Seagoe Archives

December 1906


December 1906

Seagoe Parish Magazine.



ADVENT, with its solemn message of

Preparation for the Second Coming

of our Blessed Lord, is with us again.

When the Lord comes will He find us

watching? The special Services and Sermons

which have been arranged for the four weeks of

Advent, will, we hope and pray, be a great help to

the Parishioners in their work of spiritual


The subjects for Sunday mornings are Days of Judgment."

On each Sunday evening special Sermons or

Lectures will be given on " Four Great Bishops

of the Church of Ireland—Berkeley—Jeremy

Taylor—Bedell—Ussher, and they will be dealt with

by the following preachers—The Very Rev. Dr.

O'Loughlin, Dean of Dromore ; the Ven. E. D.

Atkinson, LL.B., Archdeacon of Dromore ; Rev. W.

Jones, Rector of Kilmore; and the Rev. F. J,

Halahan, Rector of Drumcree. On Wednesday

evenings the subjects will be Parables of the

Advent, “and the following will be the special

preachers—Rev. O. W. Scott, Rev. S. G. McMurtrie,

and the Rev. T. W. Harpur. On Advent Sunday,

December 2nd, the collections will be in aid of

Foreign Missions.


Morning. Evening.

Nov. 4—21st Sun. after Trinity 1.5.6

,, ,, 0.5.8 0.14.9

,, ,, 11 —22nd 1.3.3 0.15.0

,, ,, 18—23 0.2.9

,, ,, - 1.7.8 0.5.6

25- 24 0.18.9 0.12.0

Week Days 0.8.6

£5.3.7 £2.15.9


“ As many of you as have been baptised into Christ have

put on Christ."

Nov. 3 —Joseph, son of Wm. and Hannah Cull,


,, —Wm. John, son of Wm. John and Martha

J. M'Crory, Edenderry.

„ —Wm. John, son of George and Hannah

Magee, Edenderry.

„ —Joseph, son of Wm. John and Elizabeth

Magee, Edenderry.

Nov. 3 —Richard, son of Richard and Margaret

Best, Portadown

  • Wm. Robert, son of Wm. Robert and Mary

Anne Coulter, Ballinary.

„ —Herbert, son of NV m. and Mary Jane Black,



" Those whom God hath joined together let no man put

asunder. "

Nov. 3 —Wm. Henry Kane, Edenderry, to Sarah

Holland, Tartaraghan.


" Death is swallowed up in victory."

Nov. 7 —Albert Russell, Killead, aged 7 months.

„ 15 —James Kelly, Seagoe, aged 52 years.


The collection for this important Fund is now

being made through the Parish, and we would wish

to call the attention of our people to it. A glance at

the Report of the Fund, just issued for the year 1905,

will show us how it is supported by the parishioners.

Some give very well, but how many there are who

could give a large sum, and yet opposite their names

a trifling sum appears. It is a startling fact that no

less than 192 of our subscribers give 2/6 or less as

their annual subscription to this, the most important

of our Funds. We hope that those who feel their

subscriptions are not as large as they might be, will

increase them, and that many, especially the younger

working members of families, will give something to

help the Fund.


The Parish Almanacs are now on sale through the

Parish, price 2d each. The coloured picture is a

beautifully executed copy of a famous painting " The

Raising of the Widow's Son." Copies may be had

at Mrs. Malcolmson's, Bridge Street. The Almanac

is undoubtedly the finest Parish Almanac ever

produced. It is published under the auspices of the

Church Army.


The Concert in the Parochial Hall on December

6th is in aid of the Sunday Schools. As it requires a

large amount of money to carry these on, we hope

that our people will give this a generous support.

We would like to see the hall packed on the occasion.

We have been fortunate in securing a number of

first rate artistes for the programme. Tickets 6d. and 3d


Ours are to make the BEST BREAD and CONFECTIONERY

in the Kingdom; and to Sell the BEST TEAS the World

can produce

*2/8, *2/4, *2/-, 1/10, 1/8. These marked thus * are our leading lines;

DAVISON BROS., 3 & 4 High Street,



The following attended Church at every service

during the quarter ending September 30th:

Edenderry—Edward Richardson, Isaac Watson,

Alfred Richardson, Isabella Magee, Margaret Hawthorne,

M. J. McCormick, Annie Smith, Ethel Preston, M. J. Fleming,

Lily Magee, Maggie Smith, Minnie Atkinson, Maggie Magee.

Seagoe—Lena Best, Maud Dickson, Nicholas

England, Ellen England, Thos. England, Wm. Walker,

Victor Walker, John Porter.

