Seagoe Archives





Winter 2023

Welcoming I Growing I Encouraging I Serving

"I will send my messenger

ahead of you, who will prepare

your way"

"a voice of one calling in the

wilderness, 'Prepare the way for

the Lord, make straight paths for


These words from Mark Chapter

1 form part of the Gospel reading

for the second Sunday of Advent,

10th December. Mark quotes the

prophet Isaiah who in Chapter 39

had just warned King Hezekiah

of Israel that his possessions and

people would be carried off to

Babylon by that country's army.

About 100yrs later the prophecy

came true and the Israelites

were taken captive to Babylon in

modern-day Iraq.

We are painfully aware that

recently we have heard horrifying

reports of the invasion of southern

Israel by Hamas fighters that

resulted in murder and the taking

of Israeli hostages to Gaza. That

invasion has resulted in further

horrific reports of the resulting war

between Israel and Gaza.

Following the warning of what

lay ahead for Israel the Lord speaks

Christmas and

New year's Eve Services

Sunday 10th


Sunday 17th



Christmas Eve 10.30am


Christmas Day 9.00am


New Year's Eve 6.00pm

St. Patrick's Carol Service


Nine Lessons and Carols by


Family Carol Service

Holy Communion by Candlelight

Holy Communion

Christmas Family Service

No Evening Services

St. Patrick's Watchnight






words of comfort and hope through

Isaiah as recorded in Chapter 40

where a voice calls the people to

prepare for the coming triumphant

Every obstacle must be


removed, and every path made

straight for his arrival. He will come

to bring comfort and restoration

for the people. Eventually, the

prophecy was fulfilled, and the

people returned to Israel.

We continue to pray for the

people in Israel and Gaza that

those held hostage will be returned

to their homeland and that a way

forward will be found for the people

to live together in acceptance of

one another's differences. In the

meantime, this year's Christmas

appeal in Seagoe (page 3) will be

for the people of that region,

channelled through the Bishops'

Appeal working with its partners in

the Diocese of Jerusalem.

When Mark quoted from Isaiah,

he highlighted the role of John the

Baptist in preparing the way for the

coming of the Messianic King in the

person of Jesus. John called people

to repent, that is to change the

focus of their lives onto God as he

was about to reveal himself in Jesus.

The coming of Jesus would bring

the offer of peace with God and a

new way of living in relationship to


During Advent, as we look back

to Christ's first coming as revealed

to us in these and other passages of

scripture, we are encouraged afresh

to reflect upon His coming into the

darkness of a fallen and broken

world to bring light, hope and the

joy of salvation to all people. The

more we contemplate that amazing

blessing the more we are drawn

to respond, as in the words of the

carol 'In the bleak mid-winter', to say

'What can I give him? Poor as I am.

If I were a shepherd I would give a

lamb. If I were a wise man I would

do my part. But what I can I give him,

give my heart'.

When we know the wonder of

the Christmas story, and the Gospel

message, and respond by offering

our lives back to God in Christ, we

also become aware that the message

is not just for us but for all people

and that we have a responsibility to

share the Good News with others.

Like John the Baptist, we also have

the responsibility to prepare the

way for the coming of the Lord and

to call people to repentance. Many

of us find that task difficult, but

during Advent and Christmas Seagoe

provides many opportunities for us

to invite and bring others with us

to a variety of events and services

where they can learn more of the

Good News of God's love reaching

out to save us. I encourage you all

to make the most of the season to

reach out to those around you and

invite them so that they may also

encounter God's love.

May the saving message of

Christmas bless you all as you open

yourselves to Christ.









Welcoming I Growing I Encouraging I Serving

All young families!

Ready for some festive fun?

Look forward to seeing you there.

Come along and enjoy our fun filled evening with activities for all the family.

There will be lots of challenges crafts and quizzes. Thre will be light refreshments

and sweet treats and of course we'll be reflecting on the reason for the season!

Cß411i5Ünqle Jevvice

Sunday 3rd December

@10.30am. Please invite

and bring others with you

to our Christingle Family

Service. It will be a great

opportunity to learn about,

and make, Christingles

together that we can then

all bring home to help

us in our preparation for


It would be great if everyone could bring along their own orange,

but we will have some available for anyone who forgets!!!

Tea coffee after worship

- Sign up

Many thanks to all who have provided the welcome cuppa after church each

Sunday. We really do appreciate you!

If you feel you could help in this way, please find a few friends and put your

name on the new rota (in the glass porch) as it suits you. It is a great way to get

to know your parish family.

