillen Memorial Orphan Fund.


The local branch of the Mothers' Union

was entertained by Mr. and Mrs. James

Twinem at their home in Lylo, on Thursday, July 8th.

In spite of the heavy rain a fair number

were able to avail themselves of this kind

hospitality and a most enjoyable afternoon was spent.


The Men's Bible Class will be resumed

in Edenderry Orange Hall on Sunday

morning, August 22nd, at 10.15 a.m.


As was announced in our last issue, all

the Sunday Schools in the Parish will resume

work on Sunday, August 22nd, when

it is hoped that all teachers and pupils

will be in their usual places. We especially

request parents to see that their

children attend punctually and regularly,

and we would remind the teachers to

set their pupils a good example in these

two respects.


Miss Guy, owing to pressing home

duties, finds herself unable to continue as

Superintendent of Seagoe Afternoon Sunday

School and we accept her resignation

with regret. Miss Guy has rendered faithful

service as a Sunday School Superintendent

in three centres, Levaghery,

Drumgor and Seagoe Afternoon, during a

period extending over seventeen years,

which is a fine record.



Mr. Harry Hynes has resigned from his

position of Superintendent of Edenderry

Afternoon Sunday School. He is leaving

shortly to pursue a course of theological

training with a view to his being ordained,

in St. John's Hall, Highbury, London.

He has our best wishes for the future,

and we are grateful to him for his

good work on behalf of Edenderry Afternoon Sunday School.

Mr. Cathcart has kindly consented to

act as Superintendent of Edenderry

Afternoon Sunday School. Mr. Cathcart

is no stranger to this work and we are confident

that the Sunday School will continue

to flourish under his supervision.


“ Suffer little children to come unto Me, and

forbid them not, for of such is the Kingdom of


July 4th—Joseph, son of Joseph and Violet Hamilton, 17, Foundry Street.

July 4th—Brian Garfield, son of Samuel Geo. and Elizabeth Anna M'NeiIl,


July 4th—Mildred, daughter of William James and Jane Anna Campbell,


July 4th—-Thomas Maurice Albert, son of George and Susanna Jane Simpson,

Lower Seagoe.


“Those whom God hath joined together let no

man put asunder,"

10th July—Joseph Watson, Ballinacor and Edna May Vennard, 5, Florence


10th July—Israel Moore McCreedy, Lurgan Road and Elizabeth M'Mahon,

Meadow Lane.

13th July—George Lowry Pollock, Ballygargan, and Mary Ellenor White,

Bocombra House.

21st July—Samuel George Canavan, Bleary, and Lily Mayes, Carrickblacker.

23rd July—-Norman Guy, Derryvore, and Millicent Coulter, Tarson.


“Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord

from henceforth, yea, saith the Spirit, that they

may rest from their labours."

14th July—Thomas Armstrong, Parnell St., Dublin, aged 68 years.



The camp for the Training Corps of

the Down and Connor and Dromore

Battalion of the Church Lads' Brigade

was held this year at Bangor, County

Down. The actual site of the camp was

the Bangor Rugby Football grounds, off

the Ballymaconnell Road. It is a splendid

field, situated on high ground close to the

town and the shore and commanding a

very good view of the surrounding countryside.

The camp opened on Saturday,

July 17th, not only in an ideal place but

under exceptionally good weather conditions

which continued, on the whole, quite

favourable to the end. The only heavy

rain came at night, when everyone was

tucked under blankets and covered by

tents that proved waterproof.

There were approximately one hundred

boys under canvas. Most of them came

from Belfast. There were exceptionally

large numbers from the Lambeg and

Broomhedge companies, while seven lads

came all the way from Omagh. Seagoe

sent six spirited representatives, and to

keep the balance of power the Rev. W. F.

Hayes, who acted as Camp Chaplain. Capt.

E. Mitchell came for the opening weekend

and was also present on sports day

with Mrs. Mitchell. The camp was honoured

with the presence of Colonel-Commandant Fryer, who remained for the

week. The capable band of young officers

in charge did everything possible for the

success of the camp and the welfare of all

present. To their zeal, efficiency and

generosity the Battalion and the campers

owe a very real debt of gratitude.

Camp Routine.

The day began at 8 a.m., when the Reveille

was sounded. After washing, there

was a short silence for prayer which was

creditably observed, Breakfast was followed

by the daily line inspection, for

which all blankets were neatly folded and

Placed outside the tents. At 10.30 each

day a short service was conducted by the

Chaplain. The much enjoyed bathing

Parade came later. It was great fun. The

merry family of over a hundred boys and

officers attracted many spectators on the

shore. After dinner, the boys were allowed

to leave the camp and to amuse themselves

as they chose. They never failed to

return for tea at five and for supper at

9.30 p.m. At 9.45 the bell for prayers

brought a deadly hush, and at ten o'clock

the tired army went under canvas for the


Sports and Visitors' Day.

In camp every facility was provided for

amusement. There were many games of

cricket and football. Wednesday was

Sports and Visitors' day. A very good programme

of events was arranged and keenly

contested. A nice selection of prizes

was distributed to the winners. A large

number of parents and friends visited the

camp and were entertained to tea. Among

the visitors were Mrs. Fryer, Canon Cullimore,

of Omagh, Dr. George, of Rhyl, the

Rev. W. H. and Mrs. Ruddock, and Major

the Rev. W. and Mrs. Hall, of Ballynure.