Carne—Susan Caddell, Adelaide Murray, Herbert


Very good attendance: —

Edenderry- David Livingstone, Susan Allen,

Nellie Dawson, Minnie Allen, Jemima Allen,

Florrie Wright, Louie Montgomery, Fanny Thompson,

Maggie Martin, Lizzie Fleming, E. J. Martin,

Sarah Coulter, Maria Roney, Gertie Richardson,

Mary Livingstone.

Seagoe—Margaret Fryer, Florrie McLoughlin,

Margaret Reid, Hannah Hart, John Reid, Maria

Watson, Thos. Ruddell, Theresa Ramsay. James

Porter, John M'Loughlin, Henry Dickson, Lizzie

Reid, Addie McLoughlin, Minnie Watson, George

Wilson, James D. England, James H. England,

Wm. Jas. Webb, Jane A. Webb, Mary A. McCormick,

Annie White.

Levaghery—Sarah Montgomery, Margaret Bradshaw


Arrangements have been made for binding the

year's numbers of the Parish Magazine at wholesale

prices, in handsome cloth covers with

gilt letters, name of Parish, and ornamental

design, for the small sum of 1/3 per volume. All

readers desiring to have their numbers bound are

requested to send them to the Rectory, with the

money, as early as possible. The twelve Monthly

Numbers must be tied together, and the owner's

name and address distinctly written on the parcel.

An attractive volume will thus be added to the Home

Library at a small expense.


A Band of Hope meeting was held in Carne

Church Hall on November 1st. Recitations and

readings were well rendered by Miss Olivia Rowland,

Mr. David Murray, and Mr. John Lynas, and an

address was given by Rev J. Taylor. It is hoped to

have another later on, of which due notice will be



This was inaugurated on November 22nd. The

Rector took the chair and gave the address. Many

willing volunteers came forward to assist in the

programme, and the result was that an interesting one

was got up at very short notice. Amongst those

who contributed were—Miss M. Flannigan, Master

Victor Irwin, Master T. Smith, Miss G. Montgomery,

Miss M. Atkinson, Miss M. Magee, Miss V. Richardson,

Miss L. McAnally, Miss N. Livingston, Mr. R.

Montgomery, Mr D. Livingston, Master W. Firth,

Misses M. Grimason and M. Weir, and Mr. Pillor,

who gave two mandolin solos. The attendance was

very encouraging, and it is hoped that this will only

be the beginning of many meetings in which the children

will be educated to look with horror on the indulgence in

strong drink. We would earnestly invite the grown-up

people also to these meetings, as they have need to learn this

fact as much as the children.


In Carne Parochial Hull the services were held on

November 4th and 5th. The hall was nicely decorated

by willing hands and the sermons were preached by

the Parochial Clergy.

The services were held in Drumgor on November

11th and 12th, and the decorations were very tasteful

especially considering the lateness of the season. The

preacher on the Sunday afternoon was the Dean

of Dromore, and on Monday the Rector. The

offertories were devoted to the Parochial Sunday



This Class has now been in operation for some

time, and has fully justified the efforts which were

made to start it. The attendance of the members is

very gratifying, the majority not having missed a

Sunday since the commencement, and appearing to

be deeply interested in the various lessons. The

Hall is excellent, both as to position and

accommodation, and the thanks of the Class are due to those

who have placed it at their disposal. Thanks, are

also due to Mr. Wm. Atkinson, Edenderry, for his

energetic efforts in promoting the welfare of the

Class. We would like to add that there are a great

many men, both old and young, in the country parts

of the Parish who ought to take advantage of this

opportunity to learn more about the Bible and the

history of their Church, and we hope they will not

be backward in making a start to come.


The Clergy of the Parish hope to examine the

Sunday Schools throughout the Parish during the

coming month on the work done during the past


The following rule was adopted at the recent

meeting of our Sunday School superintendents—

That when a child is absent from its class for more

than one Sunday the Teacher shall visit and enquire

as to the cause of absence, and if the child is absent

a third Sunday without reasonable cause the

Superintendent shall then visit the Parents.

If the visits of the Teacher and Superintendent are

ineffective the names are then to be submitted to the


We hope all the parents will co-operate with the

Teachers, Superintendents and Clergy in seeing that

their children attend the Sunday Schools regularly

and prepare their lessons carefully each Sunday.


A special Christmas Number of " Home Words"

will be issued on Friday, December 14th.

It can be had through any of the usual distributors

of the Magazine, or from Mrs. Malcolmson's, Bridge

Street. Price One Penny. The number will

contains two complete illustrated Christmas tales,

" The Man who Gained the World," and " Love will

find out the way," besides a quantity of other

interesting Christmas reading. Secure your copy



We desire to thank Miss Armstrong for so kindly

defraying the cost of the new incandescent burners

in the Parochial Hall. The light is splendid, and is

a great improvement.


