Seagoe Archives

December 1909


December 1909

Seagoe Parish Magazine

December 1909


WE wish all our readers a very Happy

Christmas and every blessing in the

New Year. With this number we close

the fourth and most successful year of the

Seagoe Parish Magazine, which has done a great

deal to bring together all friends of Seagoe, whether

at home or abroad. We hope in the New Year to

improve even on our past record.

Christmas Services.

On Christmas Day Holy Communion will be

administered in the Parish Church at 8 am. and

after the 11-30 a.m. service,

Christmas Carols will be sung by the Choir at

the Sunday evening service preceding Christmas Day.

The collections on Christmas Day at all services

will be in aid of Gifts of Clothing for the poor of

the Parish.


We are now passing through the Season of

Advent, when the Church dwells upon the Second

Coming of our Lord. It is a season of special

prayer and preparation. On Wednesday evening,

December 15th, the Rev. M. H. F. Collis, B.D.,

Rector of Antrim, will preach in the Parish Church

on the subject of Advent.


We offer sincere thanks to Messrs. Moses M'Kerr

and John Gordon for their gift of a Prayer Desk for

use at the Sunday evening Services in the Hall at

Tamnificarbet ; also to Master Gilbert Price for the

gift of a Kneeling Stool. We value these gifts all

the more in that they were made by the donors.

Who will present us with a large Bible and Prayer

Book and Hymnal for use at the Services ?


Morning. Evening

£ s d £ s d

Nov. 7th - 22nd Sunday after Trinity 1 17 8 0 11 4

Nov. 14th - 23rd Sunday after Trinity 1 3 5 0 13 7

Nov. 21st – S. next before Advent 1 1 9 0 10 10

Nov 28th – Advent Sunday 1 7 8 0 12 0

Weekdays 0 8 8

_____________ ______________

Total £5 10 6 £2 16 5


They brought young children to Christ."

Oct. 31st—Ruby Harte, daughter of William and Sarah Ferguson.

Nov 6th —Eveline Jane, daughter of William and Mary Shanks.

„ —Sarah Elizabeth, daughter of William James and Anna Maria M'Donnell.

„ —Hannah Jane, daughter of George and Hannah Jane Magee.

„ —David, son of John George and Margaret Thompson.

„ —Edna Maud, daughter of George and Jane Anne Tate.

„ —Emily, daughter of Thomas and Mary Jane Major.


The Lord bless thee and keep thee."

Nov. 20th—Robert Henry Brown, Edenderry, to Mary Elizabeth Hewitt, Edenderry.


In sure and certain hope."

6th—John Rainey, Edenderry, aged 37 years.

Sustentation Fund.

The Annual Collection for the Sustentation Fund

is now being made through the Parish.

We believe a really generous spirit is growing up

among our people and that they are more willing

than ever to give liberally to the support of the

Church. The sum hitherto contributed by Church

people in the Parish to the Sustentation Fund will,

we are confident, be doubled this year. This can be

done if our people will remember that it is a religious

duty to give fixed proportion of our means to the

service of God. Under the Jewish dispensation it

was a tithe or 1 / 10 th part of the produce of field and

flock, and certainly under the Christian dispensation

it should not be less. We hope, also, that the sons

and daughters of our households who are earning for

themselves will subscribe to this Fund. A box is

placed in the Church porch and any subscriptions

placed in it with name, address, and amount will be


We hope also for the sake of the collectors that

subscribers will have their subscriptions ready to

hand to the collectors when they call and so save

them the trouble of making another call. The

Sustentation Fund Collectors do a splendid work for the

Church and ought to be encouraged in every possible



Harvest Services.

The annual services of Harvest Thanksgiving were

held in the Parish Church on Friday, October 29th,

and on Sunday, October 81st. At all the services

the congregations were very large. The decorations

were much admired and notwithstanding the lateness

of the season a quantity of beautiful flowers were

forthcoming. The School children very kindly

brought bunches of flowers which added much to the

brightness of the Church, and many other kind

friends sent gifts of flowers and fruit. Our special

preacher on Friday was the Rev. T. J. M'Endoo,

Rector of Dungannon, and on Sunday the Rev.

Bedell Stanford, Rector of Holy Trinity Church,

Belfast. The musical portions of the service were

well rendered and the anthem was specially good,

the solos being taken by Mrs. Stephenson and her

sister and Mr. David Murray who acquitted themselves

well. The offerings were liberal, and a true

note of hearty thanksgiving to the Lord of the

Harvest pervaded all the services.

