Seagoe Archives

Feb 1942


Feb 1942

Seagoe Parish Magazine.



REV. J. W. APPELBE, M.A., B.D., Seagoe Rectory.

REV. W. F. HAYES, B.A., L.Th.








February 1st—Septuagesima.

February 8th—Sexagesima.

February 10th—Monthly Meeting of the

Mother’s Union at 7.30 p.m.

February 15th Quinquagesima.

February 18th—Ash Wednesday.

February 22nd—1st Sunday in Lent.

February 24th—St. Matthias.

February 25th—Ember Day.

February 27th—Ember Day.

February 28th—Ember Day.


It is with profound regret that I tell you, that this

issue will be the last regular monthly number of

Seagoe Parish Magazine until the war is over and

happier days arrive, when it is hoped, that the

Magazine will appear again. Government restrictions

on paper have made it impossible for me to procure

a satisfactory inset; Home Words, which until recently

was produced as in peace time, has now been reduced

considerably in size, and the publishers could not

even guarantee the supply of this for a full year.

I have fully explored other alternatives but none

would prove satisfactory, and consequently nothing

remains but to cease publication for the duration.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank

especially the following, who by their support and help

made it possible to keep the Magazine going in a

satisfactory state during the past five years: —

(l) Our Advertisers, but for whose generosity it would

be impossible to have carried on; (2) our readers, who

by their loyal support, even when the price was raised

a year ago, still continued to take it regularly month

by month; (3) last but not least, Mr. E. Mitchell, who

was responsible for its distribution, with the help of

the C.L.B. and ladies in the parish; this was no easy

task in an extensive parish like Seagoe.

It may be possible to issue a parochial bulletin

quarterly; this would help to fill the gap

temporarily, by affording an opportunity of

publishing announcements, etc., of vital parochial

interest, but of course, even in this, space would

be strictly limited.

All we can do, is to work and pray, that the day

may soon dawn, when by God's help victory will be

achieved over the evil men and the destructive forces,

which have brought chaos into our world, and we

can return to enjoy the blessings of peace, which

will include among many other things, two of a

parochial nature which until then we will sorely miss

—the sound of our Church bell calling us to worship,

and the sight of our Parish Magazine. — Yours




The congregational hymn practices will be resumed

on the Sunday evenings during Lent, beginning on

Sunday, February 22nd, at 6.40 p.m. The coming of

brighter evenings will enable, we hope, a greater

number of our parishioners to take part in these

practices, which proved so helpful when they were

tried during Advent.


On Wednesday evenings during Lent, beginning on

Ash Wednesday, February 18th, there will be a service

of intercession, together with a short address,

commencing at 8 p.m., in the Parish Church.

On Ash Wednesday there will be the Penitential

Service appointed for that day at 11.30 a.m.


In Edenderry Orange Hall, Bridge St., commencing

on Sunday, March 1st, at 10.15 a.m., a Bible Class

will be resumed. This is a continuation of the class,

which has been a feature of the Edenderry end of

the parish for many years, and we are glad to be

assured of the support of a number of men, who have

attended it faithfully over a long period. It is being

resumed on March 1st, with a change, which, we feel

will widen its scope and which will make it available

for a greater number. Hitherto it has been confined

to men, but on re-opening it will be open to women

as well. It should appeal especially to our youth,

boys and girls, who may feel that they are too old

for Sunday School and yet want to take an intelligent

interest in the greatest Book in the world—the Bible

which can make them wise unto Salvation.


The address of the Rev. W. F. Hayes is now 94,

Thomas Street. His many friends in the parish are

glad to know that he has now almost completely

recovered from his recent severe indisposition.


We were delighted to see the Rev. Henry Hynes

home on a short holiday after Christmas, and we

were glad to hear that he is enjoying his work in a

large parish in the Diocese of Manchester, where he

is curate-assistant. He assisted the Rector in Seagoe

Parish Church on Sunday, January 4th, at the evening

service and gave a most helpful and inspiring New

Year address.



The Church of Ireland is essentially a democratic

Church in the sense that its members, male and

female, are privileged to take an active part in its

administration and business affairs. The executive

body in each parish is the Select Vestry, appointed

annually at the general Easter Vestry, and is comprised

of the clergy, a churchwarden appointed by the

incumbent, a churchwarden appointed by the

parishioners and twelve members. The people’s

churchwarden and the members of the Select Vestry

are appointed by the parishioners entitled to vote at

the general Easter Vestry. Those entitled to vote

must be on the registered list. To get one's name on

the registered list, a parishioner must have signed a

declaration that he or she is a member of the Church

of Ireland and is resident in the parish; or an accustomed

member, i.e., a regular worshipper though residing

outside the parochial boundary; also the applicant

must subscribe at least 2/6 per year to the Sustentation

Fund. Once registered the person continues to remain

on the list, provided the above-mentioned qualifications

are fulfilled each year.