Special thanks to the ever faithful "early" team, Joan,

Heather, Molly and Sylvia who provide refreshment after the

9am each Sunday. You're great!

Parish Finances


we thank most sincerely

everyone who has contributed

the past year. Without the

generous giving of Parishioners

the life and work of the Parish

could not be sustained. We are delighted that many

people have contributed regularly by Standing Orders or

by Freewill Envelopes. At this time of year we have the

opportunity to check our giving and consider making up

any contributions that we may have missed throughout

the year before the financial year closes on 31st December.

A number of options are available for contributing to

Church funds:

Standing Orders are set up through your bank to credit

the Parish account as follows: Seagoe Parish, Sort Code

98-12-90 Account Number 33191057. Monthly orders are

preferable to weekly orders, however to contribute the

same amount per year it is necessary to give more for 12

monthly contributions than 4 times a weekly figure. Eg

[25 X52 weeks-annual contribution of [1300 whereas

f100X12=annual contribution of [1200

Freewill Offering Envelopes Available through the

office or treasurer.

One-off contributions by cheque or a direct payment

to account name Seagoe Parish, Sort Code 98-12-90

Account Number 33191057

Card reader Our new card reader provides an easy way

to contribute when in Church if you do not have cash with

you, however the reader provider charges us a small fee of

1.69% on contributions.

Gift Aid. All of the above means of giving provide the

opportunity for the Church to reclaim the tax you have

already paid on your contributions. Each fl after gift aid

becomes [1.25. A simple Gift Aid form to complete is

available from the office or treasurer to cover all your


Loose plate collection Cash put directly on the

collection plate (no record of giving is available for Church

membership records or Gift Aid)

Legacies If you would like to leave a legacy in your will

in favour of the Parish it is preferable if you leave it for

general purposes.

If you require assistance or information please contact

our treasurer, Philip Holland, at or


Rev. Canon



8 Upper Church Lane,

Portadown BT63 5JE

Tel: 3833 2538

Mob: 078 9498 7702



Rev. Stuart


149 Kernan Hill Manor


Mob: 077 3918 1466





Rev. Jim


145 Princess Way

Portadown, BT 63 5EL

Mob: 07954994749



Edwina Livingstone

Seagoe Youth Group

Tel: 3833 5279



@ seagoeparish


Email: Email:

Seagoe Youth Group email:

Tel: Killicomaine Youth Centre 3839 4441

SEAGOE PARISH OFFICE 46 Seagoe Road, Portadown BT63 5HW Office Opening Hours: 9am - 12 noon

New Office Phone Number: 07918 394560 Email:



Welcoming I Growing Encouraging I Serving















Ash Wednesday






















Holy Communion

Holy Communion

Holy Communion

Holy Communion

Holy Communion

Holy Communion

Holy Communion

Holy Communion

Holy Communion

Holy Communion

Holy Communion

Holy Communion

loam Holy Communion

Holy Communion

Holy Communion


Christingle Family Service

Advent Service


Family Carols

Christmas Family Service

New Year's Eve Morning


Family Service

Morning Worship

Morning Worship

Café Church in Quiet Room

Holy Communion

Family Service

Morning Worship

Morning Worship in Church

Holy Communion


St. Patrick's

Except Seagoe in bold

Evening Worship

St. Patrick's Carol Service

7.00pm Seagoe

Carols by Candlelight.

No service in St. Patrick's

11.00pm Seagoe

Christmas Communion

No service

6.00pm St. Patrick's

Watchnight Service

Evening Worship

Holy Communion

Evening Worship

7.00pm Rotunda Praise SerVice

Evening Worship

Evening Worship

Holy Communion

7.30pm Ash Wednesday

Evening worship

7.00pm Rotunda Praise Service

Evening worship


Over the years Seagoe Parishioners have so generously

donated a vast array of gifts for distribution to those

in need through the Salvation Army Family Appeal.

This year we will be gathering gifts at our services on

Sunday 3rd December. If you are donating a gift please

do not wrap it (so that the distributors know what is it),

however you may wish to place it in a Christmas gift bag.

Please consider gifts for all ages, including teenagers.

Thank you in advance for your generosity.



Christmas Appeal

Over the Christmas period (Christmas Eve until New Year) we offer parishioners

the opportunity to contribute to a Christmas Appeal. Many people avail of this

opportunity as they have a desire to share the blessing of Christmas with others.

