Seagoe Archives

Dec 2021


Dec 2021

MAGAZINE Winter 2021 Welcoming | Growing | Encouraging | Serving ‘Truly | tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ (Matthew 25:40) People often say ‘Christmas is really for children. By that they usually think of the excitement of children in receiving presents. | think we can all remember from our own childhood the excitement of receiving gifts at Christmas. Often it was not the abundance of gifts that mattered, but the special gift that meant so much to us; perhaps the gift we had pleaded for, or perhaps the unexpected gift that we got so much pleasure from. Of course, it is not just the recipient of a gift who gets pleasure; the gift giver also derives pleasure when the recipient genuinely appreciates the gift. The reverse of that however is when a gift is not received with gratitude and is simply cast aside or ignored. Sometimes that unfortunate a blesse St. Patrick’s Carol Service scenario arises as the gift is not valued by the recipient or is not appropriate to them. If only we could match our gift to the actual need of the recipient so that both parties would be happy. As Christians we know that the ultimate meaning of Christmas is about a loving God who knows our need more than we do, providing the ultimate gift that meets our deepest need perfectly. Jesus, the love gift of God, is the only gift that can meet our needs fully. We may not realise it, but each of us has the same basic need to have our broken relationship with God mended. As Rom 3. 23 tells us, ‘For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God’. That is the bad news, but it is immediately followed by the Good News of God's loving provision: v24 ‘And all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. Further Rom 6.23 tells us ‘the gift of God Sunday 12th 6.00pm Sunday 19th 10.30am__ Nativity Service 7.00pm Nine Lessons and Carols by Candlelight Christmas Eve 11.00pm Holy Communion by Candlelight Christmas Day 9.00am_ Holy Communion i ] 10.30am = Christmas Family Service Sur Holy Communion Short Morning Worship u No evening services ‘sEve 1.30pm Watchnight Service served after all our main services. ; The staff at the Parish wish everyone a sei Christmas and New Year & = is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord’. Justified means being treated just as if we had not sinned. So God's loving gift of Jesus heals our broken relationship with God for eternity. The gift of a restored relationship enriches our lives with a deep satisfaction that nothing else can give. In His wisdom God provides the perfect gift for us. Nevertheless, it is unfortunate that some people do not realise how perfect the gift of Jesus is for them and so they discard Him, losing out on the blessing He brings, and bringing heartache to God. Let us be sure to receive with gratitude the wonderful Gift of God's love that is Jesus. Mt. 10.8 ‘Freely you have received; freely give. Love received leads to love being offered. This is a basic principle in life that we see in children. When a child is loved it grows up to show love. When a child is shown generosity, it offers generously. Well, sometimes that principle is not demonstrated perfectly and needs to be encouraged! When we truly receive the Gift of God that is Jesus our hearts respond, like those of a child to a loving parent, with love towards him. But as we do so we find that He redirects some of our love to those around us and He puts a desire in our hearts to show love to them. The more we allow His love to overwhelm us, the more showing generous love to other becomes second nature to us. The Scriptures teach us that loving others is in fact loving Christ: Matthew 25:40, ‘Truly | tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ In Seagoe the Select Vestry, motivated by the love of God, distributes 10% of our Parish income to a range of Mission Organisations and Charities each year. In addition, our parishioners respond very generously to the additional appeals that arise throughout the year. Often God puts a desire in our hearts to help others, but we are at a loss to know how best to help them; we want our gifts to match their needs. By channelling our funds through trustworthy organisations, we recognise their expertise in matching gifts to situations of need both at home and overseas, and so we are encouraged that our gifts can make a real difference. On pages 5 & 6 of this magazine you will read of some of the appeals that have been generously supported by parishioners recently; you will also read of our Christmas appeal. Of course, Matthew 25.40 is not