Seagoe Archives

December 1935


December 1935

Seagoe Parish Magazine.


We wish all our readers at home and abroad a Happy Caristmas and a Bright and Prosperous New Year.

CLERGY :Rev.. Chancellor Archer, B .D ., The Rectory. Seagoe.

Rev. W. F. Hayes, B .A ., The Bungalow, Lower Seagoe, Portadown.


Rector's------Mr. H. MURRAY GIBSON.


Advent 1935

Sunday, December 1st, is Advent Sunday. It

is the first day of the season preceding Christmas

which has for many centuries of the Christian

Era been set apart as a time when Christian

people are specially reminded of the Second

Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. There are

many passages in the New Testament which tell

us plainly that the Christ will come again. The

message of the Angels on the Mount of the

Ascen­sion contained such a promise. But it is not

only that the New Testament contains such pro­mise,

our own natural instincts would suggest

to us that this Dispensation cannot go on for

ever. The Laws of Nature suggest the certainty

of such an issue. The presence of Death in the

world with its accompaniments of change and

decay would be sufficient to prove the certainty

of a complete consummation of all things such

as is foreshadowed in the Second Advent. Our

Lord Him self linked the thought of the Advent

with the failure of the sun to give its light and

the rending of the structure of the earth . No one

who names the name of Christ can afford to

overlook this “ great Divine event to which the

whole Creation moves.” W hen once the certainty

of the Second Advent comes home to the

conscience of the Christian his next thought will

he that the Advent implies Judgment. He will

come to be our Judge. The supreme question

then will be How do we stand in the sight of

God? May this solemn season lead each one of

l*s to a more searching examination of self so

that when the trumpet sounds and the great

White Throne is set up we may without fear

stand before our Judge and Saviour. On each

Wednesday in Advent special Services will be

held in the Parish Church at 8 p.m .. beginning

on Wednesday, December 4th.

The Advent Collect

Almighty God, give us grace that we may cast

away the works of darkness, and put upon us the

armour of light, now in the time of this mortal

life, in which Thy Son Jesus Christ came to visit

us in great humility; that in the last day, when

he shall come again in his glorious Majesty to

judge both the quick and the dead, we may rise

to the life immortal, through him who liveth

and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, now

and ever. Amen.


Christmas is a very joyous season. It carries

with it the joy of childhood for it commemorates,

the Birth of the child Christ. It is also the sea­son

of Peace, for the message of the Angels was

“ Peace on Earth .” The recent wonderful unanimity

of the League of Nations is a good augury

for the possible realisation of an era of International

Peace. The beating of swords into plow­-shares

is not such a dream as some people

imagined it to be. This Christmas should re­joice

the hearts of all Christian people when they

see that Christian Peace may yet prevail on the

earth . Those who enter into the spirit of Christ­mas

will feel their Faith strengthened and their

Hopes confirmed as they kneel a t the Holy Table

and partake of that F east of Love Divine instituted

for us by the Child of Bethlehem . Special

Christmas Carols will be sung in the Parish

Church at Evening Prayer on Sunday, Decem­ber 22nd.

Christmas Services

On Wednesday, December 25th, being Christ­mas Day

or the Feast of the Nativity, the fol­lowing Services

will be held in the Parish Church : —

8 a.m —Holy Communion.

11.30 a.m .—Morning Prayer, Sermon and Holy Communion.

New Year’s Day

On Tuesday, December 31st, a Service will be

held in the Parish Church at 8 p.m ., and on

Wednesday, January 1st, 1936, being New Y ear’s

Day and also the Festival of the Circumcision,

there will be a celebration of Holy Communion

in the Parish Church at 11.30 a.m ., and Evening Prayer a t 8 p.m .

Our Sunday Schools

On Advent Sunday, Dec. 1st, the new Calendar

will be in use in our Sunday Schools. The Spe­cial

Teachers’ Notes are by the late Rev. J .

Paterson Smyth. Every Teacher should have

the Book of Notes. They are a great help. Arch­

deacon Paterson Smyth, who wrote them , was

one of our greatest Bible students. It was he

who wrote that famous book on “ How we got

our Bible .”

Cake Fair

At Christmas we all think about cakes, and

what splendid cakes we now see, so different

from the Old Victorian currant buns or barm-bracks.

