Seagoe Archives

Dec 2020


Dec 2020

Winter 2020 Welcoming | Growing | Encouraging | Serving Imagine a year has passed since we last produced a Church magazine!! As far as | am aware there has never been a break production since the first magazine was produced in 1906. For many years now we have produced four magazines per year. Despite two World Wars, and many other major events, | think it is true to say that this past year has been, as we are tired of hearing, unprecedented! The Easter edition was in preparation when we learned that the whole nation would have to go into ‘lockdown’ due to the Covid-19 virus pandemic. As infection and death rates rose steadily, not only in the UK but throughout the world, our nation followed the precedent of others in requiring all non-essential retail, Churches and so on to close; people were to stay at home and only go out for a short period of exercise near their homes each day. As a result, both magazine production and its distribution became impossible. Churches very quickly had to respond to this new situation of not being allowed to gather together. As mentioned elsewhere in this magazine, a new way of ‘doing Church’ had to emerge promptly to enable us to continue to connect with one another. Thanks to a small, dedicated team, we developed new ways to keep in touch using technology. We are indebted to those involved for their time, patience and willingness to use their expertise. Some of the most difficult effects of lockdown restrictions for clergy were that we were not permitted to visit people in their homes or in hospital, nor to conduct services, including funerals and weddings. Tragically, when families were bereaved, all we could offer was a phone call to express sympathy and then to gather with no more 13th December 6.00pm 20th December 10.30am 10.45am 7.00pm Christmas Eve 11.00pm Christmas Day 9.00am 10.30am 27th December 10.30am New Year’s Eve 11.30pm everyone a The staff at the Parish wish a bisede ew Year St. Patrick's Carol Service Seagoe Nativity Service Family Nativity Gathering Carols by Candlelight Holy Communion Holy Communion in the Parish Centre Christmas Family Service Morning Worship Watchnight by Candlelight Christmas and than 10 people for no longer than 15 minutes at a graveside to conduct a committal. Churches, and even family, were not permitted to publicise funeral arrangements, to avoid crowds gathering. Similarly we had some weddings that had to be postponed, and in fact one wedding has had to be postponed twice due to the second period of restriction in October. Whilst these situations were disturbing for Clergy, they were horrendous for bereaved families and those planning to marry, so please continue to pray for them. The ongoing effects of Covid 19 continue to impact our lives, and will do so for some time to come. Many have suffered much from the impact of loss of connection and loneliness due to isolation; fears over loss of employment and income; sickness due to people having contracted the virus. Unfortunately the Clergy have had to bury a number of people who have died as a result of having contracted Corona virus. Again, please remember those who continue to suffer as a result of Covid 19. Whilst not seeking to diminish the very real difficulties that many people have faced, and will face in moving forward through this pandemic, | think it brings us very clearly back to the realisation that we are totally dependent upon God for everything. This time last year the world was ‘normal’ and we all just got on with our lives, but how quickly we learned that life can change overnight and that the certainties we take for granted are in fact not certain at all. Nothing is guaranteed to us, not even the breath we take-as unfortunately those who have died of Covid have found out. The only real certainty is God: He is the great unchangeable. Nothing can take away from who He is nor the loving way He chooses to relate to us. Perhaps one verse ‘Christthe King' SLURS in the wing reinforces this, Heb 13.8 ‘jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. He truly is Christ the King, reigning for eternity. In the midst of an uncertain life and world we are designed to relate to, and to depend upon, God. Acts 17.28 reinforces how our lives are designed to find security by being integrated into God's unchangeable security: ‘For in him we live and move and have our being’ We may not have realised that things could change so