Seagoe Archives

December 1936


December 1936

Seagoe Parish magazine.


We wish all our readers at Home and Abroad a Very

Happy Christmas and a Bright and Prosperous New year.


Rev. Chancellor Archer, B.D., The Rectory,


Rev. W. F. Hayes, B.A., The Bungalow, Lower

Seagoe, Portadown.


Rector's— Mr. ROBERT SCOTT.

People's—Mr. THOS. E. MAGINNIS.

The Magazine

have reached with this (December, 1936)

number the 12th complete number of the 31st

Volume of Seagoe Parish Magazine. This is a

fine record and implies 31 complete years of the

Magazine. Very few Parish Magazines enjoy

such a lengthened career. But we think Seagoe

Magazine has done unusually well. Its price is

twopence per copy, although during the War it

occasionally rose to sixpence. The Editor has

always given special attention to the local news,

and has always tried to keep it fresh and interesting.

Owing to the uncertain health of the

Rector it may not be possible to continue the


Advent, 1936

On Sunday, Nov. 29th, we entered upon the

season of Advent. This season brings us face to

face with great and important facts. These concern

the first and second coming of our Lord.

Advent is for each one of us a time of preparation

for the due celebration of the Christmas

Festival. The Church looks beyond that.

It calls upon its people in this season to meditate

upon our Lord's great promise of the future "To

come again.”

In view of this, the season's note

is Repentance and the need of a real preparation

in our hearts and lives. Special services are

held in the Parish Church on the Wednesdays in

Advent at 8 p.m.

The Advent Collect

Almighty God, give us grace that we may cast

away the works of darkness, and put upon us the

armour of light, now in the time of this mortal

life, in which Thy Son Jesus Christ came to visit

us in great humility; that in the last day, when

he shall come again in his glorious Majesty to

judge both the quick and the dead, we may rise

to the life immortal, through him who liveth and

reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, now and

ever. Amen.

Christmas Day

Christmas Day, the Feast of the Nativity,

Friday, December 25th, the following services

will be held:—

8 a.m.—Holy Communion.

11.30 a.m.—Morning Prayer, Sermon and Holy


The offerings on Christmas Day will be given

to the Fund for the relief of the Poor of the


New Year's Day

On January 1st, 1937, the Festival of the Circumcision,

the following Services will be held :—

11.30 a.m.—Holy Communion.

8 p.m.—Evening Prayer and Sermon.


The Festival of Christmas is marked annually

by a large attendance at the early Service of Holy

Communion. We hope that even greater numbers

will be present this year, including all our

Church Workers, and those who bear a responsible

part in the life of the Parish. It would be

a fitting occasion for all, who in the past have

neglected it, to avail themselves of this great

privilege and means of grace. In instituting this

Sacrament our Lords words to his followers

were :—" Do this in remembrance of me

often as ye eat this Bread and drink this cup ye

do show forth the Lord's death till He come. "


Levaghery Social

A very enjoyable social was held in the Levaghery

Schoolroom on Thursday, November

26th, at 7.30 p.m. It was organised by the senior

members of the Sunday School. The Hall was

brightly decorated. Tea and games were enjoyed.

It was a very pleasant evening. The proceeds

were on behalf of the Funds of the Sunday


Drumgor Carol Service

A Carol Service will held in

Church Hall on Sunday, December 13th, at 3.30.

The singing will be led by the children, who for

many weeks past have been practising for this occasion.

The Rev. Canon W. E. Hurst, Rector of

Moira, will preach. The collection will go towards

the Sunday School Fund.

Seagoe Mothers' Union

A meeting of the Mothers' Union was held

in Seagoe School on Tuesday, November

at 7.30. There was a large attendance of members.

The Rector presided. After tea, the Rector

gave an address on the subject of the Armistice.

He recorded rnany of his war-time experiences.

At the meeting held on Tuesday,

December 8th, the Rev. A. N. Parkinson, curate

of St. Marks, gave an address on the subject

of Advent.

Weekly Freewill Offerings

The new sets of Envelopes for 1937 are now

being distributed by the collectors of Sustentation.

It will be a great help to the W.F.O. Secretary

if you will please write your name on the

first envelope when you bring it in. There are

many new residents coming to the parish. They

will welcome a visit from the District Collectors.

Edenderry Harvest Service

Harvest Thanksgiving Services were held in

the Parochial Hall, Edenderry, on Sunday,

November 1st, at 3.30, and on the following Monday

at 8 p.m. The Hall had been very nicely

decorated by the superintendents and teachers

of the School. The Sunday service was conducted

by the Rector. The preacher was the

Rev. T. Martin, Curate of Clonallon, Warrenpoint.

The collection was on behalf of the

Parochial Hall Fund. On Monday evening the

preacher was the Rev. W. G. Kerr, Rector of

Mullabrack, Markethill. The offerings were for

Foreign Missions. There were large congregations

present at both services. The music was

exceptionally good. Miss Alice McDougall presided

at the Organ. The singig was led by a

large choir.