The list is revised each year during the month of

February, during which period new names may be

added. Any parishioner, who is not already registered

should ask one of the Churchwardens for a form of

declaration, which on being duly signed before the

end of February, will enable him or her to be added

to the list of registered vestrymen of this parish,

which in turn empowers that person to take part in

the election of the Select Vestry at Easter.



Morning Prayer—The Churchwardens, Messrs J.

Stephens, Thos. Maginnis, Geo. Wilson, H. Ellis.

Evening Prayer—Messrs. Thos. Gracey, Louis Bell,

Harold Watters, T. Stanfield, Wm. Hewitt.


Morning Prayer—The Churchwardens, Messrs. W.

H. Best, W. G. Best, R. M'Murray, Wm. Hutchinson.

Evening Prayer—Messrs. H. Maxwell, Geo. Nixon,

H. A. Cathcart, S. D. Walker, Wm. Neill.


The Hon. W.F.O. Secretary earnestly requests that

1941 envelopes should not be used in 1942. If you

have 1941 envelopes still unused destroy them, and

only use those for 1942. The use of last year's

envelopes creates confusion and a great deal of

unnecessary labour.


During the month of December, the annual card

collections on behalf of the above were made, and

we congratulate the collectors on the. result of their

efforts, which is a record. Our best thanks are due

to the following collectors: —

Mrs. Wm. Neill £1 15 0

Miss Marion Harrison 1 10 0

Miss Lily Ruddell 1 15 6

Mrs. Cathcart 2 10 6

Miss Eva Magee 0 17 6

Miss Sparrow 2 11 0

Miss Margaret Russell 2 0 0

Miss Ellen Gibson 1 10 0

Miss T. Anderson 1 10 0

Miss Sophie M'Murray 1 10 9

Miss Isa Maginnis 2 19 6

£20 9 9

Interest on the Reid Bequest 0 7 9

Total £20 16 9


The Hon. Treasurer for the above gratefully acknowledges

the receipt of the following subscription:

Mr. Wolsey White, Bocombra £1 0 0


The January meeting took the form of a social

evening, which was greatly enjoyed by the large

number present.

The next meeting will be held in Seagoe School

on Tuesday, February 10th, at 7.30 p.m. Speaker,

Miss Mary A. Lutton.


We gratefully acknowledge the receipt of the

following amounts for the air raid distressed parishes

in Belfast: —

£1—Mr. and Mrs. R. Scott.

10s—Mrs. Sands.

3/6—Mr. Watson Wilson.

2/6—Mrs. Emma M'Loughlin.

2/- each—Mr. Frank Dickson, Mr. and Mrs. Thos.

M'Cormack; Mrs. Margaret Best; Mrs. M'Cabe.

1/- each—Mrs. M'Cormack (senr.); Mr. Jim M'Cormack;

Miss Emily Thompson (senr).

Total—£2 7s 0d.

Amount already acknowledged £104 1 8

Grand total £106 8 8


Mrs. T. Martin, Balteag, has sent in the words

printed below, which appear on a sampler worked by

her mother, Elizabeth Jones, Moyraverty, about the

year 1847, at the age of twelve. We have pleasure

in printing them as they embody an expression of

deep faith in God's loving mercy: —

Now that my journey's just begun,

My course so little trod,

I'll stay before I further run

And give myself to God.

And lest I should be ever led

In sinful paths to stray,

I would at once begin to tread

In wisdom's pleasant way.

What sorrows may my steps attend

I cannot now foretell,

But if the Lord should be my friend,

I know that all is well.




To Balance on hands, January, 1941 £2 13 1

,, Church Service Collections 1 18 9

,, Sunday School Collections 2 18 10

,, Harvest Service Collections 9 15 2

,, Harvest Collection for Missions 1 0 0

,, Donation from A.R.P. 1 15 0

,, C.E. Subscription towards rent 0 10 0

,, C.E. Subscription towards Black-out 0 11 6

,, Subscriptions towards Wreath 0 18 0

,, Balance received from Social 5 7 3

,, Subscriptions received at picnic 1 0 6

,, Subscription towards Lamp Expenses 0 2 3

£29 0 4


By Sunday School Prizes £2 2 0

,, Prizes at sports meeting 0 19 7

,, Wreath Account 1 2 6

,, Black-out Curtains 2 3 8

,, School Rent 2 10 0

,, Bishop's Maintenance Fund 1 0 0

,, Heat and Light 2 14 4

,, Printing Account 0 12 6

,, Catering Accounts 1 19 11

,, Hire of Delph 0 5 3

,, Gratuity to Caretaker 1 0 0

,, Harvest Offering for Missions 1 0 0

,, Postages 0 5 8

,, Balance on hands, January, 1942 11 4 11

£29 0 4


Cash Summary Account of Parochial Hall for Year

ended 31st Dec., 1941.