From Seagoe come Mr. and Mrs. Moore,

Mrs. Pentland, Mrs. Hall, and Mrs Hunter.

Mrs. Mitchell, Miss T. Wilson and Mrs.

Lutton gave valuable help at the tea. Mrs.

Lutton won the ladies' race.

Camp Contact.

Close contact was established with a

B.B. Company from Glasgow, who were

camping on the same grounds. They

proved very good companions. They

shared in our sports and amusements. On

an invitation from the C.L.B. Chaplain

they were very pleased to join us in our

daily service. They were unfortunate in

having several accidents. On each occasion

the C.LB. officers were able to render

them valued assistance in first aid. The

efficiency of some of our officers in this

department made us very useful neighbours.

The Glasgow Company very generously

put their Pipe Band at our service

for Sports Day, and on occasions they

headed our bathing parade. On the night

before we left they invited the C.L.B. to

join with them in what proved to be a

very enjoyable camp fire sing-song. There

was much exchanging of souvenirs between

the campers. The Glasgow Company

gave us a good send-off and turned

out a guard of honour when we left on Saturday afternoon.


The Camp Spirit.

A splendid spirit of comradeship, friendship and sportsmanship prevailed

throughout, Taken all round, the camp

was a great success. This, in no small

measure, was due to the efficiency and

energy of the camp staff, the Commanding

Officer, the Adjutant and the Quarter Master.

Food is always an important

item. We were fortunate in having a very

capable cook and staff of assistants. The

bugle call for meals, sounded four times a

day, was always promptly obeyed. Though

liberal helpings were given there were

many, like Oliver Twist, who came back

for more. Each boy brought his own mug

and plate; some were wise, they brought

deep dishes and so lost nothing—a hint

worth remembering for next year. A

brisk trade was carried on at the camp

canteen, from twenty-five to thirty dozen

of minerals were sold daily. There were

no accidents or sickness to damp the

brightness of the holidays. It was a week

of unbroken enjoyment and refreshment.

All who were privileged to take part in it,

not only have happy memories of the

camp of the Coronation Year, 1937, they

go back to ordinary life better fitted "to

play the game." We look forward to the

camp of next year. It is hoped the Seagoe

Company of the C.L.B. will be present in

full strength.

Guard of Honour for the Royal Visitors.

The Church Lads' Brigade had the distinction

of providing the Guard of Honour

when their Majesties visited the Youth

Rally, at Balmoral, on Wednesday, July

28th. Sergeant-Major F. Shanks was a

member of the guard. The Seagoe Pipe

Band also had the honour of playing in

the selections given by the Church Lads'

Brigade Massed Band.


The camp for the senior members of the

Down and Connor and Dromore Battalion

of the Church Lads' Brigade was held this

year at Scarborough. Colonel Fryer, several

officers and a large number of cadet:

crossed over to the camp. There they

joined the Blackburn Battalion. It was a

very fine camp and the weather was exceptionally

good. Scarborough is one of

the most beautiful seaside resorts in England.

It is hoped next year that a good

number from Seagoe Company will be there.


HOLY COMM UNION—1st Sunday after Morning

Prayer ; 3rd Sunday at 8 a.m., and on the Chief


HOLY BAPTISM—1st Sunday of each Month at 4

p.m., and during any Service in the Parish Church,

notice be given ; Two Sponsors at least are required

and they must be Confirmed Members of the Church,

Churchings are held at each Baptism. Mothers are

expected to bring a thankoffering. (See Book of

Common Prayer )

MORNING PRAYER—Sundays and Chief Festivals,

11 30 a m.

EVENING PRAYER—Sundays, 7 p.m.


Hacknahay—Last Sunday of Month at 3-30 p,m.

Drumgor—Second Sunday of Month at 4 p.m.

Edenderry—Services as announced.


BIBLE CLASS FOR MEN in Edenderry on

Sundays at 10-15 a.m.

SUNDAY SCHOOLS -10 a.m. Edenderry Parochial

Hall and Seagoe School. 3 p.m. Seagoe, Edenderry

Parochial Hall, Levaghery, Hacknahay, Carne,

Drumgor, Bocombra,

MOTHERS' UNION—2nd Tuesday of each month

at 7-30 p.m.

CHURCH LADS' BRIGADE in the Parochial Hall

on Tuesdays and Fridays,


alternate Mondays at 8 p.m.

SEAGOE P.E. SCHOOL, 9-15 a.m. Principal—Mr.

R. Scott.

MARRIAGES must be performed between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Licenses are issued by Ven. Archdeacon Hannon

Rectory, Lurgan. Due notice (48 hours) must be given to the Rector of intended weddings FEES—BY License—

Labourers 5/—, Tradesmen 10/—, Merchants and Farmers 15/-, Professional £1. By Banns 5/- FUNERALS will be attended by the Clergy if proper notice be given.

SICK CASES should be notified to the Clergy without delay.

FEES FOR CERTIFICATES—BAPTISM 3/7, Children (Factory) 1/- and 2/- (non residents); MARRIAGE 3/7 An extra Search Fee is chargeable in certain cases.

It will be a help to the Clergy if they are notified of the

arrival of new Church families in the Parish.

A copy of the Magazine will be sent by post to any subscriber for 3/- per annum.


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Seagoe Archives

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