Seagoe Archives

Dec 2022


Dec 2022

‘Prepare the way for the Lord,

make straight paths for him.

These words from Mark 1.3 refer

back to Isaiah 40 where God speaks

through the prophet to comfort his

people in the knowledge that the

Lord is coming to their aid, despite

the difficulties they are living

through. In verse 3 of both Isaiah 40

and Mark 1 the people are called to

prepare for the Lord's coming: there

is work to be done!! The picture

language used in Isaiah speaks of

making a straight, even road for the

Lord's arrival, whereas in Mark, John

the Baptist calls people to prepare

their hearts for the arrival of Jesus,

the Messiah.

Advent is the Church's season

of preparation for the coming of

King Jesus, both in looking back to

his birth and in looking forward

to His return; but | think it is also

appropriate to say that it is a season


Sunday 4th


New Year's Eve 11.30pm Year's Day 9.00am : 10.30am

Nativity Play


of preparation for his coming to us

in the present. There is a physical

preparation of buildings and

events, but there is also a spiritual

preparation as we respond to the

Good News of Jesus, Emmanuel,

God with us.

Sunday TIth 6.00pm St. Patrick's Carol Service

Sunday 18th 10.30am = Christingle Service

7.00pm _ Nine Lessons and Carols by


Christmas Eve 11.00pm Holy Communion by Candlelight

Christmas Day 9.00am Holy Communion

10.30am_ = Christmas Family Service

; No Evening Service

Watchnight Service

Holy Communion

New Year's Day Service

No Evening Service

The staff at the Parish wish py everyone a Hap

= a blessed New Year

py Christmas ano

Winter 2022

Welcoming | Growing | Encouraging | Serving

We will be busy decorating the

buildings, buying in food for events,

preparing for concerts, planning for

parties and services etc. It might

not seem as difficult as Isaiah's call

to make straight roads, but it does

not happen without a team of

volunteers working hard together,

and for everyone's input we are so


All those preparations are

important in creating a welcoming

atmosphere, but they are not ends

in themselves as they all serve

to create opportunities for us to

celebrate the Good News of the

coming of God among us. This

year we trust that the range of

events planned and prepared for

will provide many opportunities

for people to come together to

consider afresh the wonderful

message of God coming to enrich

our lives here on earth, and for all

eternity. The message truly is the

most awe-inspiring, life-changing

message of God coming to bless us

beyond our wildest dreams.

Many of us will plan to attend

some of what is on offer, but just

as Isaiah and John called all their

listeners to prepare, so we also are

called to follow their example by

likewise inviting others to join with

us in considering afresh the Good

News. We may not be preachers

like Isaiah and John, but we can all

play our part in inviting and bringing

others along with us to the events

that are on offer where the Good

News will be shared.

Imagine if Isaiah or John had

simply prepared themselves for the

coming of the King. They would

have been blessed had they opened

themselves to Him, but how many

would have lost out as a result of

not being invited to hear the Good

News. If we simply go along to

events ourselves we may enjoy them

and benefit from the experience, but

think how much better it would be

to have others there with us. There

is greater blessing when we see

others also being blessed around us.

So this Advent | encourage you

to prepare for Christmas by starting

early to pray for, invite, and bring

others with you to the range of

events on offer. You will read of

many of them in the pages of this

magazine, but please keep an eye to

our Facebook page-Seagoe Parish,

for further details. As a result of

coming along and bringing others

with you, | pray that together we

will all be blessed as we remember

Christ's first coming, prepare for His

second coming, and receive Him as

He comes afresh to us this Advent

and Christmas.

A happy Christmas and blessed

New Year to you all.

Yours in Christ,

/ erence


Welcoming | Growing | Encouraging | Serving

Parish Finances

As the end of year approaches,

we thank most sincerely

everyone who has contributed

towards Parish funds over

the past year. Without the

generous giving of Parishioners

the life and work of the Parish

could not be sustained. We are delighted that many

people have contributed regularly by Standing Orders or

mcr anole) oc Ua dR dian MO) orl maa

opportunity to check our giving and consider making up

any contributions that we may have missed throughout

the year before the financial year closes on 31st December.

A number of options are available for contributing to

Church funds:

Standing Orders are set up through your bank to credit

the Parish account as follows: Seagoe Parish, Sort Code

98-12-90 Account Number 33191057. Monthly orders are

preferable to weekly orders, however to contribute the

same amount per year it is necessary to give more for 12

monthly contributions than 4 times a weekly figure. Eg

£25 X52 weeks=annual contribution of £1300 whereas

£100X12=annual contribution of £1200

Freewill Offering Envelopes Available through the

office or treasurer.

