Seagoe Archives

December 1930


December 1930

Seagoe Parish Magazine.


We wish all our Readers at Home and Abroad a

Very Happy Christmas and a Bright and

Prosperous New Year.


Rev. Canon Archer, B.D., The Rectory, Seagoe.

Rev. W. F. Hayes B.A., Edendale, CarrickBlacker

Road, Edenderry, Portadown.


Rector's—Wm. H. England,

People's—Gilbert Price.

Advent, 1930

Sunday, Nov. 30th, is Advent Sunday as well as St.

Andrew's Day. After Morning Prayer there will be

celebration of Holy Communion. The offertory will

be given to the Indian Church Fund. This Fund has

been inaugurated to help the Church in India which

has been recently disestablished. The Indian Church

is a great Missionary Church and has hitherto received

considerable help from the State. It now has to rely on

the voluntary help given by those who value its work

among the natives of India. The letter which we publish

in this issue of the Magazine from our former Curate,

the Rev. W. R. Crichton, now Archdeacon of Madras,

will help our readers to understand the needs of the

Church in India. We ask for generous help in this

good cause. Our special thought in the season of

Advent is of our Lord's Second Coming, and it is our

privilege and duty to prepare the way before Him.

The following subjects will be specially referred to

in the Parish Church during the Sundays of Advent—

Nov. 30th, "Missions"; Dec. 7th, "Bible Study"; Dec.

4th, "Public Worship"; Dec. 21st, "The. Joy of


Wednesdays in Advent.

A Service will be held on each Wednesday during

Advent in the Parish Church at 8 p.m. We invite the

parishioners to attend these Services. They will be

held on Dec. 3rd, Dec. 10th. and Dec. 17th. During

Advent the Services usually held on Wednesdays in

the Parochial Hall will be discontinued.

Our Sunday Schools.

On Advent Sunday we enter upon a new Christian

year, and in our Sunday Schools the teachers and

children begin to study the course in the new Sunday

School Calendar. The course for the Morning Sunday

Schools is based on Archdeacon Wilson's notes, Series

No. 3. The cost of the Teacher's Book is 1/6. Two

other books will be used at intervals during the year,

"Roman Claims," price 2d, and "Talks on Friends in

Africa," issued by the C.M.S., price 1s. The book

recommended for use with classes under eight years

of age is "The Way of Love." by Miss Hetty Lee, price

2s 6d. Albums and pictures are being adopted in the

Morning Sunday Schools (Seagoe and Edenderry) and

teachers at the Afternoon Sunday Schools who wish to

adopt them can get a supply through the Superintendent

of their Sunday School. The cost of albums is 1d each,

and sets of stamps for the 52 Sundays of the year cost 4s

for sets sufficient for ten children.

The Calendar for Afternoon Sunday Schools is based

on a study of Genesis and St. Matthew's Gospel. It begins

with “Talks on Friends in Africa," the book of which costs

1s. New Teacher's Notes are being published and will be

ready, we hope, in one month's time. A condensed outline

of the “Talks of Friends in Africa" will be issued to the

teachers for use on Advent Sunday, Nov. 30. It is very

important that all the teachers in our Sunday Schools

should keep closely to the calendar each Sunday.

Christmas Day.

On Thursday, Dec. 25th, being Christmas Day,

there will be a celebration of Holy communion in

the Parish Church at 8 a.m. and after Morning Prayer

at 11.30 a.m. The offertories will be in aid of the Poor

Fund of the Parish. On Sunday, Dec. 21st, at Evening

Prayer Christmas Carols will be sung. If we wish to

have the true joy and Peace of Christmastide we must

make it a time not only of social rejoicing but of the

exaltation of spirit which comes through a devout

participation in Public worship. As we meet together

in the Parish Church on Christmas Day we will

remember all those from this Parish who are spending

their Christmas far from the old Parish in distant lands.

December 31st, 1930.