This year we will be using the Bishops' Appeal for people caught up in the war

in the Holy Land between Hamas and Israel. As we remember the birth of Jesus

in Bethlehem we are conscious that it is only a short distance from Gaza and

the kibbutz where Hamas carried out their deadly attack on 7th October. The

Bishop's Appeal will channel contributions through one of its trusted partners

on the ground, the Diocese of Jerusalem (with whom the Dioceses of Dublin and

Glendalough has been in relationship for a number of years) in their outreach to

those impacted by war, and also to Tearfund partners working in Lebanon and in

some of the areas and countries bordering Gaza and Israel where already things

are precarious and extremely tense. Where there is the danger of further tension,

violence and devastation erupting at any time. You can read further information

about the appeal on the Diocesan website:

news/ 2023/11/bishops-appeal-advent-and-christmas-appeal-2023



Welcoming I Growing I Encouraging I Serving


On Sunday 26th November we held our Confirmation Service for 9

young people and 1 adult. The Young People completed a 9 week

course as part of their preparation for Confirmation where they

looked at topical subjects such as Prayer, Worship, The Bible, The

Church and The Sacraments. Bishop David's theme this year for

Confirmation was How much more, and explored how if we ask for

more of the Holy Spirit in our lives God will honour that request. It is the Holy

Spirit who helps us to grow in faith. to understand the bible and to share the gospel with others. Please

continue to pray for these young people and adult as they seek to grow in their faith and encourage

them to remain part of the life of our parish and the church family Isaac Bell. Eva Carroll. Holly Donaghy,

Evie Hughes, Charlie McClatchey, Presley McClatchey. Adam Milligan, Isaac Milligan. Jamie Moore and

Grace Rogers.

Killicomaine Kids and Parents...


Link Diocese


A big thank you to everyone who

has been filling their CMS boxes and

putting money into the big bottle

in the Rotunda. Yes we've emptied

and you have

it..... and counted it

raised [550 for the children project

in our partner diocese in Rwanda

That's almost a [1000 raised in the

last year or so. Bishop Jered is keen

to buy instruments for a youth /

brigade outreach band to encourage

and support young people in the


So well done and thanks from all

at Sunday Light.

Killicomaine Kids and Parents

have enjoyed their Friday

mornings in St Patrick's Hall in


We will "party" on the 15th

December and then hope to

restart on FRIDAY 5th JANUARY!

So if you are a young / new /

older parent or carer with a baby

or toddler please do come and

join us from 10.30am each Friday.

We'd love to meet you. (See

notice on back cover of magazine)

Wishing you a very happy and

peaceful Christmas and God's

blessing to you all.

Youth Fellowship

Youth Fellowship has had a busy autumn

programme, with some of our members also

preparing for confirmation. Since starting

back in September, we've also seen a number

of new members join us. This autumn we've

been using a resource produced by Scripture

Union Ireland, called Nua Origins, which has

been an encouraging look at topics such as the

nature of God and our identity, the meaning

of Jesus' death, prayer and the scriptures. We

are currently half way through this course and

look forward to picking it up again after the

Christmas break.

YF meets every second and fourth Sunday

evening at 7pm in the Parish Centre. We

would encourage any young people who

are secondary school age to join with us;

they'll find a warm welcome and plenty of

encouragement. Please continue to pray for

the young people, and that as they learn

about God and themselves, their faith will

deepen. For more information about YF,

please get in touch with Stuart (07739181466)

or email

Some of the young people making their own

'pizzas' for supper


Welcoming I Growing I Encouraging I Serving

Party of Light

At the end of October, we had a great Party

of Light. Lots of children and their families

enjoyed making a range of light themed crafts,

hearing an inspiring talk about light from

Stuart, and had the challenge of a great quiz.

Of course, as always, there were lots of

tasty treats to enjoy!

Church Lads' Brigade

Seagoe Church Lads Brigade was cordially invited

by RBL Northern Ireland to attend and take part in

the Northern Ireland Festival of Remembrance on

Saturday 4th November

at The Waterfront Hall,

Belfast. Attending the

event representing the

Company is some of

the Officers and Lads.

An absolute honour for

Seagoe CLB to be part

of this remembrance



The Captain, Officers and everyone

at Seagoe CLB

would like to wish everyone a

Very Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year

'Duke of Edinburgh Award with

Seagoe Youth Group'

Looking for


different? Why

not consider doing

your DoE Award

with SYG

The DofE Award

Scheme is a great

opportunity for

young people

to take on new

challenges and

skills, make

new friends and have fun. Open to all young people in Year 10 and

above. As the new season begins we're happy to welcome any new

participants. If you'd like to find out more contact Keith, Edwina or

Boyd Tel. 38335279.

