Seagoe Archives

August 1906


August 1906

Seagoe Parish Magazine

AUGUST, 1906.


RECTOR —REV. JAMES E. ARCHER, B.D., The Rectory, Seagoe.


N.B.—The Clergy will feel greatly obliged if the

Parishioners will notify to them any cases

of illness at the earliest possible moment.

Churchwardens :


MR. T. E. M'GUINNESS, Hacknahay.

Select Vestry :













ATKINSON, MR. W. R. , Secretary and Treasurer.

The Parochial missions.

MISSIONS hove now come to be a

recognised feature in Parochial

life, and are being more and more

largely used by the Church for raising

the tone of spiritual life in her

parishes. The Bishop of London, whose missions in

London Churches have become famous, says that

there are four things necessary for a successful

mission :—(1) An expectant faith (2) a reverent awe

which would realize the presence of God (3) a deeper

repentance for sin (4) the eagerness of the blind

man by the wayside " desiring some gifts of grace

from Jesus Christ, whether it were purity or patience

or courage. Ho also urges the necessity of earnest

preparation. To this end a course of sermons is

being preached in the Parish Church, and it is hoped

that as many as possible will take advantage of them,

and also that constant and earnest prayer will be

offered up for a rich out-pouring of the Holy Spirit

in our Parish. Let us pray that during the Mission

many who are '”dead in trespasses and sin " may be

brought back into the fold, and also those who are

striving to keep on the Lord's side may have their

spiritual life deepened and renewed.


Morning Evening

£ s d £ s d

July 1st 3rd Sunday after Trinity 1 2 0 0 9 3

0 7 1

8th 4th Sunday after Trinity 0 19 8 4 7 2

15th 5th Sunday after Trinity 0 1 11

1 0 6

Flower Service 0 12 0

0 9 3

22nd 6th Sunday after Trinity 1 2 5 0 11 3

29th 7th Sunday after Trinity 1 2 10 0 10 3

------------------ -------------------

£5 14 5 £6 19 2


" One Lord, one faith, one baptism."

July 7th Sarah Georgina, daughter of Samuel and Sarah Coulter, Tarson.

Letitia Isabella, daughter of Robert and Caroline Magee, Meadow Lane.

Herbert, son of Abraham and Margaret Dawson, Ballynaghy.

William James, son of James and Sarah Jane Preston, Lylo.

15th William, son of Woolsey and Minnie White, Bocombra.

22nd Annie, daughter of David and Annie Johnston, James Street.

29th Sarah Jane, daughter of Alex. and Rachel Quinn, Ballynaghy.


" Those whom God hath joined together let no man put asunder."

July 16th—Albert Hall, Partick, Scotland, to Sarah Anne Brown, Edenderry.


' Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, “

July 5th—John Ruddell, Lurgan, aged 51.

18th—Maxwell Stoops, Belfast, aged 9.

20th—Sarah A. Thompson, Edenderry, aged 64.

We deeply regret to hear of the death of Mrs

Pentland, daughter of our respected parishioner, Mr.

Wm Sweeney, of Edenderry. The sad event took

place as the result of an operation. She leaves a

sorrowing husband and two little children. To all

the bereaved friends we tender our deepest sympathy.

It is with deep sorrow we also record the death,

after only a few days' illness, of our young friend,

Jock Irwin, son of Mr J. Irwin, station-master,

Portadown. He wag well-known to most of us as a

regular Worshipper in God's House, and a diligent

and attentive member of his Sunday School class,



Ours are to make the BEST BREAD and CONFECTIONERY

in the Kingdom; and to sell the BEST TEAS the World

can produce

*2/8, *2/4, *2/-, 1/10, 1 e. These marked thus * are our leading lines.

DAVISON BROS., 3 & 4 High Street,

where it was a real joy to teach one who took such a

deep interest in his lessons and in the study of God's

Word, and whose sweet and gentle disposition

endeared him to all with whom he came into contact.

Though his bright presence will be sorely missed, we

cannot but feel that God hag taken him, in love, to a

higher and fuller service above, and he is still

joining with us in the prayers and praises, and God

has but transplanted the budding flower from earth,

to bloom in perfect beauty in His Garden of Paradise,

but the fragrance remains with us here, to

draw us ever closer to the Saviour, who has gathered

another of His lambs into the shelter of His loving

breast. Our deep sympathy goes out to his sorrowing relatives.

Excursion to Dublin

An excursion has been arranged to Dublin for

Horse Show Day, August 30th, Tickets, four shillings.