District Harvest Services,

The custom which has grown up in recent years

of holding Thanksgiving Services in the outlying

Districts of the Parish has been much appreciated by

the people. This year such services were held in

Hacknahay, Drumgor, Carne, and Tamnificarbet.

HACKNAHAY.—The school was beautifully decorated

and a very large gathering assembled both on Sun-

day, October 31st, and on Monday, November 1st.

The preacher on Sunday was the Rev. B, Stanford,

and on Monday the Rev. F. J. Halahan, Rector of

Drumcree. Miss Wilson presided at the organ and

had brought the choir to a high state of efficiency.

A very pretty harvest anthem was sung, the solos

being taken by Mr. and Miss Chambers. The

collections were in aid of the local Sunday School.

A Harvest Service was held in DRUMGOR on

Sunday, November 7th, and on the following Monday.

The addresses were given by Mr. M'Kenzie and by

the Rector. The Hall, which has recently been so

much improved, was tastefully adorned with fruit

and flowers. The congregations were very large.

Mr. T. H. Wilson kindly presided at the Harmonium

and the Hymn singing was very hearty, The people

gave liberal offerings in aid of the local Sunday


On Sunday, November 14th, CARNE held its Harvest

Services which were largely attended, and on

Monday, 15th, the services were continued. A band

of workers, under the supervision of Mr. David

Murray, the popular and energetic superintendent of

Carne Sunday School, had decorated the hall with

good effect and there was a crowded congregation.

The Rev. 11. Gordon, Honorary Curate of St. Mary's

Church, Belfast, preached the sermon, and on Mon-

day evening our preacher was the Rev. W. H, Shire,

Curate of Aghalee. The singing was congregational

and hearty and the offerings liberal.

This year, for the first time, a Harvest Service was

held in TAMNIFICARBET Hall. This is a new and most

encouraging centre of Parochial life, and much interest

was shown by the men of the District and

others in the Services. The room was nicely decorated,

but the best decoration of all was the overflowing

congregation which joined in the Thanksgiving

Services. Mr. M'Kenzie, who has given us go

much kind help recently. preached the sermon on

Sunday evening, November 21st, and the Rev. J. W.

Johnston, Curate of Drumcree, on the Monday following.

The services were very hearty and devout,

and liberal offerings were given on behalf of the local

Sunday Evening Services.

We trust the result of our round of Harvest

Thanksgiving Services will be to instil into the

hearts and minds of our people a real conviction of

the truth, so often lost sight of, that the produce of

the fields and the fruits of industry whether in factory,

wareroom or office are gifts from the bounteous

hand of our Heavenly Father.


The handsome new Parish Almanac is now on

sale, price ld. Copies at Mrs, Metcalfe's, Bridge

Street, and through the Parish. Secure one at


We hear rumours of a Sale of Work for the

enlargement and heating of Edenderry Parochial

Hall. The sooner it is done the better.

We are dependent on outside accommodation for

our Edenderry Bible Classes and Infant School.

If two annexes were made to Edenderry Hall and

Infant Class Rooms built at the rere it would be

a great advantage. We also want a building which

could accommodate 700 or 800 of our Parishioners.

Such an enlarged Hall would suffice for this.

We congratulate the Rev. R. D. Patterson,

Lurgan, on his appointment to the Parish of

Ardmore. The Moyntiaghs up to about 1750

formed part of this Parish.

Those who have Missionary Boxes and Collecting

Cards should make an effort to complete their

collections without delay.

Mr. Wolsey Atkinson and Mr. George Calvert

have created a record by visiting the whole Parish in

a fortnight on behalf of the R.P.S.

Miss Wilson, of Hacknahay, has formed a Saturday

Class for G.F.S. Candidates in Hacknahay School.


Mr. Willie Reid has returned safely to the United

States after his brief visit to Seagoe.

The Rector has received an interesting letter expressing

good wishes for the Parish from Mrs, Wolseley,

daughter of the Rev. Capel Wolseley.


The January number of this Magazine will

contain a Coloured Presentation Plate.

The Seagoe Harriers have arranged for a great

Marathon Race, from Lurgan to Portadown, on

December 27th.

We are glad they are not holding it on Christmas

Day, which is a religious as well as a social Festival.

The holding of great sporting events on such a day

must distract the minds of our people from the

religious observance of the day commemorating our

Saviour's Birth.