Church Girls' Brigade

The Martin and Y Team sections (Seagoe & Killicomaine) of CGB

came together for a joint Christmas party in the parish centre. We

had lots of fun playing

games, doing crafts,

listening to the nativity

story and then had a

special visitor! Thank

you to all our girls and

parents for all their

support during the year

and to our leaders for

giving up their Monday

nights. Please keep

CLCGB in your prayers

as we head into 2024

and continue to teach

the boys and girls about Jesus

We are


to welcome

our new members, and we

know they will enjoy the

friendship and fellowship

of our meetings. We have

had a very varied range of

speakers this term and I suspect the highlight has been the visit

from the Rev Mark Reid of the Mission to Seafarers, Belfast. Some

of the statistics he gave us were amazing. We often think of ships

in Belfast docks but don't realise that there are over 1.5 million

seafarers across the world, transporting 90% of the world's goods.

The seafarers can spend up to 9 months at a time away form the

family and loved ones and this can lead to loneliness and mental

health issues. They are often poorly paid but at the same time

supporting up to 15 extended family members. The outreach

support given by the Mission Chaplain and its volunteers help in

both spiritual and practical ways. I know many parishioners, as

well as our own members, have been busy knitting warm hats and

gloves to pass on to Rev Reid along with some items to bring a

little Christmas cheer to those at sea at this special time of year.

Our retiring collection of over [240 was also much appreciated by

the Mission.

Apart from the seafarers hats, the ladies have knit/crochet

baby hats and little cardigans for the hospital neonatal and

maternity units. The staff were delighted and overwhelmed

by our generosity when I delivered 122 baby garments at the

start of November. I also delivered more Toilet Bags to the

Emergency Department bringing our total this year to just over

150 bags. We received two lovely letters of appreciation from

both departments but can I add my sincere thanks to everyone

in our church family who has donated items for both these most

worthy causes. We have been greatly encouraged to continue our

practical outreach next year.

We have

a varied


ahead for 2023

from a Mid

overseas night,

an insight into

'Nurses Voices'

during times

of conflict and

a ladies day

out. There's a

warm welcome

waiting for

anyone who

would like to

drop-in to

any of our

meetings, with

or without

deciding to

join the branch.

) Southern Health

u and Social Care Trust

Quality Care for you, with you

7tt November 2023

Ms Shirley Branyan

Dear Shirley

I am writing on behalf of the patients and nursing staff of the Emergency Department,

Craigavon Area Hospital to thank you for the wash bags which were greatly received.

This was a very thoughtful and generous gesture and tie feedback on them has been

great with patients, staff and relatives making very positive and appreciative comments.

It is a pleasure to know t•gat thankfully people like you are taking the time to consider

others and to undertake such great for our patients.

Please accept our appreciation and thanks and may you continue with»ur great work.

Yours sincerely

isa Fraz

Emergency Departrnent CAH

May I take this opportunity to thank everyone for their support

in 2022. Please remember in your prayers, those for whom the

festive season will be very different this year and for those who

are struggling with personal issues.

Best Wishes

Shirley Branyan, branch leader.



Once again, thank you for your wonderful response to our Christmas

Gifts for Seafarers Appeal.

Philip and I packed the car with bags containing your donations of

hats, scarves, gloves, socks, various other items of clothing, toiletries

and confectionery and set off for Belfast.

We were warmly received in The Flying Angel Centre by Trevor,

Esther and Ann who belong to a team of faithful volunteers. They were

most appreciative of your thoughtfulness and generosity.

We had the pleasure of meeting five seafarers from Poland and

Latvia who had visited the Centre on previous occasions. Although

they had not been home for a few months they were in good spirits,

clearly enjoying fellowship and relaxation on shore.

The Flying Angel Centre is indeed a caring haven for seafarers from

around the world.

Eileen Holland

106th Birthday Celebration!

an Ferguson 106 on 9th October 2023

On 9th October Terence was privileged again to visit our eldest

parishioner Nan Ferguson, to celebrate her 106th Birthday!!! Nan was,

as always, in great form, and was delighted to have received her 106th

Birthday card from the King and Queen. The card follows having

received her 105th card from their Majesties last year, and her 100th

birthday card from her late Majesty, Queen Elizabeth 2nd.