On Wednesday, Dec. 31st, 1930, the last day of the

old year, a Service will be held in the Parish Church

at 8 p.m.

New Year's Day.

On Thursday, Jan. 1st, 1931, New Year's Day and

the Festival of the Circumcision, the following Services

will be held in the Parish Church: —

11.30 a.m.—Holy Communion.

8 p.m.—Evening Prayer and Sermon.

Mothers' Union.

Our monthly meeting will take place in Seagoe

School on Tuesday evening, Dec. 9th, at 7.30. A full

attendance of the members is requested.

Seagoe C.L.B.

Seagoe C.L.B. has had a strenuous month. The

Jumble Sale in the Parochial Hall in aid of the Band

Fund was very successful. It is expected that the

proceeds from the Sale will approach £20 and from

the collecting cards another £25). We congratulate

Captain Metcalfe and his helpers on this good result.

On Armistice Sunday, Nov. 9th, there was a C.L.B.

Church Parade to the Parish Church at Morning Service.

There was a splendid turn-out of Cadets and Training

Corps. The fine Band from Tamnificarbet headed the

Brigade to the Church, playing Hymn tunes. The Rector

preached, and the collection was in aid of Earl Haig's

British Legion Fund. Bugler R. J. Wright sounded the

"Last Post." After the Service, wreaths were laid at the

Memorial Pillars, one by the Brigade and the other by

the Churchwardens, Messrs. W. J. England and Gilbert

Price. The Brigade then marched to the Portadown War

Memorial and laid a wreath there. The C.L.B. Band

Bagpipes and drums have arrived. They are very fine

instruments, and practices are hold twice each week.

We expect before long to hear and see the Band in full

working order.

Cottage Meetings.

During December Cottage Services will be held as

follows: —

Tuesday, Dec. 2nd, in Knock (Mr. W. J. England's

house) at 8 p.m.

Tuesday, Dec. 9th, in Tamnifiglasson (Mr. T. Dickson's

house) at 8 p.m.


A subscriber to Seagoe Parish Magazine living in

the Irish Free State writes: — “I love getting Seagoe

Magazine and I lend it to several people who are

delighted with it as they have none here."


The Rector preached in Belfast Cathedral at Morning

and Afternoon Services on last Sunday, Nov. 23rd. He

was conducted to the pulpit by Mr. Wm, Flannigan, the

Cathedral Verger, who is an old Seagoe Parishioner.


We greatly regret to record the death of Mrs. Boyd,

of Carrickblacker Road. Our readers will join with us

in the expression of our sincere sympathy with Mr. Boyd

and the members of his family in their bereavement.

The Dedication of St. Mark's peal of bells will take

place on Sunday, Dec. 14th, at 3.30 p.m. The Memorial

Tower of St Mark's Church was dedicated by the Lord

Primate (Dr. d'Arcy) on Saturday, Nov. 1st, All Saints'

Day. The Rector, the Rev W. F. Hayes and many Seagoe

parishioners were present. The Rev. F. M. Moeran preached.

The service, was most inspiring.


The sets of envelopes for the Sustentation Fund in 1931

are now ready and will be distributed immediately. If by

any chance you fail to secure a set apply to Mr. Moses

Gilpin, Hon. Sec., Drumnagoon or to the Rector.


Will annual subscribers and others please remember that

our Parish accounts close on Dec. 31st, and all subscriptions

must be in before that date. The Hon. Treas. is Mr. Hugh Stoops.

Killicomaine Road, Portadown.


St. Aidan's C.L.B., Belfast has challenged Seagoe C.L.B. to

a football match for Friday, Dec. 26th (St. Stephen's Day).


A great improvement at the Church door has been affected

by putting "Tarmac" round the entrance thus doing away

with the awkward step.


The handsome quilt, with names, made by Miss Agnes Guy

for the School Bazaar was raffled for in Seagoe School at

the Mother's Union meeting last month and was won by Mr. J.

Newell. By an oversight the raffle had not taken place at the

bazaar but all the tickets had been safely kept by Mr. Scott.