just about giving our money or material items, rather it speaks about all that we offer others, our time, a listening ear, practical and spiritual help; and so the list continues. As we have received so much so we have the opportunity to give in so many ways. This Christmas may we take time aside to truly receive the amazing gift of Jesus who alone meets our deepest needs. And as our hearts are overwhelmed by His love may we allow him to direct our loving response to Him and those around us. God bless you this Christmas time and throughout the year to come. /e ChEKCE Parish Finances aati se th (era) > of any « ney a! contributic cost to tt an ther \tributed olla RECTOR CURATE Rey. Canon Rev. Stuart Terence Moles Cadden ¥ 8 Upper Church Lane, 149 Kernan Hill Manor Portadown Portadown Tel: 3833 2538 Mob: 078 9498 7702 Email: Mob: 077 3918 1466 Email: Since the last magazine was issued, some of the vestry minutes from the 1890 -1910 period. This period is when the chancel and transept of the church were built. There is also a short history of the parish written on 23rd May 1890. Articles from the period have been typed by some parishioners and others thereby deciphering some indistinct writing! Comments to Philip Holland at Search & Discover the Seagoe Archives The bend in the wad Sometimes we come to life's crossroads and we view what we think is the end, but God has a much wider vision and he knows that it’s only a bend = the road will go on and get smoother and after we've stopped for a rest, the path that lies hidden beyond us is often the path that is best. So rest and relax and grow stronger, let go and let God share your load and have faith in a brighter tomorrow — you've just come to a bend in the road. Poem supplied by a parishioner RWANDA LINK Some of our parishioners may remember a number of years ago we had a visit by four people from our j link Diocese of Shyogwe in Rwanda. A mission team from Seagoe visited Rwanda the following Summer and were delighted to reconnect with these people, in addition to meeting so many other people. We delighted recently to learn that one of the visitors to Seagoe, Viateur Ntarindwa, has been ordained as Deacon to serve in the Church there. We wish Viateur God's richest blessing for this new phase in his life and ministry. OUTREACH WORKER Rev. Jim Fleming 145 Princess Way Portadown, BT 63 5EL Mob: 07954994749 Email: _® FACILITIES MANAGER YOUTH LEAD) YOUTH WORKER Noel Metcalfe IN CHARGE Edwina Livingstone Mob: 07833668684 Boyd McClurg Seagoe Youth Group Office: 38350583 Killicomaine Youth Centre Tel: 3833 5279 Tel: 3839 4441 Seagoe Youth Group email: Tel: Killicomaine Youth Centre 3839 4441 SEAGOE PARISH OFFICE 46 Seagoe Road, Portadown BT63 5HW Office Opening Hours: 9am - 12 noon Office: 3835 0583 Ema Facebook: seagoeparish SEAGWE Welcoming | Growing | Enceuragrrig | Servir S Chiustmas Oeuice limes ‘a l en ~ \ DEC 9.00am 10.30am 6.00pm St. Patrick’s Except Seagoe in bold SUNDAY 12th Holy Communion Morning Worship Evening Worship SUNDAY 19th Holy Communion Nativity Service 7.00pm Seagoe Carols by Candlelight CHRISTMAS EVE Friday 24th 11.00pm Seagoe Christmas Communion CHRISTMAS DAY Saturday 25th Holy Communion Christmas Family Service No service SUNDAY 26th Holy Communion Morning Worship No Service NEW YEAR'S EVE Friday 31st 11.30pm Seagoe Watchnight Service 2022 JAN SUNDAY 2nd Holy Communion Family Service Evening Worship SUNDAY 9th Holy Communion Morning Worship Holy Communion SUNDAY 16th Holy Communion Morning Worship Evening Worship Café Church in Quiet Room 7.00pm Rotunda Praise Service SUNDAY 23rd Holy Communion Holy Communion Evening Worship SUNDAY 30th Holy Communion Morning Worship Holy Communion FEB SUNDAY 6th Holy Communion Family Service Evening Worship SUNDAY 13th Holy Communion Morning Worship Holy Communion SUNDAY 20th Holy Communion Morning Worship in Church Evening worship Café Church in Quiet Room 7.00pm Rotunda Praise Service SUNDAY 27th Holy Communion Holy Communion Evening Worship MAR Ash Wednesday 2nd 10am Holy Communion 8.00pm Ash Wednesday Service SUNDAY 6th Holy Communion Family Service Evening Worship SUNDAY Bth Holy Communion Morning Worship Holy Communion SUNDAY 20th Holy Communion Morning Worship Evening Worship Café Church in Quiet Room 7.00pm Rotunda Praise Service MOTHERING 27th Holy Communion Holy Communion Evening Worship SUNDAY APR SUNDAY 3rd Holy Communion Family Service Evening Worship Palm Sunday joth Holy Communion Morning Worship Holy Communion Virtual Prayer room A huge thank you to Beth Howell and her family for all the work they have put in to produce