Welcoming i Growing I Encouraging i Serving


Rubies is a women's ministry group at

Seagoe, which aims to reach the women of

our church and the surrounding area with

the love of Jesus Christ, seeking to introduce

them to the one who can change their lives and

encourage those who already have trusted in


The meaning behind our name is taken from

this encouraging verse from Proverbs 3 v 15:

She is more precious than rubies.

We meet once a month on the third Monday

of the month for a variety of different events.

We held our first ever Christmas market on

Saturday 25th November to raise funds for our

chosen charity, Flourish NI. Flourish is a charity

which provides aid and support for women who

have been victims of human trafficking.

We had over 20 local vendors at our market,

such as Rose and Thorn, Wick and Fern candles,

Rare Grazing NI, Bobbins and spools and many

more. This was a wonderful opportunity to

support local businesses, as well as getting some



Christmas gifts for loved ones.

Sarecca school of music and performance

kindly put together a festive musical medley.

The children and young people sang beautifully

and helped to spread Christmas cheer!

There was a visit from Santa too. Each child

received a Christmas tract as part of their

gift from Santa, telling them about the good

news of Jesus, our savioun coming to earth at

Christmas to save us.

Thank you so much for all your prayers,

support, kindness and generosity. The success of

the event would not have been possible without


We hope to see you in the New Year - all

ladies are so welcome at our monthly events.

Our January meeting is on Monday 15th January

at 7.'45pm in the Rotunda. We will be having a

praise and pastries event which will be a great

opportunity to have fellowship and to worship

together. Please

do continue

to spread the

word about

Rubies and to

keep us in your


May God

richly bless

you and your

families this




Church Renovations

Over the Summer months, some members of the Select Vestry

were involved in a range of meetings concerning the renovations to

the Church interior in the light of comments received from some

parishioners. Since reconvening as a Vestry in September, the full

vestry has visited a specialist Church furniture manufacturer in

Carrickfergus to view samples of its work. Vestry has also arranged for

conversations between our architect, his appointed heating engineer,

Mens Breakfast

The Men' group organised a great men's breakfast on ..... A

good number of men attended and enjoyed a hearty breakfast

alongside good craick and chatter. Rev. Rodney Blair, curate

of Shankill Parish, gave a very interesting talk about his life and

faith. We were delighted that Gerry Topping was able to attend

and had a really

enjoyable time

with his many

friends in Seagoe.

VN/e vvere all

shocked to learn of

Gerry's death the

next morning, but

were encouraged

that he had had

such an enjoyable

last day with us.

and a heating specialist proposed by some parishioners. Vestry will

now consider all the findings of these meetings and work towards

bringing a revision to its plans for the restoration before the parish.

Please continue to pray for the Vestry members as they seek to

enhance the building to the glory of God and for the benefit of this

and future generations following the courageous decisions made by

vestries in the past.

Marriage Blessing

20th October 2023

Christian Baptism

8th October 2023

Christian Burial

2nd October 2023

10th October 2023

31st October 2023

9th November 2023

5th December 2023

Harry Proctor & Chloé Margaret Wilson

Bocombra Park, Portadown

Mila Lindsey Henry, daughter of Daryl and

Lindsey, Bachelor's Park, Portadown

Gerald (Gerry) Topping, Seagoe Park,


Joseph (Joe) Hynes, Ulsterville Park,


Susanne (Sue) Baker, Ulsterville Park,


Marjorie Mitchell, Willow Grove PNH,


Elizabeth Ward, Levaghery Gardens,



Raise FREE funds for us

every time you shop online!

Shop at 4,000+ stores John Lewis




Give as you Live



It would be much appreciated if people parking cars could please use

the parking bays and not park on the church roadways or at the kitchen

area to avoid any difficulty if ambulances etc needed access to the


On Sundays the carparks at the School can also be used.

Disabled spaces are provided in the back carpark to allow for easy

access to the buildings.

S E A G E 2024

Welcoming I Growing I Encouraging i Serving


Saturday 8am - 12noon


Welcoming I Growing i Encouraging Serving


24th February

27th April

29th June

30th March

25th May

27th July

Seagoe Church

Car Park

Cars E5 / Vans E 10

U øeCeoege to aet.C, Ceoøae C"

Any queries contact Edwina on 028 3833 5279


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Talk to us about Pre-Paid Funeral Plans.

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'The Old Meeting House'

24A Portmore Street, Portadown,

co Armagh BT62 3NG

TEL: 07989 303897 | 24


Welcome all babies, toddlers and parents/carers


10:30 am -12:30

St. Patrick's Hall, Princess Way (beside the school gates)

Lots of toys, fun, friends and a cuppa!


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Seagoe Archives


Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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