Seagoe Mother’s Union will have their

Cake F air in the Parochial Hall (D .V .) on

Thursday, Dec. 5th, at 3.30 p.m . The opening

ceremony will be perform ed by Miss Dorothy

Johnston, of Lurgan. She will be accompanied

by her father, John Johnston, E sq., D .L .. M .P.,

who is our member for the Northern Parliament.

There will be many lovely cakes from which to

choose. In addition there will be a variety stall,

a fruit and flower stall, and a tea stall. At

intervals during the afternoon musical selections

will be rendered. The charge for admission will

be threepence. The proceeds will be given to

the Parish Church Improvement Fund.

Armistice Services

On Sunday, Nov. 10th, the members of the

local Branch of the British Legion, under Major

D. G. Shillington and Capt. R. Whitsitt, paraded

at Morning Prayer in the Parish Church. The

parade was headed by the C .L .B . Pipe Band.

The Old Boys, the Cadets and Training Corps of

the Seagoe Company of the Church Lads Brigade

were also present. There was a crowded congre­gation

at the Service, extra seating had to be

provided. The preacher was the Rev. T.

McCreight, Rector of Magheradroll, Ballinahinch.

The collection was on behalf of Earl Haig Fund

for Ex-Servicemen. Immediately after Morning

Prayer a brief Service of Remembrance was held

at the Gates. A wreath was laid at the Me­morial

Pillars on behalf of the C .L .B . by Lieut.

W . Currie. The Last Post and Reveille were

sounded. On Monday, Nov. 11th, Armistice Day,

a short Service was held in the Church at 10.45,

and the two minutes’ silence was observed at

the memorial Pillars and Gates.



This month we regret to have to record a long

list of Burials. Many homes in the Parish have

been rendered dark and lonely through the loss

of some dear one. Our deep sympathy goes out

to those thus bereaved. The death of Mrs.

Robinson, of Tamnifiglasson, removes from our

midst one who was well known and much es­teemed

by many in the Parish. She had been

in failing health for a long time but had always

borne her sickness with great patience. Another

loss has occurred last month in the death of Mrs.

Oibson, of Rathlin, mother of our esteemed

Churchwarden, Mr. Murray Gibson. Mrs. Gib­son

had reached a great age bu t was full of life

and energy almost to the end. She was the

widow of Archdeacon Gibson, of Ferns

and Rector of New Ross. The Arch­deacon and

Mrs. Gibson were splendid workers

and were most popular with everyone. Since

Mrs. Gibson came among us she made many

friends, who will miss her greatly. The death of

William M‘Knight, who has for many years been

stationed at the Kernan Crossing of the G.N.R..

is much regretted. He passed away after a com­paratively

short illness. We mourn the loss of

little Winifred Whiteside, which is especially

sad, being the second death within the household

of Mr. Ferguson Whiteside this year. She was

a bright winning little one “ too fair for earth."

She has joined in the Eternity her little brother

whose tragically sudden death we recorded quite

recently. Another death, that of Mrs . Flannigan,

of Edenderry, removes from our midst one

who was well-known and much beloved by all

who knew her. She had been in infirm health

for a long time but bore it always with unfailing

patience. Mrs. Brown, of Ballinacor, has also,

passed away. During her long residence in

Ballinacor she was always much respected.

We also regret to record the death of James

McCoo, who was- known to many in Edenderry.

The sorrow which accompanies the death of our

dear ones is softened and mitigated by the

thought that in Christ who is the Resurrection

and the Life, the parting is not for ever.

The Sustentation Fund

We would ask all subscribers to the Sustentation

Fund, whether holders of the Weekly Envelopes

(if in arrears) or annual subscribers to

please see that their subscriptions are sent to the

Hon. Treasurer, Mr. Hugh Stoops, Killicomaine

Road, Portadown, without delay as the account

for the year close on December 31st.


Parish Register for November


The following were Baptised in the Parish

Church on November 2nd, 1935: —

Magrattan—Jane Elizabeth, daughter of John

Henry and Elizabeth Magrattan, of Levaghery.

Sponsors—Eliza Jane M grattan, Elizabeth

Magrattan .