virtual prayer rooms each month. Only those who have tried to put together a video presentation will truly comprehend how much work is involved in the process. Beth and her family have dedicated so many hours to these productions each month. Many people have found these virtual prayer rooms to have been such a blessing during this difficult period when we have not be able to offer our monthly prayer room in the Parish Centre. The videos are posted on the second Friday of each month on the Parish You Tube and Facebook pages. The links are https:/ / and A wonderful December Nativity Prayer room will be posted on Friday 10th December at 7.00am. Please like and share these posts with your friends. May they be a source of blessing to many. MISSION TO SEAFARERS Thank you to Eileen Holland for organising our recent Mission to Seafarers’ Appeal. Eileen writes: One day in 1856 a young boy asked, "How do the islanders get to church? This question inspired his father, the Rev John Astley, to meet the fishermen and farmers of Steep Holm and Flat Holm, two islands in the Bristol Channel. So began the work of the Mission to Seamen, later renamed Mission to Seafarers. The Mission is now present in 260 ports in 71 countries, and ministering to over 1.3 million crewmen and women. In N. Ireland there are centres in Belfast, Warrenpoint and Foyle where, as in other ports throughout the world, practical, emotional and spiritual support is offered to seafarers. Seafaring is a tough life, absent from family, community and culture for long periods of time. Please pray for God's blessing on the Senior Chaplain, Rev Colin HallThompson, staff and volunteers as they work together to provide this valuable ministry. The pandemic has brought many difficulties and challenges. Recently staff in the centres have worked closely with health authorities to roll out a vaccination programme for seafarers. Some of these brave men and women have been asking for vaccines for nine months. Rwanda Covid Appeal Following a presentation about how Shyogwe Diocese in Rwanda is responding to the Covid pandemic in supporting its various Churches and the wider community, we had an amazing response of £7,793.25. This money will help the Diocese to install washing facilities at a number of their premises, and also provide vital aid to many people in the area. Thank you so much to everyone who contributed so generously. Salvation Army Present ! Th cent ef ys ity Oo f i Fe : we have oy at Seagoe Parish is noted for its generosity, in particular for the response of its Parishioners to the various special appeals we have throughout the year. Despite being a difficult year, Parishioners have responded very generously to a variety of appeals over the past few months, as The winter air is chilly, but my heart is warmed by the enthusiasm and kindness behind every Christmas gift received each year. Often people approach me before | have launched the appeal! Knitted woolly hats and scarves, warm socks and gloves, toiletries and chocolate are all greatly appreciated by the seafarers spending cold days and nights in the open seas. These last words are from the captain of one of the ships. - "The seafarers are always very grateful for your generosity. When they are at sea for a long time they feel forgotten and alone, and so to receive a gift when they arrive in port, particularly at this time of year, is a wonderful boost to morale.’ Thank you! Eileen Holland McMillan Coffee morning A huge thank you to Edwina and her team of volunteers who organised the McMillan Coffee Morning for us. Edwina writes: Once again, we hosted our ‘Take home’ coffee morning for a cause very close to many of us......and once again Seagoe Parish rose to the challenge and raised an amazing £1250!! Thanks to our hands on team, those who gave homemade treats, Kitchen Bakes and all of you for your generosity. May God bless the Macmillan nurses and teams and all those who benefit from their care. SEAGWE Welcorning | Growing | Encouraging | Serving This year Seagoe’s Christmas Appeal will be launched s é by Terence at our services on Sunday 12th December. The appeal will be divided between two important organisations which help to provide for people in need both in our own country and overseas _ ee . » e e Simon Communit On Sunday 12th December Terence will’ be making a presentation about the work of the H Simon Community in Northern Ireland and their vital work in supporting those who are at appy risk of becoming homeless, or who have already become homeless, and enabling many to * move forward into a more positive situation. sina