The Harvest Anthem “Honour the

Lord with thy substance" was rendered in a very

pleasing manner.

Annual Subscriptions

Subscriptions for the Sustentation Fund should

be sent in without delay as the accounts for the

year close on December 31st.

Armistice Day

On Wednesday, November 11th, Armistice

Day, at 10:45 a.m., a short Service was held in

the Church. The two minutes' silence was observed

at the Memorial Gates and Pillars. The

teachers and children from Seagoe P.E. School

were present. A wreath on behalf of the School

was laid by three senior pupils. The Service was

conducted by the Rev. W. F. Hayes.

Memorial Services

The Services in the Parish Church on Nov. 8th,

the Sunday previous to the anniversary of the

Armistice, were of a memorial nature. At Morning

prayer the members of the local Branch of

the British Legion paraded under Capt. It. Whitsitt.

The parade was headed by the Seagoe

C. L. B. Pipe Band. The Cadets and Training

Corps of the Seagoe Company of the Church

Lads' Brigade, under Capt. E. Mitchell and

Lieuts. J. and D. Allen were also present.

The Church was filled with people. The Service

opened with the singing of the National Anthem.

The names of the fifty-two men from the

Parish who fell in the Great War were read by

the Rector, who also preached. The collection

was on behalf of the Earl Haig Fund for ex-Servicemen.

Immediately after Morning Prayer

brief Service of Remembrance at the gates

held. The prayers were taken by the Rev.

F. Hayes. A wreath was laid at the Memorial

Pillars on behalf of the C. L. B. by Lance-Corporals

A Mawhinney and T. Lyness. The “Last

Post" and " Reveille” was sounded by Mr. J.

V. Killow.

The Parochial Hall, Edenderry

Minor repairs have been carried out in one

Parochial Hall. New caps have been placed

on the ventilators on the roof. The railing and

gates, damaged by a recent, motor accident, will

soon be ready for erection.


Parish Register for November.


The following were baptised in the Parish

Church on Nov. 7th, 1934:—

Dickie—Louisa, daughter of Francis Henry and

Rachel Dickie, of Edenderry.

Sponsors—Louisa Woods, Rachel Dickie.

Magee—Josephine Jessica, daughter of Joseph

William and Emma Elizabeth Magee,

of Kernan.

Sponsors—Margaret Magee, Emma Elizabeth


James Alexander, son of John and

Esther Hamilton Ramsey, of Kernan.

Sponsors—Johm Ramsey, Esther Hamilton



Rowland and Hutchinson—November 5th, 1936,

Robert James Rowland, of Portadown,

to Elizabeth Hutchinson, of Tarson.


Hoy—Nov. 1st, Anne Elizabeth Hoy, of Clanrole, aged 87 years.

Calvert—Nov. 17th, Sarah Calvert, of Edenderry, aged 82 years.

McKerr—Nov. 19th, Robert McKerr, of Drumgor, aged 85 years.

Atkinson—Nov. 26th, Gardiner Atkinson, of

Belfast, aged 50 years.

Smith-—Nov. 27th, Agnes Smith, of Belfast,

aged 75 years.


We record with regret a long list of burials.

Death during the month of November has taken

toll of many. The passing of Mrs. Hoy, of Clanrole,

removes from our midst one who was well

and much esteemed. She lived to a great

age. All her life she was resident; in the Parish.

She had many links with the past, which to the

end she could recall with great interest.

Mrs. Calvert, of Joseph St., was known to


She had been in failing health for

some time and passed away after a short illness.

The death of Robert McKerr, of Drumgor came

somewhat suddenly, following a slight accident.

He was an old resident and very popular in that

district. Gardiner Atkinson of Belfast, passed

away very suddenly in the prime of life, after a

few hours' illness. He was a former parishioner

and was well known by many in Seagoe.

We offer our sincere sympathy to all who have

been bereaved. They will find comfort in our

Lord s promise. "I will come again and receive

you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may

be also”