One-off contributions by cheque or a direct payment

to account name Seagoe Parish, Sort Code 98-12-90

Account Number 33191057

Card reader Our new card reader provides an easy way

to contribute when in Church if you do not have cash with

you, however the reader provider charges us a small fee of

1.69% on contributions.

Gift Aid All of the above means of giving provide the

opportunity for the Church to reclaim the tax you have

already paid on your contributions. Each £1 after gift aid

becomes £1.25. A simple Gift Aid form to complete is

available from the office or treasurer to cover all your


Loose plate collection Cash put directly on the

collection plate (no record of giving is available for Church

membership records or Gift Aid)

Legacies If you would like to leave a legacy in your will

in favour of the Parish it is preferable if you leave it for

Xoiatel elm ele gee ace

If you require assistance or information please contact

our treasurer, Philip Holland, at or



Rev. Canon



149 Kernan Hill Manor


Mob: 077 3918 1466


8 Upper Church Lane, Portadown BT63 5JE Tel: 3833 2538 Mob: 078 9498 7702 Email:

Concert 2nd


We are delighted to

welcome Cantare to

Seagoe for its Advent

Concert. The choir has

generously included

our Restoration Fund

for a share of the

contributions it will

cleo Mela dan =1nl ae

Other beneficiaries will

be The Southern Area

Hospice and the Choir

itself. Members of our

Parish will serve seasonal

geal an (ale eee

spread the word about

the concert and plan to ay 2nd Dla yee 202

attend i aod ee ¢ Fi SEN (trot ,

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Derek Dunn

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Edwina Livingstone

Seagoe Youth Group Tel: 3833 5279


Boyd McClurg

Killicomaine Youth Centre Tel: 3839 4441

Seagoe Youth Group email:

Tel: Killicomaine Youth Centre 3839 4441

145 Princess Way

Portadown, BT 63 5EL

Mob: 07954994749

SEAGOE PARISH OFFICE 46 Seagoe Road, Portadown BT63 5HW Office Opening Hours: 9am - 12 noon Office: 3835 0583 Email: Facebook: seagoeparish



| Growing | Encouraging


| Serving

prYaiill-tg 10.30am 6.00pm St. Patrick's

Except Seagoe in bold

SUNDAY 4th Holy Communion Nativity Play Holy Communion

SUNDAY Tith Holy Communion Morning Worship Carol Service

SUNDAY 18th Holy Communion Christingle Service 7.00pm Seagoe

Carols by Candlelight.

No service in St. Patrick's

CHRISTMAS EVE 24th 11.00pm Seagoe

SATURDAY Christmas Communion

CHRISTMAS DAY 25th Holy Communion Christmas Family Service No service


NEW YEAR'S EVE. 3ist 11.30pm Seagoe

SATURDAY Watchnight Service

2023 January

SUNDAY Ist Harvest Communion New Year's Service No service

SUNDAY 8th Holy Communion Family Service Holy Communion

SUNDAY 15th Holy Communion Morning Worship Evening Worship

Café Church in Quiet Room 7.00pm Rotunda Praise Service

SUNDAY 22nd Holy Communion Holy Communion Evening Worship

SUNDAY 29th Holy Communion Morning Worship Evening Worship

SUNDAY 5th Holy Communion Family Service Evening Worship SUNDAY 2th Holy Communion Morning Worship Holy Communion SUNDAY 19th Holy Communion Morning Worship in Church Evening worship Café Church in Quiet Room 7.00pm Rotunda Praise Service Ash Wednesday 22nd 10am Holy Communion Holy Communion 8pm Ash Wednesday SUNDAY 26th Holy Communion Holy Communion Evening Worship


We are delighted this year to offer a really special

Nativity. Play it by Ear, a Christian drama company, will

be coming to Seagoe for our Nativity Service on Sunday

4th December at 10.30am. This will be a great event for

all the family. Everyone is encouraged to dress up as a

character or animal involved in the Nativity. After the

service we will have a bring your own picnic fun lunch in

the Parish Centre. In addition to your own picnic there

will be other food on offer and various treats

The whole event is open to everyone, so please

ead the word and bring others with you

esents some

On Sund

e Ser

Party of Light

Hitting the right note for all

our young families at the

start of the autumn half term

weekend the ‘Party Of Light’

saw lots of princesses and

superheroes and their families’

having an enjoyable evening in

Seagoe Parish Centre,

with crafts and quizzes, paper plates and plasticine it was all go!! Facepainting

and lantern making gave it a special twist. And as we finished off decorating

our chocolate apples and enjoyed our sweet treats the seasonal message of the

juniper Prayer was a thought provoking and fitting end to the evening.



