Seagoe Archives

Feb 1940


Feb 1940

Seagoe Parish Magazine.


REV. J. W. APPELBE, M.A., B.D., Seagoe Rectory.

W. F. HAYES, B.A., L.Th., The Bungalow,

Lower Seagoe.


Rector's—S. McCORMICK.

People's—J. G. GRACEY, J.P.





February 4th —Quinquagesima.

Church Army Mission

Levaghery at 8.30 p.m.

February 7th —Ash Wednesday.

February 8th—Mothers' Union Meeting at 3.30 p.m.

February 11th —First Sunday in Lent.

February 14th —Ember Days

February 16th ,, ,,

February 17th ,, ,,

February 18th —2nd Sunday in Lent.

Church Army Mission begins in

begins in Edenderry Parochial Hall at 8.30 p.m.

February 20th —Monthly Service in Bocombra at 8 p.m.

February 24th—St. Matthias.

February 25th —3rd Sunday in Lent.

Monthly Service in Hacknahay at 3.30 p.m.


Commencing on Ash Wednesday evening, February

7th, there will be a mid-week Lenten Service each

Wednesday in Lent at 8 p.m., in the Parish Church.

A special war time form of intercession service will

be used.


We print below a letter from Miss Dawson, who

rightly stresses the need there is in these difficult

days, for us to see to it that the Missionary cause

does not suffer because of the war.

Westhall Cottage.

1 Park Lane, Bath.

Jan. 23rd, 1940.

My Dear old Friends of my Childhood and Girlhood,

To you and to all the younger generation whose

mothers and fathers were our "children" in those

happy Seagoe days—I wish God's best in this year

of 1940, and may He give His Peace to the world, and

to each of us His Peace in our hearts. It is going

on to 10 years since I stayed with my good old friends

—Mrs. and the Misses Atkinson—and we started the

Sunday School children and the Mothers' Union

members to collect annually for the support of 2 "brown

babies"; since then you have been wonderful in keeping

up that contract from year to year, though it has

been hard to keep enthusiasm when no missionary

came to tell about your "babies."

It has been difficult for the Society—very difficult—

from a financial point of view to send someone over

from England, and now in these dark days of war God

is testing us—the missionaries abroad and we at home,

that we do not forsake our brown brothers and sisters

out there in sunny S. America who are rejoicing in the

good news of a Saviour and an Eternal Friend. I wish

I could come and tell you myself how the Indians all

over our Mission stations are spreading that good news

amongst tribes without a missionary, and how in

Arancapia, where my dear comrade sister, Mary,

worked when we first went out. The native Christians

have built with their own efforts a native church.

Two of our old Indian schoolboys are ordained and

are being used wonderfully of God to win the

Mapuche tribe for Him, and they are taking over

the responsibility of the maintenance of that Church.

When an Indian finds Christ, he or she can't keep

Him to themselves, they must tell others. There's

not much space left now, but I must tell you as

briefly as possible how a little heathen girl brought

her whole tribe to our station.

Far away in the forest swamp land of the Argentine

Chaca, where the Bermejo river flows swiftly

through, a young missionary working alone with his

native Christians, saw one day a little band of

Indians (a chief and his men in full war dress!)

getting on to a raft to cross the river, as they watched

the strangers crossing the current, they feared many

times the raft would be swept away, but at length

by clever dexterity the party came ashore and to the

Missionary's surprise there was a little girl, Ana

Maria, about 12 years of age, with such a bright and

happy face. The chief drew up his men with great

ceremony before the Missionary and told how they

had heard news in their land of a white man who

was telling of a Great White Father who loved the

Indians, and so he had brought his men through

swamp and forest, snakes and wild animals lurking

there, to hear the good news and if the Missionary

would pay him he would bring his whole tribe. When

he was told that was impossible he was very angry

and after a few days he went away, but during that

time little Ana Maria went to school, and didn't she

love it! trying to make weird figures on her slate,

joining in the hymns in the Indian language, and when

the day came for her to go with her father she said

good-bye “Oyapil" very sadly to her new found

friend. About three weeks afterwards another little

group gathered on the other side of the river, but

this time there were no men, but women, some with

their babies strung on their backs, others with all

their pots and pans in string bags across their shoulders,

some holding on to goats and hens, and children

clutching to their clothing, Ana Maria at the head.