dramatically this year, but actually things can change even more dramatically for all of us in an instant. The great Good News of this time of year is that God has come among us and seeks to made His dwelling with us so that we can relate to Him and He to us. God with us, Emmanuel. All that we have to do is to simply turn away from living in our own strength and open ourselves to receive Him. | strongly encourage you to do so, that confident in His utter dependability you may ‘Be Joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer’ Rom 12.12 as you journey on into the New Year. God bless you now and always, /eren Ce Smo. 1A OL Inorcla ene RECTOR Rev. Canon Terence Cadden 8 Upper Church Lane, Portadown Tel: 3833 2538 Mob: 078 9498 7702 Email: 149 Kernan Hill Manor Portadown Mob: 077 3918 1466 Email: Two Free Fundraisin opportunities as you shop. ‘Give as You Live’ provides some tz ) Give as you Live” great opportunities for you to add - to the funds of Seagoe Parish at no additional cost to you whilst you shop! All you have to do is to sign up to Seagoe Parish on Give as You Live or you can click on the button on our webpage Anyone can sign up, so you Can invite all your friends to support us in this way. (You will also note a direct giving button on our website that allows anyone to donate to the parish directly from our website.) If you use ‘Amazon Smile’ rather than simply ‘Amazon’ they will donate 0.5% of your spend to a charity of your choice; we encourage you to choose Seagoe Parish Church. amazon Thank you to everyone who so generously brought items for the Toy Appeal to the Parish Centre. We missed being able to receive the toys in Church, but nonetheless the toys have been gathered in and passed on for distribution. Please continue to remember those who will receive them this Christmas. Shoe Box Appeal Every year at Christmas, we gift a shoebox full of goodies to over 800 kids. But this year because of COVID and other factors, they won't be able to be shipped over from Northern Ireland. So, Claire & team have decided to get creative and make their own gift packages in the Philippines! | guess we could call it "a new normal.’ They reckon each box will cost around 1000 pesos/£15/$20 to make and they are aiming to make around 200 boxes for the kids of Helping Hands, the kids confined at Baguio General Hospital on Christmas Day and the kids of a few of our local Baguio based partner agencies. Claire sends her love to you all and has asked me to pass on her thanks for your kind donations that have been made, so from Claire at HHHH & myself ..."Thank You". Let's keep the kids smiling this Christmas as we celebrate Jesus and the true gift He is to us all. OUTREACH WORKER Rey. Jim Fleming 145 Princess Way Portadown, BT 63 5EL Mob: 07954994749 Email: YOUTH LEADER Noel Metcalfe IN CHARGE Edwina Livingstone Mob: 07833668684 Boyd McClurg Seagoe Youth Group Office: 38350583 Killicomaine Youth Centre Tel: 3833 5279 Tel: 3839 4441 Seagoe Youth Group email: SEAGOE Office: PARISH 3835 0583 OFFICE Email: 46 Seagoe Road, Portadown BT63 5HW = Office Opening Facebook: omaine Hours: seagoeparish Youth Yam Centre - 3839 12 4441 noon | seac@e L__ ° , | oon ; oS : SERVICE TI MBs ~~ — \ ot . CHURCH SERVICES Churches are due to reopen for corporate worship on Sunday 13th December, but beyond that we are not sure what might be permitted, therefore the pattern of services may change. Please keep an eye to Seagoe's website and facebook page for changes. Unfortunately we still can only use the Church for one service each morning so we have not been able to reinstate the 9.00am service yet. However there will be a 9.00am Holy Communion in the Parish Centre on Christmas morning. Services in Ardmore Parish Church continue each Sunday at noon. DEC 10.30am 10.45am 6.00pm Parish Centre St. Patrick’s Except Seagoe in bold SUNDAY Bth Morning Worship Family Gathering Carol Service SUNDAY 20th Worship with children’s Family Nativity 7.00pm Seagoe Nativity video Carols by Candlelight CHRISTMAS EVE 24th 11.00pm Seagoe Thursday Christmas Holy Communion CHRISTMAS DAY 25th 9.00am Holy Communion in the Parish Centre No service Friday 10.30am Christmas Family Service in Church SUNDAY 27th Morning Worship No Service NEW YEAR'S EVE 31st 11.30pm Seagoe Thursday Watchnight Service 2021 JAN 10.30am 6.00pm St. Patrick's SUNDAY 3rd Family Service Evening Worship SUNDAY 10th Morning Worship Family Gathering Holy Communion SUNDAY 17th