“Welcoming | Growing | Encouraging eas}

Are you a Young Person 11+...

Seagoe Youth Fellowship is Calling

Youth Fellowship takes place every 2nd and

4th Sunday of the Month, 7Z00pm to 8:30pm

in the Parish Centre and offers a relaxed and

informal place for you to meet new people

your age and make lasting friendships.

We have some games and activities, some

food each evening and regularly look at a

particular topic or book of the Bible and

spend time together discussing how we can

apply the truths uncovered in our own lives.

Church Lads’ & Church

Girls’ Brigade

At this time of year the members of the

CLB are busy making a range of Christmas

Crafts etc in addition to their other

activities. The annual Christmas Party

Night with Mr Slushtails on 8th December

(clb's last night of 2022) is always a highlight!

CLB will return after the Christmas break,

on Thursday 12th January 2023

schedule of sports and compet

An auction is provisionally planned for 31st

March 2023.

It is great to have the Church Girls’

Brigade back up and running and able

to attend events. We can now receive

Seagoe Youth Group

Members Go Global.

A team of 14 Global Service Ambassadors from

Seagoe Youth Group heard the real backstories

of Calvin, Michelle, Robert and Penny at

the National Coalition for the Homeless in

Washington DC on day one of a week-long

programme of education and volunteering

with homelessness charities in Washington

DC. Their mission is a balance of helping

individuals to find support and also finding

the ear of politicians to influence government

policy towards affordable housing. Really

interesting to hear that serious moves are

being made towards universal basic income in

a culture where wages in the tip/hospitality

industry have stagnated at 2 dollars 15 cents

since 1990.

The group put in a day of hard work

and fantastic teamwork volunteering at an

organization called Martha's Table, with a truck

to unload and food to pack and then distribute

at a pop-up marketplace. The weather gave

us all sorts of treats including dancing in a

thunderstorm on the way home. Two mornings

involved a 6.00 am start at SOME, So Others

We also have guest speakers and end of

icclanpmdg| oss

The remaining dates for YF this year are 27th

November, llth December and then will

recommence after Christmas Holidays on

Sunday 22nd January

If you are aged 11+ we would love to see you,

and if you have any questions please contact


visitors to our hall and we welcomed the

community police giving a safety talk to our

Martins and JTC groups. We attended the

Remembrance Sunday parade with the boys

and marched to church for the first time in

three years. We are looking forward to the

upcoming events in the new year.



Might Eat. The young people knuckled down

to some really hard work delivering 150

breakfast burritos, grits (don't even ask), coffee

and orange juice to people coming in from

the streets and tented villages of Washington

DC and listened to some real-life stories of

hardship in modern America.

Among the sights of Washington, we

explored the Washington Monument, WW2

Memorial, Arlington Cemetery, Lincoln

Memorial, National Archives, Ford's Theatre

where President Lincoln was assassinated and

had a beautiful river taxi trip on the Potomac

River and a spin on the big wheel above

National Harbour, Maryland.

On the last full day in Washington DC. We

toured the awesome Capitol building where

the Rotunda is almost as impressive as the one


Te Nize ace yasike | Jeena ele Ma ea eee ya


at Seagoe, We also took some time to take in

the Korean War Memorial and the Vietnam

War Memorial. A poignant reminder that

Freedom Is Not Free. Our Amizade host, Torey,

was fantastic and gave us the best experience

mixing volunteer service with sightseeing and

understanding the social fabric of this big,

crazy, complicated country. The temperatures

were 96F all week so after a trip to see the

Whitehouse in the evening we enjoyed the

air conditioning and the mighty menu at the

Cheesecake Factory.

The group would like to thank parishioners

who sponsored their fundraising hike over

Slieve Donard/Slieve Commedagh and

to the Missionary Committee and Church

Lads Brigade for their generous donations.

A grant from the Education Authority and

other fundraising activities allowed for equal

participation from members right across

Seagoe Youth Group.

This was a real learning experience for

all involved and our follow up sessions are

exploring the development of a world view

based in compassion and social justice.

To see more photos from the trip or to follow

other activities at Seagoe Youth Group, make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.


