Seagoe Archives

December 1937


December 1937

Seagoe Parish Magazine.



REV. J. W. APPELBE, M.A., B.D., Carrickblacker Ave.

REV. W. F. HAYES, B.A., L.Th., The Bungalow,

Lower Seagoe.


Rector's – JOHN H. TWINEM.






December 1st—Mid-week Advent Service in Church at 8 p.m.

December 5th—2nd Sunday in Advent.

December 6th—G.F.S.

December 7th—Service in Bocombra Hall at 8 p.m.

December 8th—Advent Mid-week Service in Church at 8 p.m

December 12th—3rd Sunday in Advent.

December 14th—Mothers' Union Meeting.

December 15th—Advent Mid-week Service in Church at 8 p.m.

December 19th—4th Sunday in Advent.

December 21st—St. Thomas.

December 25th—Christmas Day.

Holy Communion at 8 a.m.

Morning Prayer and Holy Communion 11.30 a.m.

December 26th—1st Sunday after Christmas, Carol Service at 7 p.m.

December 27th—St. John

Jan. lst, 1938—Holy Communion.

Jan. 3th—Play (written and produced by Miss Ashdown).


Almighty God, give us grace that we may cast away

the works of darkness, and put upon us the armour of

light, now in the time of this mortal life, in which

thy Son Jesus Christ came to visit us in great

humility, that in the last day when He shall come

again in His glorious Majesty to judge both the quick

and the dead, we may rise to the life immortal,

through Him who liveth and reigneth with thee and

the Holy Ghost, now and ever. Amen.

This is the collect, which is used each Sunday in

Advent, and it stresses very strongly the note that

should be in our minds at this season of the year.

Advent is not only the beginning of the Church's year,

but it is the time, when we are bidden to think

seriously of the " comings" of our Lord Jesus Christ,

first as a little Child to save us, and secondly as our

Judge. This season has been observed by Christians

since the fourth century, and just as the Season of

Lent, is meant to help us to prepare for Good Friday

and Easter Day, so Advent is meant to help us to prepare

for the great festival of Christmas. It is one of

the mission seasons in the Church's calendar. when

we are called to view ourselves in relation to Christ.

Has it made any difference to us that He came down

to this world to suffer and to die and then to rise

victoriously that He might live in us and work through

us by the power of His Spirit? Have we even partially

realised that, when we shall stand before His

judgment seat, as we all one day must, what He will

look for in us is an account of our stewardship here

in this world, the use we made of His gifts of grace

to enable us to do His will? is it not a sad fact that

there are many so-called Christians who have never

fully realised that the one supreme end in life is

the knowing and doing of God's will as He has revealed

it to us in Christ. How very few of us when

put to the test really put God first; yet unless we put

Him first, life is a failure and we are missing the joy

of knowing that we are fulfilling our high destiny

which is nothing less than this :—that we can and

must co-operate with Him in establishing His Kingdom

in our own lives and in the sphere where our

earthly lot is cast. How can we co-operate with Him

if we do not come to Him in worship? Here is one

of the many reasons why we should try to use our

mid-week services in Advent, as well as our Sunday

Services, they will help us to realise that the only

thing that matters is our relationship to Christ, per-

haps, too, they will help us to see more clearly His

vision for ourselves and for the world. Unless we come

to Him, He cannot come into our hearts, and if He

cannot come into our hearts then His first coming

will have been in vain for us and His second coming

will be a terror from which we will shrink, and not

as it should be, a time of rejoicing.


Bocombra—Tuesday, December 7th, at 8 p.m.

Drumgor—Sunday, December 12th, at 3 p m. (Carol Service).

Edenderry—Sunday, December 19th, at 8.30 p.m. (Carol Service).

Hacknahay—December 26th, at 3.30 p.m.


The clergy will be glad to hear of any aged or infirm parishioners

who would like a private celebration of the Holy Communion

in their homes at Christmas.

Anyone desiring this can let the Rector or Mr. Hayes

know and they will be very pleased to make arrangements for it.