Morning Worship Family Gathering Evening worship | Café Church in Quiet Room y SUNDAY 24th Holy Communion Family Gathering Evening worship SUNDAY 31st Morning Worship Family Gathering Evening Worship FEB 10.30am 6.00pm St. Patrick’s SUNDAY 7th Family Service Family Gathering Evening Worship SUNDAY 14th Morning Worship Family Gathering Holy Communion Ash Wednesday 7th SUNDAY 21st Morning Worship in Church Family Gathering Evening worship Café Church in Quiet Room SUNDAY 28th Holy Communion Family Gathering Evening worship / MAR SUNDAY 7th Family Service Family Gathering Evening Worship MOTHERING 14th Mothering Sunday Service Family Gathering Holy Communion SUNDAY SUNDAY 2Ist Holy Communion Family Gathering Evening worship Café Church in Quiet Room * PALM SUNDAY 28th Palm Sunday Service Family Gathering Evening worship ‘+ Re SEQ TF Refurbishment and development lam sure you are wondering what has been happening in regard to the replacement of our heating system and the refurbishment of the Church interior. Again, due to Covid, things have not progressed as rapidly as we might have wished, but progress is being made. Clyde Markwell, the architect we have worked with for many years, has not only sent documentation to the Vestry, but has also addressed the Vestry at a special meeting in the Church building to point out some of the items being discussed. The Vestry is continuing to work through options and potential cost implications and hopes to progress towards more concrete proposals in the new year. Thank you for your patience and prayers. Covid Stewarding Team The Government announced that Churches could reopen from 27th June, and soon afterwards e-mail after e-mail arrived on the Rector's computer concerning guidelines for re-opening. There was so much to consider in order to comply with the guidelines, but more importantly to ensure that we could offer people the best worship experience in the safest manner possible. The Rector asked Stuart to chair a working group to guide us through the process and to review the situation on an ongoing basis. After much discussion a way forward was found and a video produced to guide parishioners through the process. A team of volunteers was trained to be Stewards to help fellow parishioners. Thank you to Stuart, his working group, the Stewarding team and to everyone else who so willingly complied with the process, from socially distanced queueing to enter the building, contact tracing, sanitising, being guided to a suitable seat, face covering etc. The situation evolved over time from having no singing permitted to having gentle singing with face covering and back to no singing!! Everyone's patient cooperation to keep us all safe has been much appreciated. Stuart and his team will continue to revise all that we do until, God willing, their guidance is needed no more. Killicomaine Community Church Update Standing at the start of 2020 none of us could have imagined what lay ahead. Our ‘normal’ Church Plant outreach of CAP Job Club, Mens’ Club, Alpha Courses and Sunday evening gathering has been badly interrupted. We actually had an Alpha Course organised for the Community Centre in April but that had to be abandoned due to lockdown. However, isn’t it amazing how God can turn diversity into many good things? Our planned Alpha Course ended up becoming the first Down and Dromore Diocese Online Alpha Course with an average weekly attendance of around fifty people, of whom seven of those went on to make first time decisions to follow Jesus! Praise God! Post lockdown we have been able to resume most of our activities and even set up anew Womens’ Club which meets in the Community Centre on Monday mornings. Looking ahead into 2021 we are planning to launch a new CAP Life Skills Course and be able to get fully back to our full programme of activities in the area. Ordination of Jim Fleming On 6 September our Community Outreach Worker, Jim Fleming, was Ordained as a Deacon (Ordained Local Ministry) for Killicomaine at Willowfield Parish in Belfast. The service in was conducted by our Bishop, the Rt Revd David McClay. Jim has been undertaking theological studies for several years and will complete these in May 2021 with Ordination to Presbyter to look forward to next summer. For more details contact Jim om 07954994749 or ANNUAL VESTRY MEETING ida dh audi | of the Projection in Church te a: 1. a | See “ Over the nar Carn Hall Sold Some of s ar our older parishioners will