MIA Ciava iia A I a

Welcoming | Grawing | LS cai fie oe ie :


and his name ee OED




f _

ur Mothers’ Union

branch continues to

celebrate this our

Centenary year. A group of

LGaSSUNIGN Christian care for families i/

our members went along

to the Down and Dromore

diocesan overseas meeting

in St Ignatius Carryduff

on 7th November. The weather was awful for travelling in but what

a privilege it was to hear our Worldwide Mothers’ Union President,

Sherman Harper from Guyana, talk about her passion and experiences

in the service of Mothers’ Union. We were in really good company

too, as our Diocesan Chaplain Rev Duncan Pollock, All Ireland

President June Butler, Zonal Trustee Iris Suiter and Diocesan President

Mavis Thompson also took part in a great evening of friendship and


We were greatly honoured by Armagh, Banbridge and Craigavon

on 29th November when the Lord Mayor, Councillor Paul Greenfield

give us a Civic Reception in acknowledgement of our MU reaching

the milestone anniversary of hundred years. Not many groups or

organisations reach their centenary but we have been blessed with

many faithful members who have worked quietly and tirelessly in the

background and continue to do so. We hope to put some photos on

our Church Facebook page and in the next Parish magazine.

As the cost of living crisis continues to have an adverse impact on

our community, we will start 2023 with a talk from Jim on the work

of Christians Against Poverty. This group gives amazing help to many

people struggling with debt and will support them until they are debt

free. Why not come along to the January meeting and hear more about

their work, Don't wait to be asked, come along to MU, you'll be warmly


Shirley Branyan, branch leader,

Salvation Army

Present Appeal

presents fo

so gen eae


video about the

Thank you in advance for your generosity.


Welcoming | Growing | Encouraging | Serving

Seagoe Men

he Men’s group began its autumn

activities with a very successful Men's

breakfast, during our back to church

month. Over 35 men gathered on the morning

of Saturday 24th September, where we enjoyed

not only food for the body, but food for the

soul. A small team of men organised and

prepared the breakfast, and we were joined by

Rey. Pete Smith, the rector of Loughgall and

Grange So.

Parish, and

a former


here in


Pete regaled

us with

tales of his

youth, and

shared with

his about

his journey

of faith, and

all present



by his testimony. Thanks to all the men who

turned up, and especially our men who worked

so hard behind the scenes in preparing the


Just a few weeks later, the Men's group then

began its new series for this year, focusing on

the parables of Jesus. Our first session together

offered an introduction to the parables,

and the importance of telling stories, not

just in scripture, but in our own lives, as we

considered the necessity of storytelling in the

world around us and how it shapes the way we

think and communicate. Then in November, we

had a deep dive into a parable from the Old

Testament, the prophet Nathan's parable of

the ewe-lamb, which he used to challenge King

David over his actions regarding Bathsheba.

It was a powerful reminder of not only how


are used to




issues that

get right to

the heart of

the matter,

but also

of the rich

tradition of


that Jesus


have been

aware of as

a Jewish rabbi, and indeed, also an important

part of himself. We will be having a short break

over the Christmas season, but look forward

to our programme resuming again in the new

year, as well as a number of guest speakers.

Please do encourage our men to join with us at

the various men's events throughout the year,

and pray for the ongoing work of our men's



an ir



cl introduced

Te dali

November with the aim of

offering a little help to those in

need. The idea is to use the skills

and abilities of those in the men's


practical and pastoral skills and

all men are keen to make life just

eM olimrer



iative takes the form of a


box that will be placed in the Rot

contain postcard-size forms. Simply complete

the form and place it in the lower drawer of

the box. These forms will be collected and

contact made w

hele id. Th

1 the strictest of confidence. Indeed, if a

h the person requesting a

tiative | be conducted

ation member knows of someone wt

could benefit, the form can be completed on

The box is named HELP standing for He

Everyone Lov -ople. The initiative

for 6 months with a review as to its success

being conducted at the end of January 2023

Edward Graham


Seagoe Parish has been hosting Macmillan

Coffee Mornings for over 20 years...even

in recent times we organised a ‘Take Home

variety which was very popular. We want

to thank everyone for their generosity over

ita eM A ela aM Coe] eN AROMA) -ae-Un

amazing £12,400 for this worthy cause. We

trust this money has blessed many over the

20 years..... so A SINCERE THANK YOU!

Nan Ferguson 105

Terence was delighted to be invited to

celebrate Nan Ferguson's 105th birthday with

her and her family and to bring them Holy

Communion. Nan was her usual alert self,

full of fun and stories. When Nan was 100

raed (eel (ae Mec lceM io laam ama CLCMNY Cy 152

Queen Elizabeth. On her 105th Birthday Nan

was thrilled to receive another card from

His Majesty King Charles and the Queen

Consort, Queen Camilla. Both cards will

have pride of place framed on her wall.

Congratulations and God's Blessing Nan.



| Growing | Encouraging | Serving

rayer is the most important activity of your life. It is the

main way in which you develop a relationship with your

Father in heaven. If you love someone, naturally you will

want to spend time in their presence communicating with them.