To Balance in hand £6 14 3

,, Miscellaneous Cash 0 15 5

,, Harvest Offertory 4 1 0

,, Payments for use of Hall 21 13 3

,, Select Vestry (Fire-fighting

equipment and stirrup pump) 5 17 0

,, Refund (coal) 0 0 9

,, Net proceeds of "Beetle Drive" 12 3 11

,, Subscription - Miss Nellie Montgomery 1 0 0

,, Bank Interest 0 7 11

£52 13 6


By Salary (Caretaker) £11 2 6

,, E.B.N.I. 10 10 2

,, Star Electric Co. 0 9 8

,, Coal and Coke 4 7 10

,, Cleaning Material 0 10 11

,, Printing 0 8 0

,, Minimax, Ltd. (Fire extinguisher) 4 14 0

,, Stirrup Pump 1 0 0

,, Ground Rent 0 1 0

,, Repairs, etc. 0 11 0

,, Balance in Bank £16 1 11

,, ,, in hand 2 16 3

£52 13 6

ANNIE COX, Hon. Sec. and Treas.


Financial Report for Year 1941

Funds in hands, January, 1941 £4 1 8 ½

Collections for year 5 8 7 ½

Collections for Missions 0 14 2

Harvest Collections (Sunday) 2 14 2 ½

Harvest Collections (Monday) 0 18 3 ½

Subscriptions 1 15 1

Proceeds from Beetle Drive 13 0 0

£28 12 1


Jan. – (Annual Social) Prizes £1 5 7

,, ,, Catering 1 19 6

,, ,, Oil 0 2 0

Feb – Coal Account 0 13 2

June – Account for Boiler 0 11 6

July (Sunday School Picnic) Catering 2 6 9

,, ,, Prizes 1 0 0

Sept. – Coal Account 1 12 6

,, ,, Oil Account 0 1 4

Oct. – (Presentation Social) Allen’s a/c 1 10 0

,, ,, Catering 0 17 4

,, Mantle for Lamp 0 2 6

,, Harvest Collection – Mon. for Missions 0 18 3 ½

Nov. – Beetle Drive Expenses 2 2 8

Dec. – Subscription to Bishops Appeal Fund 0 10 0

,, Laundry 0 0 8

,, Allen’s Account 0 1 0

,, Collection for Missions 0 14 2

£16 8 11 ½

Total Receipts £28 12 1

Total Expense 16 8 11 ½

Credit Balance £12 3 1 ½

ESSIE MAYES, Treasurer.


W. H. BEST, Supt.


The annual meeting for the election of office

bearers for 1942 took place in Edenderry Orange

Hall on Dec. 29th, at 8 p.m., when Mr. Sam Hill

a past presidents now serving with H.M. Forces


The meeting opened with a hymn, prayer and a

Bible reading. The Hon. Secretary's was very

satisfactory and showed that a good year's work was

done. The amount in the B.C.M.S. box amounted to

£3, which shows that the missionary cause was not

neglected during the year.

Twenty-one pairs of hand-knitted socks, twenty-

seven needle cases, a large parcel of magazines and a

cheque for £6 10s were all sent to help the work of

“Floating Endeavour" among our sailors.

The Hon. Treasurer reported a credit balance at

the end of the year.

The following office-bearers were elected: —President,

Mr. R. M'Murray; vice-president, Mr. E. Gibson;

Hon. Treasurer, Miss N. K. Montgomery; Correspondence

Secretary, Miss M. L. Best; Recording Secretary,

Miss Edna Cranston; Foreign Missionary Secretary,

Mr. D. Allen.

Among the successful candidates at the C.E. Expert

examination held on 11th November, 1941, were the

following from the Seagoe Society: —Mr. E. Gibson

(pass); Miss Annie Cranston (pass); Miss N. K.

Montgomery (pass); Miss Nellie Montgomery (pass

with honours), - (M. L. B.)

As we go to Press the members of Seagoe and

Drumgor C.E. Societies are looking forward to

attending Seagoe Parish Church on Sunday, February

1st, at 7 p.m., when the Rev. G. F. G. Mann will

be the preacher at a special C.E. Anniversary Service.


On Sunday, Jan. 11th, at the morning service the

Rector enrolled a large number of Junior and Senior

lads into the local Seagoe Company. The Company

is flourishing in spite of adverse war conditions, and

Major Mitchell and his officers are to be congratulated

on the splendid turn-out at the Enrolment Service.