remember the Church Hall at Carn being used for services and other activities. Due to a changing dynamic and people's ability to travel, the hall was used less and less until it finally stopped being used at all. For many years the hall has lain derelict and its condition has deteriorated. A few years ago new housing was built on the land surrounding the hall and recently the Select Vestry availed of the opportunity to sell the hall and small plot of land. The funds raised have been added to the funds of the Parish. We are extremely grateful to members of the Costello family for the gift of the land and hall for the benefit of Seagoe Parish, and to his descendants for their agreement to the Select Vestry’s wish to sell the hall and to put the funds to Parish use. An article from the January 1929 magazine provides some helpful insights into the history of the hall: A Generous Gift. The Costello family in Carne, through their representative, Mr. Hugh Costello (who is acting as executor for his mother, the late Mrs. Costello) are making a very generous gift to the Parish of Seagoe. The building usually known as Carne Church Hall was built on part of the farm of the late Mr. Atkinson Costello. Although in constant use by the Church it was actually the private property of the Costello family. The farm is now about to be auctioned and the family are handing the Hall and the ground on which it stands over to the Parish as a free gift. We, on behalf of the Parishioners, express our sincere thanks to Mr. Hugh Costello and the members of the family for this generous gift. The late Mr. Atkinson Costello, who built the Hall, was a most devoted Churchman and filled the office of Churchwarden on several occasions and was for many years a member of the Select Vestry. =~ SEAGWE S Internet sensations!! : An extremely steep learning curve was journeyed along as the f Clergy and a small team of dedicated people worked to enable ws access to Church worship and other online gatherings during the “_° lockdown period. Very little notice of Churches having to close TA Se was given, and so no preparation time was possible for the major game = : 5 ; work of producing online and other resources. Over the weeks and months we learned new techniques, and | hope you will agree the quality of our productions increased. In addition to our Sunday services we were indebted to Keith Livingstone and his team of Sunday Light Leaders for their similar tasks in producing weekly online presentation for our Sunday Light children. The Café Youth Church Team also produced an online programme for those who normally attend. And of course there was the much loved Coffee with the Curate!!! Everyone involved deserves our admiration and thanks, but it is only fair to single out David Kerr who has, and continues to, put in many hours in pulling it all together for online posting and then Seagoe Parish ec producing and duplicating DVDs and CDs. Thank you so much David. Stuart's Trip to the States Back in early March, in what seems like another life, | was preparing to fly off again to Las Vegas to spend some time with Corin and her family. At the time there was some talk about a novel ‘coronavirus’. Indeed, | had first seen news reports about this new disease in early January, and being an avid news channel hopper, | had heard much of this new virus. Enough, that | had taken some advice from my travel insurer, and from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, to know that | was ok to travel. So | packed my bags, | caught my jet plane (well a couple, as | flew through London) and when | landed in Vegas and switched on my phone, | received a message from Corin which started, ‘...not to freak you out but Trump just placed a travel ban on Europe...! It turned out that the US government had banned all travel from Europe whilst | was in the air, and would ban travel from the UK only a week later. Yet | was in Vegas, | was safe, and | had prepared for an eventuality like this. For those who know me well enough, you'll know | like to plan for contingencies, and so this news didn't ‘freak me out’ that much. St. Patrick’s day, American style! = Mytime with Corin and her family was a nice break away. Yet even Las Vegas, the ‘entertainment capital of the world’, was starting to suffer the consequences of this new disease, now a pandemic by this point. By the start of my second week there, Las Vegas was largely shutting down. The Strip would be