provides accommodation for a wide Christmas variety of people including dedicated units for young people and families. It is staggering to learn that on average 50 people become homeless in Northern Ireland every day last year. 67% of those supported by Simon are between 16 and 35yrs old. One of Simon's projects is to provide Move On packs for people who are moving into housing from homelessness. These packs provide vital basic items such as mugs, plates etc. Larger items such as beds can also be provided, and all with ongoing support from trained workers and volunteers. Some ways money can help are as follows: £10 will provide a Christmas dinner for someone in one of Simon's hostels. £15 provides emergency food, heat and clothes for someone in need. £250 can provide all the items for someone moving into a home of their own. s Funds L it presentation on Fellowship Groups Session SS 4: Environment Following the half-term break we recommenced the Lyfe Course from the Bible Caring for creation isan integral part of discipleship and worship, eines A er . - As know ‘ - Society. We have been meeting in the Rotunda. We start the evening with a crew pane retothoan yewenanr review of the previous week, then we have an introductory video of the topic a apnea ts eens corner Resources for the evening, followed by an introduction to a Bible passage which sets the scene for the passage. After having spent some time reflecting on the passage on our own, we join together in small groups to explore the passage together. The evening is rounded up with some challenges for the week ahead and some prayer. Those who have taken part have enjoyed the opportunity to learn from one Article Article | another. The Fellowship Group will start again on Wednesday 12th January at 730pm. This will allowing us another round of 6 weeks leading up to the start of Lent in Previous session review utile March. Please come along and join with us. Recap on GWE We are delighted that our excellent leadership teams have worked hard to get the organisations up and running again. On Thursday evenings the Boys stagger meeting times by age so that they can accommodate as many boys as possible. On Monday evenings the Girls meet in Killicomaine again with staggered meeting times for the various age ranges. Unfortunately the CGB in Seagoe has as yet not restarted due to insufficient leaders to enable them to meet safely. We are really keen to try to get this branch up and running again and so we are appealing for people to please consider offering themselves as potential leaders or helpers. If Church Lads and Church Girls’ Brigade. - Richard Smyton presenting Philip Morrison, Northern Ireland President of anyone would like to find the Royal British Legion, with a donation made to the Portadown Branch of out what is involved in offer to help with the The Royal British Legion on behalf of Seagoe Church Lads Brigade. Lest We leadership, please have a word with one of the clergy. Forget. SYG - Guide Dogs and BBC Children in Need Now that most of Seagoe Youth Group's youth activities are back to normal, the Friday night Youth Club at Trax has been busy raising money to help others. Our junior youth club did a 10,000 step walk in the dark around Seagoe Old School grounds and raised £360 for Guide Dogs. We hope to sponsor = anew puppy as Oscar our previous one is now a working dog! Likewise our Teen Club at Trax, raised £240 on their night walk to Rushmere for the BBC Children In Need appeal....... We like to encourage young people to be aware of the needs of others. MANY THANKS TO ALL WHO TOOK PART OR MADE DONATIONS Edwina 2 Children in Need While many people are anticipating a joyful celebration of Christmas for others it is a time of great concern. Household budgets are very tight for some people and the added pressure of Christmas causes great concern. Thanks to people's generosity the Rector has some funds available to him to distribute to those who are in need of some support at this time. In addition we may have some food hampers available just before Christmas. If you, or anyone you know, would appreciate some support please contact Terence on 02838332538 as soon as possible. SEAGWE ’ Covid Clinics We are delighted to have been able to partner with the Southern Trust to provide vital Covid Vaccination Clinics in the Parish Centre. Initially clinics were held twice weekly for the Southern Trust staff members, however recently the clinics have been open to the general public to simply drop in for vaccination. The staff have been so helpful in working with our staff in addition to offering