Mr. Gracey is studying hard at St. Aidan's. Last week the

College had a visit from Canon Walker, of St. Matthew's,

Belfast. They have had fire brigade drill on the new fire

escapes and had to run up and down them very fast. Hockey

and Soccer are the favourite games. Mr. Gracey hopes to be

back in Seagoe on Dec. 17th.


Monday night, Nov. 24th, there was a fine display of the

Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis in the northern sky.


The Bann is now in flood and a great lake has opened up

between Seagoe and Drumcree.


Piles of gravel left on the pathway in Levaghery for the past

six weeks have led to many stumbling accidents. Who is responsible?

Seagoe in India.

Archdeacon W. R. Crichton writes from Madras under date

October 18th: —"I have been very busy owing to the absence

of the Bishop at the Lambeth Conference. I have travelled

hundreds of miles through the Diocese. We are about to

celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Consecration of

St. Mary’s Church, Fort St. George. It is the oldest

British building in India. The Metropolitan is coming

from Calcutta and the Governor will attend in semi-State.

I expect we shall have a tremendous crowd. I take

charge of the Fort next month. The Ulster Rifles are

expected here next spring and so it will be like old times.

When I was their chaplain at Wellington, I had some lads

from Portadown. If you know of any Seagoe boys in the

Regiment please let me have their names and numbers.

You will not be surprised to hear that I am still trying to

raise money. As we are now Disestablished, we must raise

an Endowment Fund for this Diocese before 1936. We want

£11,500 in the next five years. Money is very tight here

these days. Of course, if any of you would like to send me

a fat cheque for "old times" sake it will be gratefully

acknowledged. I wish you and all my old Seagoe friends

the best of good wishes for Christmas and the New Year.

I still have a very grateful recollection of my first curacy."

Parish Register for November.


McDonald—Nov. 1st, 1930, Robert, son of William

Henry and Mary M’Dona1d, of Edenderry.


Thomas and Major—Oct. 30th, William Thomas, of

Portadown, to Margaret Major, of Edenderry


Boyd—Nov. 21st, Margaret Boyd, of Edenderry, aged

50 years.

Seagoe Parish Almanac.

The pretty Parish Almanac is now on sale at Mr James

Vance's, 23 Bridge St., price 2d. Secure your copy at once

as the Almanacs are limited in number.

Old Seagoe Notes.

How Seagoe Vestry dealt with Vagrants 230 years

ago. — The following is an extract from the Vestry

Records of Seagoe under date Dec. 26th, 1699 — It is

agreed that all High and Petty Constables shall by

order on allowance of a Justice of Peace within their

several respective limits make a private search every

fortnight or oftener if need require in houses, barns,

out-houses and suspected places in ye night-time for

ye finding out and apprehending of rogues, vagabonds,

wandering and idle persons and to secure all such; also

all sole persons who shall travel with forged or

counterfeited papers. All such whom they shall find

begging or wandering out of their limits, ye said

Constable with ye assistance of ye Parish shall cause

to be stript naked from ye middle upward and to be

openly whipt till their bodys shall be bloody, or to be

put in ye stocks two days and two nights and to have

only bread and water.

How to spell "Moyntiaghs” correctly. — The Parish

or the Moyntiaghs or Ardmore was originally part of the

Parish of Seagoe. The name is derived from an Irish word,

Mointeach, meaning "a boggy place." There is a great

uncertainty as to the correct spelling of the word. In the

Seagoe Vestry Records for the period 1731—1821 it is

spelt in no less than ten different ways. Here they are—

Moyntaghs, Montoughs, Montiaughs, Montiahs,

Moyantaughs, Moyntaugs, Mounteaughs, Mounteahs,

Mounteauh, Montiauchs. Perhaps some of our readers

could tell us which is the correct spelling.