Seagoe is well represented on the Diocesan Lists

this year. At the recent Synod Major Blacker and

Mr. Wolsey Atkinson were elected Supplemental

Members of the Diocesan Council, and the Rector's

name appears in the Supplemental Lists of Council

and General Synod.

The programme of the School Concert will be

well worth keeping. It is of a novel character.


On Friday evening, November 12th, in Edenderry

Men's Recreation Rooms, a Presentation, consisting

of a handsomely furnished dressing case, was made

to Mr. Ernest Holland on the eve of his departure

for the United States. The Rector presided, and in

a short speech expressed his regret at the fact that

Mr. Holland was about to sever his connection with

Seagoe Parish, and on behalf of those present and

many others he wished Mr. Holland God speed and

much success in the land beyond the seas. Mr.

Holland thanked all present for the handsome present

they had given him. On Saturday, November 13th,

a large number of Mr. Holland's friends assembled

at the station to see him off.

Ernest Holland will be very much missed in Seagoe

Parish. He was a regular member of the Men's

Bible Class, acted as Magazine distributor in Levagherry

and at all our Lantern Entertainments made

an excellent Lanternist ; for many years, also, he was

Treasurer for the Men's Reading Room. His many

friends wish him much prosperity, and we are confident

that his steady application to duty, his loyal

Churchmanship and his genial manner will make

him as general a favourite in his new home as he

was in Seagoe. Some of his friends in Portadown

presented him with a handsome gold Albert chain

and seal as a token of their regard and affection for


Sunday School Calendar for December.

Owing to a slight delay in the publication of the

new Sunday School Calendar we give the lessons for

Nov. 28th, Dec. 5th, and Dec 12th.


Nov. 28th—Text, 2 cor. 1-20

—Portion, Exod. 1.1-14

—Cat., Rehearse," etc.

—Hymn, 70 vs. 1

Dec 5th—Text, Heb. xi. 23

—Portion, Exod. ii. 1-10

—Cat., Question on Creed

"—Hymn, 70.2

Dec 12th—Text, John ii.17

—Portion, Exod. ii. 11-22

—Cat., Meaning of Creed

—Hymn, 70.3


Nov. 28th— St. Matt. xxv. 5, 6

Rom. xiii. 11-14

" Rehearse," etc,

65 vs. 1

Dec 5th - St. Luke 1.76-77

St. Luke 1.5-25

Question on Creed


dec 12th - St. Luke 1.46

St. Luke 1.26-38

(Same as morning)


School Concert.

The School Concert will take place in Seagoe

School on Thursday, December 9th. A splendid

programme has been arranged. All the items will

be performed by the pupils. Mr. Chambers and his

assistants are indefatigable in their efforts, and the

Concert promises even to surpass that of last year,

which is saying a great deal, Tickets 1s and 6d.

See Programmes, which will be issued immediately.

Temperance Mission.

Every where there are signs that a great Forward

Movement is taking place in Temperance Work.

Seagoe is falling into line with the rest. This week

a most successful Temperance Mission is being held

in the Parish, and at the various meetings a largo

number have signed the pledge. We hope to have a

Thanksgiving Service in the Church on Sunday

evening, December 5ih. The Rev. F. J. Halahan,

Rector of Drumcree, will preach, and we invite all

who have recently signed the pledge to attend the


Rectory Purchase Scheme,

At their meeting of 18th October the Select Vestry

requested Messrs. George Calvert and W. R. Atkinson

to call on every householder in the Parish to explain the Scheme.

These two Members have spent exactly a fortnight,

day by day, in fulfilling this duty, and they are well

satisfied with the result, the people seeming pleased

at the prospect of the Rectory, etc., becoming the

property of the Parish and willing to contribute the

addition asked for the Sustentation Fund Subscriptions

—some stating they would double their subsrciptions

and they believe that many Parishioners who

have not hitherto subscribed will now do so.

The Edenderry Parishioners will be visited in due



Band of Hope,


This month we feel privileged in being able to

draw our readers' attention to two meetings which

have been held since our last report was submitted,

On Thursday evening, November 25th, the campaign

was commenced in Hacknahay by holding a

Service of Song entitled “ The Little Captaim"

Space does not permit us to give it all the notice

which it deserves. but we cannot refrain from

expressing our admiration at the high standard of

excellence attained and maintained by the children

under Miss Wilson's tuition. All the pieces, some

of them apparently difficult, were rendered with great

taste and feeling, well calculated to impress the

audience with the claims of Temperance. At the

conclusion of the Service of Song, a short address

was given by the Rector in which he strongly emphasized

the misery caused by Intemperance, and appealed

to those present to take an active part in

promoting a much needed reformation of tastes and

habits. Votes of thanks having been passed to Miss

Wilson, Miss Dickson, the children who sang and

Mr. M 'Kittrick, who manipulated the Lantern, the

Meeting was closed in the usual way. Some new

names of those anxious to sign the pledge were taken

as the audience passed out.