such an essential service to the community. Once again, thank you to our NHS Staff for all they do for us. CRAIGAVON AREA USED POSTAGE STAMPS, OLD AND FOREIGN FOODBANK CURRENCY & INK CARTRIDGES Parishioners make regular contributions to this Thank you to the members of Seagoe Parish for donations of used stamps, local project. Gifts of toiletries and non- coins and cartridges. It was obvious a lot of time and effort had gone in to perishable food are most welcome. collecting these. In 2018 this raised £5481.00 from the sale of stamps and At present the centre has an adequate £618.40 from recycled cartridges, to help those affected by leprosy in India, supply of cereals, pasta, tinned soup and Nigeria, Nepal and Tanzania. tinned beans. This money really does make a difference to people's lives for example, by providing simple things like protective footwear. Protective footwear can help stop feet developing cuts and 7 pies ulcers which can lead to more serious long term disability. cali The Leprosy Mission is an international Christian medical charity, working in over 30 O O countries, 2,300 field staff are caring for the needs of some 200,000 people affected by leprosy in TLM's own hospitals and programmes, or in partnership with international CS). L'/n7 L CS > it PIP no SEEKING THE LIGHT || 2st Register ~O Christian Baptism A CHRISTMAS PRAYER BY HENRI NOUWEN 27th October 2021 Robin James Sinton, son of aoe and aaa Carbet Road, Portadown Lord J este, , 25th November 2021 Callum Blake Cosgrove, son of Master of both the light and the darkness, Aaron and Kirsten, Drum a9 Meadow, Portadown send your Holy Spir it upon our prepar ations 25th November 2021 Finn Blake Cosgrove, son of Ch ist Aaron and Kirsten, Drum for ris hone f d F — : inane ae i ) Thanksgiving for the birth of a chi We who ne so much to do see quiet — to 30th October. Princeton Liggett, son of hear your voice each day. coe ue Emma, Bachelors 7 ’ Park, Portadown We who are anxious over many things look forward Christian Burial ‘ 28th September 2021 Stanley Kane Savage, to your comin among us. Birch Hill Park, Portadown We who are essed in so many ways long for the 29th September 2021 Pore) Jourator Lisnisky PNH, Portadown complete joy of your kingdom. Ist October 2021 Thomas Webb, Ulsterville Park, 7 Portadown We whose hearts are heavy seek the Joy of your 13th October 2021 Benjamin (Benny) Partridge, resence “ Seagoe Park, Portadown I 17th October 2021 _ Peter (Pete) Brown, We are your eople, walking in darkness, yet Springfields, Portadown 7 ; 26th October 2021 Sidney Basil Maginn, seeking the lig t. Clanbrassil Drive, Portadown Tk « £ d 1» 7th December 2021 _— William Frederick 'Freddy' 0 you we say, “Come Lord Jesus! Watson. Enniscrone Park Portadown ara Chaat Meee MRC MB J 1a ee alla) Raise FREE funds for us every time you,shop online! Join Gold and Pearl award winning groups in Seagoe Old School Every Thursday 9.30am, 11.30am, 5.30pm, 7.00pm Booking is essential. Call Letty 077 8716 4996 or check out Facebook. Slimming World Portadown. Everyone Welcome #5 Wtastethefrecdom FO “At participating groups only. See our website for more information. RICHIE SMYTON JOINERY Quality, hea ER ae 24 Seagoe Gardens, Portadown Co. Armagh BT63 5DZ M: 077 6965 6200 T. 028 3833 0590 Email: a UR a) ae VAT No. GB872630517 a RKIN It would be much appreciated if people parking cars could please use the parking bays and not park on the church roadways or at the kitchen area to avoid any difficulty if ambulances etc needed access to the buildings. On Sundays the carparks at the School can also be used. Disabled spaces are provided in the back carpark to allow for easy access to the buildings. = a % George MoNholl. 4 Ce FUNERAL DIRECTORS & MEMORIAL MASONS 24 Hour Professional & Caring Service Independent Portadown Family Business With over 45 Years Experience rum Golden Charter Pre-Paid Funeral Plans Headstones & Additional Lettering he Dignifed Pr Ke fessional Dervice nm Yur lime op: need Telephone: (028) 38351516 WW/W.GEORGEMCNABB.CO.UK 106 Bridge Street, Portadown, Co. Armagh BT63 SAP a (— s about Pre-Paic EST LM LLM cela cle N LEI a MOPS ES-ES Tot fee Pe aaa aaa): yea] URC aL MMU LA KILLICOMAINE KIDS AND PARENTS Welcome all babies, toddlers and parents/carers ° / <2) eee “i 3 ae Cee 5: rs - M] y St. Patrick’s Hall, Princess Way (beside the school gates) Lots of toys, fun, friends and a cuppa! > Fridays 10:30 am — 12:30

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Seagoe Archives


Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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