Bocombra Church

Subscribers to the Renovation of Bocombra Church Hall:—

Mr. H. M. Gibson £1 0 0

Mrs. D. G. Shillington £1 0 0

Mr. and Mrs. J. M'Dowell £1 0 0

Mr. S. Mc Cormick £0 10 0

Mr. Robt. Scott £0 10 0

Mr. and Mrs. James Twinem £0 10 0

Miss G. E. Atkinson £0 10 0

Mr. R. McC1ements £0 10 0

Mr. Wm. Sherman £0 10 0

Mr. Mitchell £0 10 0

Collecting Card of Miss Rhoda Hoy£0 10 0

Mr. John Sandford £0 5 0

Mr. J. H. Twinem £0 5 0

Jas. Green £0 5 0

Thos. E. Maginnis . £0 5 0

Mr. T. H. Hall £0 5 0

J. Stephens £0 5 0

Thos. Coulter £0 5 0

Mr. Thos. H. Wilson £0 5 0

Mr. Jas. Lewie £0 5 0

Mrs. Jas. Vance £0 5 0

Mr. John Dermott £0 5 0

Mr. John R. Reid £0 5 0

Miss Rebecca Calvert £0 5 0

Half Harvest Festival £0 6 6

Mr. Wm. Neill £0 5 0

Mr. Wolsey White £0 5 0

Miss Nora K. Montgomery £0 2 6

Mr. Victor Gordon £0 2 6

Miss M'Dowe11 £0 2 6

Mrs. Stanfield £0 2 6

Miss Dawson (High St.) £0 2 6

Mrs. Graham £0 2 0

Mr. T. Martin £0 2 6

Jas. Sands £0 2 6

Mr. Richard Hoy £0 2 6

John Reid (Bridge St.) £0 2 6

James Boyce, senr. £0 2 6

James Neill £0 2 6

Mr. Thos. M'Cormick £0 2 6

Moses Gilpin £0 2 6

David Kearns £0 2 6

James Allen £0 0 6

Total £12 19 6

Memorial Gifts Dedicated

In White Church, in the Parish of New Ross,

on Thursday, Dec. 6th, a memorial was dedicated

in memory of Mrs. Gibson, wife of the late Archdeacon

Gibson, Rector of New Ross. The memorial

was the gift of the parishioners, with

whom Mrs. Gibson had always been very popular.

It consisted of two Brass Book Rests for

use on the Holy Table. Mrs. Gibson during her

short residence at " Rathlin,' Edenderrv, was

well known to many in Seagoe.



Mr. R. McClements wishes to remind parishioners

that a few photos of floe Rector remain

for sale. These can be purchased at his residence

in Bridge Street.

Seagoe P.E. School

The annual inspection took place on Monday,

Dec. 3rd.

The inspectors present were Mr.

Harvey and Mr. Collins. They expressed high

appreciation of the work of the teachers and

children. The School closes for the Christmas

holidays on Tuesday, Dec. 22nd, and will re-open

on Monday, Jan. 4th, 1937.

The Rector acknowledges, with gratitude, a

gift of 10/- received from Miss Calvert towards

the usual Christmas treat for the School children.


The Lord Bishop of the Diocese of Down and

Connor and Dromore paid a visit to Seagoe on

Sunday, Dec. 6th, and preached at the Evening

Service in the Parish Church.

* * * *

A very good central heating system has been

installed in the Edenderry Orange Hall. The

members of the Seagoe Men's Bible Class greatly

appreciate this comfort.

The class is held in this

Hall each Sunday morning at 10.15,

The preacher in the Parish Church on Sunday

evening will be the Rev. Canon Hurst, M. A.

Rector of Moira.

The Seagoe Men's Bible Class has given a

subscription of a pound to the funds of the local

branch of the Queen's Nursing Association.

Many parishioners benefit from the Association.

The Bible Class is the only organisation in Seagoe

that gives an annual donation to this worthy


Special Christmas music appropriate for the

season will be given in the Parish Church on

Sunday, Dec. 20th. At the Evening Service

Carols will be sung.

During the lengthened periods of dense fog,

last month, many accidents occurred in the

Parish and neighbourhood. Fortunately those

involved escaped serious injury.

The annual C.L.B. concert will take place next

month. It promises to be a very interesting



BIBLE CLASS FOR MEN in Edenderry on

Sundays at 10 a m.

SUNDAY SCHOOLS 10 a m. Edenderry Parochial

Hall and Seagoe School. 3 p.m. Seagoe, Edenderry

Parochial Hall, Levaghery, Hacknahay, Carne,

Drumgor, Bocombra.

MOTHERS' UNION—2nd Tuesday of each month

at 7 30 p.m.

CHURCH LADS' BRIGADE in the Parochial Hall

on Tuesdays and Fridays.


Mondays at 8 p.m.

SEAGOE P.E. SCHOOL , 9-15 a.m. Principal—Mr.

R. Scott.

MARRIAGES must be performed between 8 a.m. and 3 p m Licenses are issued by Rev. Canon Hannon.

Rectory, Lurgan Due notice (48 hours) mus be given to the Rector of intended weddings. FEES— By License—

Labourers 5/- Tradesmen 10/- —, Merchants and Farmers 15/- ,Professional, £l. By Banns 5/-. FUNERALS will be attended by the Clergy if proper notice be given. SICK CASES should be notified to the Clergy without delay,

FEES FOR CERTIFICATES BAPTISM 3/7, Children (Factory) 1/- and 2/- (non-residents); MARRAGE 3/7.

It will be a help to the Clergy if they are notified of the

An extra Search Fee is chargeable in certain cases

arrival of new Church families in the Parish.

A copy of the Magazine will be sent post free to any subscriber for 3/- per anunm.


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Seagoe Archives


Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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