Seagoe Parish was originally 9745 acres 3 roods

and 18 perches in extent.


In the Ordnance Survey notes made in 1834 we

read that there are two kinds of fish peculiar to

Lough Neagh and the Bann—viz., Pullen and



Tradition says that in the year A.D. 380 a battle

was fought near Carrickblacker. About 100 years

ago " 3 swords and a spear of cast brass " were

found in a morass in the neighbourhood, and are

now in Carrickblacker. They are supposed to be

relics of the battle.


In 1752 the Churchwardens of Seagoe were Darcy

Wentworth and Jon. Bradshy.


Extract from the Vestry minutes of Seagoe Parish

for 1712 :—

At a Vestry held in the Parish Church of Sego on

Easter Monday, April the 21st, 1712, for the said

Parish: It was enacted, concluded, and agreed upon

by the Minister, Churchwardens and Parishioners

then present that the sum of £9 8s 4d be applotted

and Levied of the Parishioners and Landholders of

the said Parish for the uses following, viz.

for Elements of the Holy Communion twelve times £ S D

for getting the Elements 03 00 00

for Key and two Locks 00 03 00

for collecting the Cess 00 09 04

for a Post and Turnstiles for each

side of the Churchyard to be

set on each side of ye Yard 01 01 08

for Ditching and Quicking of ye 00 04 00


and that Patrick Best of Tanefeglassony and John

Stephenson of Derryadda are chosen Churchwardens

for the Insuing year, George Bell chosen Overseer

of the Highways from the Low Mill to Edendery etc.

James Byers to oversee through Edendery

from Bocomra to Portadown Bridge and from Jennet

Brown's to the great Road Leading through Edendary.

John Fisher ye Elder in place of David

Gaddis to oversee from Knock Bridge to Widow

William's Hill etc.









Mr. Leonard Twinem has been appointed Assistant

Superintendent of Drumgor Sunday School.


The Superintendents of the Parish Sunday Schools

were entertained to Tea at the Rectory on Thursday,

15th ult., and an important Conference on Sunday

School work was afterwards held.


Major Blacker invited the Seagoe Harriers to

Carrickblacker for their " run " on Saturday, Nov.



Miss I. Atkinson has kindly undertaken the

Superintendency of Levaghery Sunday School.


The new Bible Class Calendar, and also the

Sunday School Course of Lessons for 1907, will

be ready on Sunday, Dec. 30th.


As the winter season is coming on, and with it

as usual increasing sickness in the Parish, the

clergy will be greatly obliged if sick cases are

reported to them at the earliest opportunity, either

personally or by a postcard. They desire to thank

those who have so kindly assisted them since the

insertion of the notice in the Magazine


The Choral Class, started under Mr. Wilson's

skilful tuition, is making satisfactory progress.

Simple part songs are now being practised, and we

are sure the members will derive great benefit and

pleasure from Mr. Wilson's painstaking effort.


On Saturday evening, November 24, Mr, Smith,

engineer of the Great Northern Railway, kindly

gave a Gramophone Recital in the Men's Reading

Room. It was very much appreciated by those

present. We hope to hear the records again at the



A Temperance leaflet is inserted in this and

future numbers of the Magazine, so as to draw the

attention of our people to this important subject.


It is hoped to have entertainments in the Men's

Reading Room on Saturdays. All are welcome.

Admission, 2d. Lantern Slides on Saturday,

December 1st, at 8.


We have to thank Mr. Hamilton Robb for so

kindly presenting magazines and papers to the Men's

Reading Room. We would like his example to be

followed by others. If they would intimate their

intention to the Rector, he could have them called



We would like to direct the attention of the

Parishioners to the Wednesday Evening Services in

the Parish Church. It is our duty to worship God on

a week day as well as on Sunday. The subjects

during Advent will be the Parables relating to

Christ's coming, and will be dealt with by special



Canon Blacker is at present on a visit with Major

Blacker, and we are glad to know that he is enjoying

excellent health. We are delighted to have him

amongst us once again.


We are glad to know that our Seagoe Parish

Magazine circulates in all parts of the world. Why

is Seagoe Magazine like the British Empire?

Answer—Because the sun never sets on it. Wherever

our Seagoe people may be this Christmas, in the

United States, Canada, Australia, India, China,

Japan, or nearer home in England or Scotland we

wish them A Bright and Happy Christmas, and

Prosperous New Year.

We may add the Rector would be very glad to hear

occasionally from former parishioners now living

abroad and will gladly publish anything of interest

that they may send.

Ye Anchor Cafe


At the Bridge,

Five Minutes Walk from Station.




Hot Luncheons



Separate Room for Country Weddings if Notice

is Given.


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Seagoe Archives


Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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