Conlon—Ivan, son of George and Sarah Conlon,

of Edenderry.

Sponsors—Elizabeth Rountree, Sarah Conlon.

Guy —William Robb, son of Samuel James and

Annabella Guy, of Derryvore.

Sponsors—Millicent Coulter, Annabella Guy.


McCoo— Nov. 13th, James M ‘Coo, of Edenderry,

aged 52 years. Interred at Drumcree.

Robinson;—Nov. 16th, Margaret Robinson, of

Tamilifiglasson, aged 74 years.

Gibson—Nov. 23rd, Jane Ida Gibson, of “ Rathlin ,”

Edenderry, aged 81 years. Inter­red at New Ross, Co. Wexford.

McKnight—Nov. 23rd, \William McKnight, of Kernan, aged 62 years.

Brown—Nov. 26th, Charlotte Brown, of Ballinacor, aged 73 years.

Whiteside— Nov. 28th, Winifred Whiteside, of

Edenderry, aged 4 years and 9 months.

Flannigan—Nov. 28th, Mary Anne Flannigan,

of Edenderry, aged 75 years. Interred at Drumcree.

Edenderry Harvest Services

The annual Services of thanksgiving for the

blessings of harvest were held in the Parochial

Hall, Edenderry, on Sunday, November 3rd, at

3.30, and on the following Monday at 8 p.m .

The Hall had been very tastefully decorated by

the Superintendents and teachers of the School.

There were large congregations at both Services.

The preacher on Sunday was the Rev. E. R.

M'Cullough, M.A., Rector of Aghalee, Lurgan.

The collection at that Service was on behalf of

the Parochial Hall Fund. The Rev. G. W . Mil­lington,

M.A., Rector of St. M ark’s, Portadown,

preached on the Monday evening. The offer­ings

were on behalf of Foreign Missions. Special

music appropriate for the occasion was rendered

in a very pleasing manner by a large choir. The

music included a Harvest Anthem. The solo

portion of this was sweetly sung by Miss M.

Robinson. Miss H . Walker kindly presided at

the organ.

C.L.B. Concert

I t has been found necessary to alter the

provisional date suggested in last month’s

Magazine for the annual C .L .B . Concert. The

Concert will be given in the Parochial Hall,

Edenderry, on Thursday, Dec. 12th, at 8 p.m.

A very interesting variety programme has been

arranged. Tickets for admission are 'now on

sale. The proceeds are on behalf of the C .L .B .


Twenty-five Years Ago


This ancient copy of Seagoe Magazine con­tains

the usual good wishes for Christmas.

Christmas Day that year fell on a Sunday. A

Temperance Mission was being held in Eden­derry,

beginning with an open-air gathering at

the Big Lamp on Dec. 3rd, at 8 p.m . Mr.

Charles Collins is appointed Superintendent of

Levaghery Sunday School. Six Baptism s are

recorded, including that of Terence Fitzroy

Blacker. A Parish Social is arranged for Dec.

13th. The Old Seagoe Notes are on the Cloch-

Beann of Seagoe.

Old Seagoe Notes.

The Origin of Tamnifiglasson and Tamnificarbet.

—The curious proximity, side by side, of

these two Townlands bearing somewhat difficult

names, sets one thinking as to their possible

origin. The meaning of the names is not un­certain—

“ The Field of the Wood of Glasson”

and “ The Field of the Wood of Carbet.”

Glasson and Carbet are supposed to be names of

individual people. A theory has been pro­pounded

that a great and decisive battle was

fought just about here. At one period there was

a serious conflict between the Archbishop of

Armagh and the Clan Maginnis. Maginnis was

over-running the country and had captured Lurgan.

The See of Dromore was vacant at the

time and so the Archbishop was in charge of the

Diocese. It seemed as if Maginnis would con­quer

Seagoe as well as Shankill, and so the Arch­bishop

assembled his troops and a battle was

fought somewhere near these Townlands and

Maginnis was defeated. It is possible that

Glasson was the name of Maginnis. We read

of a certain Glassony Maginnis. Carbet may

have been the name of a leader on the Arch­bishop’s side.

Apparently the battle was fought on the outskirts of a

Wood or Forest and so each townland had in its name

“ The Field of or near the Wood.” It is not possible to assign

a date for the Battle but possibly it occurred

somewhere about the 14th century.