After many anxious moments of watching the

Missionary and his helpers saw the little party land.

Ana Maria came up smiling to him and said, "I

have brought my people to you; it is good to be here

in the Mission, my father was angry and would not

come but I have brought them." Now they are all

there, learning and growing daily nearer to Christ;

surely "A little child has led them. "Mothers and

children of Seagoe, carry on your good work, your

money goes to bring many like little Ana Maria to

the Saviour who died for them and loves them so

dearly. Pray for them. —Your affectionate old friend,



The following letter has been received in

acknowledgment of the articles made by the Seagoe

G.F.S. Candidates for a missionary hospital: -

C.M.S. Hospital,

Fort Portal,

Toro, Uganda,

Oct. 29th, 1939.

Dear Mrs. Appelbe,

Thank you very much for quilts, etc., which arrived

out here in a "Wants Box" a short time ago—they

are most useful and are a great help to our people.

Once again we are without a resident doctor as Dr.

Seyel was called up for National Service on August

26th. We are missing him ever so much, for although

he had been working in our hospital for a short time

(only since December, 1938), the people had grown

to love and trust him; one of the chief reasons being

that he had got on wonderfully well with the language

and was able to talk to the patients; a great help in

getting to know the people.

There are at least six patients in at the moment

convalescent from pneumonia; we have had a lot of

pneumonia cases lately, probably due to the heavy

rains which are on just now. The sun, during the

rainy season, when it does shine, is most powerful,

then storms come on very quickly and then there is

a sudden drop in the temperature, resulting in colds

coughs and various other ailments.

Our services go on as usual, as does the class for

readers in the waiting room of our dispensary every

day, with the exception of Saturday and Sunday;

quite a number of heathen come in sick and when

they are able to get up and about, they go to the

reader's class. Sometimes patients are in for months

at a time, and during that time read for baptism;

then there are several of our outside workmen who

are being prepared for baptism, also a woman, who

cultivates in the "Rugonjo," i.e., the food garden,

where native potatoes and vegetables are grown to

feed the staff, and quite a number of the patients.

We have about eleven garden women, some amongst

them are very fine Christians. One old soul came to

me the other week with a gift for our hospital of 12/-;

for a woman of her standing 12/- is a large sum

of money. Lebeka (Rebecca) came here years ago

as a patient, not knowing anything of Jesus and His

love. She got better, then was taken on as a garden

woman, read for baptism, afterwards was confirmed

and now she is a shining Christian and a wonderful

example to many of our people. Lebeka told me

the other week that everything she possesses belongs

to God, He had given her strength to do her work,

a home to live in, and she has no fear of the future

for He will look after her—a wonderful testimony.

Her gift reminded me of the "Widow's Mite." for she

had given practically all the money she possessed.

An experience such as that is a great encouragement

to us in our work here.

These days our thoughts are very much with you

dear people at home. God grant that a just and

lasting peace may be the outcome of this terrible war.

With renewed thanks for your prayers and for help

given to us in other ways. Good wishes for 1940. —

Yours very sincerely,

S. LYON (Sister).


Seagoe Christian Endeavour Society held their

annual social and business meeting on Monday,

1st January, 1940, at 8 p.m. in Edenderry Orange

Hall. The following office-bearers were elected: —

president, Miss Nellie Montgomery; vice-president,

Mr. R M'Murray; corresponding secretary, Miss

M. L. Best; recording secretary, Miss Sadie Best;

treasurer, Miss N. K. Montgomery.

Tea was served and games followed, and a happy

evening came to a close with the Benediction. —



Statement of Income and Expenditure, - January to

December, 1939.