There will be Holy Communion on Christmas Day,

Saturday, December 25th, at 8 a m., and after Morning

Prayer at 11.30 a.m. We hope that every Communicant

in our parish will make a special effort to

be present at one of these services. How better could

any Christian thank God for His inestimable gift of

His Son, how better can we thank our Lord Himself

for His love and sacrifice in coming down to this world

of sin and sorrow, than by meeting Him at His board

as He has bidden us to do? Christmas is a time of

joy festivities and children's fun, but these are only

the husk of the grain; the kernel is that at a certain

point in time God came down in Christ " for us men

and for our salvation" to rescue us from sin and death.

This is why we give gifts at this season. By these

actions we are reflecting dimly the Divine Giver, Who

gave His Son. If we grasp this then surely we will

want to give ourselves to Him in return, keeping

nothing back, surely then we will not keep back our

worship on Christmas Day.


Our readers will remember that in the October issue

of this Magazine the unsatisfactory state of our finances

was pointed out and it was shown that the

Parish at that date was in debt to the bank by a

sum amounting to almost £80. Until this debt was

liquidated the chances of our income balancing our

expenditure were greatly lessened. However, a splendid

lead has been given to put an end to this unsatisfactory

state of affairs by Mr. J. H. Twinem, and we

are deeply grateful to him, and to those, who are so

generously responding to his appeal to wipe out this

debt. We print below the names of those who have

helped. In our next issue we hope to print further

acknowledgements, which, we hope, will show that Mr.

Twinem has achieved his object.

Subscribed up to date to wipe out overdraft in bank:

£2—Misses Atkinson, Miss R. Calvert

£1—Mr. H, Murray Gibson, Rev. J. W. Appelbe,

M.A., Mr. C. Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mitchell,

Mrs. Dawson, Mr. Samuel Walker, Mr. T. E. Maginnis,

Mr. W Sherman.

10/- —Mr. Jacob Sandford, Mr. James Shanks, Mr.

T. H. Wilson, Mr. Tom Rocke, Mrs. Jas Twinem, Mr

James Twinem, Mrs. Archer, Mr. Douglas Stoops, Mr.

Colthurst, Mr. E. A. Pickering, Misses Montgomery,

Mr. George Gracey, Mr David A. Rocke, Miss

M'Dowell, Mr. Dick Forsythe, Mr Isaac Walker, Mr.

James Atkinson, Miss L. Gracey (Drumgor), Mr. E.

Betty, Mr. W. A. Casey, Mr. Alfred M'Loughlin, Mr.

Harry Maxwell, Misses Monroe, Miss D. Montgomery,

Mrs. James Craig, Mrs. J. W. Mayes, Mrs. W. J

McDowell, Mr. Sam Jennett, Miss Sarah Montgomery,

Mr. James M'Murray, Mrs Lewie, Mrs. Margaret

Porter, Mrs. Thomas Shanks, Mr. John Sandford, Mr.

Lewis Gilpin, Mr. Dick Robinson, Mrs. Wortley, Mr.

Sam Abraham, Mr. R. Wolsey, Mrs. W J. Cox, Mr.

J. England, Mr. George Steenson, Mr. John Lynass,

Mr. John E. Lavery, Mrs. Hunniford, Mr T. H. Walker,

Mr. W. Parks, Mr. James Boyce.

5/- —Mr. John Ramsey, Mr. James Sands, Mr. John

England, Mrs Preston, Mr. W. J. England, Mr. N.

Campbell, Mrs. W. Best, Mr. John Montgomery, Miss

Hall, Mr W. E. Greeves, Mrs. Bobbie McCormick, Mr.

Dick Hoy, Mr. Joseph Fletcher, Mr. Isaac Clayton,

Pettigrew, Mr S. McCoo.

3/6—Mrs. D. Kyle.

2/6—Miss M. Twinem, Mr. W Hall, -Mrs. Adams,

Mr. G. Wilson, Miss M. Campbell, Mrs. Anderson,

Robert Lynass, Mr. James McBride, Mr J. Flannigan,

Mr. H. Bell, Mrs. Dundas.