It was with some difficulty this has been brought

about, as it is a great concession for the Railway

Company to make in allowing such a cheap excursion

on such an important day, especially as they are

running other special trains at a dearer rate. The

Dublin Horse Show is said to be the finest in the

world, so we should consider ourselves fortunate in

having such cheap tickets. Besides, as the surplus

will be devoted to the Bazaar for installing the gas

in the Church, it is earnestly hoped that every

parishioner, whether in town, or country, who can

possibly go will do so, and also make this excursion

as widely known as possible. Those who went last

year can testify to the pleasant day they spent, and

we are sure this one will be even more successful.

Bills will be issued before the excursion containing

alternative programmes for the day.

Church Attendance

The following children, according to the Church

Attendance Cards, have not missed a single service

during the last quarter —Wm. Walker, V.

Walker, James Porter, H. England, T. England,

Ellen J. England.

Edenderry—Jack Irwin, G. Graham, M. Martin,

M. Hawthorne, Jemima Allen, Charlotte Green, E.

J. Martin, M. Smith, M. Atkinson, S. Allen, A.

Richardson, Isaac Watson, Annie Smith.

The attendance of the following was extremely

good :—John Reid, Lena Best, T. Ramsay, John

Porter, Maud Dickson, Georgina Livingston, Annie

Graham, N. Crawford, Bella Magee, S. Coulter,

Maria Roney, N. Dawson, G. Richardson, L. Magee,

V. Richardson, A. McCormick, Ellen Matthews.

This is very creditable of these children, and their

parents ought to be proud to have them in this Roll

of Honour.

It is, perhaps, the best possible record

they could make, and their diligence promises well

for their success in after life.

We would suggest that those cards which have not

yet been returned should be handed in at once. Any

mistakes in this list, if notified to the clergy, will be

corrected in the next issue.

Special medals and certificates will be given at the

end of the year to those who have not missed any

or only a few services.

We would here again remind the parents of the

sin of allowing their children to remain away from

the morning Sunday School, and no less of allowing

them to turn their backs on the Church afterwards.

This opportunity of influencing them, if lost in

childhood, will never be recalled.

Lest there should be any dissatisfaction expressed

at the distribution of prizes, we would warn the

children that their prizes will depend quite as much

on their attendance at Church as at Sunday School.

All the attendance cards will be preserved to the end

of the year for this purpose.

Children's Flower Service.

A most successful Children's Flower Service was

held in the Parish Church on Sunday afternoon,

July 15th, when the bright and happy faces of the

children, and the large quantities of beautiful

flowers, showed how heartily the Service was entered

into by those present. During the Service a Baptism

took place, and afterwards the Rector gave an

address to the children on the subject of “ Flowers."

He spoke of the admission of a little child into

God's Church by Baptism being like the planting of

a flower in God's garden of this world, and which

was designed by God to grow up into a beautiful,

sweet, and fragrant life, shedding joy and gladness

all around. The flowers, which covered the steps

leading to the Chancel, were afterwards sent to the

various Hospitals, and we feel sure that the children

who brought them so joyfully would have their joy

intensified, could they only witness the pleasure

given to many of God's suffering ones, many being


Anniversary Service.

On Sunday, July 8th, the Orangemen of the

District attended a special service in Seagoe Parish

Church. The service began at 4-30, and there was a

crowded congregation. The hymns were sung with

great heartiness by all present. The Rector preached

from the text Isaiah 52, 1, Look into the rock

whence ye were hewn." He dwelt on the duty of

perseverance, courage and faith, illustrating his

remarks by reference to the history of Church and

State in Ireland. The collection was on behalf of

the Orphan Societies.

C. L. B. Sports.

The Brigade Athletic Sports held on Friday, July

6th, proved a great success. The weather was perfect

and between five and six hundred people were present

who seemed to enjoy immensely the various races as

well as the musical items provided by the excellent

Portadown Brass Band. We were afraid at first

that the postponement of the races due to the Waterworks

Festivities would have spoiled the success of

the gathering, but it seemed to have a contrary effect,

and nothing could have been more successful. At

the close of the sports the valuable prizes were

distributed to the winners by Mrs. Watson Walker

amidst hearty applause. We owe Mr Watson Walker

our sincere thanks for kindly placing his field at the

disposal of the Committee. The beautiful situation of

Churchview Grounds added much to the pleasure

success and of the evening. The following is a list of

the prize winners :—

Schoolboy's Race—I, Victor Irwin ; 2, George

Adamson ; 3, Albert Lindsay.

100 Yards Flat—I, T. Gordon; 2, J. Morton; 3, W.


Mile Walk—I, M. curry; 2, R. Lindsay; 3, S.

Canavan and J. Stakes dead heat.

Mile Flat—I, W. Conlin; 2, W. Sergeant; 3, I.


Hurdle Race Isaac Walker; 2, A. Steenson ; 3, W. Holmes.

Brigade Race in Uniform—I, A. Curry ; 2, Isaac

Walker ; 3, J. Shanks.