Ba1ance on hands, Jan., 1939. £ 7 16 2

Church Services 3 1 9

Special Services 3 3 0

Sunday School Collections 6 2 2

Collection for Missions 0 13 6

Balance from Concert 3 5 4

Receipts from Recreation Club 0 15 0

Proceeds from Picnic 2 10 0

Proceeds from Beetle Drive 3 8 0

Subscription from C.L.B. 1 0 0

Fee from Agriculture Committee 0 5 0

Cash received—S.S. Excursion 0 6 3

£32 6 2

Balance on hands Jan., 1940 £1 7 10


Sunday School prizes £3 3 3

Printing Account 1 6 7

Repairs to Organ 1 10 0

Heat and Light 1 4 9

Sunday School Excursion 2 12 6

Holiday Fund 8 17 6

Catering Account 0 16 11

Hire of Bus 1 0 0

New Seating Accommodation 5 14 0

School Rent 2 10 0

Caretaker 1 0 0

Sub. to S.S. Excursion Deficit 0 7 6

Postages 0 1 10

Foreign Missions 0 13 6

£30 18 4

Balance on hands £1 7 10


Since the end of last week, a Church Army Van has

been in the parish in charge of Captain J. Atkinson,

assisted by Captain Tatnall. Already a successful

series of meetings has been held in Bocombra Church


From Sunday, February 4th, Evangelistic Services

Will take place in Levaghery School for ten days. On

Sunday, February 18th, at 8.30 p.m. a ten-day mission

will commence in the Parochial Hall, Edenderry. The

special meetings will take place in Came Church Hall,

commencing on Sunday, March 3rd, at 8.30 p.m.



The annual revision of the list of registered

Vestrymen takes place during the month of February.

All subscribers to the W.F.O. or Sustentation Fund are

eligible to be placed on this list, provided they sign a

declaration stating that they are members of the

Church of Ireland, usually resident in the parish and

that they are not registered as Vestrymen in another


New names can be added any time before February

29th, when the Register is closed. Men and women,

whose names are on this list of registered Vestrymen,

make up the General Vestry, the chief function of

which is to meet at Easter each year to elect the Select

Vestry to carry on the business side of the parish.

Any member of the Select Vestry will be glad to hear

of any parishioner who wishes to be registered.


Morning Prayer—The Churchwardens; Messrs. H.

Ellis, J. Gee, R. McMurray, D. Sherman.

Evening Prayer—Messrs. G. Wilson, T. Stanfield,

Holmes White, Wm. Neill, G. Nixon, D. Allen.


February 11th—Drumgor, at 3 p.m.

February 20th—Bocombra, at 8 p.m.

February 25th—Hacknahay, at 3.30 p.m.


The monthly meeting took place in Seagoe School on

Thursday, January 11th, at 3.30 p.m., at which an

appropriate address was given by the Rev. W. F. Hayes.

The next meeting will be held on Thursday, February

8th, at 3.30 p.m., when an address will be given by

Captain Tatnall, C.A.


"Suffer little children to come unto Me, and forbid

them not, for of such is the Kingdom of God."

December 29th—Noel Francis, son of William and Ellen

Gertrude Dickie, 23, Florence Court, Portadown (Privately).

January 7th—Robert Henry, son of William Robert and

Sarah Jane Hamill, Killicomaine.


"Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from

henceforth, yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest

from their labours."

January 6th—Samuel John Ruddell, Seagoe Lower,

aged 86 years.

January 30th—James Sands, 17, Killicomaine Road,

Portadown, aged 73 years.


The Hon. Treas. for the above gratefully acknowledges

the receipt of the following subscriptions:—

Mr. H. M. Gibson, Rathlin 5 0 0

Mrs. J. McLaughlin, Lower Seagoe 0 5 0

Mr. Woolsey White, Bocombra 1 0 0

Mr. James Boyce, Bocombra 2 0 0

Mr. J. H. Twinem, Bocombra 2 0 0

Mr. Wilson, Levaghery 0 10 0

Mrs. Mayes and family, Levaghery 1 0 0

Mrs. and Miss Preston, Levaghery 1 0 0

Mrs. Heyburn, Bachelor's Walk 0 5 0

Mr. D. Allen, Century St. 0 10 0

Mr. Ephraim Collins, Kernan 1 0 0

Mr. James Shanks, Kernan 1 0 0

Mr. D. Kane, Ballymacrandle 0 5 0

£15 15 0

Already acknowledged 574 3 1

Total £589 18 1


Samuel John Ruddell had reached a ripe old age and

almost to the last he was a regular church-goer and

communicant; a short time before he died, he was in

his usual place in Church. The end came very suddenly.