deserted! For those who have been to Vegas, you know how strange a sight that will have been. The Las Vegas Strip is a constant hive of activity. And to see empty streets was something even Las Vegans were amazed at. This all meant that the remainder of my stay was largely spent in the suburbs, with Corin and her family. | had no real complaints, for Corin’s mother is like me-she liked to plan for contingencies and had a mountain of water bottles, cereals and other dried foods. The highlights of the second part of my stay, after the shut down order came into effect (on St. Patrick's day no less!) were the trips to the local garage with Corin and her dog, Bear. Yet it was a blessed time. Until my flights started to get cancelled! | was about halfway through my trip when | received a notification that my flights home had been cancelled. Even Harrods in Heathrow was shut! When | got in touch, there was much confusion as to whether | could fly home or not. | was initially told that the earliest flights home were not until the middle of April, nearly four weeks away! In the end, and after several flights being cancelled, | did fly out, a week later than when | was originally due to fly home. The journey home was certainly the long way back. | ended up passing through four airports and flying on three planes, with most of them being empty! The airports too were eerily quiet. | was truly shocked when | got to Heathrow. It was like a ghost town. People seemed so down and dispirited. It was at this point, and during my drive home from the airport, that | realised the true magnitude of what was going on in the UK. We were in total lockdown and would be for the better part of three months. Yet in this difficult time, | remembered the words of the Psalmist when he wrote ‘I lift up my eyes to the mountains-where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth (Ps. 121: 1-2). Former parishioner appointed as Bishop ministry A trip to Red Rock Canyon inspired this picture verse. This has truly been an I LIFT UP MY EYES TO THE unusual year. Tercocitaninas. One that many | COMES FROM THE LORD, THE of us will MAKER OF HEAVEN AND EARTH. PSALMS 121:1-2 never forget. Yet through it all, we have seen such wonderful manifestations of love and afl hope. As individuals, and as a church, we have been given such wonderful opportunities to be salt and light in our community. We have been witness to incredible examples of commitment and self sacrifice, as so many key workers kept going to support us, even when we were locked down. Yes, this has been a difficult year, yet it has been one where we have seen Gods hope and his faithfulness, perhaps in new and surprising ways, but there nonetheless. We now stand at the cusp of a vaccine rollout. An incredible achievement in and of itself. Some of us may even receive this vaccine before the end of the year. Most of us will have the opportunity to get it by summer 2021, God willing. There will be a time when covid-19 will be a distant memory. Yet | hope that we never forget God's faithfulness to us. That we cling to that feeling of community spirit that has been so prevalent in these days (especially during lockdown). May we never forget how fragile our way of life is, and be thankful for all our blessings; and may we always strive to use what the Lord has given us to be a blessing to others! Be blessed, as you be a blessing! Stuart SEAGWE DUKE OF EDINBURGH AWARD So what comes to EDIREURGH'S AWARD mind, mountains, maps, rucksacks, tents, © © stoves? Well yes that’s part of it, but only one aspect. There are three other sections, Volunteering, Skills, Physical (+ Residential Gold). Young people have to achieve the appropriate level at each section and it involves helping, caring enthusiasm, motivation, challenges, new experiences, team work determination and above all enjoyment! At present Seagoe Youth Group have groups at all 3 levels, Bronze (school year 10), Silver (year 11/12) and Gold (age 16+). We are particularly pleased that we have 21 young people working for their gold award and despite many setbacks, restrictions and changes they're still progressing and like us (the leaders) are determined to get there, we hope, perhaps in se THE DUKE OF 20 21. We were very fortunate to hold 2 presentation evenings recently (2020 style) so congratulations to all our young people and thanks to all who helped then along the way , youth and brigade leaders, assessors teachers, coaches