Wheelbarrow Race—I, A. Steenson ; 2, S. Curry.

Bucket Race—I, S. Curry; 2, B. Anderson.

Sack Race—I, S. Curry; A. Steenson.

C. L. B. Camp.

After a most enjoyable and instructive week our

Brigade Lads have arrived home, and we are glad to

notice that Seagoe are among the prize winners,

they having won first prize for the best tent during

encampment, second prize for the best line, and first

prize for the best guard. Portadown and Drumcree

shared in the last two prizes. Private Steenson won

2nd prize in the 220 yards championship of the

camp, and Lance-Corporal Walker 1st in the bucket

race. The Company were in charge of Sergt. Curry,

and were highly complimented by Major Laurie of

the Irish Rifles for their good drill and general


Notes on Old Seagoe.

One of the most interesting points in connection

with the name " Seagoe " is the curious way in

which its spelling has varied from time to time.

In all the old parish documents it is invariably

spelled "Sego," and this seems to be the most correct

form, consisting, as it does, of the first syllables of

the two Latin words "Sedes Gobhani."

About the year 1770 the letter “ e" began to be added,

apparently with the object of giving the word a more

natural ending, and so "Sego" became "Segoe."

Then about 1820 another letter began to be inserted

possibly with the intention of strengthening the

pronunciation of the first syllable which is so

noticeable (in the homely word " Sagy " so familiar

to the ears of our people. Thus the letter s' a " was

added to the first syllable, and "Segoe" became

"Seagoe." Of course the word has no connection

with the sea," although but a few weeks ago we

heard a friend remark that he supposed Seagoe must

be quite near to the sea because of its name. On

many of the tombstones in Seagoe graveyard the old

form of the name may still be seen.

On the right hand side of Seagoe Church tower

there is a finely carved stone inserted bearing the

date 1816, and underneath mysterious letters

S.B., R.O. which have puzzled a great many. There

is really no mystery about them. The date is that

of the opening of the Church, and the letters are the

initials of the churchwardens for that year—Stewart

Blacker and Richard Owen. The carved stone over

the entrance door of the Church contains the arms

of the Diocese of Dromore, an open Bible, crossed

keys, surmounted by the episcopal mitre.

The oldest buildings in connection with Old

Seagoe Church are the stables on the left hand side

of the graveyard gates, which, according to the vestry

records, were built in the year 1743.


Mr. Thomas Stothers, principal of Seagoe National

School has successfully passed his recent University

examination. He now ranks as candidate B.A.

Miss Maggie J. Reid, of Seagoe N.S., has very

successfully completed her monitorial course. At

the recent examination for classification of monitors,

she was placed in 2nd division. She was prepared

by Mr. Stothers for all the examinations during her


Seagoe National School will re-open on Tuesday,

7th August. It is earnestly hoped that there will be

a large influx of pupils. The principal will give

assistance and encouragement to pupils, who are

likely to benefit by them. A regular and systematic

course of instruction is given in the Holy Scriptures

and Church Formularies by the clergy and teachers.

The Rector is enjoying a well-earned rest in

Guernsey; We wish him a-very pleasant holiday.

We notice a deficiency of male voices in the choir

and would be glad if some young men with voices

would come forward and place them at the disposal

of their Church.

We deeply regret to record the departure from our

midst of the Misses Robinson, of Lylo House. This

removes another of the ancient landmarks, as the

parish records show that for centuries this family had

a most honourable connection with the Church. Her

chief offices have been filled by them for generation

after generation, and since the Disestablishment

they have been most generous contributors to her

funds. We offer to the Misses Robinson our sincere

good! wishes for their happiness in their new surroundings.

We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Watson Walker on

the attainment of their silver wedding and wish them

many more years of health and happiness.

Sergeants Curry and Montgomery, of Seagoe C.L.B

have given valuable assistance in starting the new

Drumeree Company. We wish the Drumcree boys

all success.

There were close on sixty entries for our Seagoe

Athletic Sports.

Since our last issue the new water supply for the

town has been turned on. This ought to be a great

boon to Our friends in Edenderry. The water is the

purest, and has its source in the granite rocks of the

Mourne Mountains.

The new reservoir at Ballyhannon is 700 feet

below the Shimna River in the Mourne Mouutains

where the first reservoir is to be made, and from

which our water supply is brought.

At the service for Orangemen, as usual, we noticed

the unaccustomed faces of many parishioners in the

congregation. It is earnestly hoped that this will

not be the only time for another twelve months.

Ye Anchor Cafe


At the Bridge

Five Minutes Walk from Station.




Hot Luncheons



Separate Room for Country Weddings if Notice is Given.



Call at the

Portadown News Office.





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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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