James Sands, too, had passed the "allotted span”

though for some years he had not been in robust

health. He possessed a keen intellect and read widely

and this combined with his genial personality made

conversation with him a delight.

The passing from our midst of these two old parishioners

makes a gap that will be hard to fill. To the bereaved we

offer our deepest sympathy and pray that our Heavenly

Father will comfort and strengthen them in their sorrow.


The Report for Year Ending December


Jan. 1. 5 3 2

To Balance of year 1938 0 17 6

To Collections 6 16 5 ½

Feb. 23

To Social Evening Proceeds 3 14 0

March 12

To Social Evening Proceeds 3 2 6

Harvest Thanksgiving Service 1 7 5 ½

£21 1 1

To Balance – C/D £4 9 11


By Fuel Account £1 11 8

31st, 1939.

By Light Account 0 8 0

By Sundries 0 11 3

By Laundry Account 0 0 10

By Stationery Account 0 5 1

Annual Social Expenses: —

Thom's Account £1 7 10

Mr. W. H. Best's Ac. 0 2 6

Mr. D. Jeffers's Ac. 0 13 4

Prizes 4 11 5

6 15 1

Feb. 23.

By Social Evening Expenses: —

Thom's Ac. £0 10 0

Mr. W. H. Best's Ac. 0 2 6

0 12 6

By Rent for Boiler 0 2 6

March 12.

Social Evening Expenses: —

Thom's Ac. £1 1 4

Mr. W. H. Best's Ac. 0 2 5

1 3 9

By Excursion Expenses 4 13 0

By Subscription to Excursion 0 7 6

Balance 4 9 11

£21 1 1


HOLY COMMUNION—1st Sunday after Morning

Prayer; 3rd Sunday at 8 a.m., and on the Chief Festivals

HOLY BAPTISM—1st Sunday of each Month at 4 p.m.,

and during any Service in the Parish Church, notice to be

given; Two Sponsors at least are required. The father and

mother must be present. Churchings are held at each Baptism.

Mothers are expected to bring a thank offering. (See Book of

Common Prayer.)

MORNING PRAYER—Sundays and Chief Festivals,

11.30 a.m.

EVENING PRAYER—Sundays, 7 p.m.


Hacknahay—Last Sunday of Month at 3.30 p.m.

Drumgor—Second Sunday of Month at 3 p.m.

Edenderry—Wednesdays at 8 p.m., Oct—Easter.


BIBLE CLASSES FOR MEN in Edenderry on Sundays at 10.15 a.m.

SUNDAY SCHOOLS—10.15 a.m. Edenderry Parochial

Hall and Seagoe School. 3 p.m. Seagoe, Edenderry

Parochial Hall, Levaghery, Hacknahay, Carne, Drumgor, Bocombra

MOTHERS' UNION—2nd Tuesday of each month at 7.30 p.m.

CHURCH LADS' BRIGADE in the Parochial Hall on Tuesdays.

GIRLS' FRIENDLY SOCIETY in Seagoe School on Mondays at 8 p.m. as announced

G.F.S. Candidates - Oct. – Easter, Edenderry Parochial Hall, Saturdays at 3 p.m.

SEAGO CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOUR SOCIETY – Mondays, Orange Hall, at 8 p.m.

SEAGOE P.E. SCHOOL—9.15 a.m. Principal—Mr. R. Scott.

MARRIAGES must be performed between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Licences are issued by Ven. Archdeacon Hannon, the Rectory, Lurgan. Due notice (48 hours) must be given to the Rector of intended weddings. FEES—BY License—Labourers 5/-, Tradesmen 10/-, Merchants and Farmers £1, Professional £l. By Banns 5/-.

FUNERALS will be attended by the Clergy if proper notice be given. SICK CASES should be notified to the Clergy without delay. FEES FOR CERTIFICATES—BAPTISM 3/7, Children (Factory) 1/- and 2/- (non-residents); MARRIAGE 3/7. An extra Search Fee is chargeable in certain cases. It will be a help to the Clergy if they are notified of the arrival of new Church families in the Parish.

A copy of the Magazine will be sent by post to any subscriber for 3/- per annum.


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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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