2/- —Mrs. F. Girvan, Mrs. Nixon.

1/- —Mrs. McClure, Mr Tom Breen.

Total—£41 17s 0d.


The financial year for Seagoe Parish ends on

December 31st, and on that date the accounts for the

year will be closed. All annual subscribers to the Sustentation

are reminded that their subscriptions must

be paid to the Treasurer before December 31st to ensure

acknowledgement in the Parish Financial Report

for 1937, which will be printed in January.

The annual envelopes for 1937 are in the hands of

the distributors since the middle of November, so we

hope that they will have been delivered in good time.

The 1938 Weekly Freewill Offering Envelopes have

also been sent to the distributors so that each subscriber

may have his or her set in good time for the

New Year, i.e., the first Sunday in January, 1938.

Any parishioners, who are wage earners, and who

have not received a set of envelopes should communicate

with the Secretary, Mr. Moses Gilpin, or Mr. R.

Scott, Hon. Treasurer, and they will receive a set. The

Jews of old gave a tenth to God, every Christian

should at least contribute a little to God's work in

proportion to his substance, according as God has

blessed him. The W.F.O. system helps us, when we

use it, to do this regularly


The members of the choir were most hospitably

entertained to tea by Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Wilson,

on Tuesday, November 16th, in Seagoe School. After

tea, all present took part in the ever-popular games,

and the party came to a close by the singing of "Auld

Lang Syne." The Rector, on behalf of all present,

conveyed their best thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Wilson

for their kindness.



A much enjoyed social was held in the Levaghery

on Thursday, November 11th, at 8 p.m. It was

organised by the Superintendent and teachers

of the Sunday School, assisted by the Edenderry

Morning teachers. As is usual there, the

room was tastefully decorated. A very nice tea

served to a merry crowd of young people,

chiding Mr. and Mrs. James Gillespie. During the

course of the evening Mrs. Gillespie, formerly Miss

Sophie Jennett, was the recipient of two handsome

presents. On behalf of the Levaghery Superintendent,

teachers and children, Miss Bradshaw presented a

comfortable fireside chair as a token of their good

wishes. From the Edenderry Morning Sunday School

Miss Jean Watters presented a handsome silver

cake basket. Mr. Stanfield and Mr. McClements expressed

their appreciation of the unfailing support

given, for many years, by Mrs. Gillespie in both the

Sunday Schools mentioned. In the unavoidable absence

of the Rector, the Rev. W. F Hayes paid tribute

to the interest Mrs. Gillespie had taken not only in

the Sunday Schools but in other sides of parish work.

Mrs. Gillespie acknowledged the gifts, and her hus-

band expressed their gratitude for the good wishes

and kindness which these represented. The usual

games were played. Solos were sung by Miss Grace

Robinson, Mr. Joe Hynes and Mr. H. M'Neill. The

happy evening terminated with the singing of the

National Anthem ( W.F.H.)


These services in Edenderry Parochial Hall were

well attended and the singing was greatly helped by

our Hon. organist, Miss McDougall, and the junior


As the customary Services Will be held in the Parish

Church in Advent, these will not be held in Edenderry

during that time, but will be resumed in

Edenderry again after Christmas, commencing (D.V )

on Wednesday, January 12th, at 8 p.m.


There will be a Carol Service in Edenderry

Parochial Hall on Sunday evening, December 19th„ at

8.30 p.m., and in the Parish Church on Sunday, December 26th, at 7 p.m.


This is now on sale, price 2d, at Mrs. Vance's, Bridge

St., and at Miss Agnes Guy's, Lower Seagoe. There is

only a limited number available, so no time should be

lost in securing copies to avoid disappointment.


The commemoration of the cessation of hostilities

in the Great War has come and gone once more. As

usual, it was observed with the fitting solemnity it so

rightly deserves. At Seagoe Parish Church on Sunday

morning, November 7th, the local branch of the

British Legion paraded under the command of Major

Shillington, M.P The Seagoe branch of the C.L.B.

paraded, also under Captain Mitchell, and the C.L.B.