On Monday, the -10th November, the Seagoe Branch

of the G.F.S. had their Hallowe'en social. A happy

evening was passed by the girls and their friends,

and much fun was derived from the games and

crackers. At the following meeting on the 17th Nov.

a very instructive lecture was given by Nurse Taylor.

These lectures, which are of great benefit to the

members, will be continued once a month until Easter.

At this meeting a beautifully framed marriage card

of the Society was given to Miss Millicent Coulter, of

Tarson, for her sister, Mrs. Joseph Craig, who was

married recently and who now resides in Scotland.

At the last meeting of the month a Bible lesson and

address was given by the Rev. W. F. Hayes. Mr.

Hayes's address dealt with Friendship, one of the

aims of the G.F. Society. We give a hearty invitation

to all girls of the Parish to become members of the

Branch. Those wishing to do so should join at once

so as to benefit from the ensuing series of lectures.

The Bible Classes

A Bible Class for men is held each Sunday morning

at 10.15 in Edenderry Orange Hall, kindly lent for

the purpose. The Rev. W. F. Hayes teaches it. It is

a large class and the members attend with regularity.

We invite others to join in this profitable hour of

Bible study.

A Bible Class for girls is held in Seagoe School on

every Sunday morning at 10 a.m. Mr. Scott teaches

it. We invite new members to join, especially those

who live in the neighbourhood of Seagoe and in the

outlying townlands.

A Bible Class for men and women is held every

Thursday evening at 8 in Carne Church Hall.

Subscribers to Purchase of Grove Field.

Ballyhannon—John Matchett, £1; Mrs. M'Donald, 5s;

Miss Rodgers, 5s; F. Robinson, 10s; T. M'Cormack, 3s;

Mrs. Best, 1s; Mrs. A. M'Cormack, 2s 6d - £2 6s 6d

Bocombra—Woolsey White, 5s; Jas. Boyce, senr.,

10s—15s 0d.

Ballymacrandle—W. J. Calvert, 10s; Leonard Wilson,

5s; E. Neill. 2s; Mrs. Neill, 2s; W. H. Currie, 2s 6d; Mrs.

A. M'Kane, 4s—£1 5s 6d.

Breagh—Miss Calvert, £4; Geo. Jennett, 10s; S.

Abraham, 10s; Jas. Bradshaw, 10s; S. J. Watson, 2s;

Joseph Watson, 1s 6d; J. Hickland, 2s; Jas. Duke, 5s;

Mrs. L. Mayes, 2s 6d; T. E. Maginnis, £1.—£7 3s 0d.

Balteagh—Mrs. Anderson, 1s; Jas. Best, 5s; W. Gracey.

2s; John Gracey, 5s; Robt. Gracey, 5s—18s 0d.

Ballinacorr—Alphonso Kirk, 10s; Mrs. W. Kinney,

2s—12s 0d.

Clonrolla—Messrs. R. & H. Dynes, 5s; Mrs. E. Webb,

3s; Thos. Russell, 2s 6d; Annie Russell, 2s 6d; Isaac

Dickson, 15s - £1 8s 0d.

Derryvore - Robt. Guy, 2s 6d; T. R. M'Cauley, 4s;

Mrs. Ballantyne, 5s—11s 6d.

Drumgor—T. M'Keag, 2s 6d; Mrs. John M'Kerr,

2s 6d; Mrs. J. Robinson, 5s; T. Lyness, 2s; Miss Gracey,

10s; Mrs. Archer, 10s; Mrs. D. Stevenson, 5s; Mrs. W.

G. Russell, 3s: C. Thompson, 2s; T. J. M'Kerr 2s 6d.—

£2 4s 6d.

Drumlisnagrilly—Jas. Best, 5s.

Drumnagoon—Mrs. Richard Wilson, 2s 6d; R. W.

Robinson, 2s 6d; W. M'Loughlin, 2s; Mrs. W. J.

M'Loughlin, 4s; Miss E. M'Loughlin, 2s; Moses Gilpin,

10s; Mrs. A. M'Loughlin, 2s.—£1 5s 0d.