Like any relationship, communication can take many different


Lancelot Andrewes

(1555-1626), was one of

the great theologians

and preachers of his

day. After he died, his

private notebook on

prayer was discovered

and published. In it he

had written two lists:

First, he wrote a list of times of prayer in the Bible:


Without ceasing...

At all times...

Three times a day...

Evening, and morning, and at noon...

Seven times a day...

In the morning, a great while before day...

At daybreak...

The third hour of the day...

About the sixth hour...

The hour of prayer, the

The evening...

By night...

At midnight.’


Visit To St Francis Nursing Home

A group from Seagoe Parish

recently went to visit St Francis

Nursing Home. It was a very

altos col cman neem NLL SO

long since we have been able to

do the outreach to the nu

homes and the residents enjoyed

singing the hymns (Allan playing

the Organ) and listening to Neil

giving a talk on friendship along

with a time of prayer.

The group look forward to extending their visits in the near future to

other care facilities.

Sl (ela1o1en-1 mares



Kyle Magee and his sister

Victoria Bloomer took part

in the Simon Communities

Great Sleep Out on the 20th

October in the Stormont

Estate. It started at 7pm and

Cycle] Wre-tnamearcmcol Conia

morning. 110 people took part

in the event which started at

7.00pm with a Bar-B-Q and

ended at 7am the following morning with breakfast. Kyle and Victoria

raised £950, This money will be used to support the work of the Simon

Community in Northern Ireland. Well done Kyle and Victoria.

Next, he wrote a list of places of prayer in the Bible:

‘In the assembly... and in the congregation...

Your closet...

An upper room...

A housetop...

The temple...

On the shore...

A garden...

On their beds...

A desert place...

In every place...

(By Nicki Gumbel, Bible in One Year)

There is no limit to the times, places and different ways in which

you can pray.

Farist ‘Kegister

Christian Baptism

4th September 2022 Tom Green, son of Jay & Jill, Ballynacor

Meadows, Portadown

20th November 2022 Jake Nigel Paul Alexander, son of Robert &

Zoe, Bracken Hall, Portadown

Christian Marriage

5th September 2022 Ryan Mark Heaney and Jordan Mae Deering, Lisnisky Court, Portadown

6th October 2022 Brendan Robert Hagan, Ashley Heights, Portadown and Kerry Lauren Armstrong,

Ballyhannon Close, Portadown

13th October 2022 Scott Dale Rae, Lisnisky Lane, Portadown

and Alexandra Anne Gates, Ballybay

Meadows, Portadown

Christian Burial

Ist September 2022 —_ William (Billy) Young, Seagoe Drive, Portadown

3rd November 2022 Norman Hazley, Mahon Hall Nursing Home

Burial of Ashes

9th October 2022 Cyril Frederick James Gilpin 9th October 2022 Patricia Caroline Sarah Ann Gilpin


Welcoming | Growing | Encouraging | Serving

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tt would be much appreciated if people parking cars could please use

the parking bays and not park on the church roadways or at the kitchen

area to avoid any difficulty if ambulances etc needed access to the


On Sundays the carparks at the School can also be used, Ub acc iy nA

Disabled spaces are provided in the back carpark to allow for easy

access to the buildings.

Family Funeral Dir

59 Seagoe he Portadown, BT63 5HS 02838338888.


Welcome all babies, toddlers and parents/carers ALAN WRAY & Co °






; “i ‘The Old Meeting House’

es Bac ee 24A Portmore Street, Portadown, oa plest = 01-188) 811) Co Armagh BT62 3NG

St. Patrick’s Hall, Princess Way (beside the school gates) TEL: 07989 30389 7 | 24 HOURS AS

Lots of toys, fun, friends and a cuppa! -

Do you enjoy singing. especially hymns and songs? If so,

you might like to join members of the Choir for an hour WAN


or so each Tuesday in the reife sen niee ning on Wishing all our

Tuesday 13 September @730pm. There is no requirement

to read music (although it helps!) and you will be made Parishioners a

most welcome among this group of friends. We rehearse

music ahead of each Sunday service and will be looking lg d ft °

at appropriate music for Harvest Thanksgiving. Anyone of B SE C Tistmas

any age is welcome to join us. (Contact details below.)

For the record | would like to thank all those members d He f A and Healthy, of the Choir who have faithfully sung at weekly services

throughout the pandemic, taking them beyond their He Ne Me

comfort zone and behind microphones in this season of seE PY ew ear

2 rd Toner Taal ard Alison Cadden (07535 638880)

 Stream Closed


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Seagoe Archives


Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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