Band led the procession to and from the Church. A

substantial collection was taken up at this service in

aid of the Earl Haig Poppy Day Fund.

After the service in Church a short service was held

at the Parish War Memorial at the Church gates and

a wreath was laid by the C.L.B.

Seagoe had also the honour of being represented

at the Cenotaph Service in Belfast on November 11th. ,

when the Rev. W F. Hayes, B.A., Assistant Chaplain

to Seagoe C.L.B., and Lieut. Jos Hynes laid a wreath

on behalf of the C.L.B.


Those teachers who attended the Sunday School

Conference in Lurgan on 6th November were well rewarded

by being privileged to take part in a most

inspiring service in Shankill Parish Church, when a

very helpful address was given on Sunday School work

by the Rev. W. H. Good, M.A., Rector of Christ

Church, Lisburn. After the service, we adjourned to

the Parochial Hall, where we listened to two challenging

addresses by Miss Millington, of the Sunday School

Society of Ireland, who is an expert on this side of

the Church's work. Her words were sincere and practical

and we left with a new vision of the worthwhileness

of this great, but sometimes difficult, work.

On Monday, November 8th, the Sunday School

teachers of Seagoe met in Seagoe School for a social

reunion. At this meeting we had the privilege of hearing

Miss Millington again speaking on the " Aims and

Ideals" of a Sunday School teacher. Her helpful

words should prove an inspiration to us all as we face

our work of helping the young to be good soldiers of

Jesus Christ. After the talk, tea was served and then

games were played and enjoyed until it was time to go


A Suggestion to Sunday School Teachers and Superintendents.

The aim of our Sunday School work is that we are

trying to bring our young people to know and love

their Saviour, Jesus Christ. so that they may be workers,

witnesses and worshippers. Every child in our

Sunday Schools should be encouraged to become a

regular worshipper in God's House on Sundays, and

they should be taught, and this is especially true in

the case of those who are old enough to attend Church,

that worshipping in God's House is far more important

than going to Sunday School, important and helpful

as this is.

To encourage the habit of attending Church we

should revise our system of marking in all our Sunday

Schools, and here is a suggestion, which if adopted

would make for greater efficiency :—Instead of giving

one mark each Sunday to each child, make the mark

for each Sunday 5; give 1 for attendance, 1 for being

in time, 1 for knowing the repetition word perfect, and

2 for being present at Church the previous Sunday.

Of course it would be unreasonable to mark infant or

junior classes this way, but it should be used in all

classes where the children are nine years or over.



There was a splendid attendance at the monthly

meeting held in Seagoe School on November 9th, when

a splendid address was given to the mothers by Mrs.

Davison on the importance of little things

The next meeting will take place on fuesday, December

14th, at 7.30 p m. , when Mrs. Richardson, of

Furlough, Mullahead, Tandragee, has kindly promised

to give the address.


As we go to Press the G.F.S. Conference in Lurgan

is drawing near, and we hope that a 'bus load will

travel from Seagoe branch. An account of the conference

will appear in our next issue.

The G.F. S. Badminton Club has proved quite a

success, and Mrs. Mitchell's labours for its welfare

have been well rewarded.

We are deeply indebted to Miss Topsy Wilson for so

kindly volunteering to help the C.F S. by forming a

singing class for the members. We expect great

things from it under Miss Wilson's capable guidance.


We are glad that so many have commenced already

to use the box in the main porch for their W.F.O.

envelopes. A similar one is being provided for the

side porch.


We are grateful to the Rev. G. Howe Daunt for £l

received at the Harvest Festival Service for the

Armagh Protestant Orphan Society.


Our parishioners will be glad to learn that a chair

belonging to Bishop Saurin, which was purchased by

Mrs. Gerald Atkinson, Corcrain House, at the late

Chancellor Archer's auction, has been presented by

her to Seagoe Parish Church. Mrs Atkinson has had

the chair polished and reconditioned at her own

expense and we are deeply grateful to her for her kind

thought and generous action. The chair will be placed

in the chancel in a few weeks' time.