and especially out very supportive parents. WELL DONE Bronze Award Harry, Matthew, Alex, Archie Tyler and Todd. Silver Award Darcey, Charlotte, Kate, Holly and Grace. and good news in that they are all now doing the next level. Anyone interested in finding our more or keen to have a go, please contact Boyd, Edwina or Keith at Seagoe Youth Group. Fellowship is...? FOUNDATIONS They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. (Acts 2: 42) The verse above is just a snippet from the passage in Acts entitled ‘The Fellowship of the Believers’ and where we began our first Youth Fellowship of this Academic Year in September. Having not met during lockdown or the summer months it was good to gather, remind ourselves of our purpose, and hear from the young people what they like about meeting together on a Sunday evening. Not surprisingly playing and discussing football seems to be a particular highlight (although kicking a ball around is sadly not possible in the current climate.) Even during the ups and downs of this term we've managed to meet twice a month, socially-distanced in the Rotunda, just for an hour, for fun, faith-exploration and fellowship. This term we've been inspired by material called ‘Foundations’ written for Christian Unions and Youth Groups by LMI (Logos Ministries International). We have covered faith, prayer, and have The Word and love to wr ~ sa complete, hopefully before Christmas (restrictions dependant!) Putting together any youth programme requires creativity as you try to cater to different ages, individual spiritual journeys and activity preferences but Covid has needed extra thought and imagination. The usual high-octane crazy games youth groups enjoy have been swapped for socially-distanced activities but there's still been lots of laughter, banter and fun. This term has included: playing ‘pairs’ with the Biblical ‘Hall of Faith’ (found in Hebrews 11), discussing some ‘prayer puzzles’ like how does God always hear us and does He answer every prayer, and multiple rounds of ‘Mafia’! Thank you to all those who have attended this term, it’s been a pleasure! If you are in secondary education (or know a person who is), you'd be very welcome! Get in touch with Stuart ( for more dates and information. LOWSHIP 4 Captain Pauline & All Officers from Seagoe CLB would like to wish all our boys and their families a Safe and Happy Christmas 2020. We are all missing our brigade family so very much. We will continue to adhere to regulations but praying that we can return to brigade in the New Year,our main priority is everyone's safety. Keep an eye on our facebook page for any updates. Hope you all keep safe & well this Christmas. See you all soon xx A CHILD HAS BEEN BORN FOR US, ASON IS GIVEN pedir AUTHORITY RESTS UPON HIM HEISN med BYA/ah eI wae ARLES rae happy— ip unto us ORildi PUTT SMIE LIC ROT Hi tieanaTt Maes THE MIGHTY GOD SS MO) THE PRINCE OF PEACE All the officers from Seagoe cgb would like to wish our girls and their families a healthy and Happy Christmas. 2020 has been a difficult year and we are missing you all very much but, for now, we must follow the regulations and continue to pray for a safe return to Brigade in the New Year. Have a wonderful Christmas and a Blessed 2021 See you all soon xx SEAGWE S 4th June 2020 Cecil Black, Russwood Park, Portadown e Tith June 2020 Tanya Hazley, Enniscrone Park, Portadown - / Tith June 2020 Norman Fredric Allen, Kernan Grove, Portadown pais , 5th July 2020 Pearl Kathleen Kerr, Olde Golf Links, Portadown alga t 8th August 2020 Holly Turkington, Hill Lane, Derr 21st December 2019 Rodney Sinton, Lynden Gate, Portadown MERE ony Turdington, ely. Sane Deny sass 28th August 2020 Thomas (Tommy) John Dunlop, Gloucester 9th January 2020 Jean Dale, Edenderry Fold, Portadown d 20th January 2020 Annie (Nan) Ruddell, formerly Lisnisky, Avenue, Fortacown ; , 15th September 2020 Herbert (Herbie) Thomas Smyton, Margretta Park, Lurgan Road, Portadown bicctsdowon 25th January 2020 aoe (Sammy) McConnell, Festival Road, 16th September 2020 Hazel Gregson, Seagoe Park, Portadown arab a Own . d 18th September 2020 Patricia Kerr, Russwood Park, Portadown 2nd February 2020 Olive Kerr, aie Eden Grange, Portadown 2nd October 2020 Dorothy Cardwell, Gilford Road, Portadown 7th February 2020 Charles (Charlie) Bell, Ballyhannon Grove, 3rd October 2020 Margaret Elizabeth Porter, Mahon Hall Nursing Portadown Gary Love, Valley Lane, Waringstown Mary Elizabeth (Bessie) Vennard, St Francis’ Nursing Home, Portadown Home, Portadown Nigel Hamilton, The Meadows, Banbridge Victor Clulow, Queens Gardens, Portadown Hugh David Alva Kirkwood, The Avenue, 8th February 2020 Tith February 2020 7th October 2020 12th October 2020 2nd November 2020 17th February 2020 Joseph (Joe) Roney, Portadown Sandringham Nursing Home, Portadown 4th November 2020 Robert (Roy) Roney, Clanbrassil Gardens, 23rd March 2020 Margaret Wilson, Orchard Drive, Portadown Portadown 24th March 2020 Barbara Woolsey, Mahon Hall Nursing Home, 14th November 2020 Stella Riley, Knocknamuckley Road, Portadown Portadown Ist April 2020 Grace Wallace, Sandringham Nursing Home, Cremation Portadown 9th December 2019 Thomasene (Ena) Matchett, Carrickblacker Fold, 15th April 2020 Garfield Proctor, Mahon Hall Nursing Home, Portadown Portadown 5th August 2020 Sarah Shevilin, Granville Road, Portadown Avril Hamilton, Clanbrassil Drive, Portadown Colin Baxter, Rosevale Lodge Nursing Home, 22nd April 2020 25th April 2020 Burial of ashes Lisburn Tith January 2020 Nigel Best, Southport, England 9th May 2020 Paul Ferguson, Aldboyrne, Marlborough, England 23rd September 2020 = Thomesena Matchett, Carrickblacker Fold, 19th May 2020 Ann Milsop, Sheridan Green, Portadown Portadown How are parish finances in A Covid poem by Beulah Mclvor The sun has risen, a new day is born The birds fill the air with their glorious song But our streets are silent, not a soul to be seen Stalked by a killer named Covid Nineteen Unseen and unheard and deadly to man How do we fight it, | pray that we can It doesn't distinguish between young and old The great and the good, the brave or the bold Our mantra each day is to stay safe and stay home And to cling to this knowledge we're not in this alone Isolation, distancing and washing our hands Is what the law of the land now demands From our friends and loved ones we must keep apart So we will hold them close in our thoughts and hearts We strive every day not to be sad To think of the good things and not the bad We remember our doctors and nurses in prayer May God keep them safe in his loving care For those who mourn and those filled with fear For Key Workers who look after us every day We owe you a debt we can never repay When you're overwhelmed and feel you just can’t cope And may God fill your hearts with peace and hope For those in authority and over our land May god guide each one with his almighty hand The sun will still rise and still set every day We will learn to adapt and live a new way We pray for compassion and kindness in all that we do And may the Lord in his mercy carry us through Amen vO] aera di Welcoming | Growing | Enccuroging | Serving + Raise FREE funds for us 7 George MoNabl ¢ Co. ‘ every time you shop online! FUNERAL DIRECTORS & MEMORIAL MASONS 24 Hour Professional & Caring Service Independent WS Portadown Family Business aes With over 45 Years Experience a M&S sookingso" John Lewis GE Golden Charter Pre-Paid Funeral Plans Headstones = r & Additional Lettering : EBENHAMS eb A/ HOUSE OF FRASER amazoncouk © Giveas ou Y= y u ET Dignified Professional Dervice in your time f need Telephone: (028) 38351516 WWW.GEORGEMCNABB.CO.UK ~ 106 Bridge Street, Portadown, Co. Armagh BT63 SAP havey! Slimming World Join Gold and Pearl award winning groups in Seagoe Old School - . Every Thursday 10am, 12 noon, 5.30pm and 7.30pm Call Letty on: 077 8716 4996 or check out facebook Shimmy Slimming World Portadown, Everyone Welcome “mimnn “WORLD FiO 0344 897 8000 RICHIE SMYTON touching hearts, changing ives JO) Naa 4 Quality, heey aa and Building Services PLES area eg Ue Mi: 077 6965 6200 T. 028 3833 0590 Email: richardsmyton@tatktalk, net eared NTN Tech =e eeask te RY KILLICOMAINE KIDS AND PARENTS Welcome all babies, toddlers and parents/carers it would be much appreciated if people parking cars could please use the parking bays and not park on the church roadways or at the kitchen area to avoid any difficulty if ambulances etc needed access to the aT aliases 10:30 am — 12:30 On Sundays the carparks at the School can also be used. St. Patrick’s Hall, Princess Way (beside the school gates) Disabled spaces are provided in the back carpark to allow for easy Lots of toys, fun, friends and a cuppa! access to the buildings.


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Seagoe Archives


Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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