Mr. Geo. Nixon, who recently has formed a company in

Drumgor Hall, also received his commission at the

service, together with Mr. Wm. Donaldson, who has

had a long and valued association with the Senior

Company in the Parochial Hall.


"Suffer little children to come unto Me, and forbid

them not, for of such is the Kingdom of God."

4th January—William Brian Oliver, son of William

Henry and Margaret Atkinson Best, 3, Seafield,

Seagoe Upper.


"Those whom God hath joined together let no man

put asunder."

1st January—William Musto Gale, 13, Woodside Terrace,

Llanhilleth, Mon., S.W., and Sarah Lavina Webb, Lylo.

1st January—Samuel Edgar Lyttle, 10, Carrickblacker Road,

Portadown, and Margaret Ruddell, Kernan.

14th January—Henry Gilbert, Ballinacorr, and Rachel

Anna Turkington, Kernan.

17th January—Joseph Robert Gillis, The Annagh, Portadown,

and Kathleen Morrison, 4, Collen's Row, Killicomaine.


"Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from

henceforth. yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest

from their labours."

5th January—Cecil Kirkpatrick, 9, Seafield, Seagoe

Upper, aged 38 years.

18th January—James Turkington, Kernan, aged 78



We deeply regret the passing from our midst of two

parishioners. Mr. Cecil Kirkpatrick was in the prime

of life when the Home-call came to him after a few

weeks' illness. He was a regular worshipper, a sidesman,

and will be greatly missed by a wide circle of friends,

who, because of his obliging and winning nature held

him rightly in the highest esteem. Mr. Jas. Turkington

had exceeded the allotted span and passed away after

a short illness. He was of a quiet retiring nature and

leaves behind him a good name, for he was respected

and highly thought of by all who knew him. To the

bereaved we offer our heart-felt sympathy, and pray

that they may have strength and courage to face the

days to come with confidence, not sorrowing as those

without hope, but looking forward to a happy reunion

in the Home above when our journey here is over.






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HOLY COMMUNION—1st Sunday after Morning

Prayer; 3rd Sunday at 8 a.m., and on the Chief


HOLY BAPTISM—1st Sunday of each Month at 4 p.m.,

and during any Service in the Parish Church,

notice to be given; Two Sponsors at least are required.

The father and mother must be present.

Churchings are held at each Baptism. Mothers are

expected to bring a thank offering. (See Book of Common Prayer.)

MORNING PRAYER—Sundays and Chief Festivals,

11.30 a.m.

EVENING PRAYER—Sundays, 7 p.m.


Hacknahay—Last Sunday of Month at 3.30 p.m.

Drumgor—Second Sunday of Month at 3 p.m.

Edenderry—Wednesdays at 8 p.m., Oct.—Easter.


BIBLE CLASS FOR MEN in Edenderry on Sundays

at 10.15 am.

SUNDAY SCHOOLS—10.15 a.m. Edenderry Parochial

Hall and Seagoe School. 3 p.m. Seagoe, Edenderry

Parochial Hall, Levaghery, Hacknahay, Carne,

Drumgor, Bocombra.

MOTHERS' UNION—2nd Tuesday of each month

at 7.30 p.m.

CHURCH LADS' BRIGADE in the Parochial Hall

on Tuesdays.


Mondays at 8 p.m. as announced.

G.F.S. Candidates – Oct. -Easter, Edenderry Parochial Hall,

Saturdays at 3 p.m.


Mondays, Orange Hall, at 8 p.m.

SEAGOE P.E. SCHOOL - 9.15 a.m. Principal—Mr. R. Scott.

MARRIAGES must be performed between 8 a.m. and 3 p.m. Licences are issued by Rev. W. J. Gransden, the Rectory, Lurgan. Due notice (48 hours) must be given to the Rector of intended weddings. FEES—BY License—Labourers 5/-, Tradesmen 10/-, Merchants and Farmers £l, Professional £1. By Banns 5/-.

FUNERALS will be attended by the Clergy if proper notice be given. SICK CASES should be notified to the Clergy without delay. FEES FOR CERTIFICATES—BAPTISM 3/7, Children (Factory) 1/- and 2/- (non-residents) MARRIAGE 3/7. An extra Search Fee is chargeable in certain cases. It will be a help to the Clergy if they are notified of the arrival of new Church families in the Parish.

A copy of the Magazine will be sent by post to any subscriber for 3/- per annum.


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Seagoe Archives

In March 2019 this website was launched by Seagoe Parish. It contains digital access to the earliest editions of the parish magazines from 1905 until 1935. This project was supported by Heritage Lottery Fund and completed in early 2020. In the winter of 2020-2021 the earliest Seagoe Parish archives from 1672 to 1734 were published.

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