On November 26th our second Meeting of the

Session was held in Edenderry Parochial Hall at

7-30 0'clock. A pleasing feature of this gathering

was the number of pledge cards which were given

out—some twelve or more coming forward and

openly taking their stand on the side of Temperance

and against the use of strong drink. When these

had received their cards and the Chairman had made

some remarks on the binding and lasting character

of the pledge, the programme proper was then

proceeded with. Songs and recitations followed each

other in rich profusion, and in every item those

qualities necessary to produce a sober, prosperous

godly nation had due emphasis laid on them. Additional

arguments were produced by Miss Armstrong

who kindly consented to address the meeting. Tracing

the origin and defining the object of the Band of

Hope she entered a strong plea on behalf of Total

Abstinence, giving powerful illustrations of the

danger and risk of indulgence in alcoholic liquors.

When the programme had come to a conclusion a

hearty vote of thanks was passed to Miss Armstrong

for her address, and to the following who kindly

assisted :—M. Livingston, Louie Fox, Minnie Killow,

Carrie Shanks, Minnie Shanks, Fanny Thompson,

Bella Magee, D. Murray, David Livingston, Willie

Cox, Charlie Killow, and to the boys and girls who

took part in concerted pieces. The Meeting having

been closed by the Chairman pronouncing the

Benediction, new names were received from those desirous

of being enrolled.

Our Friends Abroad.

Seagoe Magazine finds its way each month into all

corners of the world. It has many readers in

America. Australia and Africa.

We wish our friends abroad a very Happy Christmas

and Prosperous New Year. Their friends in the

old Parish will be thinking of them at that festive

time, and share with them in the universal rejoicings

that mark that Season of Christian Peace and good



On Saturday, October 30th, the Lord Bishop of the

Diocese (Rt. Rev. J. B. Crozier, D.D.) visited Seagoe

Parish Church and baptized the infant son of Major

and Mrs. Blacker. The Rector and Rev. W. R.

Crichton assisted at the service. The child was

baptized by the name Robert Stewart.

Old Seagoe Notes,

REV. JOHN CAMPBELL, 1687—1730.—We insert

here some further interesting particulars regarding

the Rev. J. Campbell, whose portrait appeared in

the Magazine last month, Mr. C. H. Miller, Assistant

Registrar of Trinity College, Dublin, kindly

sends the following particulars :—Born in Dublin in

the year 1647 he was the son of Mr. John Campbell

and was educated by a Mr. Fleming, of Dullamain.

On June 10th, 1663, at the age of sixteen he entered

Trinity College as what is known as a Pensioner."

His college Tutor was M'Cormocke.

AN OLD LETTER.—The following interesting letter

sent to us by the Rev. E. A. Myles, contains a reference

to the Rev. J. Campbell. The letter was written

by the Rev. Henry Jenney, who was Rector of Seagoe

at the time that Mr. Campbell was Vicar of the

Parish : —

SIR I am informed that in ye suit Mr. Terence

O'Neill entertained you against Mr. Campbell

or M'Rory, alias M 'Rogers, you make me

ye Party and make use of my name as such. Mr.

O'Neill is a tenant of mine and must sue as such.

I desire you to take notice when Mr. O'Neill's time

in the farm of my tithes is out, Mr. Campbell, if I be

alive, may expect to hear from me. The bearer, Mr.

Andrew Parks, is desirous to be Parish Clarke and

English Schoolmaster in ye Parish of Tullylish, ye

last clarke, Arthur Magill, being listed by Cornet

Lambert and gone off. I am contented to nominate

sd. Andrew Parkes with wh. be pleased to acquaint

ye Vicar Genl and shew him this letter. It would

be charity both in him and ye Regr. to be easy in ye

fees to Parkes. Pray give my respects to them and

accept ye same yrself, from Sr.

Yr. very humble servt.,


Oct. 30th, 1723.

favour me with an answer.

To Mr, James McCormick Now in Dromore or

in his absence to ye Regr. Mr. Dawson.


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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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