Seagoe Mothers’ Union

A meeting of the M others’ Union was held

in Seagoe School on Tuesday, Nov. 12th, at 7.30.

After tea, the Mothers’ Union Hymn was sung.

The prayers were taken by the Rev. F. J.

Halahan, M.A., Rector of Drumcree, who also

gave the address. At the close the President,

M rs. T. H . Twinem, expressed the thanks of the

Members to the speaker. The next meeting of

the Organisation will be held in Seagoe School

on Monday, December 9th, a t 7.30. An address

will be given by the Rev. J . G. Sandford,

Curate of Ballinderry.

The Parochial Hall

The following subscription has been received

since the last issue of the Magazine towards the

Parochial Hall Improvement Fund :—Frank

Girvan, 5/-. This brings the total amount received in subscriptions to £11 19s 6d.


M any new houses are being built through the



HOLY COMMUNION 1st Sunday after Morning

Prayer ; 3rd Sunday at 8 a.m., and on the Chief


HOLY BAPTISM— 1st Saturday of each Month at 3

p m e, and during any Service in the Parish Church,

notice be given ; Two Sponsers at least are required

and they must be Confirmed Members of the Church.

Churchings are held at each Baptism. Mothers are

expected to bring a thankoffering.

(See Book of Common Prayer. )

MORNING PRAYER-Sundays and Chief Festivals,

11-30 a.m.

EVENING PRAYER—Sundays, 7 p.m


Hacknahay—Last Sunday of Month at 3-30 p.m.

Drumgor—Second Sunday of Month at 4 p. m.

at 8 p.m.

* * *

There have been floods along the Bann but

not so widespread as at other times. The lowering of the weir at Toome-bridge

has en­abled the flood waters to escape into the Lower Bann.

* * * *

Please look through our Advertisement

Columns, and when you are buying your Christmas presents get them from those who advertise

with us and you will not be disappointed.

* * * *

The Edenderry Orange Hall has recently been

renovated and looks very bright. The use of

this Hall is kindly given to the Seagoe Men’s;

Bible Class, which is held there each Sunday

morning at 10.15.

* * * *

The Seagoe M en’s Bible Class has given a subscription of a pound to the funds of the local

branch of the Queen’s Nursing Association

* * * *

The preacher on Sunday evening was the Rev

J . W arner, B .A ., Curate of St. M ark’s. Portadown.

* * * *

Capt. E . Mitchell, escorted by Sergeants A

H eyburn and J. Topley, laid a wreath on be

half of the Down and Connor and Dromore

Battalion of the Church Lad’s Brigade at the

Belfast Cenotaph on Armistice Day.


BIBLE CLASS FOR MEN in Edenderry on

Sundays at 10 a m.

SUNDAY SCHOOLS 10 a m. Edenderry Parochial

Hall and Seagoe School. 3 p.m. Seagoe, Edenderry

Parochial Hall, Levaghery, Hacknahay, Carne,

Drumgor, Bocombra.

MOTHERS' UNION—2nd Tuesday of each month

at 7 30 p.m.

CHURCH LADS' BRIGADE in the Parochial Hall

on Tuesdays and Fridays.


Mondays at 8 p.m.

SEAGOE P.E. SCHOOL , 9-15 a.m. Principal—Mr.

R. Scott.

MARRIAGES must be performed between 8 a.m. and 3 p m Licenses are issued by Rev. Canon Hannon.

Rectory, Lurgan Due notice (48 hours) mus be given to the Rector of intended weddings. FEES— By License—

Labourers 5/- Tradesmen 10/- —, Merchants and Farmers 15/- ,Professional, £l. By Banns 5/-. FUNERALS will be attended by the Clergy if proper notice be given. SICK CASES should be notified to the Clergy without delay,

FEES FOR CERTIFICATES BAPTISM 3/7, Children (Factory) 1/- and 2/- (non-residents); MARRAGE 3/7.

It will be a help to the Clergy if they are notified of the

An extra Search Fee is chargeable in certain cases

arrival of new Church families in the Parish.

A copy of the Magazine will be sent post free to any subscriber for 3/- per anunm.


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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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