Kernan—E. Collins, 10s; Mrs. Turkington, 5s; Miss

L. Cordner, 2s; Henry Dynes, 2s 6d; Mrs. Dynes, 2s 6d;

J. Walker, 5s; W. J. Caddell, 2s 6d—£1 9s 6d.

Killicomaine—J. Livingston, 3s; C. M'Loughlin, 2s;

W. Neill, 5s; Robt. Hamill, 2s; Miss M'Dowell, 10s; Jas.

Neill, 2s; J. Fletcher, 1s; D. Kearns, 2s 6d; Mrs. S. Best,

3s 6d; J. E. M'Bride, 2s 6d; V. Carville. senr., 2s 6d;

S. Hamill, 5s; Jas. Ennis, 2s; T. Gracey, 1s; A. M'Keown,

2s 6d; Jas. M'Loughlin, 1s.— £2 7s 6d.

Kilvergan—J. E. Lavery, 10s: G. Hunniford, 10s; T.

Martin, 10s; Jas. Russell. junr., 2s 6d— £1 12s 6d.

Knock— John Campbell, 10s; D. Campbell, 5s; Geo.

Black, 2s 6d; W. J. England, 5s; Mary Flavelle, 3s;

Mrs. H. Neill, 2s 6d.— £1 8s 0d.

Lisniskey—Richard Hoy, 5s; Mrs. Wellington Wilson,

5s.—10s 0d.

Knockmena—J. H. Hughes, 5s; W. M'Credy, 1s; Mr.

J. Webb. 2s 6d.—8s 6d.

Levaghery—J. Montgomery, £1; Miss S. Montgomery,

10s; Jas. Lewie, 10s; Joseph Lewie, 5s; S. Walker, £1;

J. W. Mayes, 7s 6d; Mrs. M'Dowell, 5s; Jas. Craig, 2s;

J. Munroe, 10s; H. M'Kane, 5s; W. H. Harrison, 3s.—

£4 17s 6d.

Lylo—Mrs. D. Webb—2s 6d; Thos. Hoy, 2s 6d; Mrs.

Webb and Mrs. M'Mullen, 3s; Mrs. Preston, 2s 6d; Miss

L M'Cormack, 2s; Miss M. A. M'Cormack, 2s; Jas.

Twinem, £1; Jas, Brown, 2s 6d; J. E. M'Murray, 1s;

Mrs. M. A. Twinem, 5s.—£2 3s 0d.

Seagoe (Upper)—Canon Archer, £3; Mrs. Watson

Walker, £1; Dr. W. B. Walker, £1; T. H. Wilson. 5s;

Geo. Wilson, 5s; W. J. Forsythe, 5s; Miss Collins, 2s 6d;

R. Richardson, 3s; S. J. Hall, 10s; D. Guy, 5s; H.

M'Reynolds, .5s; Robt. Scott, 10s.—£7 10s 6d.

Seagoe (Lower) J. Hall, 2s 6d; D. Porter. 2s 6d;

S. J. Ruddell, 5s; Mrs. M. Porter, 5s; Miss J. Porter

5s; J. Lester, 10s; R. Guy, 2s 6d. — £1 12s 6d.

Tamnifiglasson—Mrs. T. J. Robinson, 5s; Thos.

Dickson, 5s; Miss L. Dickson, 2s 6d; Miss M. Dickson

2 6d; Mrs. S. Bickett, 5s. — £1 0s 0d.

Tarson. — W. J. Caddell. 2s; Miss Twinem, 1s; Jas.

Atkinson, 5s; W. Robb. 2s 6d; Albert Guy, 2s 6d; Mrs.

S. Coulter, 2s; Thos. Coulter, 3s; Mrs. W. J. Robb

5s.— £1 3s 0d.