James Saurin was consecrated Bishop of Dromore

on December 19th, 1819. Bishop Saurin died at

Kingstown, Co. Dublin, on April 9th, 1832, and

buried in St. Anne's, Dublin, on 13th April, when

See of Dromore was united with Down and Connor

under the provisions of the Church Temporalities Act

and the then Bishop of Down became diocesan of

Dromore. It is interesting that Seagoe should have an

article of furniture belonging to the last Bishop of

Dromore when it was an independent Diocese. The

chair is of peculiar interest to Seagoe people for

another reason, viz.—Bishop Saurin's son, the Ven

Jas. Saurin, Archdeacon of Dromore, was Rector

Seagoe from 1827 to 1879. Archdeacon Saurin is

remembered by some of our parishioners in Seagoe.

His predecessor in Seagoe was the Rev. Stewart

Blacker, and his successor was the late Dean Dawson.

Archdeacon Saurin died at Warrenpoint on the 11th

May, 1879. and was buried at Seagoe on May 14th

that year.


A play written and produced by Miss Ashdown (a

former choir member, who has gone to live in

Lisburn with her family) will be given on the 6th January,

1938. Our readers are asked to keep this date in

view; rehearsals have been in progress for many weeks

and we are looking forward with interest to its

production. Further details wiJ1 be announced in our

next issue.


" Suffer little children to come unto Me, and forbid

them not, for of such is the Kingdom of God."

November 7th—Robert, son of William and Anna

McClements, Lisnamallard, Omagh.

November 7th—John Nesbitt, son of Thomas Dale and

Annie Elizabeth Rae, Tamnificarbet.


" Those whom God hath joined together let no man

put asunder."

November 27th—William James Bennett, Knockmena,

and Margaret Anne Wilson, Lisniskey.


HOLY COMM UNION—1st Sunday after Morning

Prayer; 3rd Sunday at 8 a.m., and on the Chief


HOLY BAPTISM—1st Sunday of each Month at 4

p.m., and during any Service in the Parish Church,

notice be given ; Two Sponsors at least are

and they must be Confirmed Members of the Church,

Churchings are held at each Baptism Mothers are

expected to bring a thankoffering. (See Book of

Common Prayer )

MORNING PRAYER—Sundays and Chief Festivals,

11 30 a m.

EVENING PRAYER—Sundays, 7 pm.


Hacknahay—Last Sunday of Month at 3-30 p,m.

Drumgor—Second Sunday of Month at 4 p.m.

Edenderry—Services as announced.


BIBLE CLASS FOR MEN in Edenderry on

Sundays at 10-15 a m.

SUNDAY SCHOOLS 10 a.m. Edenderry Parochial

Hall and Seagoe School. 3 p.m. Seagoe, Edenderry

Parochial Hall, Levaghery, Hacknahay, Carne,

Drumgor, Bocombra.

MOTHERS' UNION—2nd Tuesday of each month

at 7-30 p.m.

CHURCH LADS' BRIGADE in the Parochial Hall

on Tuesdays and Fridays.


alternate Mondays at 8 p.m.

SEAGOE P.E. SCHOOL, 9-15 a.m. Principal—Mr.

R. Scott.

MARRIAGES must be performed between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m.

Licenses are issued by Ven. Archdeacon Hannon

Rectory, Lurgan. Due notice (48 hours) must be given to the

Rector of intended weddings FEES—BY License—

Labourers 5/-, Tradesmen 10/-, Merchants and Farmers 15/-,

Professional El. By Banns 5/-. FUNERALS will be

attended by the Clergy if proper notice be given.

SICK CASES should be notified to the Clergy without delay.


1/- and 2/- (non residents); MARRIAGE 3/7.

An extra Search Fee is chargeable in certain cases.

It will be a help to the Clergy if they are notified of the

arrival of new Church families in the Parish.

A copy of the Magazine will be sent by post to any subscriber for 3/- per annum.


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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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