Carne. — Mrs. Corscadden, 2s; D. Cordy, senr., 1s; D

Cordy, junr., 1s; R J. Gilpin 2s; R. G. Connolly, 2s

Miss Hickland, 1s. - 9s 0d


Bachelor's Walk. — Mrs. W. R. Atkinson, £5; Miss

Atkinson, £5; Miss G. E. Atkinson, £5; R. Maxwell, 5s

Jas. Craig, 5s; T. Metcalf, 10s.— £16 0s 0d.

Bridge Street. — R. M'Clements, £1; J. Dermott, 10s;

R. Woolsey, 5s; John Hoy. 10s; Mark Hardy, 3s; J.

M'Nally, 2s 6d; Jas. Allen, 2s 6d; Jas. Wilson, 2s 6d;

Miss Woolsey, 2s; T. Best, 2s; Mrs. M'Keown, 2s; Mrs.

Hall (Windsor Tce.), 2s 6d; J. Pierson, 2s 6d; J. Neill

2s 6d; Mrs. Guy, 1s; John Flannigan, 5s; Mrs. Vance,

10s. — £4 5s 0d.

Carrickblacker Road—Mrs. Shanks, 2s 6d; Mrs.

Callison, 2s 6d; John: Metcalf, 5s; R. Maxwell, 2s 6d;

Mrs. Preston, 3s; W. Sherman, £1; Mrs. Allen, 2s 6d;

Joshua Chambers, 2s 6d; Mrs. Cooke, 2s 0d; W. Jennett,

senr., 4s; Stewart Wortley, 4s; D. Graham, 5s; Mrs

C. Magee, 1s; W. Jennett, junr., 1s; Mrs. Ruddell, 3s;

W. A. Casey, 10s; Mrs. V. Sands, 5s.— £3 15s 6d.

Century St.—D. Hill, 2s; Mrs. Gibson, 2s 6d; R,

M'Loughlin, 4s.—8s 6d.

Florence Court. — Mrs. S. Freeburn, 2s: E. Venard,

1s 9d; Mrs. Armstrong, 3d; Mrs. S. Liggett. 6d; Mrs.

Gillispie, 6d: Mrs. M'Crory, 3d; Mrs. Weir, 3d; A Friend,

3d, do., 2d; Mrs. R. M'Donald, 3d.—5s 5d.

Goban St.—Mrs. Sinnamon, 2s; A. Wallace, 3s; Mrs,

Roney, 2s; Mrs. Watters, 2s 6d.—9s 6d.

James St.—Mrs. Fleming. 1s; Mrs. Crawford, 2s 6d;

A Forde, 2s 6d; Mrs. Campbell, 6d.—6s 6d.

Joseph St.—W. R. Pentland, 2s 6d; Mrs. Milligan, 3s:

W. Forde, 1s: Mrs, Brown, 2s; Isaac Milligan, 2s.—

10s 6d.

Killicomaine Road. — J. and A. Sands, £1; H. Stoops,

£2 - £3 0s 0d

Eden Ave —Mrs. Gordon, 1s; Mrs. Clayton, 1s; Miss

Kisby, 2s 6d; Mrs. Sloan, 1s.—5s 6d.

Red Row. — H. Magee, 2s; J. H., 6d; A. A., 6d.—3s 0d.

Watson St.—W. Wright, 4s; Mrs. Whaley, 1s; J. Pierson,

2s 6d; T. Major, 2s.—9s 6d.

Town Residents. —J. H. Twinem, £1; W. Wilson, 10s;

Misses S. and L. Dawson, 5s; Wilson Metcalf, 2s 6d;

Chas. Montgomery. 10s; Misses N. and M. Montgomery,

10s; Mrs. Willis (Fowler's Entry), 2s; Mrs. Marshall

(Portmore St.), 2s 6d; Mrs. W. Hewitt (Clonavon Ave)

2s; Mrs. M'Coo, do., 2s 6d; Misses Jackson (King St.),

1s: Jas. Magee (Henry St.), 1s. - £3 8s 6d.

Total— £76 19s 11d to date, 20/10/'30.



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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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